New Moon Eclipse September 22, 2006

New Moon Eclipse 29:20 Virgo/Pisces

September 22, 2006

7:45 am EDT

4:45 am PDT

Solar Eclipses create New Moon energies with super charged beginnings. New moons begin things and are fresh beginnings. Every month, the lunar, creative, emotional tides of the cosmos bring fresh beginnings in a rotating pattern through the signs of our chart. This particular eclipse, or Saros cycle, which started April 1, 1718, has the new moon, or the Sun and Moon, falling near the South Node of Virgo. We can expect a loss or separation with combined with a New Moon‘s beginning. According to “The Eagle and The Lark” by Bernadette Brady, the 8 South Series is known for “Separation and Loss. To be parted. To finish something, and to feel sad at its completion. Physical injury is also possible through over straining one’s strength. This is not the time to undertake strenuous physical activities.”

I find eclipses work to highlight areas or sections of your life and make things “pop” or change. It is time for them to change. If you move TOWARD the change of the eclipse, the eclipse can act as a freeing mechanism, propelling consciousness and bringing new energy into your life. If you go into an eclipse, kicking, screaming, wailing and protesting, then eclipses tend to be quite a bit more difficult. If you think of it as the energy of a new Moon blocks out the Sun’s light to earth, so eclipses kind of work like a strobe light ~ freezing and illuminating the imagery and scene before you. You some how see the world in a different way than you ever saw it before. It probably was ALWAYS the way you see it now. But under the eclipses’ light, well, some how the effect of the strobe light of the eclipse completely flashes you (and your mind’s eye) into a new sense of awareness. The clues you’ve been gathering come together and solve themselves. The “ah-ha” moment “ah-has”. The click, clicks. You get it. The brilliant idea. It WAS always this way; you just SEE it more clearly than you did before. Look to the house in your chart that holds 29 Virgo to see where the new beginning will be taking place in your life.

So take a moment and think back on the earlier strobe light pulses of the eclipse series to get an idea of what our current eclipse might bring to you as it lights up a house in your chart. If you think back to September 1988, a new cycle began in your life which included or encompassed an actual loss or separation of something or someone. August 1970 was yet another version of the cycle. If you are older, there was an eclipse in August of 1952 that is part and parcel of the story of this cycle. And, if you are even older, the eclipse before that was August 1934. If you look at the stories in your life, or in your family, from those times, you will find the eclipse story repeats itself across time. Simply amazing isn’t it?

Next, think of the eclipse as an evolutionary development drive, pulsed down by the cosmos into your world, to redirect your steering mechanism and get you back on course. Often eclipses seem like the cosmos picks us up by the scruff of our neck, kind of like a mom cat does to her errant kitten, and transports us off into a new chapter of our life. So, if that is the case, what does this eclipse tell us about your evolutionary development and where the cosmos wants us to head?

We already have the theme of separation and loss because the new moon takes place on the South Node. Planets transiting to the South Node have a heck of a kick to them and often take the wind right out of our sails or our breath away as we figure out what to do next. The eclipse has the new moon at 29:20 Virgo, making it the third lunation in a month in the Virgo/Pisces axis. We had a new moon at zero Virgo/Pisces mid-August, the full moon at 15 right after Labor Day and now the closing New moon and Eclipse to send us off into our future. I dare say the period of time between August 23 and Sept 22 included a major change in your life, particularly in the area of your daily routines and rituals (Virgo), spiritual beliefs (Pisces) as well as what ever house axis the eclipse fell across.

The new moon marks a beginning of transformation into acceptance of how we partner with what we want, how we create it ~ whatever it is, that we want to create. Mercury in Libra rules the Sun, Moon, South Node, Vesta, Venus and Juno. Mercury in Libra seeks balance, an even motion of the scale, a recognition of win-win, win-lose or lose-lose and the costs of each of those approaches. For each and every thing, there is an equal and opposite balancing action that the universe brings to bear ~ think of a giant levered scale of justice wheeling into the middle of your life room. If we are out of control, we attract people who are controlling. Gotta have balance. If we are balanced, we attract balance. If we are angry, we attract anger back proportionate to ours. Gotta have balance. If we are love, we attract love. The universe is going to balance it out ~ basic physics. You will find the area of your life that is out of balance will seek to right itself. We each choose to operate from the perspective of win-win, win-lose or lose-lose. Eclipses move energy rapidly. The universe seeks to balance that equation out now.

Mercury in Libra is trine to both Ceres and Neptune in Aquarius. Sometimes we don’t understand HOW we create (Ceres) or nurture the situations we get so darned lost in (Neptune). The situations seem to come, unbidden into our lives, to thwart our hopes and dreams (Aquarius). No, not really ~ that is only ONE way to look at it. The situations aren‘t trying to thwart your hopes and dreams! The situations in your life is seeking to BALANCE where you are out of balance. Now, we can look at the situations and say. “I didn’t create THAT! I didn’t want THAT!” But, yes, some how, we did ~ either through our actions or our lack of actions. Commission or Omission. Does it every time.

The point of the whole year you’ve just lived through is to help you get conscious of the situation(s) you create that you might not like to have continued in your life, for the rest of your life. The universe shined a bright, shiny, light on the area that you thought you had to partner with and suffer with or through forever. The universe said to you, “Yes, but you DO know, dear, don’t you, that there are LOTS of versions of that situation? You can change the version you have in your life, IF you want to change it, of course. You don’t HAVE to keep that exact same version. If you don’t like the situation, well, then, what WOULD you like? And once you‘ve figured out what you want, move toward it. Go chat it up. Talk to it.”

Right now, the universe is asking you what you want to do to change the situation! The way to change the situation is to do your Saturn. Slowly, timidly, quietly but in a very crystal clear way, do your Saturn. Gotta take that leap of faith into your fear place. Gotta deal with your Saturn. And Saturn is what you are afraid of. Saturn in Aries is afraid of being brave and starting stuff. Saturn in Taurus is afraid of losing stuff and being poor. Saturn in Gemini is afraid of words and peers. Saturn in Cancer is afraid of feelings and family. Saturn in Leo is afraid of not being loved and creating. Saturn in Virgo is afraid of not being perfect and work. Saturn in Libra is afraid of partners and equality. Saturn in Scorpio is afraid of merging and death. Saturn in Sagittarius is afraid of freedom and judgment. Saturn in Capricorn is afraid of authority and structure. Saturn in Aquarius is afraid of hopes and groups. Saturn in Pisces is afraid of boundaries and suffering. Yes, Saturn makes you fearful. You’ve been hurt in your Saturn place. I know. And yes, you might be hurt a bit if you ask for what you are afraid of ~ or express it ~ to a person or situation who might not be able to do what you
want them to do.

It d
oesn’t mean you are wrong or less than or not ever going to get it. Saturn is your destiny. Saturn is what you are here to do. Remember that Saturn is the source of your gifts. And while the person in front of you might not be able to help you get your Saturn, there is a whole wide world out there just waiting to hear, feel and love your Saturn gifts. Stretcht that Saturn muscle of yours.

The time has come to ask for what you want. Venus approaches her square to Pluto and rules all the Libra planets in the eclipse chart. So ask for what you want. Venus and Mercury are in mutual reception and have an unusual communication channel open with each other right now. And, Venus is approaching her square to Pluto so you might NOT get it from the FIRST or maybe even the 10th person you ask. They might not be able to give it to you. In fact, as the square is often a denying energy it might even feel like it is a giant slog up a very steep hill. But climb you must. Ask you must. You have to keep asking. You have to keep climbing. You need to know that the situation is not about you. You need to ask. You need to free yourself TO ASK. Note, that Mercury is approaching his trine to Pluto so you will get what you want from someone! You have to ask for it. You don’t have a problem asking for salad dressing on the side or milk in your coffee. This is the same thing. (I know, a tad bigger) You have to ask.

There is always a trick in every chart. The trick in the eclipse chart is to ask for what you want. And, having asked for what you want, to start to move toward it, with an open heart, a heart as light as a feather, in complete and total trust (I know, I know, trust is hard) that the world and the universe is moving you toward what your greater purpose is. And you know what? Asking the question to move toward what you fear the most is the way to get there. Asking for what you want, FROM THE PERSON WHO CAN GIVE IT TO YOU, or from a person who you HOPE will give it to you. And, IF the first person you ask, CAN‘T give it to you, never fear, right around the corner (honest ~ that square of Jupiter to Saturn is next month!) you are going to get what you asked for. If you don’t ask, you aren’t going to get it!

The universe seeks a balance. Now, I want you to develop that asking muscle of yours for the thing you are so afraid of asking for! No one is going to die if you ask for it. Not a single solitary soul is going to hit you. You have to learn to ask. And if the answer is no, okay. Onto the next. Ask. Climb. It is out there. You are worth it. It is time. Gotta ask. You are completely ready. Go ask. Do your Saturn.

Lynda Hill‘s Sabian Symbol interpretation for 30 Virgo is HAVING AN URGENT TASK TO COMPLETE, A MAN DOESN’T LOOK TO ANY DISTRACTIONS.

Commentary: ‘Having an Urgent Task to Complete, a Man Doesn’t Look To Any Distractions’ shows the need for an undisturbed focus in application and not allowing ‘Distractions’ to interfere. The person pictured here has got something that needs to be done and completed, and he doesn’t let anything ‘Distract’ him from it.

Oracle: There is a need to pay complete attention to the job at hand as this is necessary now in order to get things done. Pushing through with the work and avoiding temptations regardless of what’s going on around you will hasten the rewards of completion. However, sometimes friends, lovers, partners or children require our assistance, and we have to drop what we’d rather be doing for them. If these intrusions happen time and time again, we can feel loaded down with responsibilities that aren’t ours, and can be weighed down by not getting on with what we really need to achieve. We must remember to put time and effort into what we want to accomplish, and not allow ourselves to be led astray. Alternatively, you may be allowing these intrusions as a way to solve boredom, or as an excuse to procrastinate. If this describes your situation, ask yourself how much you actually want what it is that you are trying to do. An exercise to improve clarity is keeping a goals list. Write down everything you need to do, no matter how small, in order to realize your objectives. Every time you tick something off, you are that much closer to getting them done. On the other hand, one can become bogged down in the attempt to complete something and actually accomplish nothing. If this is so, a closer focus on what it is that you need to achieve would help.

Keywords: Staying true to yourself and remaining on the path or the job. One-pointed ness. Meditation. Blocking out the external world in order to achieve complete focus on a situation or state of mind. Religious experiences. Maintaining one direction. Seeing something through to completion. Taking the phone off the hook. One-eyed behavior.

The Caution: Paying attention to outside influences. Letting the slightest excuse take one away from what needs to be done. Rigidity of thought or action leading to missed creative or intuitive opportunities. Obsession. Indulgences. Workaholics. Addictions and destructive behavior. Superficial distractions.

I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by. Douglas Adams

While we are postponing, life speeds by. Seneca

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are those ‘it might have been.’ John Greenleaf Whittier

It is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about? Henry David Thoreau

The person who says it can’t be done should not interrupt the person doing it. Chinese Proverb

Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. M. Scott Peck

There is not any memory with less satisfaction than the memory of some temptation we resisted. James Branch Cabell

Every man who possibly can should force himself to a holiday of a full month in a year, whether he feels like taking it or not. William James

So off you go to take care of that URGENT TASK you need to COMPLETE. Make sure you have no DISTRACTIONS! Otherwise, Mom Universe will come pick you up like an errant kitten and carry you to where and what you are supposed to be doing! Ask. Climb

Mundane: Our current eclipse, so far, features the leaders of Iran and Venezuela standing before the world body of the United Nations to tell the world that George Bush is evil and works with the Devil! Gotta love it!

During the last eclipse, in September of 1988, the US Department of Commerce approved shipments of weapons grade anthrax and botulism to Iraq. In August 1988, the Iraqis massively and effectively used chemical weapons to defeat the Iranians. Nerve gas and blister agents such as mustard gas were used. The US Defense Intelligence Agency was involved with Saddam Hussein in battle plan assistance, intelligence gathering and post battle debriefing. In the last major battle of the Iran/Iraq War, 65,000 Iranians were killed, many with poison gas. Use of chemical weapons in war is in violation of the Geneva accords of 1925. And in August 1988, five days after the Iran/Iraq War cease fire, Saddam Hussein sent his planes and helicopters to northern Iraq to begin massive chemical attacks against the Kurds.

As Saddam Hussein is about to be sentenced for “gassing” his Kurdish people (with chemicals sold to him by the USA), one could accurately make the assumption that we, Americans who worked with him during that fine episode in human history, are due to have some sort of karmic sentencing of our own. Will someone please tell George Bush to not further weaken or eliminate the “quaint” Geneva Conventions? Eclipses pick you up and move you to where you are supposed to go! They apply to countries too. The eclipse is in the USA’s third/fourth house of communications and home and hearth as well as o

n the cusp of the 10th house of the United States standing in the world and the 9th house of International Treaties and laws governing behavior.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee