Weekly Weather March 12, 2007

Weekly Weather March 12, 2007

We move forward toward the second of our powerful March eclipses with the sense that a "new Me" is being created out of the many recent changes and all the activity going on in our lives. Yes, yes, yes, we ARE changing! The eclipse next Sunday is a New Moon eclipse at the last degrees of Pisces. WE will begin anew, with a new vision as we get to start the next chapter of our lives. Well, we aren’t starting just this week but very soon. Mercury is still clearing his shadow. Saturn is still backing up to station and go direct next month. But after THAT, watch out world here you come….

Can’t you feel how much your soul is aching to change your life in those very fixed areas of your chart? Kind of like a rubber band being stretched back to be launched into the air? The stretching back will be happening between now and mid-April when Saturn moves forward. It might tug a bit at your heart. Not to worry. You are right where you are supposed to be ~ suspended between action and inaction with a seemingly unbearable tension building in your soul. Yep, if you feel that soul tension ~ that is the spot to focus your energy and ask it to relax and be calm. Settle into the tension. Stroke it with love. Focus on it with compassion. Relax. breathe.

You know how when you first move into a new pose in yoga and your body goes "whoa, hold on a minute, what are you asking me to do NOW?" You are silent with your body. Your body looks at you. You look at your body. Then the two of you sit there and wait. You breathe. Your body figures out what to do. It adjusts. No shouting. No screaming. No judgment. Just support for each other in the new position.

The same thing will be happening to your SOUL over the next few weeks as happens to your body in a new yoga position. Your SOUL will be finding its new position, job, vision, or process.

Or perhaps you’d prefer me to use astrological terms ~ with the ongoing Saturn and Neptune opposition until the end of June and as Jupiter and Saturn move into their first of FIVE trines to each other ~ the tension and energy of the planets will create abundance in the form of what you are striving toward. Out of the tension of Saturn and Neptune’s opposition will be born a new phase, job or position for your soul and your life. Jupiter will come along and send the new phase, job or position oodles and oodles of abundance. A new you will arrive. Actually, it is the part of you waking up to take your rightful place in the next part of your life. Look around at the river of humanity flowing around you. Get ready to jump in ~ the water’s great!

Envision Saturn and Neptune shooting their particular brands of energy at each other ~ structure and dissolve energy ~ from either side of your chart, standing in the fixed houses of where you strive to be an individual or seek to join in a community. Where those energies meet in the middle is where YOU are found. You, cute, little cuddly you, getting all sorts of energy from the big boys, Saturn and Neptune, in the zodiac. You don’t have to DO anything. You have to step into their energy, relax (like when you move into a new yoga position) and breathe until you calm down. You have to pay attention. You DO get to steer the energy a bit, if you’d like, with your intentions, dreams and visions. Breathe. Remember to breathe.

The point of Saturn and Neptune talking to each other and throwing a dream ball just over your head in a cosmic game of monkey in the middle is to get you ready. You can’t catch that dream ball yet. But you will. Once you get the hang of how Saturn and Neptune work, you will figure out how to intercept the ball and have it for your own. The point is to take those individual gifts of yours and use them in the collective.

Remember, however, you can’t be afraid to catch the ball and play. You got afraid of the ball back between Fall 1982 and Spring 1983 when you realized you could lose or be hurt badly by an out of control pitch from Pluto or Saturn. However, IF you don’t play, you can’t win! Gotta be in it to win it. And you are so much wiser now, as you soul is growing younger before your very eyes.

Next think back to the story from Fall 2005 through Spring 2006 when you were struggling with the fixed areas of your chart and experiencing the cosmic traffic jam, matador/ bullfight or trying to slay that snake headed Gorgon of a Medusa. Those stories will reappear in your life ~ probably in a new outfit and perhaps with new players.

However, WHEN the story from fall 2005 returns (and it will) Watch IT CAREFULLY, please. Breathe. Pay attention. You will see a completely different version of the story, if you pay attention. You don’t have to DO anything ~ merely observe the repeated story. It is back to show you how much you’ve grown since the square of Jupiter and Saturn hung you up in 2005 and early 2006.

Monday, Athena sets off the point of the station of both Saturn (last December) and Mercury (last week) at 25 Aquarius by trining Juno. One of the lovely things about reality is we get to decide HOW we want to partner with it. WE can look at things as half full or half empty. We control that vision thing. WE control our version and thus our vision of reality.

I was at an astrology conference last weekend where a woman had lovely purple hair. Some one walked up to her and said "YOU have PURPLE Hair!". The purple haired woman replied, putting her hand to over her mouth and pulling her hair, "What? Oh no! I JUST dyed my hair black! That means my Purple roots are showing again! They grow out way too fast!!" Understand YOU are in charge of YOUR reactions to YOUR reality. My purple haired woman knew she was in charge of her reality. Maybe she DOES have Purple Hair and was dying her hair black to fit in at the conference.

Tuesday, Capricorn Moon amplifies our Saturnine version of reality. So move on over to Neptune’s side of the opposition. What is your dream here? Can you do something towards creating it? If you gave Venus her options what would she change about how she looks at her wounds? If you don’t like the way the furniture looks in your house, you feel free to move it around. What would happen if you moved the furniture around in your reality? Especially the reality that is feeling rather oppressive today?

Wednesday, Capricorn Moon still sits in Saturn’s version of reality. Part of the trick of reality is we all agree to it. We all agree to abide by the rule of the game of reality we are playing in. The rules we established were to make sure we ~ what? What do those rules of yours do for you? Why do we have rules? What rules do you have that people aren’t following? What rules do you want to break free from? Sit in Rule land today. Contemplate the rules in your life. Which rules work for you? Which rules don’t work for you? Why are you still following rules that don’t’ work for you? Why are you following the rules you want to follow? Make a list of your rules. Understand which rules you want to keep and which rules you want to discard.

Thursday, we have the first of FIVE, count em, FIVE lovely trines between Jupiter and Saturn perfecting today and tomorrow. Rules. Back to rules. Mars and Venus are asking you today to look at the rules you live bu. Which rules are true to your soul? Which rules are some one Else’s rules that you’ve adopted because you never thought much about it, or to avoid being punished or not loved or for whatever reason you follow those rules? I am not saying to throw out all the rule you live by. Just understand the source and origin of the rules you follow. Know the rules that govern your beliefs about things. When you change those rules, you change your reality.

Friday is a super busy day on Planet Earth. There are oodles of aspects. And it is two days before the eclipse. So hang on tight. Look at what the rules are. Look at the source of the rules. Do your trust the source? Is the source honorable? Do you believe the source? Controlling folk
s is easy if they follow the
rules. Once you realize that rules can actually be optional or stretched or moved or whatever, you are free. There are, of course, consequences to actions taken by freed folks who don’t follow the rules. There are also consequences to following rules that no longer pertain to you. The consequences, between your choices about rules, become apparent today. Choose wisely.

Saturn’s day finds Venus entering Taurus. It is St. Patrick’s day too! My Irish mother used to say that everyone wants to be a bit Irish, especially on St. Patties Day. All sorts of folks who aren’t Irish wear green clothes on St. Pats. Why! Well because the rule for that day is GREEN! What do you want to be? Can you come up with a new rule or two, one you want to follow, that helps you move toward your dreams? What do you want to be a little bit Irish in your new life?

Sunday, the glorious Solar eclipse arrives. Partially visible in Asia’s, India and China, the Moon casts her shadow on the Sun, darkening our earth. Hidden things will come to light today. Mercury moves back into Pisces. Move on over to the Saturn side of the pposition. What are your dreams. What steps do you have to take to start making them a reality. Moon in Pisces and Neptune will help if you whisper to them. Things that seemed so firm and fixed and locked down forever, will slip away as on a cloud. Do believe what you see. It is true. Follow that reality to a new set of rules for yourself. No, you are not seeing things. You are seeing another’s reality. Perhaps a different reality than the one you operate under. Remember there are multiple layers and versions of reality. All of those versions of reality are simultaneously operating. What is your reality? Read the eclipse column on this site for more information on how to work with the eclipse energy. And, make sure to hang on tight if the ride gets bumpy.

Mundane: Scooter was convicted of four of five counts. Dick had a blood clot. And now we wait. I was thinking how difficult it will be to explain to the children about right and wrong if the President pardons Scooter. Well, right and wrong are relative. They apply in some cases and not in others. The rule of law applies to some folks but not to others. Ah well. Our collective reality says the folks in charge of enforcing and designing the rules are permitted to break, ignore or dismiss the rules (especially if they want to profit or protect themselves or their friends). We don’t appear to have very many options to stop them if they are law breakers. I might send a bit of my extra Saturn/ Neptune energy towards changing that particular paradigm. Want to join me? Send a bit of your extra energy too!

Copyright (c) 2007 Anne C. Ortelee