Full moon April 13, 2006 12:40 pm Washington, D.C.

Full moon April 13, 2006 12:40 pm Washington, D.C.
A profound full moon arrives shortly after noon on Thursday featuring many endings, culminations and new beginnings. What we have been working toward, struggling with and attempting to change since last August has its final exam during the full moon this week. As the moon moves towards exposing our deepest desires and our soul’s ache to the world for recognition, legitimacy and acknowledgement, at last, please be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be compassionate towards your heart. Be caring towards your last remnants of fear or anxiety. Be firm about what is important to you. Be aware that while the situation in front of you might be painful or harsh, it reflects something you‘ve been trying to come to terms with! And, guess what? You are completely ready, willing and able to face that part of you! You’ve spent so much energy avoiding it, had trouble owning in it, or denied it in the past.
The degrees of the Sun and Moon are reversed and right next to the degrees of the Sun and Moon from last October. Back then, the October eclipses brought us radical news about shocking or hidden secrets in our important relationships as the Sun and Moon joined on the South node of karmic decisions on October 3, 2005. Our relationship with our self and others changed on the new moon last fall. Innocence was lost or perhaps found again battered in the earthen dust. The full moon eclipse in Aries, on October 17, 2005, gave us the desire to take positive action for ourselves, using the relationship news we learned on the solar eclipse, to move forward in our lives.
Of course, in the fall, Mars, ruler of that Aries moon, was retrograde, slow moving, and cranky in Taurus, stressfully arguing with Pluto in, righteous Sag, stuck in a traffic jam, oppressed, depressed and repressed by Saturn’s’ imminent station at proud, unable to be wrong 10 Leo and Uranus‘ upcoming station to go direct in unclear, boundaries Pisces. Plus, there was a profound finger of God, and, wonders of the Universe, it was sitting at the same degrees as the profound finger of God from 1982/83. Back in 1982, Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Libra signaling an end/beginning of an important relationship. The ending in 1982 wounded our soul deeply as Chiron was in Taurus at the apex of the finger of god. Last fall, with Mars at the apex, we understood we could take action around the soul wound. Yes, the wound was profound. Yes, it was reopened by the fall eclipses of 2005 as our soul sought healing. Hopefully, under the gentle light of this our moon, we will realize how much we have healed. Mar in Taurus is an exceptionally hard, powerful and thorough worker. Mars in Taurus was laboring all fall, filling in the crater of your battlefield wound from 1982. Now, that the earth is smooth, do you want to plant a tree or flowers? Place a memorial stone? A bench to meditate on from time to time? Or just let Mom Nature reclaim the hallowed ground in her own way?
So, besides looking at our 1982 wounds issue, what does the full moon mean for our future? In astrological lore, full moons signify the ripening of a situation. The full moon is the brightest the night sky gets, casting an emotional, silvery lunar light on the creatures living on earth. The moon’s phases remind us monthly that all things grow, culminate and ebb.
The Washington chart for the lunation has 29 Cancer on the ascendant with Mars, balsamic, void of course and exhausted from his recent battle with Pluto, residing and recovering in the 12th house, further draining Mars’ energy, making him even weaker. Mars rules Sun who is angular in the 10th house. Mars severe afflictions compromise Aries Sun’s ability to take direct, war like action. Sun is viewed as severely debilitated and compromised. Mercury in Pisces is approaching his square to Pluto in Sagittarius, suggesting information that is critical to blocking both Sun and Mars further actions will be revealed.
Net, net, you can’t DO much of anything. Just look. Listen. Observe. See what happens. Keep your mouth shut. No saber rattling ~ remember your sword has no power and everyone knows it. Of course, THEIR sword has no power. Everyone knows that too. Let the moon reveal what she will. Keep showing up. Don’t duck AND don’t fight. Just stand there. Stare. Look. Forgive. Send love. If you decide to leave, back out, slowly, with your eyes on the situation. No turning your back! They are rather cowardly frankly. They would love to stab you in the back, if given a chance. Don’t turn your back. Don’t engage. Just stare them down. Stop fighting. Have everyone else join you in staring them down.
At the same time you are staring your opponent down, keep part of your mind focused on your future. What you want, once this stand off finishes? What is your vision of you? Where will you go? Where is your future? We’ll continue along in the circle your life after this moment in time. We will be irrevocably changed and altered by the realizations that happen under our lunation. Firmly grounded in THAT hard-won knowledge, consciousness flows in, a light bulb goes off, illumination, vision. Evolution.
On to Lynda Hill’s Sabian imagery; the moon at 24 Libra is THIRD WING ON THE LEFT SIDE OF A BUTTERFLY.
Commentary: ‘A Third Wing on the Left Side of a Butterfly’ is an image of imbalance and distortion combined with beauty and grace. A butterfly with three wings would be a beautiful thing to see. However, having a ‘Third Wing’ may look lovely, but it would make it very difficult to fly. Whilst we may marvel at such an oddity, it would prove to be very difficult for the ‘Butterfly’ itself. It may look curiously beautiful, but in reality it is a case of the impossibility of surviving in the physical world with such a difficulty or handicap. In French, “gauche” literally means “left”, and it has the extended meanings “awkward” and “clumsy”. In fact, “awkward” itself comes from the Middle English “awke”, meaning “turned the wrong way” or “left-handed”. On the other hand, “adroit” and “dexterity” have their roots in words meaning “right” or “on the right side”. We see this fragility in creative people like Van Gogh, Robin Williams or Spike Milligan.
Oracle: Understanding and accepting fragility and differences in others can give us greater empathy for those that have difficulty operating efficiently in this world. Emotional breakdowns, fears and phobias can be symptoms of being too sensitive, not necessarily as a fault, but as a response to an unforgiving and tough world. When the transformation into full potential occurs it is a wonderful thing but you may feel that you are unnaturally developed in the emotive, intuitive realms. Instinct may be swamping logic, and whilst this can be very creative, it would be a good idea to try to regain some balance. This can point to threesomes of any kind, just as threesomes are considered to be an unbalanced relationship, ‘A Third Wing’ can imply imbalance and an inability to get anywhere. A ‘Butterfly’ can be someone who is bright when conditions are favorable, but is “done for” when the clouds gather. This Symbol can also indicate lop-sidedness on the physical level, such as having one side of the body imbalanced in some way. Balance is difficult to achieve with this Symbol, but is something that needs to be strived for.
Keywords: Creative overbalance. Bodily impairments and handicaps. Being light, flippant and fluttering from thing to thing. Over-sensitivities. Oddities. Beautiful imperfections. Idiot savants. Imbalances. One side of the body being more perfect than the other.
The Caution: Unrealistic reliance on being different. Obsession with strange things. Feeling useless and out of place. Flapping around and not getting anywhere. Restlessness and nervousness. Lopsidedness.
I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous. Yogi Berra
Commentary: ‘An Open Window and a Net Curtain Blowing into the Shape of a Cornucopia’ is a Symbol of abundance and prosperity. Abundantia was a Roman goddess of abundance, prosperity and good fortune. She has the ‘Cornucopia’, the “horn of plenty”, from which she distributes grain, money, fruits, flowers and food. In fact, all that one truly wants is represented as sitting in the “horn”.
Oracle: We often long for what we want and this Symbol shows that something is most probably coming your way. How wonderful and yet surprising would it be if what you wanted actually did manifest? ‘An Open Window and a Net Curtain’ suggests that with the slightest change of direction in the wind, our fortunes may change. Quite possibly something is coming that has many promises. What actually arrives on your doorstep may not be exactly what was wished for, but it is very likely to be somehow rewarding. This could be a time of the realization and enjoyment of layers of spiritual nourishment. The ‘Blowing’ of wind often implies spiritual agencies coming in. Open your mind to the possibilities that are being ‘Blown’ in from the realm of spirit. The rewards can be plentiful, full of promise and self-sustaining. Be wary, however, of just drifting and imagining that the big jackpot is going to just fall out of the sky. Buying the ticket helps to win the lottery. Look for unusual or extraordinary opportunities in the signatures of things around. Picture what you want and project it out with full intention of it being fulfilled. What you want may just manifest itself in front of you.
Keywords: Imagination. Keeping options open. The promise of fruition. The breath of life filled with inspiration. Realizing that in everyday life, one has it all. Windows of opportunity. Gain, abundance, riches. Spiritual energies pouring in. Concentrated energy. Seeing desires taking shape. Curtains and windows.
The Caution: Relying on spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance. Dreaming of things dropping into one’s lap. Hoping that good luck will just ‘blow in’. Shutting windows, keeping light and life out. Drawing curtains and withdrawing. Promises, promises.
Every separate thought takes shape and becomes visible in color and form. Liu Hua-Yang
Wishes expand in direct proportion to the resources available for their gratification. Robert Dato
The charitable give out the door and God puts it back through the window. Proverb
It is an all-too-human frailty to suppose that a favorable wind will blow forever. Rick Bode
When God closes a door He opens a window. Anon
Strange things blow in through my window on the wings of the night wind and I don’t worry about my destiny. Carl Sandburg
If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade. Tom Peters
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Milton Berle
There is no one, says another, whom fortune does not visit once in his life; but when she does not find him ready to receive her, she walks in at the door, and flies out the window. Charles Montesquieu
Stop. Look. Listen. Open your heart. Pay attention.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee