Weekly Weather September 4, 2006

Weekly Weather Sept 4, 2006

The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here! Pluto stations Tuesday ~ the icy planet, Lord of the Underworld stops moving backwards and begins to go forward again. I am NOT calling him a dwarf! In addition, Sun, our vision of self and ego argues in a face off with Uranus the change and chaos agent sending lightening bolts of clarity, insight, separation or explosions of anger into our life. Add Mars entering Libra, one of his least favorite signs, to become passive aggressive and dependent on and in his relationships instead of operating freely and directly as he prefers to. Mars enters Libra right after Venus enters the sign of HER fall in critical, meticulous, fussy and detail loving Virgo. So let’s see ~ Mars in his detriment ruled by Venus in her fall ~ going to be nasty time in relationship land ~ the world feels critical and picky about virtually everything. Mercury is NOT in the mood to be personable as he is approaching a square to Pluto. Mercury’s been compiling a list of all the things you (or they) have done to offend, antagonize and irritate they (or you). Mercury’s going to tell you/them the VERY LONG list or read them/you the riot act before Saturday!

It is going to seem as if the entire world is having a nervous breakdown, combined with anxiety attacks, exhausted, frustrated, critical, cranky, PMS bitchy complaining, overworked, undervalued about an inability to get what we, they, you, he, she or it wants. You can’t win if you seek to fight and conquer ~ it is “losing” or releasing energy as the eclipse seek to culminate, release or lance the boiling energy of the emotional buildup from the last few weeks. You are not going to get it if you sit whining and complaining about how sucky your world is. Please remember, the last two weeks and this week will be lumped into that memory called “the end of the summer 2006” and packed away in a suitcase locked in your attic. The full moon eclipse coming right on the tail of last week’s Mars Pluto square and the first Saturn Neptune opposition takes the exhaustion from the last few weeks and mixes it with a heightened sense of emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical need for comfort combined with a soul level exhaustion.

In English, that means be kind to you. Be kind to others. You and the entire world are going to feel exceptionally on the edge as the full moon eclipse approaches. Watch out as your (and their) bad old behaviors will seek to surface ~ smoking, drinking, drugging, cutting, sexing, buying, throwing up, fighting, gambling, shouting, screaming, crying, and depression. Make sure to employ your skills about taking care of yourself. Go to AA Meetings. Get a massage. Give yourself a break. Rent a sad movie that makes you cry to have a good one. Go to Weight Watchers. Leave your credit cards home. The problem we are seeking to clear is a regressive one ~ very deeply embedded in our souls. The problem is seeking a release ~ I want you to support its release and FACILITATE the transformation in a KIND and SUPPORTIVE way! You will want to sugar binge. However, you know that sugar binging makes it worse! So go and find another way to release the energy. Be a hospice nurse to the part of your life that is trying to leave.

Maybe you can start by simply acknowledging and recognizing the situation that hurts so much? All those bad old behaviors of yours are masks, covers or self-medication for NOT recognizing the issues or situations when you were younger. You are so much wiser now! It is tied back to that 1982/83 story. It is tied to your fear, anxiety and relationship to loss, not having or not being enough. It is tied to your Saturn story. It is tied to what you started back in May of 2000, tentatively, but with hope in your heart. It has a repeat energy in the story from all last year so you could watch it from another perspective to learn to see it clearly. It has a relationship with you. It wants you to give yourself permission to find and stand in your own truth, wherever, how ever, who ever or what ever you see your truth or path as being. It is about giving yourself permission to pursue your heart‘s desire, bravely and boldly.

Now, is your Road to Damascus moment! The lightening bolt of realization hits this week and pulses, ebbs, flows, leaks out of you over the next two weeks as the moon ebbs to new and starts up with our second eclipse, a new moon at the last degrees of Virgo and Pisces. The trees or structures in your life are starting to shift and morph into new forms before your very eyes. Beliefs you had about yourself are in the process of changing. You are right where you are supposed to be if you could see your life from the perspective of 20 years from now. Support them, support you, encourage them, encourage you, and whisper to them in your dreams at night. Help those beliefs turn shiny and bright. Polish them up like tarnished old silver! They want to pour out the dreams of your heart into the world!

How do you help that ebbing flowing process along as the universe seeks to release the energy? How do you support yourself over the next few weeks as structures that seem impenetrable fall apart before your eyes? Do your Saturn as much as you possibly can. Do your Saturn.

For example, I have Saturn in Scorpio in the Eighth house ~ trouble with endings, problems with boundaries, difficulty letting stuff go and with merging without a contract saying, “how it is going to turn out”. So, for the past few weeks, I’ve created an ENORMOUS mess in my bedroom (a Scorpio place) as I’ve been ruthlessly (for me) throwing away “stuff”, releasing old clothes that don‘t fit or match ‘me’ any more including all those expensive corporate gal business suits which astrologers don’t wear when they sit writing at their computer, teaching classes or doing readings over the phone. I am creating a huge pile of stuff to sell on eBay, designating things for Good Will, wheeling stuff to Housing Works, shredding papers, pitching old tax receipts and my former life computer client files, programming in BASIC books and techniques from the 1980s and 1990s. Honestly, am I EVER going to program computers again? Can I let go of that UNIX manual and the software from my 1982 computer? I am scanning things I feel I can‘t quite part with yet into my computer ~ all my astrology notebooks, Mountain Astrologers and Horoscope magazines! All in an effort to support my Scorpio Saturn and transition into a new phase of my life. Back in May of 2000, I knew my “corporate career” no longer fit me. I was an astrologer. In 1982/83, I had a major fear experience and loss tied to my “gift” for noticing how things tie together and were related before other folks did ~ call it programming skills, correlation/ pattern recognition, cycle awareness, the knee bone is connected to the hip bone, repetition or understanding of the natural ebb and flow of life‘s forces. Or call it Saturn in Scorpio. Must do our Saturn!

So go DO the supportive, fun and interesting parts of your Saturn over the next three week as the moon fades to new and we approach our second eclipse. I imagine you will find it easier than you ever thought possible. Shout out to Saturn that you are paying attention. Say, “Hey, I am doing my Saturn job in the cosmos!” You are ready to roll and Saturnize your world. Support others as they struggle to do their Saturn. Suggest “easy Saturn” tasks to everyone you know. Give that old structural Saturn tree a helpful push to get it started on it’s Neptune journey to dissolving. Or perhaps get a chain saw out (a cross cut paper shredder in my case!) to cut the dead tree or dying branches off and into fire wood logs for the upcoming winter.

Moreover, EVERY TIME you want to turn to your “bad old behaviors”, (unless you want to get into a bidding war on my eBay stuff!), do your Saturn instead! Work
on your dreams from May of 2
000. Believe you can have it. Release the fears from 1982/83. Do your Saturn. Do your Saturn. Do your Saturn. Forward we go into a difficult period on our beloved earth. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Do your Saturn.

Monday, Pluto stations. He is squaring the Karmic Nodes after he finished getting a solid push during his argument with Mars last week. (and renamed a Dwarf Planet by a bunch of Mars guys!) Expect a rebound. You don’t push the Lord of the Underworld without a bit of backlash on his part. Later this week, Mercury catches up to Pluto, bringing news of a loss or change coming into your life. Pluto stations often correspond to major shifts or transitions in our lives and to large, cataclysmic events of nature in our world ~ earthquakes, volcanoes and the like. Mercury has aspects to Vesta, Uranus and Ceres indicating news about changes to the home, hearth and mother energies in your life. The moon is void most of the day so not a lot gets accomplished ~ after all it is Labor Day in the USA. End of summer, back to work and school next week!

Tuesday, Sun opposes Uranus as Mercury forms a harsh aspect with Neptune. The Moon is in Aquarius so emotions are detached, cool, cold and perhaps a bit cruel. The energy suggests you see something quite clearly that you had not seen before ~ or maybe you had seen it but not completely understood it. You “get it” with this configuration, in a detached, observant manner. Think of it as putting together all the clues you have been getting for a while and understanding what the clues actually mean. Prometheus brought fire to Mankind. Fire is a good and bad thing. Contained it is nice. Wild and free it can be very destructive. Fire burns and it illuminates. Fire transforms things as it sets them alight. Part is the creation of fire and parcel is the destruction of fire. Lightening and fire help, you see your world in a different way even as it might scare you a bit. It is that transformative kind of energy. If you CAN take the fire energy of illumination and DO something with it ~ please do! Even if it is only noting your illumination down on a scrap of paper in your purse. Pull and tug at the fire knowledge that comes today to get to the heart, creative vision and heat of it.

Wednesday, Venus enters Virgo to notice the obvious flaws even as Mercury wants to close his eyes and not look. Sun sextiles Jupiter so if the light or picture or illumination is NOT what you wanted to see take a moment to feel the heat of the fire on your face. Know that you are safe. By seeing it and feeling the heat of transformation on your face, the process of the alchemical change, burning away or evolution is almost over, nearly finished, virtually complete. Moon in Pisces reflects the ending energy of all sorts of cycles as we approach tomorrow’s full moon eclipse.

Thursday, Mercury has a crabby aspect to Chiron as the Full moon forms in our sky near the karmic nodes. Please read my full moon report on this site for more information about the eclipse energy and suggestions on how to use it wisely. It is an exceptionally powerful pulse in our world. The eclipse pulls in Mars, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto with the Full Moon on the nodes. Eclipses are extra special lunations as they occur near or on the nodes of our evolution ~ eclipses propel us with extra energy toward our purpose as human beings in the world. Evolution can hurt at times. This time it might. Be aware of your choices and options as you DO have choices and options, even if they might NOT be obvious to you at first. So much energy is flying around you can hop onto just about any planet you want to. Personally, I suggest you hop onto and do your Saturn. I know I am going to shred LOTS of paper that day!

Friday, Mars moves into Libra leaving behind the official energy of Virgo. However as he is now ruled by Venus in Virgo, so he takes on a more passive aggressive cast to his criticism. It is STILL about doing the work. Just do the work. Tweak, tweak, twitch, tweak, twiddle, Nope, it is not going to be perfect. Do the work. Good enough will have to do (for now any way). Participate in the process. The tendency with all this energy flying around is for critical words to fly. Yep, you are NOT perfect. Neither are they. Nor are any of you supposed to be perfect! It ain’t a perfect world. Good enough will have to do. That is all, that is it, finished, thank you, on to the next task. Just do your work. Do your Saturn. As you do your Saturn, you might reflect back to 1982/83 and realize that you have figured it out. At least some of it. Just take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back. You done good! There is a decent sized Void moon today before the moon enters the sign of Aries seeking to take passionate action.

Saturday, Uranus opposes Juno and Mercury squares Pluto. You might have gotten your walking papers yesterday or today. It is a great couple of days for firing folks, quitting, asking for a divorce, making separation or ending announcements, getting rid of stuff, relationships or people. On some level you have known it was coming. On another level, you do not want it to take place. Buck up. Must let it go so the new can come in. If you are the firer ~ quick, nice and neat please. No long speeches or dramas. If you are the fired, it is NOT negotiable. Bigger and better await you. Just leave. No dramas or academy award speeches. Just roll on to your next adventure. Facilitate the separating process by getting rid of stuff you do not need. Recycle, reuse, repair or replace. Clean those closets and desk drawers out.

Sunday Mercury drops into the South Node of Virgo as difficult aspects take place between Venus to Chiron and the Sun to Neptune. I do not care how much you “KNEW” it was coming, looked at the inevitability of it, felt the energy shifting, or observed it from an astrological perspective. Today it hurts as you realize you can‘t go back. All your fears, anxieties, and woes will be prone to surface. Please be extra kind to you today. Do not over book, give yourself a day to regroup and regenerate and relax. Stay in bed with a romance novel and tea. Avoid bad old behaviors (unless you are bidding on my stuff on eBay). Be gentle with all you meet. It is a “sore boo-boo” to the heart kind of day. Take care of you, you are all you have.

Mundane: The MC/IC Pluto line runs east of the Mississippi river in North America and off the west coast of South America, Burma, China and along the Indian Ocean’s line of 2005’s Tsunami. The Ascendant/Descendant Pluto heads along the bottom of Alaska, across Canada, Greenland, New Zealand, Western Africa, Portugal and the Fiji Islands. We can expect activity in these areas of the world as the Pluto station and eclipses work together with Saturn opposed Neptune and square to Jupiter to bring changes to the physical structures. The Saturn Neptune MC/IC line runs through eastern Australia and Greenland so expect structural changes in these areas of the world.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee