Weekly Weather December 18, 2006

Weekly Weather December 18, 2006

In our week ahead the universe offers us TWO peeks into the plan we’ve set up for our future ~ the New Moon and the Capricorn Ingress. By future, I mean the next 15 or so years. Yes, 15 years! The cosmic curtains are going to draw back. The planetary aspects are going to show you what you’ve set up for yourself down the road! IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE (or feel), change, Change, CHANGE. Change now. Change as soon as you can. Change. No more waiting for a good aspect or until you lose 16.2 pounds or for whenever “they” decide to get their act together. It is up to YOU. It is YOUR FUTURE. Start your changes now! Let’s talk about what’s going on…

First, we have the new moon on December 20 at 28:33 Sagittarius. The new moon is at the same degree in the sky where Pluto and Jupiter are going to join NEXT December 2007. They are in a fire sign ~ mutable, changeable fire sign. Sagittarius has a bonfire on windy, dark, cold starry night energy. Right after Sagittarius’ changing, visionary fire energy we move into cardinal earth ~ creating in physical form what we’ve glimpsed through the bonfire energy. The warmth, illumination, face lighting and brightness of bonfire’s heat, light and passion. You know how the sparks shoot up into the starry night sky as the large pile of wood crackles and burns? I want you watching the sparks and wishing on them. After you wish on them, I want you acting to create the dream they light up. For more information on how to deal with the energy of the new moon, read my new moon column on this site. Time’s a wasting…

Second, right after the new moon, is the Capricorn Ingress! (December 21, 2006, 7:23 pm EST) The Capricorn ingress is THE important yearly ingress for us Northern Hemisphere folks on Planet Earth. It marks our shortest day. It signals when the Sun begins his climb from darkness into light. It essentially is new moon energy around our solar consciousness and evolution. The days start to get a minute longer ~ signifying they and we grow in light and, hopefully, wisdom. Cast for the moment the Sun enters Capricorn it marks the Capricorn Solstice. The Sun stops and stands still for three days on the Tropic of Capricorn before deciding if he wants to return to light up the northern part earth for another year! Important turning point ~ as the Sun literally appears to pivot in the sky and returns to his growing season’s path!

So combine the Ingress chart with the new moon chart as the Sun and the Moon go into earthy Capricorn and start to work with the Uranus/ Mars square to create your dreams, via the vision and emotion of the new moon’s fire light. And, next December 2007, right after Jupiter and Pluto join at the last degree of Sagittarius, Jupiter and Pluto go into CAPRICORN! Jupiter and Pluto start to create in PHYSICAL form, as they are much more concrete planets than our Solar and Lunar friends. Jupiter and Pluto are going to begin a new cycle. Jupiter and Pluto act like a lottery of luck in your life ~working together they bring good luck stuff or bad luck stuff.

Now, Jupiter is a fairly good fellow. He’s a nice guy. He likes to work with us to create what we and our soul desires and dreams about. He finds us cute little humans rather amusing. Jupiter is willing to listen to our excuses about why we can‘t, how we are scared, or calm our worries as he patiently teaches us to have faith and follow our spirit‘s call.

However, Pluto is a different story. Pluto does what Pluto wants, because Pluto can. Pluto is the great transformer. Pluto’s watching too ~ he’s in a trine to Saturn. Saturn and Pluto are working together right now, in a closing trine to each other. Pluto’s paying attention to whether you’ve figured out what your Saturn is. Pluto’s paying attention to IF you are doing your work, your Saturn or avoiding your life. I want Saturn giving a good report about you to Pluto ~ make sure Saturn can say to Pluto that you are doing your Saturn. Saturn’s gotta write up a report to Pluto about how well you are doing ~ a report card of sorts. No dilly dallying or distracting yourself or saying “Well, I will do my Saturn when I have a chance! Let me just put off Saturn a bit longer” Every day, do a little bit of your Saturn. Do it because you can! Do your Saturn because it is time. And Do your Saturn because Pluto is paying attention.

Whatever you see THIS week in your life is going to grow BIG, very BIG, come next December. And then for the next 13 YEARS, of the Jupiter/Pluto cycle, it is going to get bigger, and bigger and bigger. It is going to grow up, bloom, change your life and create a harvest that you will be reaping between now and 2020. So figure out what you want in your garden or your life NOW! If you don’t like what you see when the two lights join mid-week followed by the Capricorn Ingress, start changing it. Get your Saturn in gear! Ask Jupiter for help. Demonstrate to Pluto that you are interested in transforming your life.

Inevitably, when I write a column like this, people write in and ask how to do their Saturn. Whenever you feel one of the words below, THAT is SATURN. That is the situation you need to address and change. The universe is asking you to let go of the old way you’ve been doing it. The universe is asking you to grow up and deal. If you don’t address it now, it is going to get very, very big in the next 13 years! Your Saturn area will kick up! Your Saturn area is where you need to set a boundary, do work, let go of fear and give yourself (or others) permission to change. When you get one of the “feelings” on the list, think of it as Saturn knocking on your soul. Remember, Saturn’s going to start reporting back to Pluto about how you are doing your Saturn. No lollygagging around or whining about how hard your life is. Suck it up and deal with Saturn.

Saturn Emotions: Feel one of these emotions and take action to address the situation causing the emotion! Remember Frustration equals growth! Defeat. Thwart. Counter. Block. Foiled. Pout. Balk. Disappoint. Forestalled. Baffled. Stymied. Stopped. Nullified. Circumvent. Obstruction. Impeded. Argue. Hinder. Discouraged. Spoil. Cripple. Obstruct. Impede. Hamper. Hinder. Discourage. Dishearten. Dispirit. Depress. Dissatisfy. Anger. Repress. Annoy. Delay. Vex. Irk. Irritate. Oppress. Resent. Bitter. Discontentment.

Next, onto the Capricorn Ingress Chart. It is in a Bucket pattern, with SATURN acting as the handle of the bucket. Saturn is in the unconscious location of the bucket‘s handle (opening to 90 degree angle)~ meaning we will be less conscious of how we carry our bucket than we can be. It means Saturn is critical to carrying the bucket successfully, even if we don’t think so at first. It suggests the other side of the situation and the goal needs to be considered before taking action and carrying our bucket forward.

Think back on when you’ve carried a bucket of water or anything moveable and fluid for any distance in a container with a moveable handle. If you carry a full bucket by the handle, it is more efficient, effective AND spills less. If you carry a bucket full of water against your chest with your arms wrapped around it, you’ll slosh the water all over yourself as you walk, or run, towards your goal. The whole point of the moveable handle on any bucket is to rock and roll cooperatively with your gait! The handle’s flexibility and mobility prevents spills of the fluid in the bucket. Now, if you are on a beach on a hot day, it is terrific when that bucket of salt water spills down your chest and over your belly, if a bit of a shock. But IF you are dressed up and wearing a lovely ball gown and asked to carry a bucket of dirty floor water or grease or the contents of a porta-potty ~ well you get the idea…

Most notable, in our ingress chart, a VERY creative, pa
ssionate and fiery chart, we
find an EXACT to the minute square between Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces. Essentially, you need to think of the fluid in the bucket as being alive and frisky. Alive! Frisky! The fluid in the bucket wants to jump out on to you! The fluid in the bucket wants to get you completely wet and soaked! The fluid in the bucket wants you to remember how to carry a bucket of icky (or nice) fluid. Mars in a balsamic approach to the Sun ~ splish, splash, slosh ~ in mischief making Sagittarius. To add a bit of drama to the whole process, you are going to have to run with the bucket in a little while ~ jiggling, bouncing and rolling that bucket toward your destination. You are going to get the fluid even MORE excited about jumping out of the bucket and landing on you! The key to the process is the Saturn handle of the bucket. Do your Saturn. Carry the bucket by the handle. Saturn will keep the fluid from landing on you IF you carry the bucket properly!

Do you have a clear picture in your mind of how important the next week is? First, you get a peek at your future and have the opportunity to change it before it locks and loads into permanent form next December. Second, you have to figure out how to do your Saturn, creatively, so you can successfully carry a bucket of icky, nasty fluid to your goal between now and mid-April. Remember the icky fluid is alive and wants to splash on you! There are all sorts of tools around (if you take the time to look for them)! There are people who will help you (if you take the time to ask for help or advice)! There are lids for the bucket (if you do your Saturn)! There are poles to suspend the bucket of fluid from so it is away from your body (if you find a lid, ask for help and do your Saturn)!

Monday, Sun joins with Pluto starting a new cycle of transformation for a year. Sun also illuminates where we need to change, transform and evolve in our beliefs, visions and passion about what we believe is possible for our lives and ourselves. The Sun’s working aspect with Ceres asks you to evaluate your hopes and dreams to see how close you are to creating them. On March 21, 2007, Sun will join with Ceres to start a new creative cycle. Until that happens, you get to harvest what you’ve created since December 2005. Don’t care much for it? Well, make changes now to get ready for what you DO want to create when Sun and Ceres again link up on the world axis. Chiron’s square to Vesta suggests you take action around things that surround you on the home and hearth front. Why are you still living with and keeping that negative energy around you? Gotta clear out the old for the new to arrive.

Tuesday, Mercury has a dreamy aspect to Neptune widening your vision of what is possible for yourself. Also make sure to write down your dreams from last night or thought and images from today. They will mean more to you in March. Venus’ closing sextile to Pisces asks you to take a few concrete actions toward what you want to accomplish or create. Sun is in a worry wart aspect to Pallas… perhaps a bit of unnecessary obsession and worrying over strategy. All is to get you in a better place and with a clearer plan for your future and the new moon tomorrow.

