Dear friends, The Eclipses are LEAVING! Our summer Eclipses season concludes officially next week, with the New Moon at 8 degrees Leo on Wednesday, July 31 at 11:11 PM Eastern US time. Wednesday also happens to be the day the Mercury goes direct, ending his retrograde journey through the late degrees of Cancer. After Wednesday evening,
Tuesday’s Capricorn Full Moon ECLIPSE
Hi All, The next eclipse is a partial Lunar Eclipse that takes place on July 16, 2019 at 5:38 pm EDT. The chart cast for Washington, DC has the eclipse falling across the 2ndand 8th house axis, invoking money, values, finances, money from other people, sex, death and taxes. A juicy eclipse indeed ~ Saturn, South
Tuesday’s Cancer New Moon ECLIPSE
Dear friends, The summer’s heating up and Eclipse Season is (nearly) HERE. It will start with a bang on Tuesday, July 2nd at 3:16 PM Eastern US Time, when the Sun and Moon meet at 10 degrees Cancer, right next door to the North Node of Fate at 17 degrees Cancer. Scroll down for an image of the chart.
The Summer Ingress and Neptune’s Station
NB: This newsletter went out to the mailing list on Friday, June 21. Subscribe here for first access to these reports. Dear friends, Well, here we are at last. We made it past the roadblocks; now summer has arrived — for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere — as of 11:54 AM Eastern US time. The
Looking in the Mirror and Monday’s Full Moon
Dear friends, There’s a Full Moon ahead: next Monday, June 17 at 4:30 AM Eastern US time. It falls within the Zodiac at 25 degrees, 53 minutes on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis. Its chart contains
Venus’s Weekend and the New Moon Today
Note ~ a version of this post went out to my mailing list on Friday night. Subscribe here for early access to my astro analysis! Hi friends, This is just a quick note from Lily Dale, New York, where I’ll be speaking on Sunday, June 2nd, at the Church of the Living Spirit. It is
The Mercurial New Moon in Gemini
Dear all: There’s a New Moon on Monday, June 3, 2019 at 6:01 AM Eastern US time, when the Sun and Moon meet up at 12 degrees and 33 minutes Gemini. Planets in Gemini, naturally, answer to Mercury — and it happens that Mercury in this chart is ALSO in Gemini, doubling and quadrupling the
Life, Death, and Rebirth: the New Moon in Taurus
Dear all, The New Moon in Taurus is next week, but I’m sending out the newsletter a bit early due to my travel schedule. I’m in Florida this weekend with family, celebrating my dad’s 90th birthday. Then I have just a couple of days back in New York City before heading to Tuscany for the