Dear all, Today, May 15th at 11:16 AM Eastern US time (just a few hours after the New Moon in Taurus), Uranus enters Taurus for the first time since the thirties: the most recent Uranus-in-Taurus transit ran from June 1934 to May 1942. Uranus, despite his personality, is a slow planet: a dweller (with his fellow ice giant, Neptune)
The New Moon & Uranus in Taurus (Pt. 1)
Hoo-boy, it’s a wild and crazy time on planet earth! Early next week, we have an exceptionally forceful and dramatic New Moon in Taurus, followed swiftly by the long-awaited ingress of Uranus into Taurus. I’ll cover the New Moon chart here, and discuss the Uranus-Taurus ingress in a later column. (For additional insights into each
Chiron and Saturn and Pluto, Oh My!
Dear all: Another week, another newsletter. Lots going on, so let’s get down to business! First, on Tuesday morning, April 17th, Chiron entered Aries for the first time in fifty years, initiating an ambitious new 50-year cycle around Chiron matters: wounds, healing, soul-health, and how we integrate our spiritual-intellectual side with our earth-bound animal nature. Astronomically,
The New Moon in Aries and Mercury’s Station
Dear friends, This Sunday features two BIG astronomical events: first Mercury stations to head direct, after a long and hard retrograde in Aries; then the New Moon in Aries perfects in the heavens, kicking off spring with a bang. Mercury entered Aries on March 6th, and stationed to go retro on March 22nd. In Aries, the Lord
Saturday’s New Moon in Pisces & Mars in Capricorn
Dear Friends, This Saturday at 9:12 AM Eastern US Time, there is a New Moon in Pisces, recently squared by Mars in Sagittarius at the anaretic degrees of 26’53 Pisces and 29’53” Sagittarius, wrapping up our Saturn in Sagittarius journey as well as closing down the Eclipse season. Endings. Endings. Endings . . . Shortly after the
The Jupiter Station and Upcoming Classes
Dear friends, Last night, March 8th, at 11:46 PM Eastern US time, Jupiter stations at 23 degrees, 13 minutes Scorpio. The King of the Gods will move backward — passing over the same patch of sky that he traveled between December 11, 2017 and the present — till he gets all the way down to 13 degrees,
Last Week’s Eclipse and the Mendacious NRA
Hello friends, Please consider this your content warning: politics and other disturbing topics to follow! Today I’m going to talk about the school shooting last Wednesday in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 Americans dead, many as young as 14 years old, and which triggered an unprecedented wave of student protests around the United States, demanding that Congress enact sensible
The Upcoming Aquarius New Moon Eclipse
Our winter Eclipse Season has been in full swing since the Full Moon in Aquarius on January 31st. Now it’s time to welcome the Aquarius New Moon Eclipse, coming up on Thursday, February 15th. Ceres, the Mother Goddess, is ready to roar, preparing to take her place as the most prominent planet in the New Moon chart. She is