Dear all, Look alive! In the wee hours of Saturday morning, we have a volatile Full Moon at 11 degrees, 58 minutes on the Scorpio-Taurus axis. Scroll down for an image of the chart, cast for Washington, DC, at 1:22 AM Eastern US time, on November 4th, 2017. As you can see, the chart features a
Breaking Free: the New Moon in Libra
Dear all, The New Moon in Libra rolls in this Thursday, October 19th, at 3:12 PM Eastern US time. Coming swift on the heels of Jupiter’s entrance into Scorpio last Tuesday, this Libra New Moon puts the finishing touches on the Jupiter-in-Libra story of the past year, and invites us to clear the way for a
Welcoming Jupiter into Scorpio
Note: This post went out yesterday, Tuesday afternoon, to the newsletter subscribers. Sign up here for earlier access. xo, AO Dear all, Jupiter entered Scorpio this morning, October 10th, at 9:21 am Eastern US time – wrapping up a long journey in Libra, and kicking off a brand new thirteen-month cycle around death, sex, taxes,
Pluto and Thursday’s Harvest Moon
Dear all, Sometimes, when there’s a big crisis event in the world, the senselessness and surprise of it makes all the survivors go — wow, how am I not living (LIVING) my life? I have that in my story. September 11th happens to be my birthday, and in 2001 I was working in an office downtown. I had taken
Three Occultations & the Virgo New Moon
Yesterday (Monday) was a very big day and it ushers in a very big week on Planet Earth. Within a period of 24 hours, the Moon is occulted by three separate planets — Venus, Mars, and Mercury — while Venus passes through 28 Leo, the degree of last month’s Solar Eclipse, stimulating stories and situations tied to that
Irma’s Landfall and More Eclipse Energy
NOTE: The contents of this post were sent out as a newsletter last Friday. Not on the mailing list? Sign up here for earlier access. Dear all, Thank you SO MUCH for the many birthday wishes, as well as for your condolences on the death of my sister’s cat Barkley, who came to live with me
These Post-Eclipse Natural Disasters
Dear friends, Once again, I hope this finds you all safe and dry. It’s pretty rough out there, and you’re all in my prayers. Several people have asked me whether the current spate of natural disasters is in any way tied to astrology — and of course, my answer is a resounding yes. Let’s begin by looking at
More on the Eclipses (Charlottesville)
Hi everybody, I hope this finds you all safe and dry. I flew down to Florida on Wednesday to visit my dad, who is not well. The following newsletter was begun last week, but I didn’t get a chance to send it out, and I’m aware that some major events have unfolded since then! Several folks have