Dear friends, There’s a New Moon this weekend, coming overnight on Saturday or in the wee hours of Sunday morning depending where you stand. The Sun and Moon will meet up at 26 degrees, 43 minutes Gemini, conjunct the partnership asteroid Juno and square to Neptune. We feel an intense compulsion to take action towards realizing
Intimations of Destiny: The Taurus New Moon
Dear friends, This morning saw the dawning of a glorious New Moon in Taurus, the first New Moon since Jupiter entered Taurus last week, and the first since Mercury went direct. The Eclipses are GONE! It’s a juicy, fertile, and creative energy, perfect for bringing your bright dreams to fruition. The chart (see below) features
The Eclipse This Week
Dear friends, There’s a thrilling New Moon Eclipse at the last degree of Aries this Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 12:19 AM in the chart cast for Washington, DC. It’s the second Aries New Moon this year — a rare occurrence in itself, and furthermore, it is (oddly) NOT in the same sign as the Nodes
Welcome, Spring! The Aries New Moon
Dear friends, Today we welcome Spring into the Northern Hemisphere, and Autumn to the Southern. The degree of 0 Aries is not only one of the World Points — which means BIG NEWS — it’s the first, and perhaps the most important, degree of the Zodiac in Western Astrology: a death-and-rebirth time for everyone. Normally, only one of
The Pisces New Moon and Marie Forleo’s B-School
Dear friends, Happy New Moon day to you all! We decided to postpone the New Moon Manifestation Circle webinar that was previously scheduled for last night and are holding it TONIGHT instead (ETA: here’s the link to purchase the recordings from Monday night). Though the Sun and Moon joined up in the wee hours of this
Mercury, Pluto, and the Aquarius New Moon
Dear friends, It’s a bold, exciting week in the heavens, as we move towards Lunar New Year and the first New Moon of 2023. Mercury stationed yesterday, Wednesday, January 18 at 8:11 AM Eastern US time. The chart (see below) finds Mars out-of-bounds in Gemini, answering to the stationing Mercury, at the apex of a
Dear friends, There’s a New Moon coming up next Wednesday, November 23 at 5:57 PM Eastern US time. When the chart is cast for Washington, DC (and this chart rules the whole of the US, since our nation’s capital is there) we find Gemini Ascendant with Mars, God of Action, smack-dab on the angle. We feel
The Venus Star Point & Scorpio New Moon ECLIPSE
The Venus Star Point & Scorpio New Moon ECLIPSE Dear friends, There’s a big shift ahead. Between the Venus Star Point on Saturday and the New Moon Eclipse this coming Tuesday, we can expect the next several days to be rocking and rolling, intense and inspired, as the cosmos ushers in a new epoch in our lives.