Full Moon September 7 2006

Full moon Eclipse September 7, 2006 at

2:42 p.m. EDT

11:42 a.m. PDT

15:00 Virgo Sun/Pisces Moon

The full moon on September 7, 2006 is actually a lunar eclipse smack dab in the middle of the constellations of Virgo and Pisces. It is going to be a “whopper” of a full moon as the eclipse, comes 2 days after the Pluto station going direct almost exactly square to the nodes of the Moon. Some eclipses are “bigger” than others. This eclipse will be pivotal in your life and our world.

Additionally it is an eclipse with world wide impact as the bigger planets ~ Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter are all in aspect to each other and the tie back into or cluster around the nodal axis. That makes for a lot of energy flying around! Plus, we still have the t-square between Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter high in the heavens causing the “whoosh” when we don’t do our Saturn. And Uranus in Pisces has oodles and oceans of flowing, watery, moving energy due to his trine to Jupiter in Scorpio as Uranus sits right next to that eclipsed Moon in Pisces. I keep getting images of riptides of emotions and feelings pulsing out of the lunation, flowing across the world, propelling via a current of enormous proportions into brand new positions.

Often we humans have an outer planet come and aspect a planet in our natal chart to have a major change occur in our lives. When two outer planets aspect each other, the WORLD has changes in its (and our) lives. For example, the World Trade Center had Saturn Opposite to Pluto. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Russian economy was Saturn Opposite to Neptune.

When ALL of the of the outer planets are in aspect to each other (with a couple of personal planets thrown in for fun), well, we don’t see configurations like this very often at all ~ every few hundred years or so! Right now through next June, all the outer Planets are in aspect to each other or the Nodes of evolution and destiny. When we see THIS level of connection and activity in the heavens between our planetary guides, it reflects major, major, major realignments on our earth, in our lives as well as to our vision of ourselves, our world and our universe.

Well, think about it ~ we’ve just realigned and redefined the frigging SOLAR SYSTEM! I know, I know, quite a few jokes were made about turning Pluto into a dwarf planet. However, when Pluto was discovered, he was correlated to the discovery of the shadow in our psyches, the rise of psychotherapy, the inner unconscious as well as atomic energy ~ the ability to completely destroy ourselves and our planet by pushing a button or two. That is a bunch of important stuff to be in related to! The proverbial “big” deal. Now Pluto’s been demoted? Well, we STILL have the ability to destroy ourselves by pushing a button. And virtually everyone knows the psychological definitions of denial, passive aggression, oedipal complex and regression and shouts them out at each other. All children born after the summer of August 2006 will know a Solar System of 8, not 9, planets with a bunch of other stuff, including dwarf planets Ceres, Pluto and UB313. Thousands of school textbooks, books, planetariums and children’s crib mobiles are obsolete and out of date. The solar system and our world got a bit more complicated as it was changed and dissolved into a new version of “reality”. And, we now have the backlash of the Pluto proponents who want to reverse the new reality and make Pluto back into full fledged planet.

So what does that mean for us as we interpret these profound eclipses? Well, we had a one, two, three of lunations in Virgo/Pisces. First, last month, the new moon was at 0 Virgo/Pisces. Next we had the Saturn/Neptune opposition which happens every 37 years or so and Pluto Station square to the Nodes after getting zapped by Mars on the Virgo South Node. Now we have the full moon eclipse at 15 Virgo/Pisces. Next, we have Mercury in Virgo square to Pluto and on the South Nodes. The September 22, 2006 new moon eclipse at 29 Virgo/Pisces is just hours before the Sun enters Libra and Jupiter squares Neptune. Plus we have, hovering over and pulsing into, the exactness of the month of September lunations and eclipses, the forming trine from Jupiter to Uranus in water, the fixed t-square between Saturn/Jupiter/Neptune and the soon to be felt upcoming fire trine between Saturn and Pluto. Additionally our nodes are beginning a new cycle with the North Node of our earth and our own destiny in Pisces moving backwards through the zodiac.

I want you to read the next few paragraphs a few times and observe the Pluto story as you wander through the months ahead in your life. The solar system was redefined and made more “complicated”. Pluto’s energy of evolution, complications, reclassification and transformation is your guide for how to work with the similar energy that will be appearing in your life. I want you to admit multiple versions of simultaneous reality into your life, your definition of yourself and your life, kind of like the astronomers did with the planets and acknowledging all the other stuff out there flying around influencing our solar system. There is a lot of stuff out there in our solar system! That will be the same as the reality showing up in YOUR world! A lot of stuff that needs to be classified and figured out into new forms and formats.

Our tendency will be to want to be “black and white” ~ Pluto stays a planet because he’s always been a planet. We don’t mess with conventional wisdom. Your life situation is “black and white” because it has always been your life situation. Instead I invite you to carefully evaluate Pluto and your life, to notice the differences, the shadings, the variations, the parts, components and parcels that create it. I want you putting on your VIRGO thinking caps ~ not your Pisces thinking caps. No globalizing your or our solar system‘s reality. No drama of my world is a horrible place, my life sucks and will always suck, forever and ever Amen. Look at the DETAILS of the situations in your life ~ use your Virgo thinking hat! They didn’t say Pluto wasn’t out there or not important or banish him to Siberia. They simply noted that by “their” definition of what a planet is, he gets disqualified as a full fledged planet because his orbit comes inside of Neptune’s orbit. The solar system is only 8 planets, and dwarf planets, asteroids, comets and whatever. I want you doing the same thing with your life ~ reclassify, redraw, revise and work with the definitions you apply to “My life always turns out this way!”

Do you think Pluto CARES? Do you think Pluto CARES what a bunch of silly astronomers call him? Pluto knows WHO he is ~ He’s the Lord of the Underworld for heaven’s sake! I want you doing the same thing in YOUR life ~ no looking at how other people or you yourself might define you, your life, your failures, your successes or what other people call you, define you or want to do to you ~ especially using definitions from the past or saying “ that has how it has always been!” No self selecting the worst possible version of what could happen (or will happen) for the rest of your life as you die alone with your cats sobbing hysterically. Pluto is still out there, stationing, orbiting, moving around his moon Charon and chatting with Neptune and the rest of the planets. Pluto still rules the Underworld and the riches of Earth. Maybe Pluto LIKES to move inside of Neptune’s orbit. Maybe Pluto LIKES getting a tan from the Sun every few decades so he moves closer in to the Sun. Who are a bunch of human astronomers, who never talked to Pluto by the way, who merely observed what he does to draw their OWN conclusions to tell Pluto that he is NOT a PLANET? Do you think Pluto cares? Do you think he’s even NOTICED!?

Apply that same question to your current
situation! I want you to beh
ave like Pluto. Keep orbiting, chatting with Neptune and the rest of the Planets, get closer to the Sun when you want to, do your life and do what YOU want to do. Do not apply other people’s definitions of your behavior to yourself in a limiting way. Do not take what others say personally. Do Not Care what a bunch of silly humans say about you, your life, your habits, and your definition. YOU are in CHARGE of YOUR OWN DEFINITION! Do your Saturn, do your life for heaven‘s sake! Just do your life, your job, and have fun in the world. Do what you want to do. Enough with what everyone else says you are “supposed” to do to be “successful” or “loved” or “cherished” or “not disappointing” or whatever it is that you are finding “wanting” or not meeting some arbitrary criteria established by you and the folks orbiting around in your world. Who cares whether your orbit goes within Neptune’s orbit or not? Who cares whether your life meets some arbitrary criteria imposed by external folks or even by yourself? That doesn‘t mean you are less than or not as important as or of no value!

Take Pluto as your guide and keep doing what you want to do and orbiting what you want to orbit, when you want to and how you want to. The hell with the critics, your inner critic, and all those voices of doom and gloom ~ “Uh-oh, Pluto got demoted! What do you think he’s going to do now that he’s just a dwarf? Oh, Pluto is going to be SOOOO MAD!!! Watch out!” Who cares? As long as you aren’t around when Pluto lets loose, WHO CARES??? And you are smart enough to NOT be around as you are out living your own life. Pluto’s happy or not. And if he isn’t, Pluto will take action to fix it. Trust me on that, he’s Pluto. You are happy or not. If you are not, follow Pluto’s lead and take action to fix it. I want you using Pluto as your guide in the weeks ahead. Who cares? If you want to change it, you can. If you don’t want to change it, you don’t have to change it. Ignore those inner and outer critics judging, praising, condemning, promoting or demoting you.

Now, I will tell you with all the Virgo Energy flying around and hovering near the south node of OBSESSIONS and OVERDOING, the tendency will be to be VERY SELF CRITICAL and SELF DESTRUCTIVE. Your bad old habits want to come back. They will whisper in your ear ~ “See, you ARE a failure ~ come on over here and do some drugs, take a drink, have a smoke, and eat a cake…..” It is after all VIRGO ~ not the most KIND and rather Critical energy. You can, of course, take up your bad old behaviors, IF you WANT TO. However, I would ask you to look at those bad old behaviors as part and parcel of the way you used to protect yourself from the criticisms of the world, your parents, your siblings, your friends and the astronomers observing the behaviors in your life. They all are entitled to their own opinions about your life and behavior. Look at those bad old behaviors, stare at them, directly into their eyes, tell them to go some place else and bother some one else. Or if you DO decide to indulge in your bad old habits, (know that the temptation will be very, Very, VERY Large!), then get you butt into rehab, an AA meeting, Weight Watchers, Debtors Anonymous, confession or whatever helps when you have a moment in a week or so. No downward spiral. No slip sliding away. You know better. Keep doing what you want to do, just like Pluto is. The hell with a bunch of astronomers telling you who you are. The hell with anyone telling you who you are. It is THEIR opinion. Your opinion is the one that matters! You need to be nicer to yourself! No, you are not perfect. But then, NOT a SINGLE person is perfect. Perfection is grossly overrated and that is coming from me, a Virgo Astrologer!

Think for a moment of the great discoveries ~ for eons humans thought the Sun and the Planets traveled around the Earth ~ it sure looked like it! Then a fellow said, Nope, Earth orbits around the Sun. He was right ~ conventional wisdom was changed. For eons, only a few people knew how to read as the printing press simply didn’t exist ~ then it did so history was recorded and no longer oral. Conventional wisdom was changed. For eons, only birds flew ~ then a fellow said, hey I can figure out how to fly too. Now we humans can fly. Conventional wisdom was changed. For eons, humans were created by God in the Garden of Eden and then Darwin arrived and said, “Hey, evolution exists we come from Monkeys!” Conventional wisdom was changed. For eons, we couldn’t run faster than a 4 minute mile ~ then, suddenly, we COULD go faster! (well not all of us but you know what I mean) Conventional wisdom was changed. For eons, the world was thought to be flat ~ then Magellan sailed around it! Conventional wisdom was changed. For eons we looked at the moon and thought it was made of cheese and had a man on it ~ then a couple of people landed on it ~ conventional wisdom was changed.

We are at such a point in your and our world. Conventional Wisdom Wants To Change. What is the conventional wisdom in your life that is going “It always is this way……”? That conventional wisdom is what you and the world wants to change. Or give yourself permission to explore and think about changing. Or not. Or maybe you‘ll try it and see what happens. Give yourself permission to try to change your wisdom. Try it for a couple of weeks or so. Act as if change were possible. Change your conventional wisdom. Your life is at a turning point. Our world is at a turning point. Change in conventional wisdom time!

Of course if you want to believe the Sun and Planets revolve around the earth, or not read or not fly, or evolution doesn’t exist, or 4 minute miles aren’t possible or the world is flat or the moon is made of cheese and has a man in it, that is perfectly okay! Seek to understand what your belief system is. Know what YOUR conventional wisdom is. Walk to California instead of flying! Your choice, your call, your life.

However, know that on our planet and in your world, conventional wisdom is about to change. That is the beauty of astrology. We can tell you by watching the planets conventional wisdom is about to change. We can get you ready to anticipate a MAJOR change! Or at least know a major change is coming. You get to decide if you want to change, how and where and what ~ or not ~ your choice, your call, your life. In the meantime, do your Saturn when you feel overwhelmed! Saturn will ground you and help the whoosh of energy feel a bit less dangerous and overwhelming.


Commentary: ‘A Quiet Moment’ is pictured in which ‘A Creative Individual Experiences The Flow of Inspiration’. The ‘Creative Individual’ can experience rushes of energy, thought and ‘Inspiration’ through finding some ‘Quiet’ time or through meditation.

Oracle: The ‘Flow of Inspiration’ will come if you allow it through and the more creative you allow yourself to be, the more ‘Inspiration’ there will be. Taking time out for things such as meditation, looking at art or the beauty of nature will allow for the peace that’s needed to stop any hurrying thoughts. One’s whole life can be changed, in a ‘Moment’, when the mind is stilled and creative solutions are allowed to come through. You may find that with each idea or ‘Creative Inspiration’ there follows another and another. This is a great time to relax and go with the flow neither fighting against anything nor pushing forward. If things have been hectic in your life and you’re looking for guidance, hope and inspiration, try spending a ‘Quiet Moment’ by yourself and allow your intuition

to come through. This Symbol shows that no matter what the problem, it will be resolved in time spent contemplating it with the right attitude. You may find that answers to questions or situations come when you’re least expecting them, e.g. when you’re in the bath or going for a walk. Negative thoughts can keep one locked in a cycle of negativity. Closed minds and fixed attitudes will not help in this situation. Creative projects that have had difficulty in being started (or completed) may indeed begin to find form. Hold on to any impressions you get and before long you’ll start to see the solution to your problem or situation.

Keywords: Creativity inspired from above. Openness to higher forces and ideals. Realizations. Dreams. Channeling thoughts and feelings. Messages from one’s higher self. Finding solutions. Moments of calm leading to resolutions. Free flowing thoughts. The gift of inspiration. Turning on the tap of creativity. Blockages unblocked.

The Caution: Being too tired to meditate. Choosing to be unaware or to sleep instead of thinking purposefully. Not talking about what needs to be said. Having a lot of ideas that don’t translate into reality. Shutting off from others. Loud voices in the head.

There never was a great soul that did not have some divine inspiration. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Whatever is your best time in the day, give that to communion with God. Hudson Taylor

Inspiration never arrived when you were searching for it. Lisa Alther

Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation. Eileen Caddy

When inspiration does not come, I go for a walk, go to the movie, talk to a friend, let go . . . The muse is bound to return again, especially if I turn my back! Judy Collins

Wonders will never cease. David Garrick

What to do when inspiration doesn’t come: Be careful not to spook, get the wind up, force things into position. You must wait around until the idea comes. John Huston

In life you need either inspiration or desperation. Anthony Robbins


Commentary: ‘Delighted Children Crowd Around the Orangutan Cage in a Zoo’, pictures young people pressing together to observe intriguing and wonderful animals that are unusual to them. They don’t have a chance to see these animals in their everyday life. Grown ‘Orangutans’ are very similar to ‘Children’, they are said to have a similar mental capacity to that of a five year-old. ‘Children’ have great fun watching their antics. The ‘Orangutan’ can also be seen observing the ‘Children’ The responses of wonder and curiosity are obviously evident in the ‘Delighted Children’, but may well be what the ‘ORANGUTAN’ are experiencing, also. The ‘Children’ are watching to see what will happen and they take pleasure in the things they can relate to.

Oracle: This Symbol expresses the desire to relate across gulfs of differences that are very obvious between different species. When we observe the life of an ‘Orangutan’ it is like looking into an evolutionary mirror. We are able to see where we have been, how differently we can relate to the world, and how we have chosen to deal with our environment. It is not a matter of the human species being better; the experience is just different. What one comes to realize is the degree of similarity that is felt. Sometimes people we encounter in life seem to be from a different species (or planet!) and have a totally different perspective of life, leading to completely different ways of acting and reacting. It can, at times, lead to a feeling of separation, but there is value in remaining aware of and appreciating the similarities and common ground along with the differences. There may need to be a “primitive”, or ‘Childlike’ response to this situation. It is by facing the baser instincts that you can realize a fresh, new approach to those you encounter in your life.

Keywords: Karmic confrontations between the creatively integrated and the unevolved. Objects of derision, fascination or worship. Showing off or acting to get a reaction from others. Trying to relate to others that don’t understand. Feeling like one is in a zoo. Observing others. Curiosity. Crowding around. Everyone wanting to have a look. Going by instincts. Television shows such as Jerry Springer. News networks. The media.

The Caution: Egoistic feelings of being better or in a higher state of evolution. Having no place for privacy. Gaping at others. Taunting people. Daring others to do something outrageous or animal-like. Making fun of people because they are different. Responding without any social inhibitions. Building cages. Hiding from view. Fences and barriers. The intrusion of the media (beating up stories). Eliciting sick behavior from others.

There are 193 living species of monkeys and apes. 192 of them are covered with hair. The exception is a naked ape, self-named Homo sapiens. Desmond Morris

The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo. Desmond Morris

I confess freely to you, I could never look long upon a monkey, without very mortifying reflections. William Congreve

Be tolerant of the human race. Your whole family belongs to it – and some of your spouse’s family does too. Anon

I am a creationist; I refuse to believe that I could have evolved from humans. Anon

To be human is to keep rattling the bars of the cage of existence hollering, “What’s it for?” Robert Fulghum

Man must realize his own unimportance before he can appreciate his importance. R. M. Baumgardy

If an animal does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing for the same reason, we call it intelligence. Will Cuppy

If we evolved from the monkeys, why are there still monkeys? Kathleen Madigan

I encourage you to CHANGE the conventional wisdom about your life. Change your view of yourself. Or maybe adjust how you view yourself and know you have a choice about the conventional wisdom you’ve held onto for so long. Embrace the changing energy of the Universe and move toward an evolved, connected, kinder, peaceful, caring and spiritual version of yourself instead of that critical, carping voice that keeps shouting about “Conventional wisdom NEVER CHANGES! My LIFE IS ALWAYS…. I will ALWAYS ….. I will NEVER, ever…..” Agree to examine ALL the data in your life with a fresh eye to see what you see. You might surprise yourself to find your very own conventional wisdom HAS changed, while you weren‘t paying attention..

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee