Full Moon May 31 2007

Blue Full Moon May 31, 2007

9:04 pm EDT

6:04 pm PDT

10:12 Sagittarius Moon/Gemini Sun

It’s a Blue Full Moon ~ considered auspicious as in “once in a blue moon”, a blue moon happens when there are two full moons in a month. The full moon contains a lovely grand trine in fire between Jupiter, Moon in Sagittarius, Mars in Aries and Saturn in Leo. The grand trine reminds us of projects begun last December when Mars joined with Jupiter to begin a new cycle of creation and expansion. Back then, Saturn stationed to go retrograde saying we weren’t quite ready to proceed with our new dream. So we’ve spent the better part of winter and early spring resolving the unfinished business from the fall. Now, it is full speed ahead!

Full speed ahead to the next part of your life, with a few astrological conditions in mind.

Condition 1: We still have to get past the Saturn/Neptune opposition at the end of June. We are dealing with part three of a three part story ~ part one was last August 2006. Part two was at the end of February 2007. Saturn is about structures and Neptune is about dissolving things. Structures are dissolving. Authorities are disillusioning. Leadership is invisible. Watch out for the falling structures in your world ~ it is time for the old tree in the forest to fall. Time for a clearing out in the structures of your life. Move over. Get ready to move into a bright sunny spot in the forest of your life after the tree falls.

Condition 2: We need to keep working with our Saturn. Be an authority. Take Responsibility. Work at what you love. Understand what you love is unique to you and your Saturn. If you don‘t love your Saturn, who will? It is your Saturn! Love and embrace him, even if he squiggles a bit when you hug him. Do your Saturn.

Condition 3: We still believe in our Neptune. Watch for the dreams flickering in and out of your view. Watch for the imagined, luminal, delightful, dreamlike version of what you‘d love to have in your life. What have you dreamed about? Hoped for? What is your vision of what you could have up until now? Understand how your beliefs helped create your current reality.

Condition 4: Pull the two together. Don’t pick either Saturn or Neptune. It is NOT about picking. It is about integrating. You are standing in the middle of your chart as Saturn and Neptune move through your Leo and Aquarian houses. Wave at them. Look left and right to see where they are and what they are bringing to consciousness. Reach out to Saturn and Neptune and get them to hold hands across your body. Saturn and Neptune can work together! Look to where your Natal Saturn and Natal Neptune live. Look at your Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces ruled houses to see where the changes are taking place. Often when we have oppositions, we think we have to pick a side. Nope. The “sides” ~ Saturn and Neptune ~ have to LEARN to work together to create our new reality. And they are. We just have to get out of their. We have to NOT pick a side. The new reality isn’t going to appear until the end of June but watch for glimpses of it as you move through the full moon’s energy. They have to get together and understand how they can work together.

Condition 5: Adjust, adjust, and adjust. Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct to each other ~ separating but it still counts. I call this a table rocking energy. Remember eating at an out of balance table? How you put a sugar pack or a fork under it or move it around to make it stable? Or lay your arm across it so it doesn’t rock? Saturn and Uranus are asking you to adjust what your vision is in a VIRGO manner which means a physical, body or life adjustment was required. Don’t focus on the faults or criticize. Just look at how it could be improved and make the adjustments to improve it, handle it and move forward.

Condition 6: No whining. Mercury is in Cancer. If you whine you won’t do anything but annoy other people. You created it. You need to fix it or deal with or adjust or speak up of shut up or something. No whining. Quiet tears in your own room are okay. Touch is fine too. A pat on the arm or a hug do wonders when words don’t work. You can feel sorry for yourself for 5 minutes every hour and then on to the next task.

Condition 7: Venus is inconjunct to Pluto in a SCORPIO type inconjunct. Another table rocking energy but of an unspeakable or secret story. Psychological Issues are dancing all over the room! They are approaching. VERY Soon! Adjust, adjust, and adjust. It is a value issue. It is a love issue. It is a power issue. It is a control issue. It is about money, and other Venus issues. It is about triangles and other Pluto issues. Not pretty. Not fun. But you need to make an adjustment in your understanding of power, money and what that means to you. Own your part of it. Step up to the plate and say “Yep this is my part!” All three pieces of the triangle in the room together. Two against one is a problem. Healthy triangles. Not power over triangles. Cooperative triangles.

And last but not least: Condition 8: It is a full moon baby! We see stuff on full moons that we don‘t normally see as the lights are bright and opposite each other. Our emotions and our egos are at opposite side of the spectrum. The full moon is a rare one ~ as in once in a blue moon. Giving it a special label means it is a special moon! You know how astrology works! The full moon squares the karmic nodes of destiny. We figure it out now and move off to our future. If we don’t figure it out, we’ll get stuck working with it and dealing with it while Saturn is traveling through Virgo. Personally, I recommend you deal with it and get conscious and figure out what you love. Then you can use Saturn’s transit through Virgo to improve what you became conscious about. If you don’t get conscious between now and the end of June, you will spend your next two and a half years still struggling to be perfect in a way that doesn’t serve what you love in your life or where you want to go.

The Sabian image for the Sagittarius Moon 11 symbol is: IN THE LEFT SECTION OF AN ARCHAIC TEMPLE, A LAMP BURNS IN A CONTAINER SHAPED LIKE A HUMAN BODY. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:

Commentary: ‘In the Left Section of an Archaic Temple, a Lamp Burns in a Container Shaped Like a Human Body’ pictures a need for linking the spirit and the ‘Body’. Sometimes we need to remember to be “in our bodies” and this Symbol shows the reward that can come from regarding our body as our ‘Temple’. Logic is not always involved in this equation; it speaks more of emotions, spirit and physicality.

Oracle: Watching bodily rhythms can teach us something about the timing of our biology. There’s a need to eat when we need to, to sleep and exercise when we need to; to be alive and happy. The spirit within us can shine out to enliven the spirits in others. We can somehow amplify light ourselves, like the ‘Lamp that Burns’, shining outwards, projecting our spirit and personality. To provide clues to your current situation, it may be a good idea to light a ‘Lamp’ or a candle and place it to ‘The Left’ of where you’re sleeping, working, eating or exercising. The ‘Temple’ of this Symbol implies that there may be a need for peace and quiet and respect. There may be a feeling that one somehow doesn’t “belong” in their body. Is someone losing the plot and “leaving their body” in this situation? Is there a need for grounding your physical energy? How are you regarding your body and feeding yourself? Having faith and belief in one’s self can lead to knowledge and enlightenment. Rituals of many kinds can help link mind and body so that a healthier you can result. This period may mark an incredible leap forward in understanding and consciousness.

Keywords: Connecting the left and right sides. Wo
rking out, physical fitness and exercise. Yoga. Grounding reality. Sexuality. Realizing that body is the same as spirit. Remembering to be in the body. Light workers. The acceptance of the body and its functions. Sport and its physical rewards. Metabolic rates.

The Caution: Worshiping the body at the expense of the psyche or spirit. Concentrating exclusively on physical desires and needs. Rationalizing intuitive thought until it is rejected. Needing actual physical evidence to accept anything. Being caught up in the illusion of the body, the “physical self”.

Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Henry David Thoreau

A bodily disease may be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual past. Nathaniel Hawthorne

He who knoweth the precepts by heart, but faileth to practice them, Is like unto one who lighteth a lamp and then shutteth his eyes. Nagarjuna

If anything is sacred the human body is sacred. Walt Whitman

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light. Albert Schweitzer

For this is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body. That physicians first separate the soul from the body. Plato

The Sabian image for the Gemini Sun at 11 is NEWLY OPENED LANDS OFFER THE PIONEER NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXPERIENCE. Lynda Hill’s interpreations of the image is:

Commentary: The ‘Pioneer’ in ‘Newly Opened Lands’ shows someone who is ready to break away from old familiar ground and move out into unknown and more exciting territory. This new sphere, these ‘Newly Opened Lands of New Opportunity’ are open to ‘The Pioneer’, someone who is prepared to venture into the unknown for the benefits that may be there. It is the ‘New Opportunities For Experience’ that this Symbol is promising, a chance to explore the unexplored. Fear is often the greatest barrier to moving forward, but any fears must be put aside or faced and the familiar must be left behind for these new possibilities to occur.

Oracle: This situation is one that will fulfill its potential if you go forward, leaving the past and what’s familiar behind, to seek out potential new ‘Experiences’. Although it can take some time to adjust to a new place or space, different customs or unfamiliar conditions, striking out for what’s possible can be rewarding in the long run. However, if someone is merely trying to manipulate the world to give them exactly what they want, or are just moving on in order to get more control, they may be sadly disappointed. Don’t rush or expect too much but also don’t accept too little from these ‘Newly Opened Lands’. There may be some experiences that come your way that seem difficult, hard work or just plain undesirable, but that is often the result of venturing into new and unfamiliar environments. There may be a need to start life all over again in this new ‘Newly Opened Land’. You could be starting from scratch. Be open to whatever comes your way. Take the time you need to adjust to this ‘New Opportunity’ and enjoy the experience!

Keywords: Pioneering attitudes bringing rewards. Going off the beaten track. Coming up with new ideas. New spiritual realizations opening up vistas of hope and experiences. Opportunities to move on to new realms of being. Adjusting to new places. The Promised Lands. Be prepared to take risks. Moving out. New time zones. Foreign customs and languages.

The Caution: Clinging to the old and familiar when it is outworn and boring. Restricting growth and change. Not moving on. Invading other people’s space. Claiming what’s rightfully someone else’s. Hanging on when it’s time to let go. Running off to avoid involvement or responsibilities. Moving in and taking over.

Explore thyself. Herein are demanded the eye and the nerve. Henry David Thoreau

Explorers have to be ready to die lost. Russell Hoban

Civilization no longer needs to open up wilderness; it needs wilderness to open up the still largely unexplored human mind. David Rains Wallace

In my writing I am acting as a mapmaker, an explorer of psychic areas. . a cosmonaut of inner space, and I see no point in exploring areas that have already been thoroughly surveyed. William S. Burroughs

Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. Dale Carnegie

The Promised Land guarantees nothing. It is only an opportunity, not a deliverance. Shelby Steele

In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. Ansel Adams

Let us rejoice at the many unexplored fields in which there is unlimited fame and fortune to the successful explorer. George Washington

Okay, so full speed ahead toward your best life with the 8 astrological conditions in mind while holding the light lamp shaped like a human body (your heart light and passion of Saturn in Leo!) as you seek out the newly opened lands which offer you opportunities for experiences ~ (the Neptune in Aquarius journey of hopes, dreams and wishes before you!).

Have a wonderful, illuminating full moon!

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee