Quick Update: Neptune, Venus, and Mars

Hi friends,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well! This is just a quick update about a few big events taking place in the heavens this week.

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Neptune stationed at 20 degrees, 57 minutes Pisces to go retrograde till November 28th. Neptune entered his retrograde shadow on March 3 (right around the time that my lovely assistant Rose came down with Covid!) — Neptunian situations that have emerged since then are up for revision between now and November.

On Thursday, June 25, Venus stations to go direct at 5 degrees, 20 minutes Gemini. Back on April 9, she first entered her retrograde shadow: the period between Thursday and July 20 will mark her third pass this year over the same patch of sky. If you lately come to any epiphanies about love and money and other Venusian matters, now’s the time to put them into practice.

There’s also some big Mars activity this week. This Friday, June 26, Mars in Pisces will square the Nodes of Fate, triggering major life choices — and shortly afterward, on Saturday, June 27, Mars goes into Aries for the rest of the year!

Yes, you read that correctly: the God of Action will be traveling through the sign of Directness till January 9 2021. There’s a big retrograde ahead, which explains why he’s staying in Aries so long . . . and also means that he has, not one, not two, but THREE upcoming squares to the planets I’ve dubbed the “Covid Clump” (i.e. Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, and a little asteroid called Wuhan).

In the first half of 2020, these “Covid” signifiers received squares from Venus, the Sun, and Mercury, all relatively gentle planets. Mars, as we know, is more aggressive. He makes what we’ve gone through so far look like kindergarten.

To me this says, we MUST NOT play around with the pandemic. Take all possible measures to protect yourself and others, especially if you’re in one of the areas that’s currently seeing a spike in cases. This virus is no joke, even for young and otherwise healthy people, like my assistant and her partner (who have thankfully recovered).

On top of all this cosmic excitement, we’re still in the midst of Eclipse season (with the next one coming up on July 5) and we have Jupiter meeting up with Pluto next week (on Tuesday, June 30). I’ll write more soon! In the meantime, please check out my latest AstrologyHub video and/or the recording from my recent New Moon webinar (details below).

Take really good of yourselves!

Big hugs,
