Weekly Weather Dec. 14, 2015

Weekly Weather December 14, 2015

The Summer Day

Who made the world?

Who made the swan, and the black bear?

Who made the grasshopper?

This grasshopper, I mean-

the one who has flung herself out of the grass,

the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,

who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-

who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.

Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.

Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.

I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down

into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,

how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,

which is what I have been doing all day.

Tell me, what else should I have done?

Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?

—Mary Oliver

Another tough week ahead of us. Focus on what you want to do with your one wild and precious life. Take time to connect to your soul and sit with it. Let the world spin, wildly, slowly, crazy while you focus on what you want to do.

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Mercury is out of bounds in Capricorn, answering to Saturn in Sagittarius. Out of bound planets can be good or bad. Mercury rules the rules so when the rule maker is out of bounds, there are no rules. Or people don’t follow the rules. Or rules are made to be broken. Or unexpected consequences happen from not following the rules. Or rules are followed and the outcome is not what we expected!

Out of bounds planets act like either a home run with the bases loaded or a foul ball hit into the stands at 100 mph that hits a fan in the head. Either way, the game stops to pay attention to the out of bounds planet ~ cheering on the home run or watching the fan bleed as they are carried out of the stadium.

 When Mercury is in the sign of the rock of Capricorn, the consequences are literally written in stone. Be careful what you do, write, say or think this week as the consequences are rock solid, tied to your karma, firm, determined and definitely out of bounds. Watch out for out of bounds Mercury things ~ cars, communications, videos, connections, siblings, conversations, cousins, keys and thoughts. Remember to duck if you see something flying at your head!

Sun squares Jupiter on the 14th offering a choice and an opportunity to think about your choices. At the same time, Sun trines Eris, bring envy, jealousy and difficulty into the mix. Sun squares the Nodes of Destiny on Friday, December 18, offering you a choice of direction. Choose wisely. It is your fate after all! It is your one wild and precious life!!

At the end of the week, Mercury joins Pluto and squares Uranus setting off the cardinal energy one more time. This is a tough set of aspects because Mercury is out of bounds and stimulating the fight between Pluto and Uranus. Pluto and Uranus squared each other seven times over the past few years.  We are in their wrap up phase.  Once Pluto gets past 15:18 Capricorn, the degree of March 16, 2015’s square to Uranus and Uranus turns direct on December 25, 2015 we are in brand new territory.  Pluto aspects 15:18 Capricorn on January 8, 2016, August 17, 2015, and November 4, 2016.

This week, the old story is up and dancing in the room.  Expect explosions. Be careful around fire and in crowded places. Mars adds a bit of oomph to the mix with his contra-parallel to Uranus on Monday ~ unexpected news that you are not particularly pleased to hear. Mars sesquiquadrates Neptune and opposes Eris on Sunday adding an explosive element to the already stressed out energy. If you have domestic violence situations in your life, the weekend is a good time to lay low or get out of town. Be careful with cars, metal and other forms of weapons. I hate to write things like this but these are aspects we need to respect, honor and watch out for. Any health matters get yourself to the doctor immediately if not sooner! There is an opportunity to completely leave your home as Moon in Aries compliments the intense energy. Going to be a wild weekend!

I had dinner with my dear friend Llorraine Neithardt (whose wonderful musings are available on Venus Unplugged ~the link to the left in the blog roll). She mentioned that individuation takes place via our inferior function. We have to get that inferior function of ours up and running to truly inhabit our life as the unique and best version of the person we are meant to be. I just moaned. Why can’t it be one of our “GOOD” skills rather than our inferior skills?  As you can guess, my inferior function is NOT happy with that!  Tis a week for our inferior function to be playing and plying their inferior tricks all over the place. And it isn’t even Halloween so there are NO treats! Inferior function makes it a good week for projection.  We love to project our inferior function on to the other person. So own your stuff this week. There probably won’t be many role models of people honoring their inferior function by owning it.  No models around for you to emulate.  It is time to put on your big girl or big boy panties and own your stuff!

Whatever you traditionally do for your inferior function, make a conscious effort to change that behavior this week. Like exercising any new muscle or trying anything new, you’re not going to be good at it at first. This is how we change ~ flexing those inferior functions and helping them grow up to be functioning functions! Change it we can!

Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about your despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting —
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

—Mary Oliver

Void Moons in the Week Ahead:  When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns.  Kick back, let life flow, and center yourself.  Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon enters Aquarius on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 07:59 am EST.

Moon goes void Sextile to Sun on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 02:17:49 am EST.

Moon is void in the morning Wednesday.

Moon Enters Pisces on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 12:45:44 pm EST.

Moon goes void Square to Sun on Friday, December 18, 2015 at 10:15:26 am EST.

Moon is void most of Friday.

Moon Enters Aries on Friday, December 18, 2015 at 04:27:30 pm EST.

Moon goes void Trine to Sun on Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 05:02:08 pm EST.

Moon Enters Taurus on Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 07:13:50 pm EST.

Jupiter’s Day Thursday December 17, 2015 Moon is in Pisces and goes void Square to Sun so today we have deep and profound emotions coursing through our being. The square to the Sun suggests we may find ourselves at odds with the other as we attempt to navigate our feelings. Check in quietly with yourself. You are the person in the world that you need to take care of. Dreams last night pointed out where you are perhaps at odds with how to nurture yourself to get what you want. Uranus’ square to Pallas invites a bit of aggressive energy of change. It doesn’t have to be aggressive but if it is, notice where the pattern is old and harsh. Focus on releasing THAT harshness and moving away from it. Valuable things break today. Venus’ sextile to Pluto brings a deep introspection about what is important and what is not important. Focus on the dream again. There is an opportunity to join a new group or create with a group a dream you’ve long held in your heart. Speak about it today. Mercury’s out of bounds aspect to the ocean inspires you to go deeper while Juno brings an unexpected partner or connectin to the table.

Venus’ Day Friday December 18, 2015 Moon is Pisces and goes void Square to Sun at 10:15:26 am EST. Moon is void most of Friday. Moon Enters Aries at 04:27:30 pm EST. Our void moon most of today encourages dreamy Pisces Moon to float in the ocean on her back and imagine her future. Take time today for dream or vision work that follows the idea and flows with the current of life. Similar to floating on a raft in gentle waves, the ocean will carry you along to a new landing place. No subservience in this dream! Sun’s square to the Nodes of Fate offers a clear choice of between two poles of opposite opportunities. Choose the one that has a bit more work ~ with more detail to it, requiring more skill or training, even as the one that speaks a bit more to letting go and going with the flow seems to call you. Let go of the control energy but not the desire to create. Flow with the energy. Health matters jump in and cause problems so deal with them directly. Chiron’s aspect with Pallas points out the repeating nature of the problem. Back again the repeating story is in a brand new outfit or similar person but still telling the same old story. Decide to partner creatively and open up any triangles to the light. Name the triangle and the story shifts. Mercury’s sesquiquadrate to Admetos encourages the words to be spoken. Half the blockage in any situation is not speaking about it. Speak about it! Love needs to adjust and change today! Go for the change! It will do you a world of good!

Saturn’s Day Saturday December 19, 2015 Moon is in Aries and goes void Trine to Sun.  Moon in Aries pushes us to make rash or fast decisions as she fights with out of bounds Mercury in Capricorn. Both of the personal planets aspect Uranus and Pluto over the next two days pushing the completing square of those planets toward new ideas or impressions of how things can be. Uranus and Pluto arguing above our heads the past few years brought a change in how we see authority and our own agency. Mercury’s quintile to the South Node invokes a new approach that is fast, fun and frisky. Today you learn things you never knew existed. Venus’ trine to Chiron pushes you to constructively heal and create the next dream. Mercury links up with Pluto so intense words push you to a new level. Knowledge is power. Venus’ sextile to Pallas allows you to refresh skills or claim new ones that open up great possibilities for you. Around 5 pm EST, your brain is FULL and losing connection. Tonight you get to partner and have fun with some creative communication!! Lots of ending energy around releasing old stories and old ways of being.   Embrace the change. Sun squares hygeia so health matters can shoot to the top of the pile and ask for your attention. Take decisive action tonight around beliefs that matter to you!

Sun’s Day Sunday December 20, 2015 Moon is in Aries and goes void Trine to Sun at 05:02:08 pm EST. Moon Enters Taurus at 07:13:50 pm EST. Another productive if fast moving day with Moon in Aries aspecting the Uranus Pluto square as Mercury squares Uranus. Decision day! Dreams last night were full of interesting images and energy especially around flow, water and oceans. Make sure to record them upon awakening. Change, move or release household things that aren’t supportive of where you want to go next. Our homes represent an external version of our insides. What does your home say about you!? There is an excellent book, The Art of Tidying Up by Mondo. She encourages you to hold items in your hand and ask yourself does it bring you joy? If the answer is NOPE ~ out it goes! Recycle, regift or donate! Sun’s inconjunct to Admetos ends or adjusts a story that needs to change! Mars sesquiquadrate to Neptune offers a new vision or dream that involves a bit of stress. Feel the stress and do it anyway! Relationships can feel in the flow with Moon’s trine to Sagittairius Sun!! Envy rules the evening as Eris opposes Mars ~ the siblings are fighting! It is an old story and a rather prominent one!! Watch for rivalry, jealously or envy to rear its head. Own it if you feel the difficult energy!! Part of being clear is owning the shadow energy. Again there is an opportunity to let things go, break them apart or disband them with Mercury’s square to Uranus. The square also suggests proceeding with caution with movement or things that can crash ~ particularly cars, with metal or moving equipment that can damage things.


If you have things you would like to see added to the Weekly Weather column 2.0 or lessons you’d like included going forward, please take a few moments and send me a note. Thanks! Anne             [email protected]


AstroAnne.com for Weekly Weather forecasts, podcasts, class & workshop information, buy gift certificates or book a reading or lesson!  Gift certificates available for all the workshops listed below!  Send us an email ([email protected]) with the Gift Certificate you want to purchase and we’ll set it up!

Join Anne & Mark Wolz for an Astrology discussion of the heavens and current events, Tuesdays 7-8pm @ the OPEN CENTER! Drop in for Only $5.

Using Astrology techniques, you will develop a ‘MAP OF YOUR LIFE,’ noting past, current and yet to come events! Working with Anne, you will leave with an actual map of your life!!! Jan 16th, 2016  www.mappingyourlife.eventzilla.net

A PALMISTRY Weekend Workshop on the art & science of hand reading! Learn to read the ‘portable natal chart,’ also called “God’s Road map” taught by Anne!  If you can’t get their chart ~ look at their hands! Feb 6th & 7th, 2016 www.palmistry2016.eventzilla.net

Join Astro-Trio Anne Ortelee, Heather Roan Robbins & Mark Wolz for an ACCESS ASTROLOGY weekend workshop on ‘Unwrapping the Natal Chart.’ Reveal the layers of Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc Directions, Transits, and consciousness reflected in planetary cycles in your chart! March 5th & 6th in NYC   www.accessastrology.eventzilla.net

Want to grow your Astrology practice? Join Anne & other veteran astrologers in Athens, Georgia for ‘I-ASTROLOGER’ conference that will help you build your practice, website, choose software, use social media, improve your writing & practice! March 18-23, 2016   www.opaastrology.org

Always wanted to learn Astrology, or have a friend who does? This ‘BEGINNING ASTROLOGY WORKSHOP’ taught by Anne offers students the chance to start from scratch, refresh and renew their basic skills, and learn to interpret the natal chart. Join Anne on April 2nd & 3rd 2016   www.beginningastrology.eventzilla.net

Join Anne and other wonderful astrologers at the GREAT LAKES ASTROLOGY CONFERENCE (GLAC) for a lecture on ‘Vedic Techniques & Karma’ April 14th, and one on the ‘Venus Star Point’ April 16th!   www.greatlakesastrology.com

Copyright @2015 A.C. Ortelee