Weekly Weather March 20, 2006 to March 26, 2006

Weekly Weather March 20, 2006 to March 26, 2006
Well, we got through one of the eclipses, the exceptionally emotional one! Now we are in the middle space, the waiting place, or the eye of the eclipse hurricane before the next part comes rushing into our lives. The next is a new moon eclipse, on the north node of your destiny, the cardinal sign of Aries, heralding new life, springtime, jumping off, and going for what you want. It will inaugurate the beginning of the next chapter of your life. The eclipse in two weeks is what we’ve been working towards since last fall when the whole world seemed to pause and get caught in a cosmic traffic jam. Well, actually we’ve been working on issues around the new moon eclipse AND Saturn’s station. Saturn, our dear life structuring pal, turns direct on April 6. We don’t want to forget about Saturn…
Our week ahead is a juicy week! Oodles of aspects! We figure out all sorts of cool stuff. You might argue with me that it isn’t cool stuff at all; in fact some of it is quite, even extraordinarily, painful. However, IF we look at the cool/ouchy stuff you’ll figure out it isn’t about you! Yes, you were involved. Yes, you participated. Yes, you got sucked into the drama. However, IT ISN’T ABOUT YOU. It happened to feed your OUTGROWN beliefs formed back in 1982/83. It happened to reflect your worst fears about yourself. It echoed your Saturn‘s issues. You’ve been looking at your highlighted parts, not your unhighlighted parts. You’ve been ignoring your white parts! This week, the universe is going to ask you to read your white parts OUT LOUD and discuss them with others. You MAY even have to read your highlighted parts, the ones you are kind of ashamed of, embarrassed about or fearful of, OUT LOUD. You are going to have to say, clearly, directly and to the world, “I AM SO”. Being SO is who you are. You are SO! What of it? That is how you are, who you are, what you are! What is SO wrong with being SO? It IS your reality! Damn it; be proud of SO for a change! Put SO on your bumper sticker. Embrace SO. Go for SO. The reason you exist is SO the thing you are SO ambivalent about ~ your SO ~ has a voice, purpose, source and place in our world. Be SO with every cell in your being! Full steam ahead. You are SO! And, a simply fabulous SO, I might add! Say it out loud. SO, SO, SO, SO.
Actually, I have a great idea. Soldiers get medals for bravery, which they wear proudly displayed on their chests. Their medals let everyone know what they did, once upon a time, and how very brave they were. Medals are awarded by their authority figures, their Saturn’s, after the soldier has come through, scathed or unscathed, scarred or mark free, a battle for their very life, soul and being. I want you to create a medal about your SO. Over the next three weeks, you are going to find out that you’ve earned your SO medal! You’ve been earning it since last fall by being brave. I want your SO medal waiting to be awarded by Saturn when he goes direct. Put your SO medal in your pocket. Carry it around. You’ve been showing up for SO, doing your SO work, figuring out you are SO. Be your Saturn. Be your SO. Award that SO medal to yourself. You did it. It is your battlefield actions that count, not the nice ceremony when you are all cleaned up in a fresh uniform with shiny shoes on a breezy spring day.
Our week ahead has Sun entering the sign of Aries, heralding spring, with the promise of new beginnings on Monday. Sun is in a fabulous grand fire trine with Saturn in Leo and Moon in Sagittarius signaling extra energy for the beginning of your brave new journey featuring inspiration, creativity, love and passion. Friday, Sun joins the North node. Saturday, Mercury stations and goes direct. Sunday, Venus joins with Neptune. Remember “joins with” often means “ends” take place right before the joins with. We focus on our endings and so completely miss our new beginnings (Well, at least I do, but I have Saturn in Scorpio! That is my SO! I do notice the endings.). Mars in mutable, crazy, ambivalent Gemini is a busy bee, like a pinball bouncing all over the place, chatting up the North node, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Venus. Our cosmic pinball machine is VERY active all week. The moon is in a waning approach headed straight for our new moon eclipse. Pluto is stationing on the day of the new moon eclipse! Life as you know it will be altered, probably irrevocably, in the weeks ahead. It is okay. You’ve earned your medal for bravery and showing up. You did it. You figured it out. You evolved. Your life will be richer for it. We have to get through the next few weeks for you to see how much you‘ve changed, grown and evolved. Touch your medal for bravery if you are feeling scared!
Monday, Sun enters Aries as he trines Saturn in Leo and Moon in Sagittarius at 1:26 pm EST. It is a moment of perfect balance on earth as the Sun crosses the equator to start his northern journey. Put an egg or two on a table to watch how they stand up all by themselves for the few moments Sun and Earth are in cosmic harmony. Commit your soul to moving toward your dreams, passion, creative nature and love. A reader sent a Rumi quote “Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” Mars quintile aspect to the North node suggests if you listen you will feel the stronger pull of what you really love. Watch those eggs slowly fall as the Sun silently moves past the equator and gravity exerts a pull of love tipping your eggs over.
Tuesday, features a fight or argument about money, your value or with a detached, cool, observant woman. Touch your medal. You are SO.
Wednesday, Chiron, is getting into it with Juno and Pallas by contraparallel. You are SO!!! And what of it? Call a supportive friend to pat you on the back, buck you up and send you back into get what you want or deserve. Yes, it IS worth fighting for. Or at least ASKING for. Touch your medal if you need to.
Thursday, Wow, you got what you asked for as Mercury sextiles Pallas. Or some version of it. See? You have to ask. And keep asking. And if the person in front of you can’t do it, then ask someone else. Keep asking. You’ve been asking people who can’t give it to you. You believed THEY were the only source. Well, they are not. Go ask other people. Go find other sources. They will help.
Friday there are quite a few stressful aspects that don’t have an outlet. Kind of a cranky, irritable, confused, and teary sort of day. Maybe throw your clothes all over your bedroom or trash your stuff or break plates or throw it out? It is that kind of day. Avoid guns and weapons. Temper tantrums abound. You have to get the stress out of your body and being. So does everyone else. Fights, fights, fights. However, Sun is conjunct and parallel to the North Node so it does move energy forward, even if it is a bit messy.
Saturday with a flip of your hair, a toss of your head and a flounce in your step, pivot, head up, shoulders down, stand sraight and tall, chest out and proud, march TOWARD what you want and AWAY from what is frustrating you so much as Sun trines Saturn. Venus squares Jupiter so you might trip during your grand exit. Or be tempted to indulge and binge on something fabulous or naughty or expensive or delicious. Or get raptured and positively loopy over nature, music, sex, joy and beauty with Mars trining Neptune. Mercury’s station today suggests it all starts to shift.
Sunday, think about how much fun you had yesterday. Yes, you want more of that in your life. So go for it. Mars will tell you that Saturn says “No, you can’t” but who is Saturn to say “No” any way? He’s acting like the negative version of your SO is all that there is. Yes, your SO has a negative version but it also has a positive side, an unhighlighted side, a white part. Saturn has a positive face. Heck, we found out last week Saturn even has water on one of his moons. Who knew? Next he’s going to be giving out hugs! If you do your Saturn, both sides of it now, and embrace your SO (like you secretly, deep in your heart, actually want to) with a full on hug, it will be fabulous. Simply fabulous. Yes, it is that easy. A full on Hug for Saturn. Be SO. Watch your Saturn squirm a bit. He liked the hug. You know and I know, Saturn is proud of you. And that was pretty easy wasn‘t it?!
Is that all there is to this whole thing? This whole stupid traffic jam and frustration and difficulty and angst? Yes! However, if I told you that all you had to do was hug your Saturn back last fall you wouldn’t have believed me. You would have argued with me about the why not, you can’t, it is not possible, or they won’t let me etc. etc. You had to live it. You had to live through it. You had to be frustrated enough to give yourself permission to have more, give yourself room to change, give yourself an okey dokey to be SO. That is the way it goes down here on Earth School. Now that you’ve figured it out, you get to go teach the SO lesson to others. That is the NEXT chapter. But, in the meantime, you’ve earned the medal sitting in your pocket. Pin it on your chest and wear it proudly! You done good!
As my friend Sean said, “We fear that wild within ourselves, but out of it comes limitless possibilities…”
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee