Weekly weather April 10, 2006

Did you feel the energy shift last week? Pretty profound eh? Our week ahead features a delicious full moon at 23 Aries/Libra on Thursday the same day Mercury makes cranky aspects with Pluto as Mars moves into Cancer. Our full moon happens to reverse the lights to echo the eclipse from last fall at 24 Libra/Aries. Remember that nasty business mid-October 2005 when you learned something VERY important that you could do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about? Well, NOW is the time to do something about it. Yep, this week! The long awaited moment of truth is here.
Don’t be surprised if an old fall something or someone or situation surfaces to resolve or make amends or connect or be accountable for their behavior. Do remember it wasn’t ONLY about you and your issues. They reflected your OWN nasty stuff back to you. Yes, I know you were involved. Yes, I know you were deeply hurt. BUT, hopefully, over the last few months, BOTH OF YOU have grown in the places you were supposed to grow in. Your old 1982/83 wound is a touch more healed, tougher or stronger. AND, while they were gone, they handled THEIR situation from 1982/83 ~ the one THEY were struggling with.
Perhaps you can go forward together, holding hands, laughing, into the sunset and live happily ever after? Or, maybe not, but at least kiss and make up! Be pleasant. Wink at them. Wave and say Hello. Smile. Their purpose was to help you evolve to the brand new you. They did it. You’ve evolved. So say THANK YOU for heaven’s sake. It wasn’t THEIR fault that YOU needed to evolve to get where you are now. No Laurel and Hardy routines please: “Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into.” You co-created the situation with them. Own your part. If you didn’t bite their bait, you wouldn’t have been hooked. They had a perfect right to fish in your very inviting pond. Remember? YOU asked THEM to fish there.
Monday, Venus in Pisces makes harsh aspects to Saturn in Leo and the Nodes of destiny. Venus in Pisces is “exalted” meaning she supposedly loves and understands in a pure, divine, oceanic, cosmic and immersed way. Well, while we may SEEK the divine cosmic form of love, we are incarnated into these funny little mundane bodies with regular, plain old, normal kind of lives, complete with all sorts of problems, joys, fears, loves, anxieties, happiness, stresses, partners, kids, parents, siblings, people and all the issues associated with that list. Ah, the beauty of life. So blow on the ember of divine love in your heart and have it glow a bit brighter. You only get the divine version of love when you dump your body for the hereafter. In the meantime, there are dishes to wash, dogs to walk and laundry to fold. Love also comes in Virgo forms ~ work, showing up, and doing your own unique thing the best way you know how. Besides, if nobody pushed or pulled at you, you would be a perfect circle instead of a star! Are you a circle this time around? Or do you have arms, legs and a head ~ making you a funny looking five pointed star with your own particular path of brilliance and light?
Tuesday, meditate on your uniqueness and brilliance. The universe and you had a reason for your incarnation. So what was it? Can we partner with it instead of arguing all the time? Redirect that Venus in Pisces trine to Juno in Cancer into starting to love yourself ~ complete with all your foibles, follies and feats? Take the Neptune contraparallel to Pallas to notice and remark to the world in general and yourself in particular, Well, here’s another nice bucket of suds you’ve gotten yourself into.
Wednesday, Neptune, Venus and Sun push the energy a touch further. Well, here’s another nice kettle of fish I’ve pickled myself in. We create our kettles because we need them to evolve and be pickled in. No harm, no foul. Life is an adventure.
Thursday, Mercury squares Pluto and Mars leaves the last degrees of Gemini and moves towards the security seeking, possessive and retentive mode of Cancer. Now, Mars acts to preserve and protect while in the sign of the crab so an us against them mentality can take place. Jupiter pushing off from Pallas suggests that particular strategy will not hold up under legal or relationship or partnership scrutiny. Gotta own your part of the story. Today. The sooner the better!
Friday, the Universe is going to be looking for some sort of signal from you that you actually GET IT as Venus quintiles Pluto! I hope it is a loud, solid click as tumblers fall into place in your being. One so noisy you finally get it, once and for all. You don’t have keep doing it any more. Evolve and change. Pluto pushes off from Pallas today by declination.
Did you notice that? Jupiter and Pluto push off / oppose /see clearly, by declination, Pallas Athena in Capricorn, respectively on Thursday and Friday! Pallas Athena is brilliant, strategic and smart as hell. She’s zipping along, quietly and conservatively in Saturn’s sign as she struggles to figure out your karma, path and future right this second, now! Jupiter and Pluto, are in mutual reception ramping up their respective energies and encouraging your evolution ~ Jupiter via transformation of a profound, cellular, transformative Scorpio kind as Pluto asks your Soul to seek the LIGHT, the higher truth, and expand into Sagittarian wisdom after the bleakness of destruction and loss.
Declination, for my beginner astrologers, is where the planets are found north and south of the equator on their path around the ecliptic and our earth. When they get within a degree of each other, they act like either super charged conjunctions or oppositions. Declinations are exceptionally powerful but not often watched or noticed as most of us look at where the planets are in their longitudinal progress through the zodiac signs. (That is quite enough to keep track of, thank you very much) However, similar to when we move toward the equator or the earth’s poles, with declinations, our personal earth temperature changes. It gets “hot“ when planets get near each other or “cold“ as planets stare at each other across the equator. Athena is coldly casting her wise eyes on Jupiter and Pluto who are Hot, hot, hot and joined with each other in a profound, cosmic evolutionary dance.
Actually, when I was young, my siblings and dad used to call it my mother’s hairy eyeball. She’d arch one brow up, gaze directly at you, purse and twist her mouth slightly as she gave you a LOOK that said you were treading on very thin, thin ice, she wasn’t buying the story and if you didn’t xxx you would be in big trouble in a couple of seconds! So tell the universe, a friend, your rabbi, your dog or your pillow that you GET IT! Athena is casting a hairy eyeball at Jupiter and Pluto to see if they get it. They are treading on very, very thin ice right now. Own up. The moment of truth is here.
Saturday, Mercury has a choice. Tell the truth or else. Own up. He is in the last degrees of Pisces so his story takes on a magical, mystical, fantastically complicated plot line that anyone past the age of 7 knows is a lie. The truth is simple. Truth takes a second or two to tell. Those long involved stories are often a sign of problems, drama or some kind of craziness that you are invested in preserving for whatever stupid reason. Own it. NOW.
Sunday, as Mercury enters Aries and quintiles Pallas Athena, the Sun trines Pluto. Our moment of truth has arrived ~ similar to when the FBI came and took blood from Bill Clinton’s arm to test his DNA to see if matched the sperm found on Monica’s blue dress. That was when Bill knew it was time to sit down and fess up to Hillary and then to the rest of us. Expect a similar moment in your life. Remember, some lies are more important than other lies. Lies are complicated. The truth is simple. Always so simple.
Mundane: Oh I was loving that Mars Pluto opposition in US politics last week! Out of Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald’s office (Pluto in Sag) comes his oppositional response to Scooter Libby (Mars in Gemini personified), that (and I happily paraphrase Fitzgerald’s legal words to my preferred format) “NO, Scooter (what kind of man travels by the name Scooter at age 56 anyway?), NO, you got it wrong. SORRY BUT, you are NOT being prosecuted for LEAKING Valerie Plame’s Name. You are being prosecuted for actively LYING (Mars in Gemini) to the Grand Jury (Pluto in Sag) about leaking her name! You were VERY clear, ONCE YOU STARTED TELLING THE TRUTH, that the President told the Vice President to tell you to leak Valerie’s name and blow her brass plate CIA company sky high. Her firm just happened to be investigating weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East for the last 50 years. She, her company and her husband were was terribly inconvenient for your buddies in power and their political goals. They wanted to start a war in Iraq. Scooter baby, You LIED and OBSTRUCTED MY investigation into the LEAK of classified information. I am prosecuting you for LYING not LEAKING!”
On the evolutionary front, scientists announced they found the long sought “missing evolutionary link” between water critters and life walking on four limbs on land. It was a 375 million year old scaly creature fossil found in sediments of a Canadian Arctic river 600 miles from the North Pole. So, global warming helps prove evolution (Pluto in Sag) by giving us a fish with the beginning of digits, proto wrists, elbows and shoulders (Mars in Gemini).
Now, if scientists can prove fish evolved to land, AND Prosecutor Fitzgerald can write that the President and Vice President of the United States knowingly leaked and then lied, certainly YOUR evolutionary challenge will be a piece of cake! Well, maybe not, but you get the idea. Time to grow some digits and proto wrists or hold people (including yourself) accountable. Love them AND hold them accountable.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee