Dear all, There’s a New Moon coming up this Friday, April 5, 2019 at 4:50 AM Eastern US time. This New Moon takes place in the day and hour of Jupiter; and moreover, when the chart is cast for Washington, DC, we find that Jupiter is both the highest of the major planets, the ruler of the
Saturn and Pluto Descend into Their South Nodes
Hi friends, This newsletter is a little different from what I usually send out. It was originally written for The Career Astrologer, the quarterly journal of OPA, the Organization for Professional Astrology so it’s a bit more techy than my regular posts. If you aren’t familiar with all of the astro-terminology, that’s totally fine. I’d encourage you
The Spring Ingress and Astro New Year
Dear all, Happy Zodiacal New Year! The Sun entered Aries at 5:58 PM Eastern US time yesterday evening, March 20, 2019: the start of another lap in his circular twelve-sign journey through the heavens. Because Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac, many astrologers regard this event as the REAL new year here on earth, the annual refresh
The Once and Future New Moon in Pisces
Dear friends, Pisces season is upon us, with the New Moon at 15 degrees Pisces, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 11:03 AM Eastern US time. The energy of the chart is either simply terrific or completely awful, depending on . . . well, actually, it’s not quite clear. Frankly, it’ll
What on Earth is Horary Astrology?
Dear all, On the weekend of March 2nd and 3rd, my Access Astrology colleagues Heather Roan Robbins and Mark Wolz and I will be teaching an intensive workshop in New York City on Horary, Electional, Magic, and Mundane astrology techniques. On Saturday, we’ll be doing horary astrology. Since I have had questions about this from several readers,
This Monday: Chiron Enters Aries For 8 Years
Dear readers, On Monday, February 18, 2019, the small solar system body known as Chiron enters Aries. It is the third and final iteration of this cycle: Chiron spent a few months in Aries in 2018, before retrograding back into Pisces. This time it’s for keeps. Chiron will remain in the sign of the ram till February 2027.
Phaeton and the New Moon in Aquarius
NOTE: The New Moon was Monday, and this column was sent out to my mailing list on Friday, February 1. Subscribe here for early access to the aspects! Dear friends, There’s a New Moon this Monday, February 4, at 4:03 PM Eastern US Time. The Sun and Moon will meet at 15 degrees, 45 minutes
Next Up: The (SUPER) Full Moon Eclipse
Dear all: The second Eclipse of this season is coming to us soon: Monday, January 21, 2019, at 12:15 AM Eastern US time, when the Sun and Moon oppose each other in the first degree of Aquarius and Leo — very, very close to the Nodes of Fate at late degrees of Capricorn and Cancer. This Full