Weeky Weather March 5 2007

Weekly Weather March 5, 2007

We ride an emotional roller coaster ride between two eclipses during the week ahead. Oodles of Venus in Aries aspects ~ seeing the nature of your desires as you bounce between being irritated if your desires are thwarted or shortly and partially satisfied if your desires are fulfilled. You want MORE! Oodles of Sun in Pisces aspects ~ getting conscious of your connection to your soul and what your soul wants and is striving for in this lifetime even as you might be frustrated by how what you want seems to slip out of reach, yet again.

Now, as often happens on Planet Earth, the obvious vehicle or method for us to work with the aspects will be the people, places, things or situations you encounter as these aspects form along your journey. The world can be mighty cranky and crabby, especially at the beginning of the week. However, once Mercury stations and moves direct after March 7, it will start to feel like things are finally moving forward. Forward perhaps but they are STILL not resolved. In all honesty, stuff will not feel resolved until Saturn stations to go direct mid-April. Yep, mid-April. In the meantime, do your Saturn and work on the unfinished projects, tasks, to dos and that stuff that is outstanding and undone. Once Saturn moves direct, your life is going to take off like a rocket. Until then, ignore the stuff you cannot do anything about. Work on the stuff you can have some impact on ~ that is where to focus your energy.

Focus on the stuff in front of you that you CAN DO some thing about. No worries about that big looming thing on the left, slightly outside of your peripheral vision, that you KNOW is lurking there, unresolved, sulking, or grumbling. You cannot do anything about it! Note it, acknowledge it, wave at it in the morning as you get in your car to drive to work. Move on. Go about your business even though IT maybe sitting there, silent and sulking! Work on the stuff you CAN do something about. Once Saturn stations to go forward, it will clear up too (mid-April). Until Saturn shifts to go forward, focus on the stuff which you can do something about. Finish up the projects, enter the data, write the thesis, do your damned Level 4, create the proposal, file your taxes, clean the closet, sign up for match.com, hire a temporary assistant, reorganize, redo, revamp or revise your outmoded structures.

The aspects ahead in the week are all about Projection! Projection is when the stuff that drives you crazy about yourself makes you simply crazed or MAD as HOPS when the other person does it right in front of you! Expect to hear polarized conversations about Projection all week long. Laugh (quietly) to yourself, as the person complaining about a situation is complaining about something they do themselves. Let them sit in their complaints. Do not solve it for them. Do not fix it for them. Do not do whatever it is that you usually do for them to make it go away. The only way IT is going to change is if THEY decide to change THEIR behavior. The only way THEY are going to change THEIR behavior is IF THEY get SO annoyed and SO frustrated and SO cranky, SO crabby, SO vexed that they TAKE action and change their life!

Second, LISTEN to What YOU COMPLAIN about! Someone is snickering quietly in the corner, saying to themselves, “Can you believe they are complaining about that? They are doing what they are complaining about!” Own what you are projecting on the others in your world. Listen to what you are saying. Sit in your complaints. Look at it. You are the only one who can solve it. You are the only one who can fix it. The only way IT is going to change is if YOU decide to change YOUR behavior. The only way YOU are going to change YOUR behavior is IF YOU get SO annoyed and SO frustrated and SO cranky, SO crabby, SO vexed that you decide to get off your butt, TAKE action and change your life!

As you move through the week ahead, look to see if you are taking the role of Saturn or Neptune in any given situation and projecting the other planet on to the other person. The tendency will be to sit in one planet’s world vision and throw stones at the other guy‘s side, vision or rules. When you find yourself in a polarized situation ~ move on over to their side or vision. Try their thoughts on for size. You do not have to buy their thoughts, or agree with their thoughts or bring them home to live with you like an abandoned puppy. But try their ideas on! Attempt to see what they see. You need to look at their view and understand it. Move over to the other guys’ position and hear their worldview.

The other thing to focus on is the feeling you have to make a choice. You don’t. You might feel like you have to make a choice but you don’t have to. Just sit still for a minute or two. The tendency will be to say you (or they or we) have to pick between this or that and decide RIGHT NOW. That is a false choice and possibly it is even a decision that is not needed. Picking between two choices is completely based on your current belief system that is trying to change. Let the belief system change. Give the belief system a couple of other choices.

Our world is SO noisy and busy and bustly. It is SO hard to hear what our heart and soul wants. Take time this week to be quiet and listen to what you, your soul and your heart want.

Recognize what the universe is trying to get you to do is deal with ALL the possible choices before you like a pages long Chinese menu~ pick one from this column, one from that column, a third, fourth, and fifth selection from the front, back and middle of the menu. Then throw in a bottle of good wine (which requires that you make a separate trip to the liquor store) to go with all those choices of yours. Right now is all about letting your fixed parts have more options and choices. Explore in your mind a few more options than you usually give yourself. You do not have to take them all home with you. You have to mull them over. You have to try them on, in your mind. You have to at least KNOW you CAN have black bean sauce if you want it instead of the sautéed garlic and broccoli. HOWEVER, IF you want Sautéed Garlic and Broccoli, do NOT be embarrassed when the waiter knows your order! Say, “Yep, give me some with Extra GARLIC please!” Get what you want.

So to summarize: 1. Work on what you can change; 2. Think of all sorts of options for the stuck or fixed situations in your life (even if you don’t tell anyone or do anything ~ just try them on in your head!); 3. Play the game called ’Spot the Projection!’ and have fun with it; 3a. Spot your friends and family’s projections ~ who is doing Saturn and who is doing Neptune?; 3b. Listen to your own life, complaints and worries to spot your projections ~ what is Saturn and where is Neptune? and 4. Remember to take deep breaths when you need to.

Life is moments and choices. Enjoy your moments. Thank your choices. Revel in them. That is what our lives are made of ~ those moments and choices we make in this instant. They become our future.

Monday, Sun joins with Uranus and Venus aspects the Nodes and Uranus. Change seats. Go sit in a place you do not usually sit. Try on a new point of view. Expect unexpected things. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Take Venus in Aries out for a hunt. She’s looking to go get stuff for you!

Tuesday, Neptune helps Vesta get a new vision of what your life can be. Write down your dreams upon awakening as you sit with your morning thoughts. Mercury is stopped dead in the sky at the place of Saturn’s station last December. Chat up all sorts of ghosts who come visiting. Re-visit the decisions you made back in December. What would you like to change about what you started to move towards last fall? Move toward a vision of what that change would be. Sun joins with the North Node and pushes off of Venus by contraparallel ~ for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Today watch for the reactions. Watch the attachm
ents. Watch what you push ou
t and pull in. See your impact.

Wednesday, Mercury stations direct on Saturn’s December 2006 Station. Saturn is going to pass this point of 25 Aquarius on July 28, 2007. Write a small bit about where you find yourself right now. Put a note in your calendar on July 28 to look for and re-read what you write today. What are you were thinking today and mulling on as Mercury stops on the point of your future? The revisions that needed to be made last fall are taking place and starting to move forward. Patience and dreams. Venus pushes off Uranus as Pallas pushes off Juno ~ both by contraparallel. Take time to see how the patterns and structures in your life were created by you to help you get what you wanted or feared. See how the structures have served you. If the structures no longer serve you, you can let them go now. Just open your hands and blow gently on them, as you would blow on a ripe dandelion head! Off into the wind those structures go.

Thursday, Venus, our gal of action and desire is exceptionally busy over the next couple of days. She is making aspects to the big boys in the heavens ~ Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune ~ flirting, chatting, laughing, and sashaying from place to place with bright red lipstick on her mouth and a smile coming up from her heart. Venus in Aries is bold, clear, strong and bright in going for what she wants and envisions. Light a candle (or a bunch of them) and fire up Venus’ energy even more to move forward toward your vision of life. Make the call, send the letter, take the meeting, outline the screen play, type your Level 4. Give your dream (and your life) permission to expand.

Friday, Venus continues her actions with the big boys, trining Saturn and sextiling Neptune as the Sun squares Jupiter. Consciousness. Options. Explore. Open. Choices. Visions. Projection. See how patterns support things created. It is not about right or wrong. It worked for a while. It doesn’t work much or well any more or isn’t the way you’d like it to be. Means it is time to change. The moon has an amazing number of aspects today ~ pushing you forward towards your dreams.

Saturday, Sun and Saturn get into a bit of a pushing match ~ see saw, back and forth, adjustments ARE required under this energy. The structures ARE dissolving, right before you, right in front of you! So what would you do if you knew then what you know now? How would you change your choices? The minute you think of THAT answer, the change has begun. Just follow it. Ride it like a the aloft and moving dandelion seed to your very own patch of grass. Put down spirit roots as the dandelion seed lands on a blade of grass.

Sunday, Venus has lovely aspects today with Mars and Ceres. It is your life. What do you want? Try on your choices. Sun has aspects to Neptune and Pallas. If it IS your life ~ what IS your dream? What patterns do you want to revise to have your dream come true? Mercury, now moving forward, trines Juno and asks you to collaborate with your dreams. Especially the lovely little cute dreams, glistening and sparkling in the corner. The Moon has a number of lovely aspects today, echoing Venus’ recent journey with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Give your dreams a voice and vision.

Mundane: The eclipse brought to our attention the treatment of our wounded Iraq military soldiers lying in urine soaked beds in moldy, mildew, vermin infested hotels instead being treated well by our government for their service and sacrifice. The eclipse’s exposure did take out a few leaders! The news story broke ~ Virgo Moon of soldiers with wounded, hurt bodies in Pisces hospitals, with Uranus amputations. They were waiting to be evaluated and released from service so they could go home and continue their lives. First, the guy put in charge of Walter Reed for the last SIX months (since August 25, 2006 at the time of the FIRST Saturn/ Neptune Opposition) was fired by the Secretary of the Army. Then, the Secretary of the Army RE-APPOINTED the guy who’d run the place for the past four years! Then, the NEXT day, the Secretary of the Army resigned! Gotta love it. It was SO communicative with that firing, lovely RE-appointment and subsequent resignation.

So let us draw parallels to Abu Girab and New Orleans to push our eclipse’s energy a bit. We go after the lowest ranking or most recent person ‘in charge’. We scapegoat them. We say “oh bad, bad!” They fired Michael “Brownie” Brown (New Orleans) and demoted/ retired Janet Karpinski (Abu Girab). They sent the Gis who tortured to jail. In the meantime, we are still rendering and torturing prisoners in foreign jails and Gitmo. New Orleans is still a decimated city. If you will notice, NEITHER of those situations have improved much or changed at all.

Instead, we have to take the fish mongers approach ~ the fish stinks from the head. Saturn and Neptune and the eclipse energy are about being accountable for actions ~ our actions, their actions your actions, his actions, and her actions! Saturn’s veil of hiding his accountability is being pulled back further and further as he wanders alone in the sky opposed by the balance of the heavens. Going to be fun!

Copyright © 2007 Anne C. Ortelee