This afternoon, Thursday, May 25th at 3:44 PM Eastern US time, we’ll encounter a wild, inspiring New Moon in Gemini, setting off fresh 30-day and 2.5-year cycles around Gemini matters such as writing, communication, truth, lies, news, siblings, neighbors, cars, and technology. This is the first New Moon to occur since the Nodes went into Leo-Aquarius
The Grand Trine in Fire, Fire, Fire
Dear all: In the wee hours of this morning (Friday, May 19th), two of the Big Guys, Saturn and Uranus, trined one another at 26 degrees of Sagittarius and Aries, respectively. Saturn rules structure, whereas Uranus is chaos: two principles that don’t always harmonize well. In communicating via a trine (the gentlest of interplanetary aspects), the two gods are
The Moon, the Nodes, and the News
The Full Moon perfected just minutes ago – Wednesday, May 10th, at 5:43 pm Eastern US time – at 20 degrees, 24 minutes on the Scorpio-Taurus axis. The aspects in this chart aren’t necessarily easy to live through, but they are nonetheless fertile. It’s a great time to plant what you want to see growing in your
Yesterday’s Mercury Station
Just after noon yesterday, Wednesday, May 3rd, that old trickster Mercury stopped dead in the sky, turned around, and started going forward. He’s been moving retrograde since April 9th: which explains all the indecision, uncertainty, broken-down communications, and busted technology we’ve all been experiencing for the last 25 days. For the next two weeks, you’ll be asked
The Taurus New Moon and a Fiery Friday
Happy New Moon, everybody! As I discussed in the last newsletter, we have beautiful aspects Wednesday and Thursday – with the New Moon in the sign of her exaltation (Taurus) and Venus in the sign of HER exaltation (Pisces), and the two goddesses forming a sextile to each other for the Moon’s closing aspect Thursday
This Luscious New Moon in Taurus
This week we have a glorious New Moon in Taurus, perfecting at 8:16 AM Eastern US time on Wednesday, April 26th, 2017. The New Moon lands at 6 degrees, 27 minutes Taurus – while the Taurus New Moon’s ruler, Venus, dances through the last degree of one of her favorite signs; she’s at 29 Pisces.
The Sun in Taurus, Pluto’s Station, and MORE FIRE
Why, hello! My goodness, it’s been almost three weeks since I sent the last newsletter . . . NOT for lack of stuff to write about, but because the craziness in the heavens, it seems, has led to a certain level of craziness here at Anne Ortelee, Inc. Even astrologers are not immune! If you, too, have
Health Care No Vote March 24, 2017 Chart
Some astrology charts are simply too juicy to ignore. The 3:35 pm March 24, 2017 chart cancelling the vote for the GOP’s version of Healthcare to “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” is a big, fat, ripe, juicy chart! Cast for Washington, DC, it has an accurate time ~ Paul Ryan called Donald Trump to say he