Weekly Weather December 11, 2006

Weekly Weather December 11, 2006

Frustration causes growth! Someone said that to me last week when I was complaining about a frustrating situation in my life. I laughed out loud! Frustration certainly does cause growth!

I tried to argue back that gratification causes growth! Yep, it does. Gratification is a fabulous, wonderful thing! But, truth be told, when I look at my own life, the lives of my friends, family and clients, more often than not, frustration is what spurs us to seek new routes, explore alternatives, or try out different ideas. When we are frustrated, we change. Frustration equals growth!

As we face defeat, we try the “Hail Mary” pass. Thwarted, we check to see if or how we can counter the block. Foiled, we pout, balk or are disappointed. Then we get up and try something else. Forestalled, we are baffled by why the universe seems to stymie us. Stopped or nullified, we seek to circumvent the obstruction. Impeded, we argue with what we perceive to be hindering or discouraging us. Other words from my trusty thesaurus are spoil, cripple, obstruct, impede, hamper, hinder, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, depress, dissatisfy, anger, repress, annoy, delay, vex, irk, irritate, oppress, resentment, bitterness, embitter, and discontentment.

Did you notice how many of the words above resonate or are part and parcel of the energy of Saturn? All are Saturn words! Saturn will be moving backwards until mid-April 2007, so guess what Saturn is going to be doing? You got it. Saturn is going to be doing all the words above. I want you to make a list of Saturn’s words. Tape Saturn’s words to your bathroom mirror. Put Saturn’s words in your wallet. Make Saturn’s words your screen saver. Save Saturn’s words as a text message to yourself. Read Saturn’s words in the morning when you get up. Get to know the Saturn words above by heart.

THEN WHEN you feel ANY sort of frustrating energy starting up in your life, know that is your Saturn! That is a signal from Saturn that it is time to do your Saturn. Review your Saturn words. Check your list. Say to yourself, “Yep, I am VEXED. THAT feeling of being VEXED means Saturn is in the room!” Think of Saturn as your own form of Elvis or celebrity sightings. I want you watching for Saturn, looking for Saturn’s emotions to appear in your life. When he shows up, face Saturn fairly and squarely. Have a chat with Saturn. That part of you that is frustrated is the part of you that is growing right now. All the frustration will cause growth. Moreover, when you feel the frustration energy that signals Saturn is in the room, have your Saturn alarm go off. LOUD BEEP ~ Saturn is here! Saturn is in the room! It is time to do your Saturn. Right now! Immediately! Do your Saturn!

In an earlier part of my life, I was a sales person. Sales folks hear a lot of ‘No’s. We learn that ‘No’ is a good thing. We were taught to count our ‘No’s. When someone says, ‘No’, we learn to say, “Thank you very much!” And, we mark one NO on our tracking sheets. Each NO meant we were closer to Yes. If you were a good sales person, you kept track of how many ‘No’s happened before you heard ‘Yes’. Perhaps it would be 10 Nos before Yes. If you were lucky, it would be five Nos before Yes. Or maybe 51 Nos, or 1001 Nos, or 24 Nos before Yes. Regardless, enough Nos and you get to a Yes.

Saturn is our No planet. When you were little and impressionable, Saturn said NO. Two year olds say NO! The world says NO! At some point, we start to internalize all those NOs. We start saying No to ourselves. We say NO, even before we try. Or, we go and find perfect people who say No to us. Our No sayers prove our particular viewpoint of the world. Or, we package our version of No into grown up wrapping, “Well when I get to xyz, THEN I can abc” And we keep sabotaging ourselves to prevent ourselves from getting to xyz so we cannot have abc. You get the idea.

Fact: We are not going to have Green lights all the way from New York to Chicago. We are going to have Red lights. When we come to a red light, we do not get mad at it! We do what the Red light asks (stop). Then, after a fashion (in those Right on Red light states), OR when the light turns green, we keep moving forward.

Over the last few months, since September really, you have gotten much clearer about what you want. Now that Saturn is going backwards, he is going to be frustrating you between now and mid-April. Saturn is going to be playing with your head. Saturn is going to be throwing up all sorts of impediments. Saturn is going to be saying no. When Saturn says no, do NOT take it personally. Just, restate, firmly, what you would like, right to Saturn‘s craggy old face. Politely too! And go to work towards creating it, with or without Saturn‘s help. The mountains and roadblocks Saturn erects are going to LOOK enormous. They are not. They are ready to collapse in a pile, provided you keep doing your Saturn.

The reason I say they are going to collapse in a pile is Neptune has two more oppositions to Saturn. One opposition is at the end of February and the other is at the end of June. Neptune is “bigger” than Saturn is. Neptune is all about illusion. Neptune dissolves through Saturn’s seemingly impenetrable structures, boundaries and limits. If you stand with Neptune (despair, illusion, lack of movement, fogginess, emotion), Saturn will look VERY BIG indeed.

If you stand with Saturn, (even though he is annoying you out of your MIND with frustration, angina and grief), the distant future, YOUR future, seemingly hidden in a huge Neptune fog is there, right behind the mists. It is there if you keep pushing and moving toward it.

When I was young, they showed the movie “Brian’s Song” in my high school auditorium. The entire audience of teenage girls was crying, sniffling and snuffling during the famous death scene at the bed. Suddenly a camera flashed, illuminating the movie screen, showing it to be white, and completely breaking the illusion. The unexpected flash of light totally broke up the teary moment, disrupting it and caused an audience of soggy girls to erupt in laughter.

That is your second alternative. Laugh. Saturn rules laughter and humor. When the movie playing in your life starts to get dramatic, flash it with light. Break the Saturn moment. Laugh. It is REALLY an illusion! Saturn is asking you to understand how you forbid yourself from having what you deeply desire.

Third: No globalizing. Take on Saturn one situation at a time! One frustration at a time. One impediment at a time. One string at a time out of the mess before you. One at a time. One at a time will build your Saturn muscles. This is how we will be doing Saturn for the next 5 months, while he is retrograde. One by One. One Saturn situation at a time.

Saturn. Deal with the frustration or laugh. Next. Saturn. Deal with the frustration or laugh. Next. Saturn. Deal with the frustration or laugh. Next! You get the idea. Ready?

Monday Venus joins with Capricorn as Mars joins with Jupiter and Mercury has an aspect of brilliance with Neptune. Not for nothing, but print out this column to read and re-read over the next few months. It is a keeper! Laugh Out Loud. I just did my Saturn! In fact, Venus moving into Saturn’s sign of Capricorn as Mars begins a 3-year journey with Jupiter today signals you have to work for what you love. Work in the “GOOD” sense ~ because it is of value to you. Work toward it because you desire it. Work toward it because it makes sense for you to have it in your life. Work toward it because life is short and time is fleeting. Think about all the time you spent last year (or in earlier parts of your life) moaning and groaning about situations you could not change, failing to make a decision or delaying living your life! The universe is giving you a do-over option
, right here, right now. Giv
e yourself permission to move toward what you want without anyone else saying it is okay. You know what you want. So go for it. Virgo Moon suggests you write a small to-do list or list of Saturn words to get ready for the next five months!

Tuesday, Neptune is trine to Juno and Mercury is sextile to Chiron say “Well, yes, but what if I GET what I want? THEN what do I do? What if I don’t want it or like it or it isn’t what I expected?” Well, let us deal with that when you get what you want. Enough with the speculation. Put your money where your mouth is. Actions speak louder than words. Look what you want in the eye, in the cold hard light of high noon. You have been around long enough to know that even if you get what you want, it is going to change you. It is going to change what you want next. The new love will not always be new ~ their feet smell. The new car will not always have that fresh smell ~ the soda will spill, the dent will come. The fabulous job will have its very own version of politics and long boring tasks. The expensive shirt will get a spot or ring around the collar. The dog will need walking and pooper scooping. Take the risk. Ride the Sun is square to the Node and reach for what you want. Give yourself permission to have it. Virgo moon says whatever is new today will soon be a wonderful new habit!

Wednesday, IF you took action to deal with your frustration with your Saturn situation, today you see the illusion move as Mars aspects Neptune. IF you failed to take action, Sun digs his heels in a bit more via his aspect to Chiron and makes nasty noises at you from over in the corner. Saturn is trying to frustrate you. If you find yourself going “It always happens to me like this”, I want you to turn around, look Saturn in the eye, and say, “Nope, not this time Buster!” Just the act of saying “Nope, not this time, Buster!” will shift the energy. Try it.

Thursday, the energy moves and Jupiter comes back with a new idea, new offering or suggestion to Venus about how she can get what she wants. Take him up on his suggestion.

Friday Mercury sets off his closing square to Uranus asking you to integrate what you learned this week. Unfortunately, we often operate out of our wounded places. We manage to find or create or whatever the very situations that reflect our very worst beliefs about ourselves. Then, once we’ve created them, we get to figure out how to handle them.

Come to understand that you actually have a pretty good ability to predict your own future and know what comes next (we ARE living in our lives after all ~ he does this, then I do that, then he does this, then do that). The moment of recognizing the repetition of your pattern is critical! That moment of recognition is YOUR opportunity to say, “I’ve decided to change the outcome and ending. I have decided to do something different. I have choices here! I am going to make a different choice!” You are not five, three, eight, or whatever. You are a grown up human being. You know better. Suck it up. Do your Saturn. Make a different choice. The long void moon today will dredge up that 1982/83 story one more time to get you clear on how it can hold you back. Got it? Good.

Saturday finds Sun trining Saturn ~ mmmmm should be a good feeling kind of day. No life is not easy. But life is do-able. And you CAN do it. Moon in Scorpio for the next two days adds a passion to the exercise of your life. Venus as a closing aspect to Chiron implies if one-side, person or part of a situation changes, it all changes. Read up on Chaos theory. Learn about the leading edge of creation and all that jazz. Consciousness was seeded in your being this week. Consciousness, once seeded, can never be erased. Consciousness can be IGNORED but not forgotten. It can never be forgotten. It dances around, below the surface of your being. Take action on it. You can do it. Patterns change when the structures are recognized for what they are.

Sunday finds two gifts from the heavens. You will hear from a maiden, young female or feminine energy that it worked. And there will be news from a mother or creative energy in your life. Both are signals to you from Saturn on how to play your cards. You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them. The next hand is right around the corner, next week. Get ready.

Mundane: I am quite fascinated by the Putin/Litvinenko poison story as well as the Hamilton/Baker Study on the Iraq war being delivered on the Station of Saturn retrograde trine to Pluto in Saggitarius. We aren’t going to know how these stories turn out for a while. Now, the Russian police are getting into the action and helping Scotland Yard investigate who delivered the poison. Did you realize it is our first episode of Nuclear Terrorism? Welcome Pluto in Capricorn. And, last but not least, it does my heart good to hear that Dick Cheney’s going to be a grandfather again. His daughter Mary is pregnant! She and her lesbian partner are having their first baby. No word if Mary is planning on marrying the mother of her child before or after new baby arrives.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee