Weekly weather march 27, 2006

Weekly weather march 27, 2006
The excitement for the week ahead is the profound, long anticipated, new moon eclipse taking place on the North node of our karmic, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and literal physical destiny in the very early degrees of Aries! Whee Haw, here we go! Haven’t you felt the energy shifting?
Our eclipse occurs on the same day that Pluto stations to go retrograde until September 2006. The eclipse will be exceptionally powerful as Pluto stops and pivots on the Galactic Center of the Universe at the very end of the five-hour eclipse like a cosmic exclamation point. Think of the events that start this week and unfold over the months ahead as your own cosmic Fourth of July fire works display. The eclipse is total and visible in the northern two thirds of Africa, Europe and central Asia. We have been working towards the events that will take place under the eclipse since our traffic jam heated up last fall. We had similar experiences with eclipse energy in Spring of 1988, 1970 and 1952 (for my older readers). We became afraid or anxious of the energy in the Fall of 1982/Spring 1983. Now, we have an opportunity to move forward into our own unique essence. You have been pushing, pulling, struggling, wiggling, moving toward or away from it since last August. This week, the clues fall into place as you solve the puzzle of you. As Susan Obrant says, “If no one pushed or pulled us, we could be perfect circles instead of stars.” Over the last few months, you’ve been embracing the star you are. Various forces over your lifetime have pushed or pulled you into the shape you are. Those forces created you. Unique, different, and marvelous, there is simply not enough of YOU to go around.
I cannot emphasize how profound the choices and times we will face in our lives over the next week or so will be. Be brave. Go forward toward your dreams. Waste no more energy fighting old, weary, worn battles that sap your energy. Take a stand for what you believe in. Shout aloud to the universe what it is that you want and what you agree to do in exchange. As Kenny Rogers says, “You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when you’re sittin’ at the table. There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done.”
Important to remember is both Saturn and Pluto are stationing at the same degrees for a considerable span of time. Saturn stations April 6. The two big boys of karma are stuck, stuck, stuck, stopped, spinning and grinding their wheels into the mucky mud of your scared parts, shooting dirt and stones behind them as they attempt to break free and move again. Alternatively, perhaps, think of the energies as an enormous cosmic spiked heel grinding into your bare foot! Watch the 4 to 6 degrees in your chart for Saturn’s restructuring influence ~ yes, the North Node is getting a trine suggesting the restructuring is on firm ground, like concrete, rapidly setting to hold your new foundation. Pluto is working, transforming permanently or destroying, the 25 to 27 of all signs.
The midpoints are grinding into the mud and the cosmic spike heel into your foot as they are not moving either! They are feeling extra tension and are quite profound. The Saturn/Uranus midpoint is sitting smack dab on 23 Taurus ~ exploding, collapsing and restructuring the situation from 1982/83, May 2000, and the issues we struggled with since last fall. Remember, Mars wandered back and forth over fall 2005’s Finger of God, echoing Chiron’s position in a similar Finger of God in 1982/83? Mars stationed on 23 Taurus at the end of September and beginning of October. The Bull/Matador and Medusa/Perseus imagery will be dancing, singing and completely alive again. NOW we find out WHAT it all was for, WHY we experienced it and the PURPOSE of the events. It all falls down! The egg breaks! Humpty Dumpty can’t be put back together again. Uranus /Pluto midpoint at four Aquarius suggests the changes are inevitable, quite permanent and final. Saturn/Chiron is at six Taurus saying the structure of the wound will be integrated into your being to help fuel your future work, loves and life. Saturn/Pluto’s midpoint sits at 15 Libra just riding, digging into and delving into all things 14 to 16.
The FABULOUS part is Saturn and Pluto have a biquintile aspect of brilliant change, as do Uranus and Saturn. When I read for clients, I will discuss how the planets in their chart describe their “job” or “work” for this lifetime. I am, after all, a Virgo! We have a karmic destiny, described by our chart and our aspects. Earth School appears to be set up, at least to my analytical eyes, as we arrive here to first experience the “negative” side of our chart. When we are ‘little’, the world happens TO us, (or at least we think it does). It makes us afraid of doing our work, nervous about our Saturn, fearful of our karma. Once burned, twice shy. Hey, we are not stupid! Our Saturn lessons can be QUITE painful! As conscious beings, we REMEMBER our hurts, ouches, spills, bruises and bumps. AND, if we look at the “positive” side of our Saturn experiences and lessons, they describe all sorts of things we’ve learned to integrate into our soul‘s understanding of the world. We master our lessons to go on to teach our skills to other folks.
The biquintile aspects of brilliant change in Saturn, Pluto and Uranus indicate we will come to an intrinsic understanding of our karmic destiny during the week ahead. We will learn to embrace our Saturn, our karma, no longer fear, shun or run from our destiny. We will willingly move toward our Saturn. CONSCIOUSLY WORK WITH YOUR SATURN! When we act consciously around things we fear or worry about most, we are doing our SATURN. Saturn is not doing anything TO US. Saturn is exposing us to our destiny, our agreement, our karma and our work. I hope that a positive version of your Saturn will appear in your life in the weeks ahead. We have all been working on our Saturn issues very, very diligently (Well, at least I think I have been!). If, Saturn happens to bring a “negative” version of your destiny, well, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and shout out to Saturn, “Hey, thanks for the lesson! It was a profound learning experience! I finally GET it! I know, I know, it IS about time! I am ready to work with you now. Let‘s get busy!”
The next two weeks are entirely about the new moon eclipse, Pluto and Saturn stations. Look at the time as a brand new beginning for the rest of your life. You might not be able to DO anything of a physical nature. Simply be crystal clear in your intentions, your heart, your hopes, your visions, and your dreams. It will be comparable to how our lives and vision of the world changed after the events of 9-11. Back then, fear was abundant as Saturn and Pluto opposed each other. Now, as they bi-quintile each other, we come to understand how fear can make us do stupid, stupid things to “protect” ourselves from our own lessons, actions, behaviors and agreements with karma and the universe.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are all about the new moon eclipse and Pluto station. Endings, endings, endings and more endings. Moon in Pisces aspects Uranus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto. Many endings! Wednesday, the new moon on the north node of Aries, trined by Saturn and our Pluto station pivot, propel and launch us into a new reality. Wrapped in all those endings are beginnings, beginnings, beginnings and more beginnings.
Tuesday has a long void moon so do not get your knickers in knots about what happens today. The entire point is to move you along on your path. You cannot fix it or change it. You have to move on now.
Thursday, we get a brief rest as Sun quintiles Mars bringing us life changing clarity about our purpose, the dual nature of being, the dark and light, the shadowy and illuminated aspects. Remember to keep breathing. There is a long void moon in Aries so the desire to take action will be prominent. Again, action is futile because the universe is moving us forward to a new reality.
Friday, Taurus moon stabilizes all the changes. Good old reliable Taurus will ground us. The moon is also going to trigger the USA eclipse ascendant in a sextile suggesting positive reforms or movements towards a new reality.
Saturday there is a long void moon in Taurus before she enters Gemini so enjoy, embrace and exalt in your physical being and your life. The universe gave you a day off!
Sunday, use Gemini moon to record your impressions, knowledge, ideas and wisdom. What have you learned since last August? What do you know now that you did not know before? What did you discover during your marvelous journey here on Planet Earth? Take advantage of Mars’ biquintile aspect to Jupiter to record for YOU what you worked so hard to figure out. Now, perhaps no one will ever read it or see it but YOU figured it out. That is the important part!
Mundane: Dick Cheney’s and George Bush’s charts are exceptionally activated by the planetary and midpoints stations discussed above. I anticipate major changes in the political arena of our country. Echoes of fall when the initial indictments in the Valerie Plame outing occurred as well as fierce arguments going on behind the scenes between the administration, military and various intelligence communities will appear. I also would not rule out possible health issues ~ drug, alcohol or mental in the case of Mr. Bush and physical in the case of Mr. Cheney. President Bush is SUPPOSED to be a spiritual warrior, on the order of the Dali Lama, bringing a Neptunian message of peace, spirituality, community and prosperity to all beings, not drinking, drugging, lying or avoiding the consequences of his behaviors. Yes, he has a charmed chart! He is supposed to use those charms, forces and gifts of his for GOOD, not evil. Vice President Cheney is SUPPOSED to transform the earth, care for and nurture it, not spread depleted uranium around Iraq poisoning her citizens, maiming our soldiers, killing and plundering Mom Earth‘s resources and grasping power and money for himself to avoid losing control, power or escape the fact that he is going to die. As the bad frat boy administration in charge of all things USA are doing the opposite of what they are supposed to be doing, the nodal Aries eclipse delivering their karmic results is going to be interesting! Watching the boys for the past five years, it does not look, at least to me, as if they figured out their destinies. Yes; I realize I am being judgmental! My Pisces Moon is arguing with my Virgo Sun, right now as I type, asking who am I to judge how the boys fulfill their charts‘ karma? George seems to be using (illegal?) Neptunian substances again. Dick is killing Mom Earth’s creatures (captive quails, Iraqis, Americans, kids, and people) for fun only to go shoot his good friend in the face. Hey, we are all in this world together! Of course, perhaps Dick and George exist so the REST OF US will stand up and say we are not going to take it any more. Hmmmmm.
Bird Flu: I’ve been thinking and dreaming the past days and nights. Ancient civilizations and dynasties ~ Egyptian, Russian, Incan, Mayan, Indian, Roman, Greek, Ming, British, Easter Island, Dinosaurs, Do-do birds and Ottomans ~ rise, peak and fall away. Who am I to think that our times (or I) should be any different? Just because my Saturn in Scorpio does not like endings, endings DO herald new beginnings. Provided, of course, I pay attention to brand new beginnings instead of watching out for endings all the time! Don’t you just love astrology?
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee