Weekly Weather January 1, 2007

Weekly Weather January 1, 2007

Happy New Year! The beginning of every New Year calls us to check in with ourselves and see where we are in our life. 2007 promises to be chock full of challenges and changes as Pluto wraps up his 13-year journey in through Sagittarius. Our week ahead features aspects that can help us move forward rapidly provided we actively notice, harness and use them. Wisely use them!

First, Mars goes out of bounds by declination on January 3, 2007. An out of bounds planet acts like a wild critter, feral, unpredictable and a bit dangerous on a bad day. Out of bounds planets have slipped the bounds of the Sun’s path. They act with independence and without their traditional limits. They follow no rules. Mars in Sagittarius tends to be a bit over the top all by itself. Mars in Sadge is excessive, quite wild and a party animal par excellence. He‘s a gambler and a rambler and a sweet talking ladies man. He‘s not overly respectful of rules or regulations. I had a boss with Mars in Sagittarius whose motto was take risks and beg forgiveness later ~ except he didn‘t like it much when we did it with him! Mars in Sagittarius is prone to taking outsized risks, chances and betting an entire paycheck on a single number. Jupiter, loving his new journey in early Sagittarius, extra expands mars.

Mars out of bounds in Sagittarius is definitely not your run of the mill out of bounds Mars. While normally that wild behavior can work for Mars, now is NOT the time to take unnecessary risks. Mars is out of bounds. You can lose big. You can lose it all. Sagittarius is mutable, changeable fire sign in charge of large, fierce and dangerous animals, mountains, religions, the law, foreigners and the stock market. I have a friend with Mars in Sagittarius who blew out her knee’s ACL the first (and only) time she went skiing ~ and Mars wasn‘t out of bounds! We can expect all sorts of wild and unpredictable behaviors from the parts of our charts ruled by Scorpio and Aries. The Aries and Scorpio houses will have ruler Mars to ratchet them up with his out of bounds Sagittarian energy.

Second, Mars is in his balsamic approach to Pluto, finishing a cycle that began at 23 Sagittarius on January 28, 2005. Mars joins with Pluto on January 13, 2007 at 27 Sagittarius to start a new cycle that ends in December 2008 at 1 Capricorn. Mars is in his last hurrah, so to speak, of Sagittarius for the next two weeks. He is also in the wasting degrees at the end of a sign signaling excess and overdoing. If you have a Mars Pluto aspect in your chart, expect to be feeling exceptionally intense emotions over the next two weeks. If your Mars and Pluto are not in aspect, watch the world around you act up! Regardless, we all face the need to wrap up the cycle that began two years ago in our Sagittarian house and get ready for the next cycle.

Third, this time, Mars will start a cycle with Pluto while Mars is out of bounds. Mars was on the line of being out of bounds (very close) on his last conjunction with Pluto in 2005. As the desk sergeant in Hill Street Blues used to say, “Be careful out there!” Take calculated and conservative risks until you get the feel of the Mars/ Pluto energy. The universe will be adding a fuel accelerant to the upcoming conjunction. You can either take off and soar high (provided you follow the rules and pay attention to the controls) or crash into the ground and burn up. Additionally, the conjunction takes place at the same degree as next December’s upcoming Jupiter/Pluto conjunction. So back to what you learned on the most recent new moon on December 20, 2006. How are you going to put that knowledge to work for you in the year (and years) ahead? Mars can get you what you want provided he has guidance and doesn‘t take unnecessary risks.

I know, the above might sound a bit gloom and doom or scary. It is not meant to. Energy like Mars and Pluto operates at lower forms and levels when we see it active in world affairs. At lower forms, it is not always pleasant. When we experience a channeled and directed Mars/ Pluto in our own lives, it can be positive and transformative. Passionate. Driven. Excited. Alive. Involved. Creative. I wanted to let you know how powerful, wild and free the Mars/ Pluto energy is going to be.

You do not need much of it to achieve what you want. A little, teeny tiny bit goes a very long way ~ like that plutonium sprinkled on the sushi. Like a small snow bead rolling down a hill, that starts an avalanche. Like a lit cigarette butt starting a 10,000-acre forest fire. It will have a rapidly growing and expansive sense of energy. And, as it is Mars and Pluto energy, it will transform things. Direct the energy like a laser beam at the stuff you want to change or create. For the better please ~ a new food plan, an exercise program, starting a business, a redesigned website, innovative products, becoming debt free, renovate, or get sober and off drugs. IF the energy heads towards areas where you ALREADY are out of control or overdoing things, it will be VERY, VERY difficult to rein it in and tame it. It has a life force of its own! And it is out of bounds energy too!

Monday, Venus is a bit shocked as she aspects Uranus and Pluto. The news might not be good. It is time to change toward what you value and respect. Venus at the late degrees of Capricorn suggests a practical approach be taken ~ slow and steady ~ be consistent and willing to invest time. Agree to be in it for the long haul. Practical. Practical. Practical. Everything can shift if you give it enough time and work at it diligently. One-step at a time. Mars squares the nodes inspiring you to take action. Moon in Gemini suggests you gather a bit of data to help your plan take place.

Tuesday as Mercury speaks to Jupiter, remember there is a place within your soul that has never been damaged or compromised. If you continue to focus on your hurts, you will not live your life to the fullest. Mars receives a gift from Ceres as the Sun learns to work with Uranus today. What would happen if you revisioned your story? If only! If. If. If. If, instead of focusing on the impoverished places in your being, if you send some of that fiery Mars /Pluto energy towards what you’d like to create in your life.

Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius. Her energy detaches from all the strings attached to her desires and mundane every day connections. Flying at 20,000 feet, Venus in Aquarius has the unique perspective to see how the stories in your life are there because you like them. They work for you. You have invited them in. They are sleeping on your couch and eating your food because you said they could. Maybe you want them to leave now? Just ask them to go. Say go. Now. Mars in Sagittarius will show them the door. The full moon in Cancer bright and early in the morning lights up the vision and helps you see your future. The new moon in July 2005 began the current lunation cycle as Saturn was in his very last degrees of Cancer. Back then, you started an emotional story in your Cancer house that culminates today. The void moon that takes place most of the rest of the day allows you time to process the information and emotions.

Thursday, Mercury works with Uranus. Oh, surely, it cannot be that easy! To just say “Go” and they go?! Yep. It is. Say “Go”. They will go. Mars will show them the door. Neptune gets himself into knots. He’s worried that if you realize how easy it is you WILL change. Well, you will change if you are having a good day. It is easy right now because Mars has your back. It is completely your call. And, if you decide you want to have a bad day, you are going to grind yourself right into a messy pile on the couch. Out of bound Mars will help you do that too!

Friday, Venus joins with Jupiter by parallel. Follow your bliss. Venus in Aquarius is at the same declination degree in the sky that Jupiter in Sagittarius is found. Venus and Jupiter joining bring luck, joy and abundance. Le
o Moon makes a lovely trine
to Jupiter sending positive emotions out into the world. Take advantage of the day to contact folks you have been meaning to get in touch with or people who you would like to work with in the year ahead. Mars will be sweeping the energy along and helping. It is an excellent day for connections and contacts.

Saturday, Moon occults Saturn as she goes on to flow and merge her emotional energy with Mars and Pluto. Again this is a good day to push, gently, persistently, clearly, for what you want. It is one of those days that form a kind of cosmic ‘ah ha’ moment. All of your effort, setbacks, process, problems and changes during the past year seem to fall into place or fall away. Again, remember that Mars only needs the slightest bit of attention to overreact or create. Just a tiny smile or a brief nod of your head and Mars is off and running.

Sunday, the Sun and Mercury join in making a single-minded purpose in earth, form and manifestation. If you know mantras, chant them. If you pray, get out your rosary beads. If you sing, sing a song of joy and love. Send out the energy of intention and creation towards what you’d like to create. That out of bounds Mars will hear you and carry your request to Saturn and Pluto to be created between now and June 2007. The Moon in Virgo has a plan and she sets off Jupiter as Mercury connects with Saturn. In a few days, they will all get together and get to work on creating what you want. Make sure that by when Mars joins with Pluto next Saturday, they have a full set of plans.

Mundane: Remember, Mars/Pluto cycles in their lower forms can be destructive instead of creative. The recent previous Mar/Pluto cycles were on March 18, 2001 at 15 Sagittarius on the USA Ascendant. That cycle marked terrorists learning how to fly airplanes into buildings and 9-11. The next Mars/Pluto cycle was February 16, 2003 at 19 Sagittarius, on Iraq’s Saturn, immediately before the invasion of Iraq. The new cycle, starting next Saturday, is at 27 Sagittarius. It is on Israel’s Jupiter in the third house of neighborhoods ~ promising more problems with their neighbors. It is square to Pisces Mercury and Mars in the eighth house of Iran‘s chart ~ they will start trading their oil in different currencies than the US dollar. It is on China’s Mercury in the third house of trading and currency ~ not a promising image for our trade deficit nor our foreign debt in their hands. The Mars/Pluto conjunction is in a semi-sextile balsamic closing approach to the USA Pluto at 27 Capricorn. We can expect a continuing devaluation of the US dollar as well as major currency fluctuations. More countries will move into Euros and out of Dollars, as Iran announced it would last week. Get your consumer debt reduced and your mortgage into a fixed rate as soon as possible.

Copyright © 2007 Anne C. Ortelee