The New Moon in Aquarius, which perfects this evening at 7:07 PM Eastern US time, marks the start of a brand new two-and-a-half-year cycle around clarity, vision, community, wishes, and humanitarian ideals. Together, the Sun, the Moon, and the asteroid Isis are holding the space for your next great creation. You can’t SEE it yet, but you can
An Aquarius New Moon and the Asteroid Isis
Things are moving swiftly on our planet right now. Mercury, Eris, and Uranus each went direct within the last several weeks, and no major heavenly body is retrograde now; the next to go retro will be Jupiter, who stations on February 6th. It can be hard to keep up – to stay present – as
Please do not read, if you don’t like politics!
Last Thursday afternoon at 4:24 PM Eastern US time, the Sun entered Aquarius for 30 days of self-expression through idealism, innovation, radical politics, and unusual (“unpresidented”) situations. In the Washington, DC chart for the Aquarius ingress (which reflects all America, because our capital is there), the asteroid Vesta, Goddess of the Home and Hearth, is
“The Best Workout for Your Zodiac Sign”
Emma Haak, the health and wellness editor at, recently interviewed ME for an article about astrology and exercise. Last week, I was thrilled to see that she posted it to their site. Click here to read!
The Full Moon in Cancer, Secrets are Revealed
Thursday morning at 6:34 AM Eastern US time, the Moon at 22 degrees Cancer stood face-to-face with the Sun at 22 degrees Capricorn, shedding light on that which was murky before. See what you see. Whatever it is, it’s true. It’s the culmination of a story that was seeded on the Cancer New Moon of
Last Week’s New Moon, Uranus, & the Year to Come
In the wee hours of Thursday morning, the Sun and Moon joined up at 7 degrees Capricorn: a New Moon accompanied by Mercury, and encouraged by Neptune and Mars. This New Moon asked us (and continues to ask, through Wednesday) to feel our way through the reality of our life – who we are, what
The Full Moon in Gemini
These are challenging times, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed with grief and fear. As I write this, civilians are being slaughtered by Russian-allied Syrian government forces in east Aleppo, saying their goodbyes via social media as the city falls – while here in the US, the president-elect continues to fill his cabinet with campaign donors who want to dismantle the
New Moon in Sadge and the Jupiter-Pluto Square
Forward we go. In the week ahead, we’ll have a sparkly, optimistic New Moon in Sagittarius – surrounded and enfolded by several big aspects that demand we make major life decisions. Whatever we resolve on between Saturday, November 19th (when Neptune stationed) and the New Moon on Tuesday, November 29th will serve as a foundation for the next