New Moon December 20, 2006

New Moon December 20, 2006

9:01 am EST

6:01 am PST

28:33 Sagittarius

Our new moon at 28:33 Sagittarius on December 20, 2006 echoes across time and space. It signals a turning point in the middle of a series of major developmental cycles. It takes place hours before a very powerful Capricorn Ingress when the Moon and the Sun enter Capricorn and mark out the energy for the year ahead. Sun in Capricorn at the Ingress speaks to our ego’s vision of what we’ve built of our lives over the past years. Moon in Capricorn at the Ingress suggests and offers to us a summation of the practical natures of our emotional being. The new moon’s union of the Sun and the Moon is at the degree of the NEXT Jupiter/ Pluto conjunction at 28:26 Sagittarius in December 2007. We are concluding a 13 Jupiter and Pluto cycle in the year ahead. The current cycle began when Jupiter and Pluto joined at 28:26 Scorpio in December of 1994. Right after Jupiter and Pluto join together next December, they both enter Capricorn ~ Jupiter for the first time in 12 years and Pluto for the first time in 248 years. Yes, we are at a major turning point in our lives! But haven’t you been feeling it for the last year or so?

Any planet in found in the last three degrees of a sign is considered “dead” or complete in its cycle, with virtually all of its energy spent and expended. The new Sagittarius moon is in the degree area that is considered a “dead” moon, very near to the anaretic degree or the last degree. The anaretic degree is known as the degree which ‘destroys the form’ of every sign ~ kind of shout out that “hey world I am here” before zipping off into the next sign. Similar to anorexia ~ a disease noted for it’s wasting, destroying and ending quality to the human body due to lack of nourishment, the anaretic degree marks the end of a developmental cycle as well as a final pulse of our emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical energy.

If you’ve noticed, since the first of our three Saturn/ Neptune oppositions began in August 2006, the last FOUR new moons have been at or near to the anaretic degrees ~ 29:20 Virgo of Mutable Earth, 28:40 Libra of Cardinal Air, 28:27 Scorpio of Fixed Water, and now 28:32 Sagittarius of Mutable Fire. The next few new moons are at the end of their signs too ~ 28:41 Capricorn of Cardinal Earth, 28:37 Aquarius of Fixed Air, 28:07 Pisces of Mutable Water and 27:05 Aries of Cardinal Fire. These next four late degree new moons take place while Saturn moves backward in the later degrees of Leo. The anaretic eight new moons take place BEFORE Saturn stations to go direct in mid-April of 2007. Saturn is going to station at 18 Leo, where he was back in September of 2006. Now, add into the picture, Saturn’s ongoing opposition to Neptune with Act Two, the retrograde opposition, taking place during the last week of February 2007 and the Final Act, the direct opposition, occurring at the end of June 2007. Saturn and Neptune act together during their cycle to dissolve and transform existing structures.

Each of the eight new moons at the ending, anaretic and destroying degrees of the signs of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries will mark a profound ending in our lives. Each of the eight new moons will mark a profound beginning in the eight separate houses of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries in our lives. Eight profound Endings and eight profound beginnings in the Virgo through the Aries sector of your (and every) chart. Often we focus on the endings (at least I do) rather than on the beginnings. However, the beginning are right in there, buried and taking root next to the endings. Think about that for a moment ~ the eight areas include how we analyze, balance, desire, understand, use, know, believe and are each will be experiencing an ending and a beginning. The eight areas also correspond to areas or sectors of our lives based on which houses they land in. That is A LOT of profound beginning and ending energy flying around in the heavens. Get out your chart and notice where all those new moons at the last degrees of the sign are found!

Whenever we have a new moon, we experience an ending and a beginning of a cycle that will run for 36 months. Usually, our new moons are run of the mill new moons causing various parts of our life stories to evolve ~ we get a dog or cat, we buy a car, or we find a new job. This moment of time is quite different! There is a connection between the eight new moon anaretic lunations in a row AND the Saturn/ Neptune opposition (a 38 year cycle that began in 1989) and the last individual Saturn/ Neptune cycle in a longer 144 year zodiacal Saturn/Neptune cycle that began back in 1882 after the Civil War) AND the closing trine from Saturn to Pluto (a 38 year cycle that began in 1982) AND the balsamic year of the Jupiter/Pluto 13 year cycle.

The conflux and interactions of the Jupiter/ Pluto, Saturn/ Neptune and Saturn/ Pluto cycles are making the various houses in our chart vibrate with the impetus of change. Whenever planets are dancing with each other, the houses they rule under go changes. Our Jupiter ruled houses of Sagittarius and Pisces, our Saturn ruled houses of Capricorn and Aquarius, our Neptune ruled house of Pisces and our Pluto ruled house of Scorpio are all vibrating to the resonance of the planets interacting with each other. The intersecting cycles of Jupiter / Pluto, Saturn / Neptune and Saturn/ Pluto are creating a rather large buzz in the cosmos. Their resonance is waking up five of the eight anaretic lunations to make the lunations even MORE profound than they normally would be.

Take time on this new moon to meditate on a few areas of your life. First, think about the situations in your life that need to have their structures dissolve and transform (your Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces houses) using the Saturn Neptune opposition energy. Do your Saturn in these areas to facilitate the changes. The Saturn structures are shifting via Neptune’s transformation so you can follow your spiritual calling or pursue the dream of your future. Saturn calls.

Second, ponder the areas that feel like they are coming to an end even as they start to seed a new beginning (your Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces houses) using the Jupiter/ Pluto balsamic phase energy. The ending of a 13 year cycle is finishing up in the house where the degree of 28 Scorpio is found. The new 13 year cycle is just emotionally and intellectually getting ready to begin on the new moon. It will start to call out to you in the house where 28 Sagittarius is found. The new cycle of lottery abundance, for good or bad, will start in earnest next December when Jupiter and Pluto join.

Third, meditate on the harvesting and disseminating energy of the powerful closing trine forming between Saturn and Pluto (your Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius houses) through Summer of 2007. The purpose of closing trines are to encourage you to make a very easy and loving stretch of the transformative nature of your karma, work and purpose on earth. Trines are so much about harvest, and ease and flow of energy, almost effortlessly, if we merely lift the blocks. It is time for you to expand and stretch out those muscles and gifts of yours which tensed into tight fists under the Saturn/ Pluto conjunction in 1982 at 28 Libra. Back in 1982, the Finger of God between Saturn/ Pluto in Libra sextile to Neptune in Sagittarius and apex at Chiron in Taurus wounded your soul. But it was perhaps, one of the most important times of your life. That wound from 1982 was revisited all last year as you worked with the bullfight and Medusa imagery during the fall of 2005, and the traffic jam in the Spring of 2006. Over the months ahead, you will come to understand the profound nature of that story ~ what it was for, what it did for you, how it impacts your life and your purpose.

If you read
the three paragraphs above,
you’ll notice that the houses of Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are awake and changing from the conflux of the various cycles pushing and pulling at the energy in your being and life. Six of these houses correspond to where the eight new moons are taking place at the anaretic, dissolving, ending, destroying and transforming degree prior to brand new beginnings. The other house, Leo, is where Saturn is currently traveling, restructuring your existence because, well, because he is Saturn!

What are left are two new anaretic degree moons or houses of Aries and Virgo. First is the anaretic degree new moon in Aries which will arrive in April 2007 as Saturn stations to move direct and leave Leo for 30 years moving into Virgo. The other is the anaretic degree new moon in Virgo which took place in September of 2006, right after the first Saturn / Neptune opposition and during the fall eclipse season. Profound changes that began in the late summer will take until June 2007 to settle in to your being when the Saturn/ Neptune oppostion completes.

Aries, new moon or house, is always about where we are supposed to be brave, bold and begin things ~ our “I AM” statement to the heavens. Virgo, new moon or house, is about our habits, our routines and our rituals. Our habits, routines and rituals were (or started to) profoundly change at the end of August and beginning of September 2006. We have between now and mid-April 2007 to get our lives into the kind of order (or at the very least the INTENTION of the kind of order) we’d like to create in our lives for the next year, 36 months, 13 years, 14 years, 20 years, 30 years and 144 years. Yep, year, 36 months, 13 years, 14 years, 20 years, 30 years and 144 years. The changes implemented between now and mid-April are that important!

When changes are as deep, immense and long lasting as the current set of energies pushing on the human collective, the universe is kind. The universe gives us quite a bit of time to get our collective acts together! We are getting toward the end of our time to get it together. The way through the morass of energy changes ahead of you is to Do your Saturn. Support and celebrate the endings and new beginnings that have taken place in your Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius houses. There will be more endings and new beginnings over the next four months in your Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries houses. Welcome the changes and transformations as part and parcel of the profound changes taking place in your being and in the lives of the people around you.

Lynda Hill’s imagery for the new moon’s Sabian symbol is A FAT BOY MOWING THE LAWN

Commentary: ‘A Fat Boy Mowing the Lawn’ shows someone getting up and doing the necessary chores and to improve the appearance around the home. The ‘Fat Boy’ can be the “kid” who has everything available to him, but still, for the moment at least, has to do what his family and society says rather than what he may prefer to be doing. As he is said to be a ‘Fat Boy’, perhaps he’s used to not having to do or contribute very much, mostly laying around watching television or playing computer games. The ‘Fat Boy’ has to learn how to use machinery, to deal with things such as oil, petrol and spark plugs. It may be that he’s not had to dirty his hands very often with jobs with menial chores.

Oracle: In order to remain socially acceptable amongst the people and in the neighborhood where we live, we have to trim and clean up our environment. For whatever reason, it has to be accepted that everyday chores are important and necessary. Taken to extremes, however, this can lead to having to keep up with the Jones’. How well does the “appearance” of this situation look? Is there a need for maintenance and care to put on a better show and impress everybody for society’s sake? You may be paying more attention to appearances than you are to the needs of those things that others don’t see. The “front yard” may be all cleaned up and looking neat and tidy, but how does the “back yard” look? Many people are fooled by how things appear, but there is usually an unsettling feeling that everything is not quite right. Perhaps someone has to pay some price by proving themselves? There can be a feeling of having to do some chore that doesn’t truly reflect what one is capable of doing or desires to do. Is there something that you’ve been going to do for years, but haven’t gotten around to? Jobs, chores, tasks and duties need to be done by someone. Have people been asking and asking for these chores to be done? There may be an upside; with all the exercise, there may be a possibility of losing a little weight and getting fit.

Keywords: Superficial show. Things looking respectable, and “right”. Trying to lose weight through physical activity. Coming to grips with mechanical tools. Perspiring through effort. Training the youngsters to do the chores. Maintenance. Spare parts. Spark plugs. Doing odd jobs. Signs of affluence. Laborers. Hired hands.

The Caution: Pushing social respectability, avoiding something. Not wanting to help around the house. The “lounge-lizard”. Not knowing how to deal with the reality of life. Having to do too many chores. Not getting off one’s backside. Ignoring the nagging. Barging into other’s space. Making a lot of noise. Incompetent helpers.

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken. James Dent

The lazy man who goes to borrow a spade says, “I hope I will not find one.” Malagasy Proverb

People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals-that is, goals that do not inspire them. Anthony Robbins

The grass is always greener over the septic tank. Erma Bombeck

It is amazing how quickly the kids learn to drive a car, yet are unable to understand the lawnmower, snow blower, or vacuum cleaner. Ben Bergor

There are two kinds of men who never amount to much-those who cannot do what they are told and those who can do nothing else. Cyrus H. K Curtis

The fellow that owns his own home is always coming out of a hardware store. Kin Hubbard

If a man owns land, the land owns him. Emerson

I often wonder at the amazing patterns and lessons that our heavens offer us via the guides of our wandering stars. Please take time over the holidays (holy days) ahead to dream and wish upon your own stars. Take positive action toward your dreams. Time’s a wasting! Change. Evolve. Believe. There IS a cosmic plan for all of us. It is opening and unfolding as we watch and live our lives. Exercise your free will. Change in the direction you’d like to grow towards in your life. That very act of changing is doing your Saturn….

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee