Weekly Weather May 28, 2007

Weekly Weather May 28, 2007

Another soft week arrives with a bit of extra whining as Mercury moves into Cancer. People are going to be sensitive, thin skinned and whiny, teary, weepy and feeling sorry for themselves. Last week’s Neptune station, in addition to creating the sentimental, soft, teary, misty energy, also brought a disillusionment of sorts to many folks. Neptune does that. It was a soft disillusionment but you saw things you kind of knew were there but not as CLEARLY as they became last week. Neptune is about the rapture, illusion and belief in the fairy tale. And then, when the fog clears, you see all the stuff supporting the illusion. You see you were deceived. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever believe. Think back to a previous disillusionment. We all learned that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny weren’t “real”. Last week was like when we learned the bunny who hides candy and the fat guy who gives out toys were frauds. They lied! Frauds! Frauds!

The good part is this week, and the rest of the month as Neptune approaches his final opposition to Saturn, we get to sit with our new knowledge about Santa, the bunny and our situation. And we get to figure out what we want to do with it and about it. So, sit and figure. Start now. There are several steps to take.

Step 1: Let the fraud continue, jump off a bridge, close the email, hide the diary, ignore the lipstick smear, and go to work or back to sleep. Not a good choice. Pretending you don’t know the truth doesn’t make it go away.

Step 2: Step up to the plate, gather information and ask questions about the fraud. Figure out how you were tricked and where it came from. Part of the reason was your naiveté and willingness to believe. Part of it was from them and their desire. There were two in the tango! No fault here. Just look at it clearly, without emotion.

Step 3: Reframe it. Stop thinking it is a fraud or you were tricked. It is Not a Fraud. It is a lesson. It is a growth opportunity. You are wiser now. You can teach people what you’ve learned. You can help your friends and all you meet to handle this kind of situation going down the road.

Step 4: Take your lovely lesson (remember we are not going to use the “f” word anymore) and appreciate it for what it did for you. It gave you something. Money, time, space, hope, happiness, belief, life, joy, or peace. This step is, perhaps, the hardest. So, take it back to Santa and the Bunny for help with reframing it. Even IF it was your mother and father who pretended they were Santa or the Bunny, you STILL got presents and candy! There were good parts to the “lovely lesson”. What did it give you?

The problem with the bunny and Santa is that they go away once you find out the truth about them. No more bunny or Santa! Halloween is a much better and cleaner example of how to reframe the “lovely lesson” ~ you get dressed up and went around collecting candy in a bag. You rang doorbells. People thought you were cute. They gave you candy. Eventually, you were “too old” but you wanted to trick or treat with your friends! Remember ringing the bell as a bigger kid and having the neighbor say “Aren’t you a little old to be trick or treating?” It is like that. You are a little old to believe what you believed. It is ok. People are who they are. You believed. It did require the TWO of you to BOTH do what you BOTH did. Did the neighbor who called you “kind of old” still give you candy? Did you continue to ring doorbells? When did you stop trick or treating and start giving out candy yourself? That’s the kind of work you need to do with the disillusionment from last week between now and the end of June. Reframe that “lovely lesson”.

Step 5: Decide what you want to do going forward. Are you going to pretend that Santa and the bunny still exist? You can you know. What about when you get around a 2 or 3 year old child who believes in Santa and the bunny? Or are you going to tell them there is no Santa or bunny? Say to their bright blue eyes “Get over it kid! It is a cheap trick that society and your parents foster on you to make you believe in silly, stupid and dumb things! Banish bunnies and fat red men! There is no free lunch!” And then laugh at them when they start to cry!

Are you only going to support Halloween as it is a clear holiday with a defined give and take and a clear deal ~ trick or treat? Santa and the bunny exist for a reason. They exist for good reasons. The situation in your life existed for a good reason too. You probably don’t need the reason any more. So let it go. Appreciate the situation like you do Santa and the bunny. Appreciate the “lovely lesson” for the contribution to your life, for what it brought to you and for where it appeared in your world. Thank it for what you’ve learned. Decide what you want to do going forward. If you want to continue doing it in the future or not. Or perhaps only with the 2 and 3 year olds? Your call.

When I was younger and bemoaning a situation where I’d been a bit foolish, felt “taken”, “stupid” and all those other lovely disillusioned Neptune words, a wise person said to me that I’d made the best decision I could with the information I had then. Say that to yourself. You made the best decision you could. You might do something different now but back then you made the best decision you could. That’s how to look at the situation. That and stepping up to the plate and handling it like a grown up.

Monday, Mercury enters Cancer and starts to whine and maybe even cry. He’s very sensitive right now. Check the moon’s placement to see what Mercury’s up to. Today, while in Libra he’s about partnership. When he moves into Scorpio Tuesday, Wednesday, he’s about money and values. Sagittarius on Thursday, Friday involves legal matters while Capricorn on Saturday and Sunday has a practical nature to his energy about claiming his proper and rightful throne or castle. He also enters his shadow for the upcoming Mercury retrograde where all matters under negotiation now will tend to be revised and revisited. Venus in Cancer has adjusting aspects to Neptune as well as gifts of brilliance to Jupiter. It is a decent day for negotiations and moving things along. It will be revisited but not in a bad way.

Tuesday, Sun sees Santa in a whole new light. Why does Santa give the presents? What is in it for him? Why do parents say there is a Santa and not take credit for the gifts they actually buy for us? What is the whole concept of giving without strings attached (well, based on whether you’ve been good or bad so be good for goodness sake!)? Why do we think that kind of thing exists? There are always strings of some sort or other! We are, each of us, interconnected. Whether the string is named or unnamed, we know it is there, pulling away. How did that old guy know if I was punching my brother or teasing my sister? I believed he knew! He ate the cookies and drank the milk didn’t he? You’ve been learning about love and Santa Claus and the wanting to believe because, well, because you want to believe. Today, Sun’s aspect to Saturn says hmmm, why do I believe what I believe? What does it get me? Mercury’s aspect to Chiron and Sun’s aspect to Venus say, “Believe, that is how you got where you are today. What do you believe?” No judgment on it. Just look at it.

Wednesday, well we can blame your parents! They were the ones who started this whole silly Santa business! You learned it from them. Some silly guy in a suit drops down your chimney and gives you presents. Please! Back to your lovely lesson. You partnered with the situation because you wanted to be helpful, kind or whatever so you‘d get the goodies or the perceived goodies. That is okay. But you are older now. Sun‘s opposition to Vesta s
uggests you look at the old
beliefs and see which ones you still want to keep and which ones you want to understand why you believed (they told you) and why you don‘t any more. All part and parcel of growing up.

Thursday, we have a lovely full moon so read the moon column on the site to learn more about the energy. The moon sets off the eclipse from last fall 2006 and March 2007. Stories from those times are back in your mind. Pluto and Ceres are talking to each other ~ getting us ready for a sneak peak at Pluto in Capricorn. Sun is looking Jupiter right in the eye by declination and saying, “Hmmm, so if I stop believing in Santa Claus does that mean I am not going to get any more presents?” Answer that question about your lovely lesson today. Have you received presents since you stopped believing in Santa Claus?

Friday is quiet except for the emotions~ Moon is busy in Sagittarius waking up the fixed energy and mutable parts of the kite. Do you see how your beliefs created this? Do you? No penalty. Just change. It will change when you change.

Saturn’s day, we have some adjusting to do. Aspects to the node will do that. Not pleasant but needed. Reality can suck. Partner with your vision and be proud. You got it.

Sunday, Venus has an argument with Pluto. Yep. There is no Santa. Deal with it. But now that you know, you are much more powerful and brave and bold. Adjust! Adjust! With vision and clarity comes freedom. Go ahead and punch your brother or tease your sister or be as bad as you want to be! No fat guy in a suit is going to determine how you behave from now on. Oh, so you want to collect money for kids who don’t have toys so THEY can have a Santa too? Cool. You’ve got it. Honest. That moment right there is when you did your Saturn! You just finished your Saturn in Leo transit. It is about the love given and the love received. It is about doing your Saturn ~ who else would be Saturn in LEO but a fat, old guy in a red suit! You are your own Santa baby!

Mundane: What a disillusionment I had last week when Congress voted to extend Bush’s war with no strings attached to the money! And, what a dishonor to our soldiers on the eve of Memorial Day to not exercise congressional oversight and tie war finances to a plan! Please people! You are giving a crack head money to go blow up and kill more innocent people!

We learned from our Republican Monica’s testimony how corrupted our judicial and civil service system has become under the Bushies. They probably felt they wouldn’t ever get caught ~ they do, after all, control the paper trail free voting machines and their tallies! One party rule for the next 100 years ~ wasn’t that Karl’s goal? They asked potential candidates for civil servant jobs as well as judicial positions if they voted for Bush. And, they removed all of Sadaam’s folks ~ De-baathization I believe they called it ~ from positions of power when they took over Iraq. Guess we can’t say they don’t know how it works or what they are doing when they ask if you are a Republican before they hire you! I think it is time for us to reread the “Fall of the Roman Empire”.

Copyright © 2007 Anne C. Ortelee