Dear friends, There’s a New Moon in Virgo coming early next week, and a New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar on Monday, September 2. This New Moon takes place on Labor Day here in the United States, which is quite appropriate for Virgo — the sign of the worker and the harvest. On Monday, September 2nd at 9:55 PM
Posts by Anne Ortelee
The Lion Queen: New Moon in Leo This Weekend
Dear friends, My monthly New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar is TONIGHT, Friday, August 2nd at 7:30 PM Eastern . . . and I’d really love to see you there! The Leo New Moon itself is coming up just a few days later — on Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 7:12 AM EDT — and it has a number of interesting
New Moon In Cancer: Let’s Go Fly Several Kites
Dear friends, I hope you’re all well and taking good care of yourselves and loved ones! The next New Moon takes place on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 6:57 PM Eastern US time, when the Sun and Moon meet up at 14 degrees, 23 minutes Cancer. Their union stimulates the Eclipse points from March 25 and (especially)
Gemini Season: The Heavens Are Aflutter & Atwitter
Note: This newsletter went out to my mailing list on May 21st. If you’re not yet a subscriber, please sign up here for early access to my articles classes! You can purchase recordings of the recent Jupiter in Gemini and Venus Star Point webinars, or register here for the Gemini New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar
The New Moon In Taurus: Webinar Tonight!
Dear friends, There’s a New Moon this week, kicking off the 14-year cycle that began on April 20th. The Sun and Moon will meet on Tuesday night — see the chart below — at 18 degrees Taurus, where they’re closely conjunct the site of the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, 21 degrees Taurus. That means this week is a REMARKABLE
A Webinar On Jupiter And Uranus, Every 14 Years
Dear friends, Two of the biggest of the big guys, Jupiter and Uranus, will be meeting up next weekend at 21 degrees Taurus, initiating for us a new epoch, that will run until their next conjunction in Cancer in 2037 . . . and I’m giving a webinar TONIGHT, Friday, April 19
Big Cycles: The Aries New Moon Eclipse
Dear friends, The big day is approaching! On Monday, April 8 at 2:20 PM Eastern US time, we’re expecting a Total Solar Eclipse, one whose path crosses the North American continent, which makes it extra potent for those of us located here. In addition to finding the Sun and Moon exactly conjunct (as is always the case for
Breakdowns and Breakthroughs with the Pisces New Moon
Dear friends, We have a New Moon in Pisces this Sunday, March 10th at 5:00 AM Eastern US time, landing smack-dab on the combination of midpoints between Neptune-and-Saturn-in-Pisces and Uranus in Taurus; while the North Node of Fate is positioned on the Uranus-Saturn midpoint. That makes this month’s New Moon energy particularly intense, full of yearning