Weekly Weather August 28, 2006

Weekly Weather August 28, 2006 

The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!
We are in orb of a powerful set of eclipses which arrive in September. The two weeks approaching the eclipses count so start counting from last week’s new moon at 0 Virgo. Additionally, Pluto is slowing to stall on the point of his station going direct on September 4, 2006, which deeply, succinctly and transformationally squares the karmic nodes of destiny. Pluto’s stirring up all sorts of stories from last December as he stops ~ you can learn important things from that time if you pay attention. Now that Pluto’s been demoted to a dwarf planet, he’s going to stomp about and let us know he still is a player. Heck, he was going to stomp about anyway but I imagine he’s a touch more cranky due to his recent loss in rank. Fool with the Lord the Underworld will you? Kind of like spitting in Darth Vader’s face….

Think of last week, this week and next week as a trilogy of time in your life. The three weeks are linked, working together as a team and will be very hard to separate out your mind in the future ~ it will be referred to as “the end of the Summer of 2006”. Last week and this week you are going to find out about the Tree, or Trees, in the Forest of your life that you can’t imagine not being there but that will probably be leaving your Forest soon. Even huge, enormous, glorious and wonderful trees have a natural lifespan and time of existence. The Tree in your life is getting ready to tip over and to not exist in the same form it used to. That tree will still have a bunch of work to do though ~ trees tip over and take a very long time to leave our memory or the forest’s ground. In the meantime, tipped over trees provide nutrients and support for all the other living plants and beings in the forest. Now the tree might NOT tip over in the next week or two but you WILL find out there IS a tree that has a pretty big problem or is thinking about leaving the forest.
Now, there are two roles in the Tree in the Forest story. First, let’s say, you are the Tree! Your structures are about to dissolve and go away. Your job of 14 ½ years disappears, fires or fails to renew your contract. Your marriage ends. Your child grows up and leaves for college. You sell your home of 30 years. You get the idea. Essentially, the change is happening with or to you. Structurally, your life is undergoing change, shifting or redesigning itself seemingly right in front of you. You can’t imagine the structure or the tree not being there any more. But the structure is leaving, changing, evolving. Time moves on. You will be okay. You have to support the process and work with the energy of the leaving tree as constructively and helpfully as you can. Some times you are going to be Neptune ~ dissolving in tears and feeling sad. Other times you are going to be Saturn ~ doing your work during the process of the tree dying and decaying in your Forest. Both Neptune and Saturn are important to the process of the tree’s transition and will continue until next June. Saturn is the structure and seemingly immoveable object as Neptune is the dissolving and decaying as well as the vision of a new life.

OR, you are one of the tiny plants in the Forest watching the big tree tip over and fall onto the earth. You’ve been struggling to get enough air, water and nutrients as that big old tree is sucking up everything with its extensive root system. The old tree near you gives out one day. It simply tips over. A huge crash is heard. The entire forest is shocked and awed and awash in gossip such as “Did you hear about that Big Oak Tree that tipped over? Oh My! oh my goodness, whatever will happen now?” In THIS particular Forest, you are not planted or root bound. I am encouraging you to pay attention and be EXCEPTIONALLY opportunistic about the situation of the tree falling. I want you picking up your cute little roots with your twigs and dancing over to a fabulous spot in the clearing to get good position, bunches of nutrients and glorious sunshine.  Remember you can run! Move your butt. Even if the tree crashes a few blocks away, Move Your Butt. You are aware a tree is going to fall. Take advantage of it! You can get a great new position or spot in the sun. Trees don’t tip over in the Forest very often, particularly such big trees! It isn’t called a “big break” for no reason. You have to be ready to move and get your cute little trunk over to the spot you want! I know, I know, it sounds kind of callous and maybe a bit cold of me to say that. However, you are NOT the tree! You are one of the small plants who now get to grow in a new glorious spot. You get to have new cool stuff. Get first dibs on the spot and say what you want when the tree falls. Pay attention, jump out of the way if it falls toward you (you CAN jump out of the way) and move quickly into the spot you want after the tree falls.

I am reminded of a tree falling in my childhood. We lived in a suburban tract house on Smallwood Drive, a lovely U-shaped street with no traffic, friendly neighbors and tons and tons of kids. My parents had 3 children. Every Sunday, after Church, we would “Go Look at Houses.” The houses were never “quite right”. My fixed Leo Sun mother, with a Virgo Venus and Sag Moon, loved, LOVED, loved Smallwood Drive. Our house was almost big enough. We’d refinished the basement. The schools were great. My restless Aries father was itching to move ~ his moon was in Leo joined to Neptune. He captained the looking at houses trips. Time passed. My parents decided to put an addition on the back of the house and make the kitchen and dining room larger, add a family room and add a Master bedroom suite on the second floor. They hired an architect and scheduled a tree guy to come cut down a huge and quite healthy tree in our back yard that “had to go” for the new addition.

My mother drove by a house on East Street and noticed the “For Sale” sign. It was a big, old, rambling, breezy, 1826 farmhouse on 6 acres of land, with a couple of wooden barns, an orchard and a windmill on a busy, busy street. She mentioned it to my father when he got home late on Friday night. He called the realtor. The next morning, the tree guy arrived and started cutting down the tree in the backyard as my parents went to see the East Street house. My father announced, “I want to put a bid in.” before he’d even gotten upstairs. Without a word of discussion with my mother (remember he IS an Aries), it was a done deal! Except of course, she WAS a Leo. They had a grand trine in fire. Suffice to say, there were lots of fights. She had nixed each and every house they’d seen because she wanted to stay on Smallwood Drive. The tree fell in the backyard of Smallwood Drive as he negotiated with the owner of the house. They closed on the East Street house early in October.   
My parents “decorated” East Street as my mother pronounced it too ugly to live in. Now, I was one of the little plants in the forest as that big tree fell in my parent’s world. My mother decided to wall paper every room, sew every drape and paint every piece of wainscoting, sidewalls, trim, window pane and closet interior to postpone moving from Smallwood. Each and every weekend and most weekday nights, my parents went over to East Street to fight, paint and wallpaper. They wallpapered or painted every room in a 19 room farm house. New wall to wall carpeting throughout ~ it was old and cold. Mom sewed all the drapes for the 56 windows in the house. She negotiated a new kitchen as a condition of moving ~ there was no dishwasher in the farm house and a wood burning sto
ve heated the un-insulated k
itchen. Mom was so mad, upset or stressed that she didn’t menstruate for six months and kept going to the doctor every month to see if she was pregnant.

In March, my father finally announced he’d scheduled the movers. My mother cried and cried. The Sun is exalted in Aries and only rules Leo. My aunts came over to pack up EVERYTHING in the Smallwood house to move it lock, stock and barrel into the old farm house on East Street.

The house on East Street ended up being a wonderful home. As one of the small plants in the forest ~ each kid got to choose our new room, colors, wallpaper and rugs. I got my first choice of bedroom, spent hours at the wallpaper store with my mother, and helped sew all the drapes and make the matching blinds. My Virgo Sun quite loved it! The tree falling in my parent’s world was quite full of sunshine, water and nutrients for us kids as we played in the old barns, picked fruit in the orchard, met and made new friends with the neighbors and swam in the pool. We even got a dog, a couple of cats and geese!

In the two weeks ahead, pay attention to the trees getting ready to fall. Additionally, Mars is going to stir up trouble as he’s making a nasty aspect to the Nodes and squaring Pluto as Pluto stations, after being called a dwarf by a bunch of astronomers. Pay attention!! Be alert! Be ready to move if a tree starts coming down towards your head. And, if a tree falls or you notice one starting to tip, position yourself to go for a new patch of sunshine once the tree falls. In all probability you will have BOTH situations ~ trees falling and new patches of sunshine to enjoy ~ in your life. Look to your Saturn/ Neptune midpoint to see where the tree will fall in your life.

Monday, the moon is void in Sagittarius most of the day. There are three fifth harmonic aspects that suggest you hear the creaking of the tree which is about to fall. Sun inconjunct to Chiron says the tree is structurally rotten or decaying inside and about to give way. Expect difficult news in your own and our world today.

Tuesday, Mars squares Pluto. These are just ugly days when the aspects are like this. Moon in Scorpio suggests emotions are running high. There is a tendency to fight and cut your nose off to spite your face. Be cautious and careful with your words. Pay attention. Gather your data. That said, Jupiter trines Uranus suggesting this is a blessing in disguise on many, many levels.  You are ready, they are ready, that tree is going to fall sooner or later. Mercury in harsh aspects to Chiron means the words you hear hurt as you’ll leave a tribe you’ve come to know and at least been comfortable or secure with for a while. Venus in harsh aspect to Neptune provides an difficult and enormous emotional, financial or sad component to the news.

Wednesday, Mercury in harsh aspect to Chiron suggests the realization BEHIND the words true meaning echoes in your soul. Some days are more difficult than others! Athena in stressful aspect to Ceres suggests legal matters or strategies will not be particularly successful and struggles with the body or nurturing energy. I encourage you to be exceptionally kind and nurturing to yourself and to do things that nurture your soul today. The moon makes harsh aspects to Saturn, Neptune and Venus suggesting you might a quiet place to cry or wail to your heart’s content.

Thursday, the tree can actually fall as Saturn opposes Neptune for pass one. If the tree doesn’t hit the ground today, know that it is probably mortally wounded on a very profound level. You need to make plans for the inevitability of change regarding the tree in your very near future. Mars opposes the North Node suggesting the decision is final or it will be once enough time has passed to take action. You must or should take action as you need to or can. Be careful in your choice of words as all will be particularly sensitive today. Uranus opposes Vesta suggesting sorrow about a separation from home and hearth that will never be quite the same again.

Friday, the Sun joins with Mercury setting off last fall’s points yet again. Oh yes, the past can return ~ Say hello to last October! Mercury joins with Juno saying you need to be SPECIFIC about what you want to create. Venus trines Pluto indicating you can get what you want. Get ready to hop your little trunk over to the sunshine if opportunity knocks. Quickly! The king is dead. Long live the king.

Saturday, Sun joins with Juno as Venus argues with the nodes. I always thought it was kind of harsh when they would say, “The king is dead. Long live the king.”  That is today’s and most of next week’s energy. When the big king tips over or starts to lean, all sorts of folks scramble for new positions. Next week, will come numerous changes that the last two weeks started due to the falling of the tree or decline of the king. The eclipses in September and the Pluto station will bring to light all the hidden power struggles and underlying structural power plays that are at work as the king or tree starts to fail. Watch and pay attention. Be ready to move if you need to.

Sunday, Mercury opposes Uranus and sextiles Jupiter ~ expect verbal explosions. Moon in Capricorn suggest keeping your head about you. Stuff that has been buried for a very long time is going to erupt now. Mercury’s aspect to Jupiter in Scorpio says YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION to whatever is said right now! The plans for the next 10 months and possibly the rest of your life are being decided on NOW! Pick your wall paper. What color? Negotiate for your new kitchen. Vote on the swimming pool. You are at the most and possibly your MAXIMUM leverage to get whatever you want if you move swiftly and quickly and clearly ~ everyone is going to be agreeable or stunned or not paying attention because the tree is tipped over. This and the next week are when you want to PUSH, push, PUSH for what you want to create. You know, that thing you’ve been figuring out for the last year or so. ASK!!! At least ask the UNIVERSE if not a specific person who can give it to you. Get it out in the open and say what you want.

Mundane: I generally find these to be particularly difficult weeks. Major news of structural failings in world events, often relate to large natural disasters as the foundations below us literally move ~ earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, collapses ~ you get the idea. The Berlin wall fell, the Russian economy collapsed, the dotcom blew and busted. Institutions or things that we expect to rely on shift beneath us as we, and the world, adjust to a new reality. Be gentle with your self. Back up your computer and know where your important stuff is. California can expect a decent sized quake or at least a major one in the ring of fire in the next week or two. Pay attention and watch out for falling trees.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee