Note — This newsletter went out to my mailing list last night, Tuesday, August 18. If you’d like to get future updates from me ASAP, please sign up here. It’s not too late to do your New Moon manifestation ritual! Just avoid doing it under the Libra Moon on Friday and Saturday. xo Dear friends,
The Return
Hi, everybody! So nice to see you! I am back from my walk through the valley of COVID . . . full of gratitude for everybody’s thoughts, prayers, warm wishes, and reiki. My body seems to be healing and my temperature has been normal for the last two days — and although my energy levels are nowhere
Monday’s New Moon in Cancer
Dear all, Yesterday afternoon, on Monday, July 20, 2020, the Sun and Moon met up at 28 degrees, 26 minutes Cancer at 1:33 PM Eastern US time. Though the exact moment of conjunction has passed, this vibrant New Moon energy lingers on for a few more days: if you didn’t get a chance to do your New
Farewell To The Summer Eclipse Season, & Onward
Dear all, Welcome to the eighth and final week of our Summer Eclipse Season! Yes, we are almost at the finish line! Use this week — leading up to the New Moon next Monday — to get super, super clear about where you are going and what you are manifesting next. Yes, we’re in the midst of
Just Four More Things
Dear all, It’s another action-packed week. In my last newsletter I mentioned some of the excitement we had to look forward to: well, here we are now. Mars entered Aries last Saturday, June 27. Jupiter met up with Pluto on the cusp of June 29 and June 30 (one day or the other depending on your
Quick Update: Neptune, Venus, and Mars
Hi friends, I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well! This is just a quick update about a few big events taking place in the heavens this week. In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Neptune stationed at 20 degrees, 57 minutes Pisces to go retrograde till November 28th. Neptune entered
Big Eclipse on the World Axis
Dear friends,Keep alert: more rapids ahead! (Remember, feet first, down river.) On Sunday, the Sun and Moon meet up at 0 degrees Cancer on the World Axis, to form not only a cardinal New Moon but also a Total Solar Annular Eclipse. On top of that, the Moon is out-of-bounds, which makes her — the planet that
Full Moon Eclipse ~ the first of three eclipses!!
Note: This post was originally sent out as a newsletter on Friday, June 5. Subscribe here for early access to my astro-updates. Dear friends, Today we met our very first Eclipse of the spring season, when the Moon and Sun faced off across the sky at 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini respectively, at 3:12