Dear friends, This Sunday features two BIG astronomical events: first Mercury stations to head direct, after a long and hard retrograde in Aries; then the New Moon in Aries perfects in the heavens, kicking off spring with a bang. Mercury entered Aries on March 6th, and stationed to go retro on March 22nd. In Aries, the Lord
Cosmic Event
The Upcoming Aquarius New Moon Eclipse
Our winter Eclipse Season has been in full swing since the Full Moon in Aquarius on January 31st. Now it’s time to welcome the Aquarius New Moon Eclipse, coming up on Thursday, February 15th. Ceres, the Mother Goddess, is ready to roar, preparing to take her place as the most prominent planet in the New Moon chart. She is
Time’s Up: The New Moon and VSP in Cap
NOTE: This column went out to the mailing list last Friday evening, January 12th. Are you a subscriber? Join here for early access to my weather report. Dear all, This past Tuesday, January 9th, 2018, we all had an interesting morning: the Capricorn Sun joined first Venus, then Pluto — while Venus herself also joined
The New Year’s Day Supermoon & Stationing Uranus
Dear all, Congratulations, you made it! As we say “goodbye” to 2017 and “good morning” to a brand new year, I hope you’ll take a minute to pat yourself on the back. The past twelve months have been so tough for so many people around the world. But you did it. You’re here, and you’re
The GOP Tax Scam, Astrologically
Dear all, Last week, a listener wrote in, asking me about the graft bill — er, tax bill — and I replied that there would surely be astrologers watching the CNN live feed, as the Donald signed it into law, to record the moment of its “birth.” Little did I know, I would be one of those
Moving On: Saturn Enters Capricorn
Dear all, Next Tuesday, December 19th at 11:48 PM Eastern US time, Saturn enters Capricorn, where he’ll travel for the next THREE YEARS. This is BIG. Saturn is a mover and shaker. When he changes signs, he changes our whole relationship to the things he rules: institutions, authorities, governments, structures, status, restrictions, reputation, work, and
The Truth, the Full Moon, and Mercury Retrograde
Dear all, In the wee hours of this Sunday morning — December 3rd at 2:24 AM Eastern US time — Mercury pauses at 29 degrees Sagittarius, pivots, and heads backward till December 22nd. Then, just eight hours later — on December 3rd at 10:47 AM Eastern US time — the Sun and Moon roll through their monthly
New Work: Yesterday’s New Moon In Scorpio
It’s here. The New Moon in Scorpio perfected early Saturday morning — November 18th, at 6:42 AM Eastern US time — at 26 degrees, 19 minutes Scorpio. According to the brilliant astrologer Lynda Hill, the Sabian Symbol for this degree of Scorpio is: “A Military Band Marches Noisily on through the City Streets.” It translates to “the need to