Weekly Weather October 3, 2005 to October 9, 2005

Weekly Weather October 3, 2005 to October 9, 2005
Lots of planetary action coming this week! First of course ~ The Eclipses are coming! The Eclipses are coming! We have a fabulously powerful new moon eclipse at 10 Libra. We both know that Sun and Moon diving into the depths of the obsessive South Node can be life changing! Not to be out done by the new beginning/ending eclipse on the South Node of our especially important karmic relationships, we have FIVE, count em, Five MORE cosmic tricks or treats to pay attention to during the week ahead! White water planetary rapids alert! First, Chiron stations direct at 27:48 Capricorn, to begin to leave behind the issues we’ve worked out about our wounded authority figures. He won’t be back here for 49 years! Second, Venus exits one of her least favorite places, Scorpio, for enthusiastic, passionate and mucho abundant Sagittarius gusto. Third, Mercury joins with Jupiter by both conjunction and parallel getting Zeus’s wisdom and insights. Fourth, right after chatting with Jupiter, Mercury leaves balanced, one for you, one for me even steven Libra and enters detective, calculating, passionate and counting Scorpio. One can only wonder WHAT Jupiter whispered in his ear and handed him in that bundle of papers! And, fifth and last but certainly not least, the Sun trines Neptune suggesting we DO have a vision of what we want our lives to be. Or perhaps a vision of what we DON‘T want our lives to be?
When this many planets are moving, changing direction and dancing a passionate tango in the heavens, our focus is to keep our balance, focus on our own life, goals and visions and move forward. Or just stand looking at your life for a while and think about what you want to do. It is a bit of a soggy, battered mess isn’t it? Well, if we go step by step, it won’t seem so difficult or hard. Honest. You’ll be amazed, shocked and awed!
New moons are times to begin projects and cast your intentions out to the universe. Our Libra new moon happens to be an eclipse, making it exceptionally powerful and vibrant. It is in the last moments of day of Sun and hour of Mercury as it occurs just before sunrise, at 6:28 am EDT on Monday, October 3, 2005. It asks us to speak clearly about our Sun‘s goals, intentions, hopes, wishes and plans for the future. The Mars station last week vibrated Mars and our Katrina hurricane Finger of God. The Eclipse vibrates the Sun, Moon and Karmic Nodes and our Rita hurricane Finger of God. The Mars station was a WESTERN chart in Washington, D.C. and all about blaming and faulting the other guy. The New Moon is an EASTERN chart in Washington, D.C. and all about understanding how we partnered with and contributed to all the difficult, nasty, yucky and uncomfortable situations we don’t much like about our life right now. Here and now, THIS week, while the Universe is jam packed with oodles full of karma and life changing energy, sit down and make a list of what you’d like to bring into your life. And I mean a DETAILED list ~ down to color of chest hair on the new honey or desired vacation days in the new job or delicious sun room in the new home’s flower filled garden! Take time during the early part of the week to light a candle, ask your guides for help and state your intentions OUT LOUD to the Universe. Then stand back and watch out! Eclipses do fabulous work when we take a ride on their energy! As we’ve all had our consciousness raised, whether we liked it or not, over the last few weeks, now take the time to put our new visions and understandings to use. Astrology offers us an ability to work CONSCIOUSLY with the energy of the cosmos to effect changes in our lives for our higher purpose and evolution. Whatever happened in the last few weeks of your life as two hurricanes blew through your chart are the areas to change, regenerate and rebuild. You can, will and are going to keep tweaking away at your intentions until March. Get the first set of blueprints out to the planetary architects in the heavens now!
Monday, is the New Moon and eclipse. It is visible over Europe and Africa so those countries will feel the impact most of the eclipse the most. I think the billions forgiven in international debt relief is one mundane manifestation, as it frees countries to vision and create their new futures. In your own life, look to the 10 Libra placement in your chart as a starting place for your new future. Baby steps. The Sun and Moon quintile Pluto moments before the eclipse, in a fifth harmonic aspect asking his profound assistance in changing your life. I know, I didn’t exactly warn you about Pluto being in the mix but he can ignite passions! And, he’s is in about the best possible aspect to transform your world! Mercury sextiles Pluto suggesting the two are in on whatever action is about to go down when Mercury parallels Jupiter. Venus in Scorpio is carping in semi-sextile aspect in the far corner with Jupiter about her dissatisfaction with her current life situation! No one wants our love goddess to be unhappy and waspish! Is Mercury is bringing a message to Jupiter and Venus from Pluto? Hmmm. Regardless, something is going on and means profound changes ahead… Oops, almost forgot to mention that Mercury also sesquiquadrates Uranus in Pisces. Okay, think about it ~ we have Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Sun, Moon, Nodes and Mercury plotting and planning change today on the new moon eclipse. Even Saturn is in ORB by sextile and inconjunct aspects! Do you see why I want you to sit down and say what you want to create in your life? We’ve got the whole solar system in the same room paying attention to little old you!
Tuesday, Mercury stops by to tell retrograde Mars in Taurus the new plan. It’s an inconjunct so expect our bullish Mars to bellow, snort, stomp the ground and charge about a LOT! The problem is Mars is the only fellow who can get us what we want. He was in that nasty bullfight, remember? So, he’s NOT in the mood to change, quite angry, pissed off, cranky and very, very irritable. He’s not a nice bull right now! Got a nasty scab forming over his left eye that itches too. Getting Mars harnessed is going to take some doing. But it can be done. Remember, all Mars in Taurus really wants to chew clover and snuggle with his favorite cow in a sunny field. Pitch the ideas to him using that imagery and you might get him calmed down enough to start working again. Getting Mars to change his behavior and start work is critical to your success in getting your new vision created. Focus on actions. Take a couple of small ones towards what you want. Uranus suggests tranquilizers for Mars to Mercury but actually Mars only needs to know about his reward at the end to get him to work very hard. Once you calm him down. As the moon is void most of the day, he’s not going to calm down and be productive today! He’s rather bellicose in fact. So listen to his complaints and hold out handfuls of clover.
Wednesday, Chiron stations and goes direct through the last degrees of Capricorn. We’ve been dealing with Chiron in Capricorn since December 11, 2001. He helped us understand that we have wounded incompetent father and authority figures. Or maybe we figured out that they are plain regular people with frailties, issues, dramas and problems of their own even if they are our boss, father, president or authority figure managing our bankrupt pension fund? Have you realized that you have to take care of yourself? If not, you have until December 5, 2005 to get your act together! Then Chiron moves into Aquarius asking you to focus on finding your new tribe. Mercury joins Jupiter so expect news in your mailbox or email reader. Venus gives old Chiron a kiss on his forehead as she heads off towards Sagittarius. She’s in a much better mood. She said to remind you to balance your checkbook and financial situation!
It all falls down on Thursday. Today is nervous breakdown day. Suffice to say the planets and aspects suck big time today. To the extent that you can, please be strategic. Keep your mouth closed. Keep your eyes and ears open. Cry in the bathroom in private. Or consider calling a supportive friend. However, be VERY careful who you pick because today is the day they will blast you for being so stupid! Well, I want you to know you WERE NOT STUPID! You were figuring it out. This happens to be an extremely vulnerable area for you. You can take as long as you want to figure it out as long as you keep trying to figure it out. Or you can decide not to figure it out. It is your life after all! Schedule a light day as things will spiral out of control rather quickly. Remember any arguments or fights are not about the toothbrush.
Friday, take some time, use the Sagittarius moon and write down what went on during the past week, focusing particularly on yesterday. Put on that Beatle song, “Yesterday“, and sing along. “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they are here to stay.” Shout back “NO, I am going figure out a new way! I don’t want my troubles to stay. I am alive, breathing, walking, talking, thinking, crying, feeling, and have things to accomplish before I die.” Mercury squares Chiron suggesting we have a choice in how we carry and think about our wounds, scars, difficult lessons and soul-piercing learnings. It is OUR choice!! Now, celebrate Venus leaving the place of death and endings. She’s moving into the passions of Sagittarius. Celebrate all the love in your life. Feel gratitude for the seasons of your life. Go get the RENT soundtrack and put on “Seasons of Love.” “Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure a year? In daylights. In sunsets. In midnights. In cups of coffee. In inches. In miles. In laughter. In strife. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure a year in the life? How about love? How about love? How about love? Seasons of Love. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred journeys to plan. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure the life of a woman or man? In truths that she learned or in times that he cried? In bridges he burned or the way that she died? It’s time now to sing out. Though the story never ends. Let’s celebrate and remember a year in the life of friends. Remember the love. Remember the love. Remember the love. Measure in love. Measure, Measure your life in love. Seasons of love. Seasons of love.” If you start today, you won’t believe how much you can accomplish in 525,600 minutes of your life! As Sun trines Neptune tonight, on the world axis, call or write the people you love. Tell them how much they mean to you! No day but today.
Saturday, Mercury enters Scorpio. Time to account for your actions. Plan your next steps. Sunday, expect a brilliant idea as the Sun biquintiles Mars. The moon is in Capricorn suggesting we get to work. Lo and behold it looks like our old Taurus Bull Mars has calmed down a bit and is in the mood to get back to plowing the field. Good. Looks like clover, sunshine, a butterfly or three and a nice cow to snuggle with is in his future once he finishes the job ahead! And, he said he wants no more bullfights in his new moon request. They hurt too much. So what’s in your future?
Mundane: I can’t even go here. Working on my plan. Itching the damn scab. Only takes one person, standing up, to change the world.
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee