Weekly Weather May 21, 2007

Weekly Weather May 21, 2007

It is going to be a softer week ~ perhaps a tad depressing, sad or teary, maybe a touch rainy or cloudy or water filled or misty, but soft. Very soft. Be kind. Seek soft. Be soft to yourself. Be soft to all you meet. Soft. Gentle. Kind. Soft is NOT weak ~ it is Soft! Neptune stations mid-week to go retrograde until the end of October. Get out a soft blanket, cozy cashmere wrap, hold and smell a freshly woken baby or cuddle up with your favorite pet. Hold hands, nuzzle, curl into yourself, and rub your belly to comfort yourself as a mother does with a fussy child. Soft. Soft. Soft. Seek out soft in your life. Remember soft is not weak!

Mercury and Venus are both out of bounds this week. Last month, while the Sun was in Taurus, Venus brought quite a bit of physical, financial or emotional excess into our lives while she was out of bounds. Or made us aware of those excesses and energies. Now, while Mercury rules the Sun’s journey through Gemini, expect to hear MORE interesting out of bounds stories. Mercury is going to dish. He is dishing the good stuff too! Venus and Mercury have many aspects this week so emotions and thoughts are flying around, in an out of bounds manner, as they connect with other planets. Great for brainstorming! However, these are NOT the most practical versions of their energies. They are out of bounds. If it sounds too good to be true, it IS too good to be true.

Be aware, very aware, of folks who say one thing and do another. Look at their behavior ~ do not listen to their words. Watch for commitments or offers that seem too good to be true. They are NOT true. Watch for triangle contracts where one person can take over the other one’s responsibility (or not) as Mercury is fast approaching an opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius. That is what we watch for on out of bounds Mercury ~ Mercury will try to break the rules. In addition, double check contracts and reread the fine print ~ that is part and parcel of the energy. If the clause is troubling, ~ it WILL be trouble down the road even if they say, “Oh, we’d never would enforce that!” They will. Have them take it out. Remember Mercury is the trickster and con man as well his other lovely qualities. When Mercury is out of bounds, he acts with excess and behaves as though the laws of man do not apply to him. In addition, the laws do not apply right NOW ~ in a myriad of ways. Mercury is able to get away with things when he is out of bounds. But he will come back in bounds again, and THAT is when you can catch him provided you lay an appropriate trap. He is a bit cocky right now too. He thinks he is getting away with it. However, the rules will ONCE again apply, soon enough (When Saturn gets into Virgo). No betting the mortgage or the rent money!

After Neptune stations on Thursday, Neptune is going to go back towards part three of his opposition to Saturn in Leo. That will take place the last week in June but we will start to feel the energy of Saturn and Neptune opposition build after this week. Back to the last week in August 2006, the last week in February 2007 and now, the final approach toward revising and changing the structures in your and our world. The analogy I used last fall was of a tree falling in the woods and creating a clearing for all the other plants to get more sun light, rain and nutrients. Watch for falling trees in your life ~ both physical and emotional ~ structures that you assumed would always be there are leaving now, tipping over now, and going away now. They have served their purpose. You don’t need them any more. Those emotional and physical structures around you are going to be changing and collapsing. You will be fine. You will, however, have to adjust to the new order of things in the forest and your life. The way to adjust, with the minimum of stress and anxiety, is to do your Saturn. Remember, you can pick the Neptune side of the opposition and see unrelenting roadblocks thrown up by Saturn and be depressed, drunk or drugged as Saturn seems to hold you back. Or you can pick the Saturn side of the issue, do your Saturn’s work, do your work, and watch Neptune dissolve the roadblocks before you, almost magically.

Monday, Sun enters Gemini and begins to offer us choices. Gemini is the time of seeds grown up into lots of cute baby plants ~ seedlings of possibilities. Each of the baby plants or seedlings can grow if it gets its own pot of dirt, sunshine and a bit of water. We have to start thinking about thinning our choices. If we have enough dirt, we can plant ALL the seedlings! But, maybe, you want to focus on a few of the seedlings and give the others over to someone else to take care of? Whatever you choose in the weeks ahead (until the end of June) will be what you are going to be working with, watering, weeding and de-bugging for the next couple of years while Saturn is in Virgo. Choose wisely. Mercury has a closing aspect to Saturn and joins with Venus by declination asking you to choose what you LOVE, wisely, and without FEAR influencing your decision. Use all the Saturn in Leo lessons you have been working on understanding since July 2005. Moon in Leo over the next few days says take an honorable approach, integrating the lesson’s you’ve learned over while Saturn is in Leo. Saturn in Leo is Loyal, honorable and very creative. Show the world you emotionally understand what Saturn in Leo has been trying to teach you.

Tuesday, Venus needs to be soft, soft, soft (not weak) as she checks back in with Chiron’s wound from last week. Hey, wounds make us who we are. Look at the scars on your body and remember the adventures they represent. Chiron is a scar on your soul. However, that Chiron scar is what made you who you are today. Let us redeploy Chiron’s wisdom from the experience that was so scarring by using Venus in Cancer’s wisdom. Let send Venus in Cancer out into the world! The experiences made you who you are and gave you the gifts you have today come from your chart and your Chiron. Now you just have to figure out how to use those experiences. Neptune is involved so listen to your dreams and the quiet whisperings in your mind when delayed or held up in your daily activities.

Wednesday, Mercury talks to Neptune today. He actually might have eavesdropped on Venus’s conversation with Neptune yesterday! He does get around that trickster Mercury! Pay attention to what you hear and see today. Remember Venus and Mercury are BOTH out of bounds ~ it creates a special kind of connection between them ~ think two con artists winking at each other by pulling their ear or saying the secret code word. Look and see if the person you are dealing with has bent pinky fingers ~ if so, proceed with caution! They are the con man version of Mercury. Chiron is activated today by an opposition of declination to Pallas ~ I want you looking at the patterns around you and making your OWN conclusions. You have that Chiron wound of yours for a reason. It is talking to you now. Understand how it keeps you afraid and can encourage you to make less than healthy choices for yourself. Be brave. Adjustments are needed between things of value to you and legal matters or contracts ~ AVOID grandiousity! While you are special, you are NOT that special (and you know I do not usually say that to you). Caution in contracts and deals. No inflations.

Thursday, time to pull the trigger as Mars in Aries has an aspect with Neptune while Neptune stations. It is going to be a muffled kind of gunshot ~ listen for it and forward you will go. If you have been feeling hinky or not clear about the terms of the contract, re-negotiate yet again. Back to the drawing board. If you DO sign contracts today, those clauses you were worried about will very likely be problematic down the road. I often see aspects like this when someone is at the tale end of a divorce, wants the darn thing over and is willing to give up virtually all the stuff they are entitled to just so they can move on. Again, Mercury and Venus a
re out of bounds! While at t
his moment, it seems that IS the best thing to do, put in an escape clause ~ an all bets are off and we are back to the drawing board if either side materially misrepresents their position or some such option. When the other person balks, say “You aren’t misrepresenting yourself to me are you?” and they will mutter their displeasure and probably sign.

Moreover, YOU have an out, IF you WANT to use it, down the road. You might, or you might not, decide to use it but you have an option! That is what Mercury and Venus want you to pay attention to. Out of bounds means if you or they have materially or knowingly misrepresented your or their position. If people have negotiated as a weenie, they get in trouble down the road. So, WHEN the other is caught (and they will be), it will be big trouble! So you (or they) can enforce the escape clause! Saturn in Virgo is about the technicalities while Saturn in Leo is about the love, loyalty and honor. Love, loyalty and honor is good and all that but those Virgo technicalities exist for a very good reason! The technicalities exist for you to catch the weenies who do not operate with love, loyalty or honor! Pay attention to the technicalities! The Moon in Virgo today with harsh closing aspects to Pluto suggests you will be able to execute the break away clause or get out in the instance of material breaches. Be sure to include technicalities that work in your favor.

Friday Venus has a celebratory aspect to her as she canoodles with Uranus in Pisces and wraps up the week with chocolate, champagne and cashmere. Mercury’s aspect to Ceres suggests the seeds planted this week are going to ripen over the next months and years. Understand how the universe works with an equal and opposite reaction to every action we take. Neptune suggests setting up or creating a quiet time at home. Seek softness in your world and being. Soft is not weak! They are two separate energies. You can be soft and strong as all get out! Soft is not weak.

Saturn’s day, Venus is worried about her deal. Not to worry. Venus is out of bounds so she can get rather emotional today. Take Venus out for a massage and an extra dose of softness. She deserves it. You deserve it. Moon in Libra starts to question things decided on ~ should I, shouldn’t I? Oh why did I do that? You know how Libras can get crazy and drive the rest of us nuts when they are indecisive? Comfort Venus with softness. While we LIKE to think astrology gives us a leg up (and it does some times) we ALSO are here to experience our chart, for positive or negative, those karmic experiences. This baby happens to be one of the karma stories ~ where even as conscious as we’d like to think we are, we aren’t 100% clued into whatever we are supposed to be clued into because we are supposed to experience it. So approach it as honestly and as cleanly as you can. Check for negative hidden emotions on your side, watch for where your buttons get pushed, know where you can self sabotage and take a leap of faith with a bit of trust in the process of life, evolution and the universe.

Sunday, Mercury’s opposition to Pluto while Mars trines Vesta suggests you get to work to fulfill your side of the deal. You cannot make them do their side. However, you can do your side. All you can do is your side of the deal. So start doing it. Do your Saturn. It all comes back to Mr. Saturn. The trees in the forest are going to start to fall. Be grateful for your life. Understand how it got to where it is. Know where you want it to go next, without fear, holding hands with your Saturn and skipping off into the sunset.

Mundane: Not to speak ill of the dead, but Jerry Falwell dying, as Pluto gets ready to leave Sagittarius, is a very good thing. We have been hearing how Jerry’s Regent University regular and law students have infiltrated our government, particularly our judicial system, fired our federal prosecutors and replaced them with Regent folks willing to do the special interest bidding of the Bushies and religious right. Apparently, there are Regent graduates sprinkled all over our government working toward their religious zealot vision of America! It seems Attorney General Gonzalez let the Regent students do whatever they wanted to do ~ clearly they reported to someone else besides him! Do I smell Karl Rove again? Not a good thing. Their Medusa, Jerry Falwell, was beheaded this week. However, the snakes on her head and her eye continues to blink even AFTER Perseus killed her. Pay attention.

The beheading energy of last week’s new moon on the fixed star of Algol continued with Paul Wolfowitz being booted from the Presidency of the World Bank for taking care of his gal pal. I keep flashing back to him spitting on his comb in Fahrenheit 911 and running it through his hair. I cannot imagine ANYONE willing to knock boots with him! Ah well. The world is full of surprises! As my friend Maryann says, “There IS a lid for every pot!”

We witnessed a few other leaders (Blair, Chirac) stepping down or being pressured to resign (Wolfowitz, Gonzalez) with the ending energy of Medusa’s beheading and quite firm time to go now physical energy in Taurus. There will be more. Think of the new moon as a cosmic house cleaning of the leaders from the garden patch to get ready for the sobering and rebuilding energy of Pluto in Capricorn. The leaders leaving are our Pluto in Sagittarius leaders ~ operating with excess, religious fervor or their own dogmatic convictions. They believe the rule of law does not apply to them while they can impose it on others. Or that they are so powerful they can disregard, bend or break the rules the rest of us have to follow. That is not how the world works… Watch for more beheadings of a Sagittarian/Taurus nature. Soft is not weak. Do your Saturn.

Copyright © 2007 Anne C. Ortelee