Wednesday, an important new moon at the last degrees of Sagittarius gives us an emotional and illuminating peek into our next 13 years. Next year Jupiter and Pluto join at the same degree as the new moon. Let go of the last vestiges of your 1982/83 fear and avoidance story. Embrace your best life. Fish gotta swim. Birds gotta fly. You gotta do your life (Saturn). Jupiter’s lovely aspect to Neptune offers a bit of guided brilliance to awaken you based on what you see or feel today. Sun’s union with Mercury brings home the “we create what we need to be able to do our soul’s desired journey”. Hey, you asked for your chart! You may have been talking or fooling around in the line when they handed out the instructions on how to get your chart to work properly. You DID have a great idea in mind before you incarnated into this lifetime! Your soul’s consciousness created your chart as the perfect vehicle to create the life you desired. Don’t like your life much right now? Well, right there, in your Saturn, is your vision of your best life. You know the higher version of your Saturn, not the pain, gloom and doom version. Go do your Saturn.

Thursday, Mercury squares the nodes and Sun aspects Uranus in a cosmic “Ah HAH” moment. Or a universal “CLICK”! Or a profound “get it! “energy. Mars has a fighting (on a bad day) or exceptionally creative (on a good day) aspect to Uranus about 6 minutes before the Sun enters Capricorn. Think June 2007 for creative manifestation of what is begun under the ingress, and 6 years from now. A powerful chart, it indicates Australia will be pivotal next year as the Ingress Mars/Uranus paran falls squarely on Brisbane and rolls along the eastern coast of Australia. Mercury’s aspect with Juno promises unexpected alliances or partnerships forming to help you get what you want.

Friday Mercury chats with Venus and Chiron. We often create what we desire (or are afraid of) based on our soul’s wounds. If we become conscious of our soul’s wounds, we don’t have to keep creating the same old situations over and over and over again to figure it out. Take the knowledge gleaned over the past few days and make a conscious choice to create a revised version of your life. What reality no longer serves you and your dreams? Can you change your approach or relationship to it? Aw, come on; just try changing for a month or two. At least dream about what your life would look like during today’s long void moon.

Saturday, Jupiter joins with Ceres ~ this is a jolly and lovely aspect to have before the holidays. Aside from indicating lots of food and good cheer, Moon in Aquarius has wonderful aspects to the planets in Sagittarius and joins with Neptune in Aquarius. Turn off the house lights, put on romantic or Christmas music and watch the stars rise in the heavens beyond the Christmas tree lights.

Sunday has a bustle energy to it as Mercury whisks around the house and the outer world, finishing off various things on his long to-do list. Christmas Eve falls as Sun aspects Neptune and Juno. Awareness of how we partner with what we need to help us become conscious or avoid consciousness flows in on the Sun’s aspects.

Mundane Astrology: Getting wild and wooly in global politics! I’m connecting disparate events and going “MMmm? Wonder what THAT means?” Make sure to watch for events around the new moon in late Sadge and the Capricorn Ingress chart on December 20 and 21, 2006. We’ll receive important data points about our future and the war in Iraq. Combine whatever happens with the following recent data points: Dick Cheney flew to meet, privately, with the Saudi Royalty for 2 hours on Thanksgiving weekend and flew home. James Baker, who argued the Bush Presidency before the USA Supreme Court (and won) also is the lawyer who represents the Saudi Kingdom in the United States. The Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States quit last week with no replacement, fanfare or ceremony. Saudi Arabia is Sunni Muslim while Iran is Shia Muslim. Currently, Iran is supporting the Shias in Iraq. Saudi Arabia said they would support the Iraq Sunnis to prevent their genocide by the Iraq Shia IF the USA pulls out of Iraq.

If the USA pulls out of Iraq, without appropriate controls in place, we will stop preventing a full blown civil war between the various Muslim sectors. We’ll destabilize the country. The Shia are the physical majority. The Sunni were the ruling minority. The Sunni ruled Iraq, protected by Sadam Hussein‘s power-over dictatorship. One might imagine the Shia are looking for revenge? Payback? The Hamilton/ (James) Baker Iraq study said, among other things, “Privatize the Iraq oil fields.” Mr. Bush has delayed, until after Christmas, (read
next year and New Congress), any decisions about Iraq. He is gathering data and listening to various groups of people. The new Defense Secretary, Mr. Gates, takes office next week. The Iraq oil fields have been largely idle since we invaded, vastly enriching our oil companies and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Arabia chart is Sep 21 1932, Noon, Riyadh, Saudi, according to Nicholas Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes. The Saudi natal Virgo Sun is receiving a square from both the new moon and transiting Pluto. The Saudi chart will have next fall’s Jupiter/ Pluto union at the last degree of Sagittarius square to her Virgo Sun. The 2006 Capricorn Ingress Mars/ Uranus exact to the minute square activates the Saudi Progressed Sun at 12 Sagittarius, the progressed moon at 8 Pisces and node at 12 Pisces. Plus the progressed Pisces Saudi moon is moving to trigger the Ingress Chart over the next few months. The Saudi Solar Arc Mars of 14 Libra falls on the USA Saturn! Does that aspect mean we will be at war with Saudi Arabia?

If you bought oil or gas stock shares prior to our invasion of Iraq, take some of your winnings off the table in the next week or so! The Mars / Uranus square promises a roller coaster ride. The NYSE Chart is Feb 25, 1817 at 10 am in New York. It is getting hit very hard by the Ingress chart, particularly with that that volatile, alive liquid. If I didn’t know better, I’d say there was nitroglycerin in the bucket instead of oil!

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee