Weekly Weather September 11 2006

Weekly Weather September 11 2006

We are in the “middle” period between two exceptionally powerful eclipses that are going to be pivotal in your life and our world. As the moon moves through the heavens from a robust full moon waning smaller each day to the new moon eclipse, it decreases in size as it releases less and less light. As a result, the world (and we) will let go of the energy of the full moon eclipse and the past few weeks of tension, anxiety and change. The purpose of eclipses, which are super, duper and charged up lunations, is to help you get “clarity” between emotional or lunar and ego or solar based situations in your life. Take time over the next two weeks to let things, emotions, structures, people, situations and conditions release and move away from your life. Let new things arrive in, if they knock on your door. Assist the process as much as you can. Create room on the shelves and in the closets of your life. There is NEW, waiting to form, after September 22, 2006 and the new moon eclipse moments before the Libra fall ingress.

These are eclipses with world wide impact as the bigger planets ~ Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter are all in aspect to each other and the tie back into or cluster around the nodal axis. Plus, we have the t-square between Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter tightening high in our heavens causing a “whoosh” when we don’t do our Saturn. And Uranus in Pisces has oodles and oceans of flowing, watery, moving energy due to his trine to Jupiter in Scorpio and link to the transformative t-square. Imagine pulsing energy from the eclipse lunation, flowing across the world, propelling via a current of enormous swelling and Piscean energy, seeking to move us all into brand new positions in our lives.

When two outer planets aspect each other in the heavens, the WORLD changes (and our lives do too)! For example, the World Trade Center had Saturn Opposite to Pluto. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Russian economy was when Saturn joined with Neptune.

When ALL FIVE of the outer planets are in aspect to each other, like they are now, well, we don’t see these configurations except for every few hundred years or so! Starting RIGHT NOW, for the next few months (especially) and ultimately completing next June when Saturn opposes Neptune, part three, the FIVE outer Planets are in aspect to each other and the Nodes of evolution and destiny. When we see THIS level of connection and activity in the heavens between our planetary guides, it reflects major, major, major realignments on our earth, in our lives as well as to our vision of ourselves, our world and our universe.

Well, think about it ~ we’ve just realigned and redefined the SOLAR SYSTEM! The solar system got more complicated as “planet reality” was changed (right before our very eyes) into a new version of “cosmos reality”. Now, we’ll have a backlash of the Pluto pals who want to reverse the “new cosmic reality” and make Pluto back into a full fledged planet. As Shelley Ackerman said, “You can call him a radioactive Matzo ball for all I care, He’s still Pluto!” Pluto doesn’t care.

I’ve been reading a great book, “Cosmos and Psyche” by Richard Tarnas. He combines historical events, the evolution of human discoveries, thought, beliefs and consciousness with the archetypes of the planets, their various aspects. We are approaching a turning point in our world similar in size and impact to the Renaissance 500 years ago. Back then, when the printing press was invented, it caused a huge flourishing of creative activity, ideas and thoughts as people were able to learn to read, access the ideas of others, think their own thoughts, process, analyze and subsequently determine their beliefs. The Bible moved from the control of a powerful few, delivered orally, to become accessed by the many. Word of mouth was supplanted by the power of the printed word. I can’t help but think the Internet and our global connections will become a similar phenomenon in our time.

All the Virgo Pisces energy clustered around the releasing south node says “Admit multiple versions of simultaneous reality into your life, your definition of yourself and your life”. Act like the astronomers did with the planets and acknowledge all the other stuff out there flying around influencing your personal eco-system. What will be the new reality showing up in YOUR world? All sorts of stuff needs to be reclassified, adjusted shaped, and figured into new forms and formats. Your conservative tendency will be “black and white” ~ Pluto stays a planet because he’s ALWAY been a planet. You won’t want to mess with “conventional wisdom” or “that‘s the way it always was” or “reality”. Just like the Church didn’t want the Bible published! People might notice inconsistencies if they read the Bible by themselves! Your life situation is only “black and white” because it is YOUR life situation. I invite you to carefully evaluate your life, to notice the differences, the shadings, the variations, the parts, component, inconsistencies and parcels that create it. I want you putting on your VIRGO thinking caps ~ not your Pisces thinking caps. Look at the DETAILS of the situations in your life ~ use your Virgo skills!

Do not apply other people’s definitions to yourself in a limiting way. Do not take what others say personally. Do Not Care. YOU are in CHARGE of YOUR DEFINITION! Do your Saturn, do your life for heaven‘s sake! Just do your Saturn, your love, your job, and have fun in your world. Do what you want to do. Enough with what everyone else says you are “supposed” to do to be “successful” or “loved” or “cherished” or “not disappointing” or whatever it is that you are finding to pick on yourself about. Stop worrying about not meeting an arbitrary criteria established by the folks in your world. Who cares? That doesn‘t mean you are less than or not as important as or of no value! Who cares what others say? If you want to change, you can. If you don’t want to change, you don’t have to change. Ignore the inner and outer critics judging, praising, gossiping, condemning, promoting or demoting you.

Now, I will tell you with all the Virgo Energy flying around and hovering near the south node of OBSESSIONS and OVERDOING, the tendency will be to be VERY SELF CRITICAL, difficult and SELF DESTRUCTIVE, fear based and anxious. With Venus in Virgo ruling all the soon to be Libra planets, we can expect it will keep negative for a bit longer. Going to be tough on earth as people criticize, carp and pick at other folks’ faults. Your bad old habits want to come back. They will whisper in your ear ~ “See, you ARE a failure ~ come on over here and do some drugs, take a drink, have a smoke, and eat a cake…..” It is, after all, VIRGO ~ a rather critical energy on her bad days. You can, of course, take up your bad old behaviors, IF you WANT TO.

However, I would ask you to take another approach with the waning energy of the Virgo eclipse. Do your work. Do your Saturn. Get rid of stuff that doesn’t support you. Set a boundary or three. Get out your critical Virgo eye, or gather a friend with a discerning nature, to pitch all that isn’t perfect, serving you any more or making your world a better place. Clear, clean, release, reuse, recycle, pitch, throw and give away. Once you get a bit of a roll on, release stuff as much as you possibly can as fast as you can for the next couple of weeks. Continue to do your Saturn ~ not your Neptune or your Jupiter as the transiting t-square wakes these planets up in your chart over the next few months. Your bad old behaviors are part and parcel of the way you used to protect yourself, avoid and pad yourself from the criticisms of
the world. Keep doing what y
ou want to do, just like Pluto is. The hell with a bunch of astronomers telling you who you are. The hell with anyone telling you who you are. Your opinion is the one and only opinion that matters!

We are at a point in your and our world where “Conventional Wisdom Wants To Change”. What is the conventional wisdom in your life that is saying “It always is this way and…. “? That conventional wisdom is what wants to change. It changes if you do your Saturn. Try and see what happens. Give yourself permission to do your Saturn, as it will change your conventional wisdom and your world. Do your Saturn, with Gusto, for a couple of weeks. Act as if change were possible. Change your conventional wisdom about yourself. Your life is at a turning point. Our world is at a turning point. Change! Do your Saturn.

Of course, if you want to continue to believe in your conventional wisdom remember that ONCE UPON A TIME, the conventional wisdom was the Sun, stars and Planets revolved around the earth, humans couldn’t fly, evolution didn’t happen, the world is flat and the moon is made of Swiss cheese. Seek to understand WHAT your belief system is. Know what YOUR conventional wisdom is. Understand your conventional wisdom wants to change as the wisdom about the solar system, flying, evolution, a round earth and the moon was rocky with no apparent swiss cheese! Your choice, your call, your life, YOUR WISDOM.

Know that on our planet, conventional wisdom is in the process of changing. That is the beauty of astrology. Astrology can tell you by watching the planets dance that conventional wisdom is about to change. Astrology can get you ready to anticipate a MAJOR change! If you know a major change is coming, you are ready to take advantage of it. Keep doing your Saturn while you wait for the change to arrive. Do your Saturn when you feel overwhelmed! Saturn will ground you and help the “whoosh” of change energy feel a bit less dangerous and overwhelming. Change your view of yourself as you build your Saturn muscles. Embrace the changing energy of the Universe and move toward an evolved, connected, kinder, peaceful, caring and spiritual version of yourself instead of that critical, carping voice that keeps shouting about “Conventional wisdom NEVER CHANGES! My LIFE IS ALWAYS…. I will ALWAYS ….. I will NEVER, ever…..” Examine ALL the data in your life with a fresh eye. You might surprise yourself to find your own conventional wisdom changed, when you weren’t looking.

A few of you wrote asking questions about the Saturn/Neptune Midpoint. A midpoint of any type is where the energies of the two planets meet in the sky and thus in your chart. Even if you DON’T have a Saturn/Neptune aspect, you DO have a Saturn/ Neptune midpoint because we each have Saturn and Neptune in our chart. It is the spot in the heavens (and thus in our chart) where the two energies meet and blend. (Think of them as extending their hands out to link up in the middle point or midpoint where their fingers touch). So if your Saturn is at 10 Aries and your Neptune is at 12 Gemini, your Saturn / Neptune midpoint would be 11 Taurus, halfway between the two planets. Your Saturn/ Neptune point is halfway between your Saturn and Neptune, choosing the “shorter” distance between them. However, you will find that 11 Scorpio is equally sensitive as it is a Saturn Neptune Midpoint too. It is the long way around and exactly opposite the Taurus midpoint. Planets, asteroids, sensitive points or angles that fall on your natal Saturn/ Neptune midpoint are areas of your life that are up for changes in their structure or form. Look to see what house your Saturn/Neptune midpoint falls in to see the area of your life that will be changing structure. Currently in the sky, the TRANSITING Saturn Neptune midpoint is at 18:20 Scorpio and 18:20 Taurus. That is a very sensitive point in your and the world’s chart. So look for both your NATAL Saturn Neptune midpoint as well as where the TRANSITING Saturn Neptune midpoint falls. IF you have a natal Saturn/ Neptune aspect you can expect the changes in the structures of your life to be particularly dramatic and exceptional.

Another way to calculate the Saturn/Neptune midpoint, especially if you can’t see it easily in your chart is to convert your Saturn and Neptune into 360 form, add them together and divide by 2. Then convert the number back into sign format. So if your Saturn is 18 Libra and your Neptune is 10 Gemini they become 198 (180 +18) and 70 (60+10) = 268. Divide 268 by 2 = 134 or 14 Leo back in sign format. Or to repeat the example above in 360 format: 10 Aries and 12 Gemini is 10 plus 72 (60 +12) = 82. Divide by 2 is 41. Subtract 30 into sign format is 11 Taurus.

Our week ahead wants to release as the eclipse pulses energy out into the cosmos. Release, release, release. The moon wanes toward the new moon eclipse at the last degree of Virgo, smaller, smaller, and smaller. Mercury, the ruler of our mind and thoughts leaves critical Virgo to enter peace and balance seeking Libra and join up with Mars to start a new cycle of active creation. The ruler of our heart, dear Venus, seeks to separate from her anxieties, obsessive worries about who, what, where, when, how and why to go with the flow of the universe and change as she pushes off from Uranus in Pisces and swims out to sea. Our egos and definition of ourselves wants to evolve and change as Sun ruler of our solar system squares off with Pluto Lord of the Underworld, who is traveling with a new and revised version of his reality.

Monday the rest of planets in the heavens are quiet as Mercury pushes off from the nodes. However the MOON in Taurus is exceptionally busy, aspecting 6 of the 9 planets. She fills out that lovely t-square of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune and gets Venus and Uranus ready for their emotional face off later in the week and waltzes with the Sun in Virgo to create, create, and create. Moon in Taurus, while exalted, has trouble letting go. Know the Moon needs to let go of her former conventional wisdom ~ others will take up and change, following Moon’s position if she moves to a new position in her beliefs. Let Moon have her way. Let the Conventional Wisdom change.

Tuesday has a pile up of planetary activity, most of it cranky, as Mercury exits Virgo and heads into Libra. Mars, Sun, Mercury, and Juno have squabbling, stressful, irritating arguments with Neptune, Saturn, Ceres, Jupiter, Chiron and Mars. Note: No benefics. Note: No easy aspects. Note: Not much you can do about it. It is one of those days where every one needs to go to their timeout corner and kick their stool legs, thump, thump, thump. Buried in Tuesday is a sense of guidance from Saturn (provided you do your Saturn of course) as he dances with the North Node. And your Solar Vision of who you are will get guidance from Mom Earth if you listen to her whispers about following your unique path in the world. If not, time for you to sit on the time out stool and think about what you did. Are you ready to change your behavior and beliefs about the conventional wisdom?

Wednesday listen to a smart guide, probably a practical woman, about the squared off difficult situation in your life. Listen to her advice. Consider implementing it. Moon in Gemini forms a square with Venus opposite Uranus to send doubley fabulous creative ideas out into the world in a shocking, sparkly kind of way. Drop off stuff at Goodwill! Separate from whatever you don’t want in your life any more. Buh-bye!

Thursday is another cranky day, but not as cranky as Tuesday. More a need a good cry kind of energy ~ a frustrated, sad, alone in the world, feel like a motherless child kind of cry energy. Saturn pushes off from Neptune by declination and brings up echoes of the last week in August. Emotions from then will swim to the surface, unbidden, unasked for and unsought. Fortunately, the moon is void for almost 11 hours that day so you weren‘t supposed to do much more than
feel sad and cry.

Friday Mercury joins with Mars so the feeling that nothing is moving (or ever will move or ever change) starts to shift into a new form and take action.. Mercury has aspects suggesting he’s changing his perception of things. Mars has wanting to take action aspects so pack and clear and move and pitch and throw and change and revise and renew and revisit with a partner. Watch the old conventional wisdom about your life morph into something else.

Saturday Venus opposes Uranus ~ you are on your way. It only is the way it is because you agreed to it being the way it is. Don’t agree! Don’t agree any more. Yes, it IS that simple! Today, as the Sun squares Pluto, there is a consciousness about “Well, THEY make me so….”. It will or can be reframed as “No, you LET them MAKE you. Don’t give them permission to do that any more…” The beauty about the universe is it seeks a balance. Today the universe wants to separate from behaviors that don’t work for it any more. You can use that energy to separate from behaviors that don’t work for YOU any more too. It only is the way it is because you agree to it. Don’t agree anymore. Change.

Sunday, Mars wants you to join with the North Node of where you want to go and take a few steps in that direction. Jupiter invites you to partner with what you’d like to create in your life and start to draw up the plans. Venus helps you create a nest and home that works for you to nurture you in your upcoming life. It really isn’t easy to be a human being. However, if you are gentle with yourself today, you will like who you notice smiling at you in the mirror. No judgment. No criticism. Try a little tenderness.

Mundane: Last week I wrote the Saturn/Neptune line ran through Australia so we could expect a Saturn/Neptune tree to fall in that part of the world. Steve Irwin (Feb 22 1962), a very YOUNG tree in Australia, had a natal Saturn/ Neptune square aspect in his chart. A natal aspect is “stimulated” when an aspect forms between the same planets in the sky. At those times, we can observe an event that fulfills the promise or potential of the natal chart. The current heavenly opposition or fight between Saturn in Leo (the structure of the heart) to Neptune in Aquarius (unusual sea critter with barbs ~ barbs are Uranian as they are prickly, severe and sting) stimulated Mr. Irwin’s natal Saturn in Aquarius (unusual work) squared by Neptune in Scorpio (lack of boundaries around dangerous things, danger from poison, Scorpio things, and the sea). My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family along with enormous gratitude for the lessons he taught us about our world and earth critters. His joy, love and passion for Mom Earth and her creatures will be deeply missed!

Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter form a tightening t-square over the next few months dissolving structures that we’ve come to believe in as the falling trees clear room for new trees, plants and structures to bloom in the forest of our lives. My bird flu obsession is active again so eat your bee propolis! Get rid of as much debt as you can (Jupiter in Scorpio) and move assets into as fixed and stable a form as possible (Saturn in Leo) ~ take your profits and cash out speculative ventures (Neptune in Aquarius) where you can. Refinance to get rid of variable interest rate mortgages. The Saturn Neptune opposition is taking place in the USA second and eighth houses of money, values, skills and debt or money owed to others. The USA Saturn Neptune Midpoint is 3 Libra, on the USA midheaven and square to natal Venus in Cancer, ruler of the midheaven and residing in the seventh house. I am forecasting the USA economy is in for a difficult ride ahead as our debtors, and there are MANY, call their debts (particularly China as the Saturn Neptune line rolls through their country too). We can expect our money to decrease in value, buying power (Neptune in Aquarius in the Second House) and watch interest rates, and our debt inflate. Things, and economies, don’t expand or grow forever ~ we are due for a significant correction. The next two Saturn Neptune oppositions roll through the USA ~ middle of the country down the Mississippi River and a bit further west, through Denver and New Mexico on February 28, 2007 and June 25, 2007 respectively.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee