Weekly weather April 3, 2006.

I know, I know, I keep writing “this is an important week” as every week unfolds! I need to remind myself, and you, that the times we are experiencing are similar to a baby developing in utereo instead of just “regular” or “normal” times. We are making critical decisions about the future direction(s) of our individual lives. Our recent months are similar to a baby, who in 40 weeks or so turns from a merged sperm and egg from two separate people into a unique little human being with needs, wants, loves, hates, hopes, fears and a chart that describes them all beautifully. Except, you are already alive, fully formed, and reading an astrology column talking about how to work with your existing energy in a different manner. You’ve got oodles of experiences and information in your genetic, mind, history and thus far lived life. All those needs, wants, hates, hopes, and fears are established and acting out their roles, as directed and programmed by you. Right now, next week, we are about to tweak your cosmic programming so to speak, let that fabulous you create in the unique manner you are have the option to live, exist as or be. We are working with Saturn and Pluto, the karmic big fellow who describes our limits, fears, structures and the often scary guy at the end of our known universe. We have our fingers on the pulse of the evolutionary drive in all of us as well as our soul‘s wish. We are tweaking the nodes of our karmic destiny as they approach 0 Aries/Libra. Wow oh wow. I even scare myself when I write words like that!
But here we are ~ standing at a crossroads of an amazingly profound turning point and moment in our lifetime. We get to pick now! So, what do you want? Actually, we HAVE to pick now. We get to choose what we want our lives to be. Free will and all that rot. J I encourage you to pick your love and desires, pick it, whatever and regardless of the perceived cost, problems or “issues“. As a reader wrote in last week, WHERE IS LOVE? I bet she noticed, like you did, that love wasn’t around much last week! Oh a couple times love popped up and winked at us but darn it was hard to find. We were struggling last week with the fruits of our actions, the results of our choices, however flawed or problematic, the stuff we made happen, either consciously or unconsciously. However, THIS WEEK, as Venus moves into her exaltation in Pisces on the same day that Saturn stations to go direct, we get to choose between love or not love. Love or Not Love. Hmmm. Well, Love of what? First of all, ourselves. Love of our true, deep essences and our soul. Love of our little “imperfect” (hate that mole or your left big toe?) but fabulously complex bodies that pulse with each beat of our heart, move us around on Mom Earth and permit us to love, eat, dream, sleep and experience our glorious world. Love of our connection to the cosmic forces that created us and plopped us down on planet earth to BE on our beloved, argued with, snarled at chosen path. Yes, being on, in, and of our unique path, whatever it is, however it defines itself to us. WE are HUMAN BEINGS after all. HUE-various colors found in a spectrum or rainbow of light OR your unique, special shading, MAN- I know, a bit sexist, but you get the idea. BEING ~ the point of the whole darn trip! Be- In. And think of G as the ding or chime of your soul’s bell when you finally figure out what you are here for.
What I love about Astrology is how it describes the behavior of planets, our cosmic actors, while traveling in a particular section of the zodiac. Planet behavior in a sign just IS. Obviously, THAT particular form of the energy has a purpose for existing even if we aren’t particularly thrilled about it showing up in our chart. Every planet in every sign has good days and bad days, things it does well and not so well. We, judgmental human critters that we are, label a planet’s behavior good or bad, depending on what or how we think a planet likes or prefers to be. We use terms like fall, detriment, exaltation, or ruler. We name it afflicted, malefic, square, inconjunct, combust, oppositional so the very terms we use contain judgments. Can you just let the planet be in the sign it decided to be in when you were born? Exalt in that planet‘s decision and placement? Work with your planet as best you can? Be nice to it for a change instead of picking at it all the time or telling it to change into some thing else? So much of what we struggle with and criticize about ourselves (or others) is the NORMAL behavior of the planets in the signs they choose to be in when we are born. Hey, you picked it! You incarnated into it! So, maybe you were flirting with the hottie soul standing behind you or chatting with a friend AND NOT paying proper attention when they were handing out charts. Or maybe, just maybe, you said, “What I want to learn in this incarnation is xxx”. And, as a result, yep, you got more than you bargained for with how the universe decided to make your wish(es) and request(s) come true! Remember, the cosmos only has 12 signs and 10 planets and 12 houses, ingredients so to speak, to mix and match to make your chart and life’s current incarnation. Okay, add the asteroids and Chiron to spice up your life but still, it is a limited set of tools to work with.
So back to now. If we go back to our earlier dates like 82/83, they were some how about partnering with fear, NOT love, of who we are or what we could expect in and from our life. We got scared of, burned by, or fearful about the chart we picked. We learned about our limitations, agreements, conditions and the harder, harsher side of the energy we decided to live in. Over the past months, since August 2005, we have been examining our agreements, studying the deal we struck, and deciding if we still like the terms of our contract. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the energy is in FIXED signs ~ highly resistant to change, stuck in it‘s way and pretty immobile. Plus the contract involved Saturn and Pluto, the big boys of the zodiac who make most people‘s knees knock merely at the thought of contract negotiations. On the other hand, we’ve been around long enough to know there are many levels to reality, shades of gray, hues of color so to speak. We know stuff changes. We know every thing mutates in form or evolves or moves along, even stubborn energy like fixed Taurus earth, fixed Scorpio water, fixed Leo fire and fixed Aquarian air. WE CAN NEGOTIATE A NEW AND BETTER DEAL FOR OURSELVES!!
Our contract mutates in form, evolves and moves along this week. Saturn stations. FINALLY! You get to pick between Fear or Love. I hope you’ll pick love. I hope you start to love that part of you that you’ve been so cranky, irritated, annoyed or angry with or about since last fall or when you first got here on planet earth. It is NOT about the other guy. You and I know that. It is about YOU agreeing to be in relationship with the chart YOU picked. All the situations that you find so difficult to handle are just permutations of the energy of your chart. Decide to fall in love with yourself (and your chart) all over again, like you did when you were a soul up there in line waiting for your next go round on earth. Make your particular combination of energies do their thing in the signs they and you chose to be in. It is YOUR version and colors of a kalidescope we call your life. Be in your hue, man. Did your soul’s bell chime? Did it ring?
Monday, a problem needs to be addressed and resolved. I would encourage you to take the high road, partner with the wound, nurture the sadness or fear in front of you to help Jupiter joining with Pluto and Venus joining with Chiron by parallel. Actually, it is much less scary than you think it is going to be. It JUST LOOKS scary. Uranus trine Vesta suggests there is a unique solution to the problem, right in front of you if you look for it.
Tuesday, the world’s going to be having a nervous breakdown as Saturn stops and Venus travels through the last degrees of Aquarius. You mother told you there would be days like this! Mercury trines Jupiter suggesting on an intrinsic level, deep in your soul, this is the day you’ve been waiting for.
Wednesday, Saturn stations to go direct as the nodes pivot to go direct and Venus moves into Pisces. Sun is arguing with Mercury by declination. Oh well. You are going to have to agree to disagree. You are who you are. They are who they are. You are both here, at the same time and same place. Deal with it. Choose love today. Actually choose love every day from now on, starting with YOURSELF. You are here for a reason. Get cracking and make that chart of yours sing its own unique song.
The rest of the week sucks, in a groaning, moaning, achy body kind of way as Mars approaches his third opposition to Pluto on Saturday. I encourage you to keep your wits about you and not lose your temper. However, it is going to be difficult. What’s that poem about keeping your head when all around you are losing theirs? There’s a nasty energy about the world. Lies, tales told out of school, fratricide, homicide, arguments ~ keep it as clean as you can and as clear as you can. And keep your eye on them as you back away from any fight. No turning your back! They are cowards. They will attack if they see a weakness or opportunity or an open shot.
Now, THAT said, YOU have been working exceptionally diligently on evolving, moving along, working to figure it all out, paying attention, doing your homework and date work. So, YOU with the added benefit of astrological understanding might not have such a tough time. BUT EVERYONE ELSE WILL! They don’t KNOW it is transitory thing ~ just a station of Pluto and Saturn within a week of each other added to a rare total eclipse of the sun near to the cardinal world axis as Mars fights with Pluto to the death for round three! I bet all your friends (who know you are into astrology and wonder how you can believe in THAT stuff because you are so intelligent!) are calling and casually asking you “Is there is something going on in the stars? A full moon maybe or Mercury retrograde? “ So, sit them down and teach what you’ve learned through your work, understand and reading. Use the dates ~ Fall 1982 to 1983, May 2000 as starters. Point out the correlation between their 82/83 story of fear and NOW. You know how astrology works ~ once you make that correlation, the puzzle pieces fall brilliantly into place. Help them. Help yourself FIRST ~ put on your oxygen mask and breath ~ before you help put on your children’s or friend’s masks. Just a bumpy ride on Planet Earth as our green and blue airplane hits a bit of turbulence. The plane is NOT going to crash (though we might think it is) BUT we ARE going to get bounced around a bit next week.
Thursday is a cranky, crabby day. Stuff shifted but nothing seems to be moving. Venus hasn’t gained traction yet. Saturn is so frigging slow it hurts. Mercury is crabbing at Saturn in a whiny fearful paranoid kind of way as he imagines all sorts of terrible consequences. None of them will happen. Can you please STOP doing this to yourself?
Friday, you picked you chart. Deal with it and your energy. No whining. It sucks to be you! Now, on the other hand, if you give yourself permission to be who you are…..
Saturday, Mars opposes Pluto and Sun pushes off from Uranus creating a very volatile energy and day.
Sunday, we sob uncontrollably as Sun sextiles Neptune. Or we toast our future. Or we move toward our dreams. Or we get lost in a fog. It is a day to rest, gather your energy, dream and make a plan as Venus in Pisces argues with Saturn in a Scorpio kind of way. Where the hell is Mars when she needs him? Oh, bruised and bloody from his argument with Pluto? All the pent up energy releases into a rather large puddle around us and in us. But, it released. We got here. We are alive. We are transformed. Now, onto our life.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee