Weekly Weather October 24, 2005 to October 30, 2005

Weekly Weather October 24, 2005 to October 30, 2005
It is a week of passion, power, excess and pleasures ahead of us! Jupiter enters Scorpio for the first time in 12 years making our relationship energies much more intense and probing. Venus joins with Pluto at 22 of Sagittarius causing our loves, passions and desires to erupt in a volcano of volatile, mutable, righteous fire and start off a new Venus/Pluto cycle of creation. Plant passionate Venus seeds! Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius adding an overdoing excess of emotional communications into the mix. Mercury also enters into his shadow and retrograde station point, 25 Scorpio, on Tuesday so watch for information about the upcoming Mercury retrograde! There are next to no void moons so we’re going to be busy all week. And, last but not by any means least, Neptune stations to start moving direct at 14:49 Aquarius. Doors slamming combined with steamy, tear-filled dramatic scenes are entirely possible! But so are emotional, impassioned fires lit and starting to fuel and ignite your dreams and aspirations. As always, it is somewhat within our control how all these volatile fiery energies manifest ~ wrapped in a cozy sweater watching a nice, warm, blazing bon fire of leaves in the back yard on a star filled night as we envision our future in the dancing and sparkling flames OR an out of control fire erupting that burns our house down, as well as most of the neighborhood combined with lawsuits and fines. Here’s hoping for a bon fire of leaves and dreams in your life!
Now, with all this forward fiery, smoky, impassioned movement showing up at once, DO REMEMBER that Mars, the planet that gets us what we want is still going backwards! That retrograde motion suggests your best plan is executed cautiously rather than with a door slam and a flounce of your hair as you exit in an over the top huff. However, it will be hard to be cautious! I want you to caution your bull to be strategic rather than charging at the matador and getting stabbed! Do you want to get stabbed again? The game you are currently looking at is stacked against you! Strategic actions, definitely fueled by righteous indignation and individual inspiration, are called for! Strategic actions not headstrong, bellowing, snorting charges with your head down! That said, your best and most effective strategy is to carefully evaluate what is going on before you flounce out the door or charge like an out of control angry bull. What is YOUR best interest in the current situation? Choose the path that is BEST FOR YOU, if you possibly can rather that cutting off your nose to spite your face or giving them an opportunity to stab/hurt you. Don’t serve the drama of the moment! Focus on your goals, hopes and wishes. Focus on adjusting your decisions from Fall 1982 into the form you want them to take now. And, remember Uranus in Pisces, the planet of change, is going backwards until mid-November, suggesting that new dream of yours isn’t completely ready to roll, fully formed or up for prime time just yet! Edit and tweak those dreams a bit more. If you flounce out of there NOW, how will you pay your bills until March? That said, execute in numerous small ways your future dreams until March arrives. Breast your cards, watch for opponent’s tells and play to win! You know exactly what to do even if you don’t feel up to it. Analyze, become Aware and Act or Accept. You have a choice. You always have a choice!
Monday, Mercury emphasizes the end or transformation of a relationship as Juno fights with Pluto. Whatever is written or said today has the power to change reality. Jupiter at the last degree of Libra kicks up a final bit for the next two days before exiting into Scorpio. Relationships are VERY volatile today and tomorrow. Be conscious! Pay attention!
Tuesday, Mars makes a gift aspect to the South Node so the loss or change from yesterday is for a greater good even if it might feel a tad painful. Venus in freedom loving Sagittarius argues with Mars retrograde in Taurus. You have to change your behavior to get what you want. Write it down and bury the paper in a pot of earth.
Wednesday, Neptune finally starts to move forward again! Neptune stopped in the sky means the veil that was blinding us falls from our eyes. What have you learned over the past week or so that made you see your world differently? It was reality! Notice it. Analyze, become Aware and Act or Accept.
Thursday, ground the excess energy, throw things out, organize or rearrange stuff using the Virgo moon’s fine solid energy and aspects to Jupiter, Sun and Uranus. Or some other Virgo version of activity ~ cleaning, list making, baking, playing with your dog or cat. Venus is approaching her conjunction with Pluto tomorrow so use that balsamic, ending energy of Venus and Pluto to clear out and release old relationship stuff.
Friday has a difficult quality to it. Mercury aspects Chiron suggesting that words hurt as Athena gathers information on a partnership or secret cabal she hoped didn’t exist. Lots of dynamic focus on relationships today. They either fracture or become stronger at the previous breaking point where they were glued. I’d suggest if a relationship ends today, you let it go. It served its purpose. Time to get a new, better relationship that feeds your evolving soul.
Saturday has a wailing and whining energy. You get to feel VERY sorry for yourself. You get to blame the other guy. You get to wail and gnash your teeth. Tear your hair out. For the next 24 hours or so. But, if you are completely honest, aren’t you just a teeny tiniest bit happy and thrilled that it finally is figured out or out in the open? The anxiety of the hidden is much more difficult to deal with than plain old in your face information. Whatever it is or was proved you could have more, be more, do more, were more. Believe in that part of you! The part that was brave and true! The part that saw even if it didn’t want to. As Mercury leaves Scorpio for the year, (well not really, as he retrogrades back into it ~but that is a future column), get a fresh vision of what you want. Talk to your strengths. Work with the have more, be more, do more and were more parts. Reality sucks sometimes but it can change. What is in your life now is the result of your beliefs about what you deserved. Hopefully, you’ve come to understand you can have more. Don’t you want more?
Sunday snuggle in for an extra hour of sleep as our shift out of daylight savings time gives us a glorious hour of time as well as earlier sunsets and day endings. Winter approaches! Moon in Libra with lovely aspects to Saturn and Neptune as Sun trines Uranus suggests our dreams and ideas for the next phase our life have taken root in the dark earth, the creative, protective womb of mother earth, under the cover of falls fallen leaves. Wishing you sparkling dreams as you sleep in!
Mundane: The Financial Times, published in London, had an article on Thursday, October 20, 2005 about a speech made by Colin Powell’s retired Chief of Staff, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson. He said the Cheney cabal hijacked foreign policy. Colonel Wilkerson served Colin Powell for 16 years at the Pentagon and State Department. His decision to go public lead to a personal falling out with Mr. Powell. “What I saw was a cabal between the vice president, Richard Cheney and the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made.” Among his other comments, “Detainee abuse was a concrete example of the decision making problem.” The president and other top officials in effect gave the green light to soldiers to abuse detainees. “You don’t have this kind of pervasive abuse out there unless you‘ve condoned it.” He said the problems with North Korea, and not supporting European efforts in Iran are other examples. Mr. Wilkerson said former president George H. W. Bush “one of the finest presidents we have ever had” understood how to make foreign policy work. In contrast, his son was “not versed in international relations and not too much interested in them either.”
Looks like indictments on the Valerie Plame/ Brewster Jennings outing will be delivered on Thursday (or Friday latest) as that Mercury/Chiron aspect with Athena unravels partnerships. Very interesting information will surface then. Don’t you just love astrology?
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee