Weekly Weather October 8, 2007

Weekly Weather October 8, 2007

We have an exciting and energetically volatile week ahead of us. Fasten your seat belts! Prepare for cosmic lift off. We have twelve, count em, twelve, very significant aspects stirring up the works in various parts of your chart as well as in the charts of everyone you know. So, we’ll tackle the aspects one by one, in order of how they will appear, to let you know what they will feel like and how to work with all that extra energy flowing through the world, into and around your life.

First up, Venus goes into Virgo. Venus is not particularly fond of being in the sign of Virgo. She’s in her fall. Virgo is her least favorite sign. Why? Well, Venus is all about love, beloveds and our desire nature as well as connecting with those desired objects or people. When Venus finds her self in Virgo, she has trouble finding things to desire unless they are completely and totally flawless or perfect. She notices the tiny teeth, the dandruff, the rough edges and the missing or absent grace or bad behaviors. Virgos, as a rule, like to keep themselves separate, apart, and not connected ~ it makes them feel good to be a bit detached and in their preferred element of analyzing, working and improving on systems or procedures. Virgo is the sign of the Virgin ~ a woman who has kept herself apart from intercourse. Virgos were also the keepers of the temple. In the old days, the Vestal Virgins were actually sacred temple priestesses who willing gave themselves to men in service to the Goddess. However, they also kept part of themselves apart, separated and not merged. They lived in a female community. Nuns have a large Virgo feel to them too. Venus, on the other hand, lives to connect and merge not be separate and apart from. Venus moving into Virgo represents a big shift as all planets ruled by Venus in the sky move from playful and freewheeling Leo into critical, task oriented, get-it-done-with-a-minimum-of-fuss-and-bother Virgo. The Sun in Libra (also in his fall), the new moon and retrograde Ceres in Taurus all will become MUCH more task oriented when Venus switches signs. Suggestions on working with this energy: Be kind. Keep your mouth closed if you can’t say something nice. Remember Venus in Virgo has a lovely service aspect to her ~ channel your inner Mother Teresa. Get to work doing some thing good. Start a diet or health regime. Cook healthy food. No criticisms, even if you are right!

Second, Mars in Cancer is out of bounds. And Mars forms a closing sextile to Saturn in Virgo. Mars hates to be in Cancer, the sign of his fall. He’s wrapping up the story he began with Saturn back on June of 2006 when they got together to forge a new course. Now Mars gets to see what he’s done ~ for good or bad ~ and has an opportunity to emotionally adjust to it. Mars is going to get the results of his hard work. Or not. Mars has THREE of these sextile aspects to Saturn between now and March 2008. So lets see, wild, out of control, out of bounds, yet whiny and needy, while he is being told to suck it up and work hard as he’s about to go retrograde for six months in a sign he‘s not particularly fond of. Mars in Cancer is NOT direct, straightforward or particularly clear. Emotional? Yes! Security conscious? Yes! Family, Mom and apple pie? Yes! How can you be the bravest and boldest warrior guy around if you are emotional or security conscious while not being direct, straightforward or clear and stuck at home with your mother eating apple pie and playing with the rug rats and ankle biters?

What is a warrior god to do? Do you see Mars’ problem here? Muddy boots on the white carpet. Dirty hands with cracked callused fingers grasping the tiny finger sandwiches and holding onto the delicate tea cups for dear life. Cancer is NOT his favorite place to be. He can get a nice hot shower though! And there is air conditioning instead of that hot, desert heat of the war. Indulge Mars. Maybe serve the tea outside by the gazebo so he doesn’t have to worry about his muddy boots? Suggest he take a dip in the pond or perhaps offer him a shower before dinner is served? Provide him some clean clothes and a nail brush. He’s back to the front way too soon.

Third, Sun sextiles Jupiter ~ under normal circumstances this is a pretty nice and rather decent aspect. It still is a nice aspect with a caveat. Sun says wow here is how to shine and expand in my community and tribe as I get the results of my effort to become who I am. Except Sun is in Libra, the sign of his fall. And Jupiter is in Sagittarius making the task almost too big for one person to do by themselves. Sun can’t shine in Libra unless he has a partner. But Venus is in Virgo. Venus is in charge of Libra’s Sun. Venus wants to be alone. Suggest Venus partner with herself as well as hire someone or three some ones or a bunch of some ones to get all the tasks accomplished. That way, they can all work together but still all work separately. Heck, when Psyche got her tasks from Aphrodite, the mice, birds and a river helped her. Why can’t you get some help for yourself? Ask for help! Hire help if you need to.

Fourth, Uranus and Jupiter form their third and final square in the middle degrees of the mutable signs. We’ve been working with this square for the better part of the year. It is the third pass of the closing square of the cycle begun in February of 1995. The cycle starts to wrap up with the closing and psychologically integrating square. The cycle runs until January of 2011. Time to integrate your beliefs with your plan on how you plan to change your world. You aren’t going to know exactly what this square means to you until we get to March 2008 when Uranus passes out of his shadow station at 18 Pisces last June. But the square has been one of the things that have kept you hopping since January. To handle the energy wisely ~ don’t do any bad stuff. Take the high road. Approach all situations before you with a vision of what it could be, not what it is. Trust that they will get theirs if they are doing rotten stuff to you. No revenge actions. Operate with a higher consciousness. Keep making yourself stay on the higher plain. Or at least try to keep a consciousness of “nope, not going down that road again!” No sowing any seeds for future karmic payback. You are so past that! NEXT!

Fifth, Sun forms a bunch of stressful but illuminating aspects, particularly by declination, lighting up all sorts of stuff. Not much to do here but look. Don’t be afraid. LOOK! LOOK! Yes, it IS stressful. Life can be stressful at times. Plan for the week: Don’t carry it with you. Interrupt any obsessive thinking by singing a childhood song like “Row, row, row your boat!” Or “The Sun will come out tomorrow!” Sing something, anything to get your mind out of stress ruts. But do LOOK!

Sixth, there is a new moon taking place in the Via Combusta ~ or in the Path of Fire on October 11. Read the new moon report on this website for additional information about how to work with the energy both productively and constructively. As you may have guessed, a new moon, ideal for starting things, taking place in the midst of all this cosmic activity means it is both an important and powerful opportunity to launch new beginnings. And to end things if you‘d like to end things. If stuff ends on this new moon, you can leave it dead and buried. It might try to rise from the dead but you can ignore it. Remember Libras are like Tennis games ~ if you put your racket down and walk off the court, the game is over. If you keep hitting the ball over the racket, the game continues. Put your racket down if you want to.

Seventh, Pluto joins with Vesta ending a major chapter around the family, home and hearth issues. Transformation on the home front. Long lingering unsold property can finally sell on this aspect. Switch your clothes. Have a yard sale. Get your stuff out the door and over to Good Will. Clear out the barbeque gr
ill and fire place grates. B
urn your old letters and papers. Create a bonfire and dance around it. Light a bunch of candles and gaze into the light of their flames. Combined with all the other aspects taking place during the week, there is a you can’t go home again kind of feel to the energy of Pluto joining with Vesta. You can’t go home again. You are YOUR OWN HOME. So decorate your home and your body. You are your own temple. Put on makeup or rub oils on your body or get a mani-pedi. You are all you‘ve got. Be nice to yourself. You are right where you are supposed to be. Can you make a nest in your heart for you to cuddle up in?

Eighth, Mercury stops dead in the sky at 9 Scorpio and turns retrograde. Mercury is ultimately in charge of both the new moon at 17 Libra as well as Venus and Saturn in Virgo and Ceres in Taurus going retrograde. Mercury in Scorpio misses nothing. You may not know what you are looking at but note it. It is important! Or it will be important in a bit. You will understand what it is down the road apiece. Mercury retrograde gets us all going back to revise, revisit, re-edit, re-do. All the RE words. Expect old lovers and partners who hurt you or whom you hurt to resurface and want to talk about it. Lots of ghosts will be around during this Mercury retrograde. Lots of ghosts will come calling. Answer your door. Chat your ghosts up. If you feel the psychic energy or have a source feeling memory of someone that you haven’t seen or talked to in awhile, look them up. Give them a call. You might like what you discover. Find out what they have to say or want to say to you too. It is time to heal the last part of that wound so you can go forward.

Ninth, Sun trines Neptune. Again, this aspect isn’t a “bad” aspect. It is a bit delusional on a bad day but for the most part it is a pleasant, easy going if cloudy or foggy kind of energy. Again, the problem here is that the Sun is in Libra and ruled by Venus in Virgo. My therapist always says when people show you who they are, believe them! Look at the actions. Look at their actions. Believe their actions, not what they say. Their actions are where it is at. Watch out for sugar, alcohol and other addictive behaviors to rear their heads and try to seduce you. Just say no. And then make sure you walk away from it ~ remember the actions are where it is at. Walk away fast. No temptations.

Tenth, Chiron squares Juno. Time to end a wounding partnership or stop a counterproductive behavior patterns. You are done. They are done. You both have gotten all you can out of the relationship or behaviors. How much clearer do you need to be? It is time to move on. Why agree to be wounded any more? What are you doing? Look at your actions! Look at their actions! They are not going to change. They like themselves just the way they are. You are not going to change. You like yourself just the way you are. Do you want to be doing this for 7 more years? Do you want to be doing this for the rest of your life? I know it IS familiar. It IS known. It IS comfortable. It IS safe. But why are you here? What does your soul want?

Eleventh, Venus joins with Saturn. Back to the three part dance of Venus and Saturn as the party comes to an end and the lights get turned on. Venus has been dancing with Saturn and Pluto all summer. It is time for Venus to go home. Saturn’s been waiting for Venus for quite a while. She’s been saying her goodbyes and grabbing last moments of laughter. Now it is time to go home. Time for Venus and Saturn to immerse themselves in the next chapter of their lives together. The party is over. It is a long drive home. The lawn needs mowing. The plants need to be watered. Need to pick the kids up from the in-laws where they are for the weekend. It is time to get back to work.

Twelfth, Saturn contraparallels Chiron while Sun contraparallels Venus. Just more ending energies riding into say it is time to move on to the new life. What once was important has served its purpose. What once was meant to be forever is coming to an end. The vision has shifted. The purpose has been served. Time to move on.

Monday, read one and two. Read them again. Breathe. Sun has an aspect of brilliance to Pluto. If you were able to see your life from the perspective of your soul, it would all make sense. Clean something if you are anxious.

Tuesday, read one, three, four, and five. Mars has a bunch of aspects. Get other people on the bus to sing with you. They are in need of songs too! Adjust to the situation. Sing another song. There is nothing much you can do but sing in situations like this. Consider getting to a room if you have a drug or alcohol problem that was solved by the steps. Relapse issues are dancing around your ears today. Or do something completely out of character for you to break free from the obsessive energy around today.

Wednesday, read one and five. Keep breathing. Keep singing. Get yourself to a room.

Thursday, read the new moon column on this site. Read one, six, seven, eight and nine. Breathe. Get yourself to a room.

Friday, Mercury was stopped dead in the sky yesterday. Today, he starts to move backwards. Read eight, nine and ten.

Saturn’s’ day, we are getting toward the end of the week! Read two, eleven and twelve. Mars has a forward we go aspect with the North node of destiny. He’s happy you offered him the shower. Assuming you are still reading the column, congratulations. You didn’t fall out of the boat! If you aren’t still reading, well, we will pick you up around the bend when the water calms down a bit. But you are still here. Rough week but it is almost over.

Sunday, read eleven, twelve and five. Read one again for good measure. Read two again too. Sun has an aspect of brilliance with Uranus. Vesta has an aspect of brilliance with Ceres. Turn that Venus in Virgo back to look over your life to see how it has brought you to this point. No mistakes in that cosmic plan we call your chart. The experiences in your life have gotten you to this point. Now what would you like to do for the rest of your life? One day at a time! One step at a time. One minute at a time. Remember to breathe.

Mundane: George vetoed the children’s health care bill. What we spend in ONE DAY in Iraq would provide health insurance for 256,000 children for a year. Where are our priorities? Going to be a mighty interesting week on planet earth ~ especially in the currency and trade markets. Watch for foreign governments to stop supporting the US dollar, particularly as we build toward the Mars station on the USA Sun. The Uranus/ Jupiter square corresponds to the monks leading their people in standing up to their repressive government. The government shut down the country’s internet ~ squares acted as a severing of their country from the global community and communications network. Won’t work in the long run but it IS good to know it can be done. If it can be done there, it can be done here or any where in the world. Keep speaking your truth.

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee