All right, friends! What a week. As I have discussed in recent newsletters, Saturn stationed last week on Wednesday, September 18th, to go direct at 13 degrees, 55 minutes Capricorn. He’d been retrograde since April 29th of this year; now
The New Moon in Libra and a New Webinar
Dear friends, Happy Libra Season and Saturn Direct! Have any of your longstanding projects jumped forward, or gotten restarted, in the last 7 days? Some of mine have! The United States Congress’s, too. Everything keeps hurtling forward this week, as we move towards the New Moon on Saturday, September 28th. The Sun and Moon will meet
Saturn Yesterday, with Jupiter-Neptune Coming Soon
Dear all, Well, can you FEEL it? The spring in your step, the wind in your hair, the sense of vim? Saturn stationed yesterday morning at 4:46 am Eastern US Time, and now he’s got green lights all the way to Aquarius. Saturn entered his retrograde shadow on January 22nd, then turned retrograde on April 30th. The projects that
That Big, Shiny Moon
Dear friends, The next Full Moon is scheduled to perfect at 12:32 on Saturday morning, September 14, here on the East Coast of the United States. If you’re farther west, the aspect will perfect before midnight, local time, on Friday evening – hence the extra spooky Friday the 13th that everyone on social media is freaking out about! Whatever
Virgo Marches through the Mystic Rectangle
Note: This write-up went out to my mailing list last Friday, September 6. Want to join us? Subscribe here! Dear friends, In my last Weekly Weather podcast, I talked a bit about the big Mystic Rectangle(s) in the sky right now, and since then I have had several questions about them over email, which I
Virgo Season and a New Moon Webinar
Dear friends, The next New Moon will take place this Friday, August 30, 2019 at 6:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time. In the chart cast for Washington, DC (which governs the whole of the US, since our nation’s capital is there) the New Moon is tightly conjunct the Ascendant — with the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant all
Mars in Virgo: Six Weeks for Making Big Progress
Note: This article was sent out to my mailing list on Friday, August 16. Click here to subscribe for first access to my reports. Dear friends, Between the Venus Star Point on Wednesday, the Full Moon on Thursday, and the Mercury-Uranus square on Friday, this has been a very busy week in the heavens. But there’s
Venus Star Point Next Week
Dear friends, As many of you know, my father Mark Ortelee died early Thursday morning, at the age of 90. I was with him in Florida. I’m back home in New York City now and doing fine, though I’ll be taking the weekend off to process. Many thanks to the clients we had to reschedule this week,