Weekly Weather March 13, 2006

Weekly Weather March 13, 2006
What a week! Three more “interesting” weeks are ahead of us! The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!
We each have a purpose, point or reason for being incarnated on Mom Earth. It is described by your chart. I call it your gift. Often we experience “situations” while growing up that makes us rather ambivalent about our gift, perhaps even fearful of the darn thing. Therefore, I pulled out my trusty dictionary to look up ambivalence.
Ambivalence: The existence of mutually conflicting feelings or thoughts such as love and hate together about some person, object or idea. I would insert “your gift” here. Coined by Freud. Ambi + Valence Ambi: go around, on both sides. Valence: the capacity for an atom or group of atoms to combine in specific proportions with other atoms or groups of atoms. 2. Broadly, the capacity of something to unite, react, or interact with something else. Latin: strength, capacity, to be strong.
Read the definition again and replace “gift” with the word Saturn. The coming eclipses both involve Pluto and Saturn in aspect to your purpose, point or reason for being here on Mom Earth. Think of the eclipses as your test to see if you were paying attention during the past few months. Your ambivalence will be in a very stark bright white spotlight. You are going to have to pick a side. I urge you to go towards your heart’s desire, the exact thing you are rather ambivalent and fearful about. Understand the existence of ambivalence means it is your strength! Wrap your arms around Saturn and give him a big old bear hug. When you hug your ambivalence, the world, cosmos and heavens will shift around you. Stop going around your strength! Stop acting like it is not in the room or that you do not much like it. Stop avoiding it. It is YOURS! It is your gift you silly thing. Stop pretending you “don’t“. Say you do! Say you will! Give yourself permission to go for it, have it, love it, or embrace it. Feel your fear. Do it anyway!
Now, a caution is needed! Pluto is in stark relief to the Moon and Sun as he squares the emotional, eclipsed full moon. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, is going to come rising up out of the ground like a volcano or nuclear explosion in your life. He will take your breath away with fear, anguish, despair and loathing. He is going to taunt you. He is going to pick a fight with you. Do not be afraid. Do not get into it with him. Please, please, please do not turn to argue or fight with him! That is what he wants! It is your test! Gather up all the energy you could use to fight YET another losing battle. Redirect that energy instead toward what you want, the very thing you are ambivalent about. Use that nuclear power to fuel where you want to go. Use forces to help you create not destroy. Do not spend your precious life or another second of time fighting with lost causes, fixed belief systems, agreeing with his perspective, or believing what that says about you. Turn towards what you desire. Embrace your ambivalence. Let that plutonian energy transform you.
It is not going to be easy. If you are in doubt about what to do, do NOTHING. Just watch what goes down. Keep your mouth shut! Open your eyes! Your job is to make sure to get to the other side alive and intact. Eclipses give us a sense that we have to DO something, that we MUST take action! Unless it is a life-threatening situation OR you are trained in martial or healing arts, I want you to watch and absorb what is going on. It will highlight the NEGATIVE part of your AMBIVALENCE. Once it has a spotlight on it, you can see it clearly. You have to stop going around it. You have to embrace it. It is your strength. It is your gift. Go for it. You are ready for it.
Monday, words or communications with authority figures are difficult and conflicted. You need to take action to protect your interests. You have outgrown your former tribe. While you may want to fit in, you just do not any more. You have grown up. So go do stuff that is fun for you. Delegate any yucky stuff to others who need to learn how to do it anyway. It is good for them. And, besides, you are going to be busy getting on with the rest of your life.
Tuesday, eclipse day as Venus joins with Chiron. Some issue from around the Christmas Holidays will surface as Venus passes her earlier conjunction and retrograde station on Chiron. Do you see how it works? It is not personal. It is not about you. It is. You do not have to stay. You do not have to do the same thing any more. You can change, evolve, grow toward what you want, and embrace what you are ambivalent about.
Wednesday, there is a sense of leaving home and hearth. Or just not fitting in quite the same way any more. A legal or technical strategy can give you a bit more time if you need it. Just exercise it carefully.
Thursday has a sense of tears or loss as Jupiter squares Neptune. Alternatively, perhaps an up swelling of relief and flowing of energy into a brand new, yet unfinalized form. This is visit two of Jupiter square Neptune. Back on January 27, 2006, we had the first pass as Venus was stationing retrograde in Capricorn. Did you limit your dream of what you could have back in January? On September 24, 2006, we have the third and final pass between Jupiter and Neptune. Between now and September, you CAN adjust your dreams, desires and wants, IF you want to! What IS your heart’s desire? Do something towards creating it today.
Friday, as Pluto squares the Sun, the consequences of your actions and choices arrive. Again, focus on embracing the ambivalent part that you have been so afraid of. It is time to move along toward your future, known or unknown. Time to go. Of course, Mercury IS retrograde so much of the “go” will be thwarted until he turns direct later this month. Who knows, you might even change your mind.
Over the weekend, Mercury squares Mars as he continues to go retrograde. I know. It is hard to decide. You just changed your mind again, didn‘t you? Maybe you could put off the “final-final decision” until Saturn goes direct on April 6th? You are going to get even more information later in the month. Spring arrives next week. Moreover, the whole mess is a muddle of Piscean dreams, mutability and craziness anyway complicated by that indecisive, ambivalent Mars in Gemini. Maybe you could have BOTH. Why does it have to be an either or? Why do you have to pick? Just start to work, quietly and peacefully on the part you CAN do something about, the part you know you like. Let the rest settle as sand eventually does after a storm in the ocean.
Aren’t you always amazed at how much sand gets under your bathing suit when you take it off after a day of playing in the waves at the beach? This week, when you take off your bathing suit, collect the sand instead of letting it wash down the drain. Messy yes, but did you realize if you collect enough sand you can build your very own castle. Start collecting sand this week! Chiron conjunct Ceres says your dream of your very own castle (and tribe to go with it) to call your own starts forming now.
Mundane: Bird flu. I know my human flea bath remark was a bit harsh last week. I didn’t mean to shout so loudly at our shared table! Personally, I am heading for the left ear. They tend not to dip the ears (or eyebrows) very well. Did you read the termites in New Orleans would be back at their pre-Katrina population in a year? The seasons, they go round and round.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee