Here we are, everyone! A new season is here, as the Sun entered Libra on Saturday, September 22nd at 9:55 PM Eastern US time, marking the Autumnal Equinox, and the official start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Libra Ingress chart cast for Washington, DC (which governs the whole of the US, because our capital is
Mars Going Direct, and Your Personal Legacy
Dear friends, On Monday morning (August 27, 2018 at 10:05 AM), the God of Action stopped at 28 degrees Capricorn, and started to move direct after a long, sweaty summer of running backwards at full speed. Mars initially stationed to go retrograde on June 26th at 9 degrees Aquarius. Now, till October 9th, he will be re-covering
Leo Eclipse Magic and Your Natal Chart
Dear all, Because the upcoming New Moon is THE MOST POWERFUL ECLIPSE FOR MANIFESTATION EVER IN YOUR LIFETIME (okay, a slight exaggeration . . . hey, it’s Leo!) I thought I’d share a bit more about how to work with it in relation to your personal natal chart. This is some slightly advanced astrology, but don’t panic!
The Leo New Moon Eclipse and Your Superpower
Dear all, Phew! Two Eclipses down, just one to go! The 2018 Summer Eclipse Season is ALMOST over and the next (last!) one is actually kind of upbeat: welcome relief after all the hard energy of the past few weeks! The Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse takes place on Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 5:57 AM Eastern
This Week: The Full Moon Eclipse
Dear Friends, This Friday, July 27, 2018, a Total Lunar Eclipse will take place at 4:20 PM Eastern US Time, with the Sun and Moon at 4 degrees, 44 minutes on the Leo-Aquarius axis. This Eclipse carries us back to the New Moon from January 27, 2017 and the First Quarter Moon on October 27 of the same year.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer
Dear friends, We enter eclipse season with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 12, 2018 at 10:47pm EDT in Washington DC. This is followed by a very potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018 at 4:20pm EDT, and another Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 5:57am EDT. This means eclipse season runs from
Running Backwards at Full Speed: a Summer of Retrogrades
Hello all, Summer 2018 can officially be named ‘the Summer of Retrogrades!’ Every planet in the heavens, (with the exception of Venus, the Sun and the Moon), will be going retrograde. The planets in the sky are standing across from the Sun and Venus, like a face off across a giant battlefield or a cosmic
The Gemini New Moon and Upcoming Webinar!
Dear friends, The New Moon on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 takes place at 3:43 PM EDT with the Sun and Moon at 22:44 Gemini. Mercury, the ruler of the Sun and Moon, is out of bounds, making the events taking place under the New Moon energy expansive and past normal in a good or bad