Hi friends, Have you ever been whitewater rafting? When I went, some years ago, the guide said, “If you get thrown out of the boat, your job is to float down river, feet first, avoid the big rocks, and we’ll pick you up at the bend on the other side of the rapids.” I think
The New Moon in Gemini This Week
Dear friends, The Gemini New Moon will take place on Friday, May 22, at 1:39 PM Eastern US time. It’s an expressive, and perhaps excessive, quick-moving, forward-moving chart, offering us multiple opportunities for fresh beginnings. The Sun, the Moon, and out-of-bounds Venus in Gemini all answer to out-of-bounds Mercury in Gemini . . . as does
Quick Update: Use the New Moon!
Dear friends, I hope this finds you all as well as possible! It’s a bumpy week, but there’s a juicy New Moon in Taurus tomorrow evening, April 22, at 10:26 PM Eastern. Do a little ritual to ground yourself, and set your intentions for the next two-and-a-half-year Lunar cycle. Here’s the latest episode of my
The Week of Noticing
Dear friends, The Sun is now rushing through the last degrees of Aries — hurrying to Taurus, which he’ll enter on April 19. He recently formed a pair of squares to Pluto and Jupiter, both in the late degrees of Capricorn, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 14th and 15th of April. Soon he’ll square Saturn
More Free Educational Offerings
Dear friends, I hope this finds you well and safe! I’m still here in New York City, doing fine. I am writing to share the latest AstrologyHub video interview on what we can expect in the week ahead — as well the link to a webinar I recently taught for the San Diego Astrological Society. Both are
It’s a Big Couple of Days
Dear all, I hope this finds you safe and well. Here’s a quick update on three major aspects that we have experienced, or will be experiencing, over the span of just a few days. On Tuesday, March 31, Mars met up with Saturn in Aquarius. Mars becamse the first planet to aspect Saturn since Saturn entered
New Weekly Offering: Tuesdays with AstrologyHub
Dear friends, This is just a quick note to let you know about my latest offering, a weekly video chat with Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh of AstrologyHub.Com. You can find us on YouTube every Tuesday afternoon, discussing the astro-weather of the week ahead. Here’s the link to a video playlist, where you can access the most
We’re All in This Together (and a New Moon Webinar)
Dear friends, What exciting times we live in! The Sun entered Aries on Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 11:49 PM Eastern US time, passing the Equator and heralding the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the South. And, true to the sky, we are entering into a brave new world, as well as