Dear friends, The season is upon us! Winter is here as of Friday evening, December 21, 2018, when the Sun entered Capricorn at 5:23 PM Eastern US Time. Whenever the Sun changes signs, he initiates a new month-long cycle here on earth. In this case, the Capricorn Ingress also marks the beginning of the three-month winter
Merry Mercury And The Mars-Neptune Conjunction
Dear friends, The big day is here! This morning saw the New Moon arrive at 15 degrees Sadge (which I discussed earlier this week), as well as a wonderful, epoch-initiating conjunction of Mars and Neptune. Meanwhile, yesterday afternoon, Mercury stationed to go direct — winding up the retrograde journey he’s been on since mid-November — while in an
The Sagittarius New Moon & Webinar on Wednesday
Dear friends, It’s another emotional week on planet earth. The Sun and Moon have plans to meet this week on Friday, December 7th, at 2:20 AM Eastern US time, forming a New Moon at 15 degrees, 7 minutes Sagittarius. Always, New Moons mean new beginnings, though this one hangs onto a little more baggage than normal. In the chart, these
Full Moon in the Season of Lights
NB: The text of this column went out to my mailing list on Friday, Not yet a subscriber? Sign up here for early access to my reports! Dear friends, Happy post-Thanksgiving to those in the United States, and welcome one and all to the Season of Lights. Our Sun entered Sagittarius on Thursday morning, November
The New Moon: “Her Face Breaking into a Smile”
Dear friends, Yesterday morning at 11:01 AM Eastern US time, the New Moon perfected at 15 degrees, 11 minutes Scorpio on the World Axis. This is a fast-paced and decisive New Moon, poised to be a turning point in our life and world. It offers us all a magnificent chance to eliminate what no longer serves us. Name
The Big Shift (and Two New Webinars)
Dear friends, Merry (post-) Samhain! There’s a big shift ahead. Next week, four major events will unfold within a space of only three days. Any one of them could be a newsletter unto itself. Because there is so much to cover and time is short, I’m going to present a quick overview here — and I
Under the Tuscan Stars: Early-Bird Registration
Dear friends, Please excuse this purely promotional message! I had SUCH a fabulous time last night with Jane, Bronwyn, and the other folks who attended the Q&A about our upcoming retreat Sacred Astrology Under the Tuscan Stars, scheduled for May 9 through May 15, 2019 in bella Italia . . . and so I want to
Attention: New Moon in the Via Combusta
Dear friends, The New Moon in Libra is scheduled to take place next Monday, October 8, 2018 at 11:47 PM Eastern US time, when the Sun and Moon meet and kiss at 15 degrees, 48 minutes Libra. The Moon is dancing quickly through the sky, and on Monday she will enter the Via Combusta, or Path