Weekly Weather March 6, 2006 to March 12, 2006

Weekly Weather March 6, 2006 to March 12, 2006
I know, last week was quite a rough one emotionally on Planet Earth! Now, the eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! Our week ahead features either endings OR understandings and adjustments OR a crazy combination of both. A profound emotional “getting it” will occur in your psyche between now and the full moon lunar eclipse squaring Pluto on Tuesday, March 14th. If you look at what goes on as helping your soul to free and release you from your “fate” or your “obsession“, it will make life a bit easier to work with. The energy showing up in your world is to create change. No, you cannot control it. However, every bit of consciousness you can apply to the situation helps. An avalanche of change starts with a small bit of snow moving down a mountain. The small movement of snow sets off a chain reaction. An avalanche starts this week. Stuff is going to move, slowly, perhaps imperceptibly at first, but moving it is. Since fall, snow has been falling, energy shifting, subtly, quietly so that underneath the whole pile of white stuff on the mountain is unstable and ready to change, roll, restructure or collapse into pieces.
You will have to pay attention to see what is going on. Conscious! The trick to surviving avalanches is to seek the light, swim through the snow toward the light. Moving toward the light is how you survive an avalanche! I do not care how afraid, anxious, or distracted you get, I want you focused on swimming through any moving snow toward the light where air can be found.
When I was first learning astrology, I read Liz Green’s Saturn book. I marched into therapy, with my Saturn book highlighted and bookmarked, announcing to my therapist that she needed to read it immediately because it perfectly described the issues I was struggling to put into words and resolve! She took my book. In my next session, she asked me if I read the white parts, the parts I hadn‘t highlighted. The answer was in the white parts. And, yep, lying there in plain words, in the parts I had NOT highlighted, was the answer. If you think about your traffic jam (and the traffic jams in all the lives around you), you will notice we have each been paying attention to our highlighted parts, not our white parts. The highlighted parts reflect OUR version of OUR perceived reality. They mark what we believe or resonate to AND what we NOTICE! The people in our world can see we are paying attention to our highlighted parts. We are ignoring our white parts.
Think of the white parts and the white snow in the avalanche as the same. In the weeks ahead, you are going to read or come to understand your white parts, the unhighlighted sections in the book of you. It may not be pretty. It may not be fun. However, it will feel so much better once it moves! Snow falls. When it reaches critical mass, it moves. It time for the snow to cascade down the mountain. Please hold onto NO judgments toward yourself! You created an avalanche because you needed a change. The ski patrol makes skiers stay in the lodge when they dynamite the fresh fallen snow down the slope. They do not judge the snow as being “bad” because it is unstable. They know the snow needs to move from being unstable to stable to make the slope safe for skiers. The skiers do not judge the snow as being “bad”. They stay inside the lodge, drink hot chocolate, chat, and sit by the fireplace listening to the booms of the dynamite.
An unconscious, ambivalent part of you created the situation so you could evolve. Often we ONLY change and evolve when we are FRUSTRATED or “forced by circumstances beyond our control“. Saturn in Leo wants you to learn how to shine your own kinda light, sing your own kinda song. If you were not so frustrated and thwarted in your current situation would you even be considering change? The Latin root of Consider translates as “to observe the stars carefully.”
Besides the eclipses are coming, the eclipses are coming, our week ahead features Venus and Saturn having a standoff, guns drawn at high noon fight at the same time Mars and Uranus duke it out. Both aspects perfect next Saturday. However, we are in orb all week so their energy will erupt in your life based on your chart. Venus and Saturn will show up as a thwarting and denial of what you think you want. Mercury is RETROGRADE. The information you receive will CHANGE once Mercury goes direct on March 25th and Saturn goes direct on April 6th. Remember bubbles ~ do not take it personally. It is all bubbles. Mars square Uranus is the event to watch for it marks the first crisis of confidence as well as your official cosmic opportunity to adjust situations started near their conjunction May 14, 2005. Mars square Uranus starts an avalanche in your life, creating the movement you have been waiting for since last fall. You might not be in the ski lodge when it starts. So keep aware. Watch out for avalanches!
Monday, Venus aspects Jupiter bringing a brilliant or genius idea to the surface of your mind. Please follow it or start to create towards it. Yes, even if seems quite far-fetched. That bubble will solidify.
Tuesday, watch what you react to negatively or the criticism you hear from a woman, authority figure or a person/situation you have been struggling with. That is the place where the white parts are resting just behind the highlighted parts. The highlighted part is the fight before you. The “should”. The situation before you will reflect your OUT grown, OUT of date beliefs ~ the person in front of you is holding up a mirror YOU created to help you change those beliefs of yours. If you hear the words, “You are SO —–” THAT is the white part! Yes, you are! Moreover, what of it? Don’t you want to be SO —–? Don’t you want to change and become EVEN more like that? Isn’t that who you are? And what is so wrong with “SO —–” any way? Isn’t it time to move towards a more authentic you that embraces the denied parts of you that lie right below that highlighted parts? Use your white parts? Highlight your former white parts a shocking pink? Our most profound gifts cast our darkest shadows. The universe can only work with us through the situations we create, via our conscious and unconscious beliefs. Our situations reflect our beliefs about what we deserve. When we are ambivalent, we create situations that thwart us or are ambivalent. Our situations help us understand how to integrate all the various parts of us. It IS hard when THAT part of us is one we do not much like. But, hey, it IS part of us! It is there for a reason. Maybe if we agreed to use that part consciously, it would not seem so shameful, terrible, scary or disgusting to us. Maybe we would stop feeling like a victim of fate if we see our contribution to it. We are the ones using the highlighter pen! We highlighted our own book, the parts we thought were important, all by ourselves!
Wednesday and Thursday are about emotionally processing the difference between your highlighted parts and your white parts. Go back and review your history of trying to eradicate, avoid or not deal with your highlighted parts. Don’t those highlighted parts keep popping up over and over again? Similar to Shakespeare’s’ unwashable bloody hands or Poe’s telltale heart, you created the story. Only you can get rid of it or change it. Read the white parts.
Friday rocks. The sun lights up how you create, how you highlight! The sun lights up how you can solve it. Bright sun light casts a dark shadow. A shadow! Turn to look at what is casting the shadow.
Saturday Venus opposes Saturn, Mars squares Uranus as the Sun joins with Mercury retrograde and Venus joins Ceres. Mercury quintiles Pallas. Understanding! An avalanche begins. Once the snow stops moving, your landscape will be completely different. Swim through the snow toward the light and air if you aren‘t in the lodge already!
Sunday throw away or hold on to something that represents the avalanche in your life. Forward we go. The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! Eclipses make us THINK we have to take action IMMEDIATELY or ELSE. We do not. Wait. Watch. Look. Listen. Your highlighted parts are unstable. Your highlighted parts want to roll down the hill. Let them roll. Drink your hot chocolate by the fire in the lodge. You can ski safely once they roll on by. Re-read your white parts again while you wait for the snow to cascade. Your answer is there, in plain sight.
Mundane: Bird Flu. We are having an echo, a repeat if you will, of the aspects that represented the tsunami December 2004. They are coupled with the upcoming eclipse and the build up of energy from fall’s stuck, stuck, stuck fixed cross. In 2004, the moon was out of bounds. Now, Mars is out of bounds, in Gemini ~ the sign of lungs, air, neighborhoods and siblings. Mars is fighting with Hygea and Ceres as he joins forces with Vesta. The three asteroids are out of bounds. Hygiene and Mom Earth are having a big argument with Mars over the future and safety of home/hearth. Both Saturn and Pluto are at the degree of their upcoming stations. The eclipse takes place the same day as Pluto stations. The eclipse, running across the middle of Africa, repeats the birds’ spring migration paths north. Swans, birds of eternal love, are dying in Europe. Frankly, my money is on Mom Earth. As a species, we humans are quite a polluting, obnoxious little bunch of parasitic fleas riding on her body. We aren’t particularly well behaved towards her, her body, vegetation and our fellow creatures. Is it time for a human flea bath?
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee