Weekly Weather September 19, 2006
There is a new moon and solar eclipse of the Sun on Friday at 29:20 Virgo/Pisces. Forward, we go! The week has oodles of planetary activity! Expect to shake your head and say, “Well, if THAT is the way it is going to be, so be it.” Pull out that AA statement of figuring out the stuff you can change, the stuff you can’t change and how to know the difference. Nope, nope, nope, you are NOT going to be able to change it, them or the situation. Sorry, we cute human critters each get to decide if we want to change by our very own selves. Perhaps we don’t want to change! Or maybe we DO want to change but we haven’t decided WHEN to change. It is COMPLETELY our call as it is our life. HOWEVER, each one of US CAN change our expectations, approaches, beliefs, wisdom, perceptions and all those obvious limitations around the situation and people we face over the week ahead. You can understand how it is about BOTH you and the other! It is a dance for two ~ both sides have to do THEIR dance steps for the situation to continue in its current form. If you don’t like a particular situation, you need to modify something. You need to modify your response or behavior towards it. The other person might, OR might NOT, modify their “bad” behavior. You can shout and stamp your feet and have a hissy fit and decide not to talk to them unless and until they change. Go right ahead! When it all gets quieted down ~ in a week or three ~ know that the other person is doing what they are doing for a reason that serves them. You need to do what serves you.
I fell in love with astrology because it so brilliantly defines the growth opportunities we humans face as we travel, hopefully, living, loving and laughing, through our lives. Some times, we can do things to maximize the growth opportunities we receive. Other times, we have to go with the flow, show up, do our best and let the rest fall away.
The next month or so is one of those completely glorious times when we can do things to maximize the growth opportunities presented to us by the heavens. Do your absolute best ~ not your perfect best but your absolute best. Do your best. Get it out there in the world! For the next month or so, your job is to show up to do what you do best. Do the positive version of your Saturn! Of course, if you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to do it. Know, that whether you do your Saturn OR you don’t do your Saturn, the world will whoosh your life into a brand new place come the end of October to beginning of November. If you do your Saturn, it will be a bit easier as you will be steering the ship of your life where you and your soul want it to go. Your Saturn is the rudder of your ship.
Essentially, frogs gotta jump, fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly. The next month or so, IF you are a frog, jump REALLY super, super high! Do not moan or complain about the fact that you can’t fly. Do not keep wasting time trying to figure out how to fly. Jump, jump, jump! Hop to your heart’s desire. Do your Saturn. IF you are a bird, get flying ~ high on wind currents and in the breeze. No worrying that you are going to have to swim and drown. You are a bird, silly, so fly, fly, fly! You are not supposed to swim or jump, you are supposed to glide in the clouds above it all. And, of course, IF you are a fish, swim to your heart’s content without worrying about why you can’t jump or fly. Do your Saturn! Saturn is your talent and your gift. It is your jump, fly or swim skill! I have this recurring image of millions of frogs jump, jump, jumping as flocks of birds soar and schools of fish splish splash. Go and do your Saturn to join the chorus of nature doing its very best and most favorite skill to your heart’s content.
In the week or so ahead, the universe is going to ask you to make a declaration about the area of life you’ve been struggling with wrapping your arms and heart around for the past year (or maybe your whole life.) The thing you’ve realized that you are in YOUR very core of being ~ whether it is a frog, a bird or a fish. You like to jump, fly or swim! You like your Saturn. Saturn is your gift! Saturn is what turns you on even though you might be a bit apprehensive the old boy on a bad day! Know your Saturn. Saturn IS what you are supposed to do.
Now, our lovely fixed t-square is tightening up in the heavens. The stresses of the planets’ various energies are getting bigger, bigger, and bigger as they amplify each other! Jupiter and Saturn are moving toward the third and final pass of their opening square. Neptune’s cloudy energy fills out the cosmic evolving plan saying we aren’t too sure where we are going but go there we must. T-squares demand or require action on our part as they pull three planets worth of energy into a swirling mix in the sky. T-square energy shoots out into the empty leg (all that energy has to go some place!), right into the Taurus part of your chart. So much energy from the big boys is asking Taurus, pushing Taurus, forcing Taurus to move his earthy, solid, immobile butt off the bench to change. Evolve and change. Time for Taurus to face and work with his fixed earth energy as he allows Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter to send their pulses of changing energy toward him. Back to your Fall 1982 to Spring 1983 story when the Taurus area of your life, and probably your soul, was deeply wounded by Saturn and Pluto ganging up on you in that Finger of God. Your beliefs about why you were here, your path and your gifts were perhaps cursed by you way back then. You didn‘t want your silly path or your stupid gifts! Your gifts and your path were not supported, hugged, kissed and loved by you. Back then, you wanted to give your gifts back to the gods rather than understand what wonderful gifts they were, learn what those gifts were for and how to use those gifts.
I relish that UB 313 was finally named Eris in the mix of these difficult yet transformative energies surrounding our lives. Eris was the Goddess of Discord ~ she, in a pique of anger at being excluded (she was a trouble maker so they didn‘t invite her to a party!) kicked off the events that led to the Trojan War. Eris pitched a Golden Apple into the gathering of gods and goddesses, saying it was for the most beautiful goddess. Hera, Aphrodite and Athena each wanted the Golden Apple! Zeus, crafty old fellow who was not about to piss off any of the goddesses clamoring for the lone Golden Apple, chose poor Paris of Troy. Paris would get to select the most beautiful goddess from between the three of them. Of course, Paris, not being born yesterday, tried to get out of it. Zeus said, “Nope, gotta pick one. Gotta pick a goddess!”
Next, Paris offered to cut the Golden Apple into thirds to share it equally with the three goddesses. “Nope, no such luck, gotta pick one. Gotta pick a SINGLE goddess!” said Zeus. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! So, Paris HAD to choose, KNOWING that which ever goddesses he DIDN’T choose would never forgive him. Hera offered Paris power and the rulership of the world. Aphrodite offered Paris love. Athena proposed strategy and brilliance in war. Paris wanted love. Paris chose Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess. And, Hera and Athena walked off to plan his down fall. Love was with a married woman and led to the Trojan War.
You will face a similar choice ~ your desires have forced the development of your individual values and your self knowledge through the messes and conflicts that arose from your own unique choices! What a mess! You are between a rock and a hard place. Without facing and acknowledging your individual choice points and your messy times, you will not understand how you create your life and your future. You have to pass through difficult initiations and choices as a human being. Just part and parcel of your soul’s evolution and journey. (Don’t be mad at me. I am the messen
ger ~ I didn‘t write t
he rules. I only report on them as your Astrologer!)
Over next month or so, you will be confronting your very own initiation by fire. Reflect wisely on your choices as you are creating your future. Do your Saturn. Be conscious. Understand how your choices lead to the next part of your life. It is an archetypal choice you will face! You’ll have to make a choice. Time to pick. Choose what you love ~ Saturn in Leo says the karmic choice is about choosing what you love, regardless of the outcome, the difficulties, the problems, and no matter who is angry or mad or irritated with you. Gotta choose what you love! What you love is your Saturn! I know, I know, you are afraid of your Saturn! Me too. We all are a bit afraid of our Saturn and with good reason. But, your Saturn is why you are here. Might as well choose your Saturn with a free and open heart, knowing that the MORE you work with the old crabby Lord of Karma, the easier and smoother your life will become! Do your Saturn. Gotta master your Saturn stuff or you’ll reincarnate as a snail! Joke! That was a joke! I made up the reincarnate as a snail part!
Essentially, if you are a frog, jump. If you are a bird, fly. If you are fish, swim. Do what you love to do (and are good at) regardless of what folks try to get you to do. What you are good at is YOUR Saturn, YOUR karma. Other folks might be trying to get you to do THEIR Saturn for them. You have to say, “NOPE, that is your Saturn. This is MY Saturn. You do your Saturn. I will do my Saturn. I am NOT going to do YOUR Saturn any more! This is my life! I am going to go and do my Saturn! Thank you very much. Besides, I don‘t want to reincarnate as a snail!” Don’t tell them that snail part is only a joke. That way they will leave you alone to do your Saturn!
Monday, make a declaration of what your Saturn is. You are going to feel that Sun fall into the south Node. Kind of a Popeye the Sailor man kind of moment: “You know what? I am what I am and that’s all that I am!” You are NOT perfect nor are you supposed to be perfect! Just be what and who you are. Sun in Virgo has a tendency to notice the chip(s) in her (and the other gal’s) nail polish. Sun in Virgo ignores the fact that most of the rest of the nails are a fabulous, glorious Cherry Bomb Red! Please, back off on picking on yourself. No picking on others either! Most of us are going to be very, very sensitive and thin skinned. Notice the color CHERRY BOMB RED, not the chip in the tip! Compliment the exuberance, the fancy, the fun, the CHERRY BOMB RED color shouting out for attention. Completely ignore that chip. Good enough! Not perfect! Ain’t nothing under our Sun perfect.
Tuesday, Venus has lovely and loving aspects with Juno and Jupiter. If you got past yesterday’s chip problem, indulge in the new partnerships forming today. You love it, you know you do. Just love it. No criticizing or picking or carping. It is your chip too!! IF you feel you HAVE to criticize, know that what you are criticizing IS the VERY area that you are going to have to grow up in and around next month. This is what therapists call “projection”. There but for the grace of god are you! Be nice, be kind, be supportive and keep your mouth shut if you can’t say something pleasant!
Wednesday, I got you a little nervous, did I, with that “you get to deal with it next month” comment? Well Mercury aspects Pluto, Uranus and Ceres today. Did you ever have a friend start complaining about someone’s “stuff” that absolutely drives them completely INSANE? And, as you listened, you found yourself thinking “Hmm, that is THEIR issue too ~ it is just wearing a different dress and a touch of make up. I wonder why they don’t see it.”
Wednesday is a fun house mirror kind of day. So, whatever you do, don’t point out the other guy’s limitations ~ they will punch you or yell at you or some such. They are totally NOT in the MOOD to HEAR about it from you! At the same time, NOTICE what YOU WANT to criticize about the other. And then set about fixing up that very same area in your very own life! That way you’ll be prepared when Saturn shows up next month to check in on you! In other words, do your Saturn. And, if you don’t believe me, I double dare you to print this week’s column out, write down what you are criticizing in other folks and look at it, oh, around, November 20, 2006 to see I am right. How’s that for a know it all Aquarius Ascendant?
Thursday, the moon is super, duper dead today as she moves towards her new moon eclipse with the Sun at the last degrees of Virgo. If you can, go out and look at the tides of the ocean, they will be super low and high. VERY exaggerated! The world will be VERY exaggerated today. Emotions will be VERY exaggerated today. The ebb and flow of your universe is changing. End of the old season of your life. Beginning of the new season of your life. The king is dead. Long live the king. Your world is at a turning point, seeking to become balanced as the Sun moves below the equator in two days at the Libra equinox. If you do nothing else today, I want you to sit down, in a quiet space, to make a list of what you’d like to create or have come into your life over the next few years. Take all the cool stuff you’ve figured out over the past, rather difficult and stressful year. Start to put it to good use. You’ve learned VERY IMPORTANT STUFF over the past year. So sit down, write, record and remember it.
Friday, Jupiter joins with Pluto in the sky by declination, emphasizing the mutual reception between the two big boys of the universe, and forms a world altering conjunction of the Lord of Expansion with the Lord of Transformation. Expanding transformation! Hmmm. Probably not going to be a pleasant time on earth! Know that the events which take place in your life (and our world) today are starting a situation akin to when Paris picked Aphrodite. The other goddesses (and folks) involved with your choice might not be very pleased with your choice(s). Choose wisely. Choose with your heart. Choose love. Choose towards your Saturn‘s deepest wish. See the separate column on this site for a write-up of the eclipsed new moon at 29:20 Virgo!
Saturday, the Sun moves into Libra and crosses the equator to start a new season on earth. Rosh Hashanah begins. The Libra Ingress features a crescent moon and sun in Libra with ruler Venus in Virgo approaching her closing square to Pluto so time to psychologically integrate all you’ve been working on. Be kind to yourself! If you could look at your life from 20,000 feet to see the big picture of it, you’d be nice to you today. It is a turning point regardless of what it looks like or how miserable you feel. Pluto squares Vesta saying you can’t go home again. Mercury trines Neptune asking you to look up at the sky and say your deepest, most profound wish, out loud. The planets are listening. While it may not be clear to you, at this exact moment in time, HOW your dream can ever, possibly, even remotely take form, know that Mercury’s making a plan with Uranus and Jupiter. The fellows are working on it. Pick wisely. Pick for what you love. Make sure that whoever or whatever you give your Golden Apple to is what you want.
Sunday, Jupiter squares Neptune making you understand the situation from the last week in August a bit better. If you think about what was going on in your life in August, the current event in your life makes a bit more sense. As Jupiter moves out from the fog of Neptune, to approach his square with Saturn at the end of NEXT month, recognize the changes in your life are to move you towards your next phase of being. Mercury’s aspect to Uranus says while changes can be difficult, changes are necessary. Might as well make the best of the situation before you. You are creating your future.
Mundane: Going to be a tough week on Planet Earth! Eclipses are stressful. Saturn and Plut
o are joining by declination early in the week. Venus is in a very bitchy, picky, fussy mood as well as mutual reception with Mercury in Libra, amplifying both of their energies. Expect exceptionally cutting or passive aggressive words delivered in an incredibly sweet and charming or amazingly difficult bitchy manner. Keep your mouth closed! Jupiter is squaring Neptune making the WHOOSH of energy WHOOSHIER! Is whooshier even a word? See what I mean about critical remarks? The ego driven Sun dips into the South Node to get lost in his obsession of how it has to be OR ELSE! Five year olds, as well as grown ups who KNOW better, will be throwing temper tantrums all over the place! We have the overarching t-square of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune as well as Pluto approaching his square to the Nodes of Karma ~ something has to give or will give out. The eclipse runs through South America, mostly Brazil, the Atlantic Ocean and the Western coast of Africa. The eclipse takes place on the South Node and is associated with separation, loss, sudden finishes or endings which are sad. Mercury, Mars and the Mercury/Mars midpoint are inconjunct to Uranus during the eclipse so expect difficult, perhaps shocking or stunning news in your Virgo/Pisces house as well as a distinct possibility of follow-up information on “long resolved” situations. The universe will give you information to help you make your decisions. Listen.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee