Weekly Weather May 12, 2014

Weekly Weather May 12, 2014 

cherry 2014 















Cherry Blossoms ~ Brooklyn Botanical Garden ~ David Tavalin.

The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving!  The Cosmic Cardinal Cross is leaving too!  Woo-hoo!  We are moving on to our next chapter, decisions made, choices chosen, evaluations completed.  Time for the NEXT!  The Full Moon on Wednesday marks the ending of the eclipse season.

AS IF we needed MORE reminders that this is a MAJOR crossroads in our lives, the Full Moon in Scorpio is at 23:54 of the Taurus/Scorpio axis.  Degree watching astrologers among us (yours truly), notice THAT DEGREE is the SAME DEGREE that Saturn stationed on March 2, 2014. Actually, to be technical, Saturn stationed on 23:18  Scorpio ~ 36 minutes BEFORE the Full Moon degree this week.  In a circle with 21,600 possible minutes, 36 minutes is MIGHTY CLOSE to each other.

The heavens put the Full Moon there at 23:54~ ahead of the Saturn station at 23:18 in March and coming in October FOR A REASON.  First, that means we don’t know how every thing turns out (or maybe we don’t finish making all of our decisions) until the Fall when Saturn goes past the station of his March station degree and the May Full Moon, on October 26 and November 1, 2014 respectively.

Second, that means this week has the potential to be MIGHTY emotional as we get crystal clear on what exactly we have to do in our Scorpio house and around our commitments, like it or not.

Next, the Full Moon in Scorpio is traditionally called the Buddha Moon.  It is when Buddha was “enlightened” as he sat under that Bodhi Tree of his, trying to figure out what the meaning of life was.  The purpose of life.  What is the meaning and purpose of life? One of the Sabian Images for the Full Moon is “Crowds’ are Coming Down The Mountain To Listen To One Inspired Man” .  So watch for your inspiration to come this week.  And it could come from a woman!

Fourth, Venus in Aries sets off that Cardinal Cross one more time!  She rules Taurus Sun. Mars in Libra rules Scorpio Moon.  Venus and Mars are in mutual reception.  That means they can be REALLY, REALLY BAD as they are both in their detriment and take you or the other person to very dark places.  OR IF Venus and Mars switch places (consciousness needed and restraint applied please!) Mars in Aries and Venus in Libra can be simply FABULOUS ~ Gloriously, deliciously FABULOUS.  But you have to consciously get them to switch places. You have to do it… take the high road.  Reach for enlightenment.  Recognize that the situation before you is one you needed to experience to get to the next place.  It isn’t THEIR FAULT!  It was YOUR CHOICE!  Now you are wiser.  Now you are choosing differently.  Don’t go yelling at them for what they didn’t do for you… you picked them! They did what they did. Now you have the opportunity to change.  Or you will be choosing differently in the future.  No fault, no blame. Just move forward toward your future.  The crossroads has arrived.  You have the opportunity to make a life affirming choice for your soul’s growth and evolution.  Choose that inviting path and move on down the road with NO REGRETS!  Wave so long!  So long! Farewell!


Fifth, as if we needed more confirmation about the need for conscious choices, the OTHER Sabian Image for the Scorpio Full Moon is “An Indian Warrior Riding Fiercely With Human Scalps Hanging At His Belt”.  Whenever this image is active, there is nasty news!  So keep praying for those young women students taken captive to be sold into slavery.  All the stories in the news are happening some place in YOUR chart too… so watch out for Indian Warriors riding fiercely after your scalp!  Might just be warriors happening in your dreams ~ but if not, the place to watch is where you have 23 Taurus in your chart!

Continue to meditate on the various components of the Cosmic Crossroads.   Elements of the choice you are facing comes from these earlier times in the cycle of your life. Take the dates below.  Mull on the events in your life that took place on those dates.  If you weren’t born during some of the older ones, ask your parents what was going on in THEIR lives.  Notice the correlation between the various past events and the CURRENT choice(s) you are facing now.  Blend the various components into a cohesive whole.  Or think of it as a delicious salad of ingredients.  Trust the process that what you notice or select is an important ingredient ~ or will be ~ going forward.  Toss gently.  Add a bit of dressing or a touch of lemon.  Make the choice(s) that will impact the rest of your life in a positive manner.  Chose with a grateful and trusting heart and head towards the choice that brings you moving toward love, expansion, growth and abundance.  Not all of the dates may match your life, but I’d be willing to bet most of the dates WILL resonate to right now, especially if you sit quietly with them for a few minutes.    

Uranus/Pluto: October 9, 1965, April 4, 1966, June 30, 1966

Saturn/Pluto: August 10, 1947, November 7, 1982

Jupiter/Saturn: February 18, 1961, December 31, 1980, March 4, 1981, July 23, 1981, May 28, 2000

Jupiter/Uranus: December 11, 1968, Mary 11, 1969, July 20, 1969, February 18, 1983, May 14, 1983, September 25, 1983, February 15, 1997, June 8, 2010, September 18, 2010, January 4, 2011.

Jupiter/Pluto: November 2, 1981, December 1, 1994, December 11, 2007

The Full Moon eclipse on April 15, 2014 woke up the Lunations from October  2013 and 2012 helping you see stories from those months clearly.

Both eclipses echo across time and space to Spring 1995 and 1976.

When you put the picture of your life together, gently hug yourself. Keep the vision in your soul. Let it guide you. Let it guide your heart.

2014-05-08 17.36.30









Brooklyn Botanical Garden 2014 ~ Jane Gill!



Personal Note:  Thanks to everyone for all for the prayers, white light, good wishes and Reiki.  It made a huge difference!  Here’s the report from the Hospital for Special Surgery!

Never having had surgery in my almost 60 years of life, I was watching things like a neurotic Virgo in the middle of a very bad mercury retrograde!  Lots of positive omens: Matthew M. Roberts, my surgeon is a master number 11 destiny and 8 soul urge with an inner dream of an artist 3~ so I was in exceptionally competent hands.  He’s married to an Ann (without the E) which means SOME important planets of his are on the asteroid Anne!  Plus Matthew in Hebrew means Gift from God.  Good news!

My journey in the hospital started with various dead and alive “relative” names showing up in the staff and nurses who took care of me ~ Dorothy (my nurturing cousin with a bazillion cats) ran check in/registration.  Mary (my sister ~ one of my favorite people on earth) was my anesthesiologist with the same last name as a dear friend, Chisholm.  Dr. Mary Chisholm was a responsible, protecting and nurturing 6 ~ who else would you want to put you under while the Gift from God operated on your foot? Please ~ could it BE BETTER?

Surgery started at 1:49 pm on May 9, 2014 in NY,NY ~ a lovely 6 degree Virgo Rising opposite my sad little 6 degree Pisces Moon broken foot and soon to arrive  on Dr. Robert’s 14 degree Mercury and Mars conjunction in competent, capable, talented fingers Virgo. Before going completely under, I invoked every appropriate archangel and started Reiki on myself.  They can’t help unless you ask!  So I asked!  I had heard from other patients that Dr. Roberts prays before he operates so I figured between the both of us, we had it covered.

I was done three hours later at 4:30.  I have 7 pieces of metal in my right foot ~ 2,3,2 in toes 2,3,4 respectively. Dr. Roberts harvested bones from my heel to help brace my breaks and support my Lis Fran fracture as it healed.  Who knows, I might play professional football yet!?!  I do not have a career ending injury!

Nurses Kim and Fatumota (which is Fatima spelled in a different way) took care of me in recovery.  We had quite the adventure as I learned how to pee in bed after 55 years of NOT peeing in bed. The things you didn’t know you didn’t know how to do! Plus, I apparently have a shy peer!  I never knew! Lots of laughter during THAT watery mis-adventure!  Jason (of the golden fleece) and Kim took me on a questing adventure riding through the hospital to find a space in ICU for the night.

In ICU, gotta be a triple Capricorn Bernard (my brother’s and grandfather’s names) took excellent triple Capricorn care of me…like Santa, he spoke NOT a spare word but went straight to his work ~ TWO Percocets not one as he’d opened both.  You don’t argue with Bernard.  I took both of them. Bedpan delivered when I didn’t even know I needed one but he’d noticed my blood pressure going up.  I ended my hospital stay with Amala, a vibrant, fast moving Aries nurse who arrived and literally cleaned up the joint at sunrise ~ she was throwing away other people’s garbage after asking about the stuff left lying around.  She caught me reading my chart binder and told me I wasn’t supposed to do that.  So I stopped ~ for a bit ~ and then, ever curious, I started to sneak and read it again. It WAS my chart after all.  So when she caught me reading my chart binder the SECOND time, she took my binder away.  Just like a good Aries would do!  Warn you once to be a grown up, enforce policies and procedures when you demonstrate you are a chart reading brat.  Mary Poppins had nothing on Amala!  A model of efficiency, Amala handled all sorts of issues, complaints, arrivals, comings and goings with grace, diplomacy and aplomb.  She’s a rock star!

My friend Leslie arrived to pick me up and bring me home.  I had to have a human escort and a cab even though I was only two blocks from the hospital.  I learned how to ride in a cab with a broken foot ~ you sit down and slide all the way across the seat with your leg extended across the seat.  You are a cab hog.  Leslie rode in the front seat.  On my way TO the hospital, I got my broken foot stuck under the front seat of the cab.  It jammed with the boot in it. I could NOT figure out how to get my foot unstuck! It took the cab driver and the hospital doorman about 8 minutes to unhook my foot from the cab! …. NOW I know how to ride in a cab properly with a cast! Just take over the whole back seat!  This handicapped foot business teaches you a whole bunch of new tricks!  Leslie did my drug run.   She cooked me delicious meatballs for dinner.  We chatted, laughed and solved the problems of the world ~ ah if we only ran it!  And then I was off to bed at 6 pm for a solid night of sleep!

Not much pain. Two percocets knock me out. One percocet I can handle. I’ll be back to work when I don’t need the drugs anymore.  Forward into healing.  Lots of sleep.  An appropriate amount of drugs to quell the pain. And more sleep! Heal little foot bones, heal! Keep the prayers, white light and reiki coming!  It is most appreciated!  Thank you all for your love, kindness, get well wishes, presents, flowers and cards too!  I feel most loved and very, very blessed…

2014-05-09 13.55.48 









Lilacs ~ Brooklyn Botanical Garden 2014 ~ Jane Gill.


The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun in Taurus moves through the tough Capricorn decant of Taurus (when all the cherry blossom petals and tulips lose their leaves! <sadness>).  Our week has an enlightened Full Moon as well as a difficult choice to make on May 18 which requires you to end something and move in a new, adjusted direction.  Choose to move toward your soul’s growth and the life you’ve dreamed of.

Mercury is moving fast in Gemini.  He flies between 9 and 19 ~ 11 degrees in 7 days is speedy!  Expect to hear lots of information, offers and ideas you want to follow up on. Mercury is connecting with the Nodes so you can meet important people on May 14.  He aspects the separating Cardinal Cross ~ think about your OPTIONS!  You don’t have to choose just this second but you do need to explore your options. Once Mars goes direct next week, you’ll need to pick. This week, make plans!  Lots and lots of plans while Mercury is in his fine and favored sign of Gemini. Difficult news about healing or maybe some wounding on May 17.  Permanent and final thoughts or life adjustments on the 18th.  It is getting to be that time to pick our crossroad that we are going to be walking down!

Venus in Aries can swap into Libra if you are conscious!  She and Mars are in mutual reception. But you have to consciously flip her energy with Mars.  It helps if you think of every situation in your life is there for a reason or to teach you something! Try to figure out what you are supposed to learn from it. Once you learn your lessons, the problem often disappears in a puff of smoke.  After trying (and laughing) with Nurses  Fatumota and Kim for a good half hour to be able to pee in a bed the FIRST time, I was a bed pan peeing champ when Bernard put the bedpan under me 5 hours later.  Venus in Aries goes through the Cardinal Cross one more time! Most important dates are the revelation, when she joins with Uranus on May 15 and helps you make the decisions you need to make in your life on May 18. Lots of crabby energy early in the week. Girlfriend Venus can be annoyed!  Help her swap with Mars so she feels better.

Mars reaches his station degree this week. Things slow down.  He goes direct on May 19.  Take it easy. Recognize his tension as it builds.  Swap his energy with Venus if you can!  He stations at 9:01 Libra. Adjust partnerships on May 12.

Jupiter trines Chiron and squares Vesta this week offering deep, emotional healing energy available to all and found at 17 of the water signs.  Clean out your home, your hearth, your space. Great time for a healing cleanse! Liver detoxes all around! Juice cleanses!

Saturn wants to take care of you this week. Accept nurturing!

Uranus points out patterns where you are NOT being supportive of yourself. Take care of you!  You are the only you there is~ particularly on May 15!

Neptune dissolves partnerships on May 16. Let them go.

Pluto is snoozing this week. Praise the solar system!

Pallas enters Virgo on May 16 until August 10th! I’ve often thought this is her favorite sign. Notice and change all that needs to be adjusted!  Time for me to write my book!

Nodes adjust with Admetos, the points of connections and endings, as Admetos adds a final quality to the situation by stationing on May 18.  Big, big, big endings in the world and in our lives.  It is time for the new chapter to begin!  You are completely ready! Finish it up, reread the last chapter just to remember and then close that book and put it up on the shelf. Open up the next, clean white, unmarked pages. You never forget this story but you are ready to move forward!


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon is Void in Libra all day on Monday with a closing aspect of Moon square to Jupiter. Moon enters Scorpio on Monday May 12, 2014 at 9:07 pm EDT.  Moon is void all day.

Moon goes void opposed to the Sun on Wednesday May 14, 2014 at 03:17:01 pm EDT.  Moon enters Sagittarius on Thursday May 15, 2014 at 01:44:41 am EDT.  Moon is void Wednesday afternoon and evening.

Moon goes void Opposed to Mercury on Friday May 16, 2014 at 03:44:10 am EDT.  Moon enters Capricorn on May 17, 2014 at 04:12:52 am EDT. Moon is void all day Friday.  Moon goes void trine to the Sun early Monday am.
















JR with Cherry Blossoms ~ Brooklyn Botanical Garden 2014  Jane Gill.

There is a lovely Full Moon on Wednesday May 14.  This Full Moon’s energy flies in all different directions as the Cardinal Cross begins to separate and the planets begin acting independently of each other.  Lots of Earth, Air, and Water in this Moon.  Earth allows you to manifest, Air comes up with ideas, and Water helps you feel DEEPLY the need for profound changes in your life.  Vision is limited right now.  Don’t be concerned if you can’t see where you’re going.  Might not be clear yet.  Neptune is still playing with Pluto and Mars and Mercury, so it can be a little hard to discern the direction.  Trust that it will come in the future (i.e. next week, if not sooner).  Venus is about to activate the Cardinal Cross, after the illumination of the Full Moon.  Be prepared for some emotional, financial, or romantic surprises, all of which serve to make you clearer, and provide new vision for your future.

full moon may 2014



















Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:

Commentary: ‘Crowds’ are ‘Coming Down The Mountain To Listen To One Inspired Man’. There is a message that needs to be heard and people are making their way to the ‘One’ who can deliver it. There must be a reason for them to come ‘Down the Mountain to Listen’-there is probably something important and stimulating that they come together to receive This ‘One Inspired Man’ most likely has some gift, certainly he’s likely to have the gift of speech, knowledge and communication. There’s no guarantee, however, that everyone is going to be receptive to what’s being said; people will have many different responses to the messages being given. Although it’s fairly clear that not all will be swayed, the message is likely to resonate with many.

Oracle: Whether you are one amongst the ‘Crowds’ or you are, indeed, the ‘Inspired Man’, you may feel that you have had some wonderful realizations and insights and now you need to bring these insights, these messages, ‘Down’, from ‘The Mountain’, and integrate them into your everyday life in some way. It’s wonderful to be turned on by an inspired speaker or message, but what will be done with these revelations or new information? The truth may very well lie within yourself-listening to the positive messages from your higher self, or from others who can lift your focus. This can move you to take charge of your less positive thoughts and actions. However, there may need to be some kind of thoughtful discrimination about what’s being said as blindly accepting what’s being imparted can lead to a loss of one’s individual mindset.

Keywords: Power to sway the feelings and thoughts of many. The ability to draw a large audience. The Jesus story. Giving one’s power away to those who apparently have more authority. Charisma. Having a large audience. The minds and the ears of the many. Oratory skills. Gurus.

The Caution: Naiveté, gullibility. Feeling like someone else holds all the answers, but you don’t. Situations that smack of guru mentality. Idolatry and the manipulation that can result from it. Never knowing when to keep quiet. Forcing ideas on others when they don’t really want to listen. Not letting anyone else get a word in. Demanding attention. Feeling above everyone else.

The mountains are fountains of men as well as of rivers, of glaciers, and of fertile soil. The great poets, philosophers, prophets, able men whose thoughts and deeds have moved the world, have come down from the mountains. John Muir

Being listened to spells the difference between feeling accepted and feeling isolated. Michael P. Nichols–The Lost Art of Listening

Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself. Friedrich Nietzsche

That person proves his worth who can make us want to listen when he is with us and think when he is gone. Grit

The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one. Joan Baez

It is all right to hold a conversation but you should let go of it now and then. Richard Armour

The reason there are so few good talkers in public is that there are so few thinkers in private. Anon



Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is

Commentary: An Indian Warrior Riding Fiercely With Human Scalps Hanging at His Belt’ is a Symbol of great force and conquest. ‘Scalping’ is often associated with American Indians. The fact is, however, that the Indians learnt the practice of ‘Scalping’ from the Europeans, where it was a well-established tradition. It is not well known that the English also paid bounties for Irish scalps. The original Indian tradition was for the ‘Warrior’ to steal something from the person conquered to show how strong his medicine was to others. Regardless of who does it: a vengeful heart creates only sadness for all concerned, and there are no real winners, in the end.

Oracle: Someone may have been holding back from pursuing what they’ve wanted and are now going after all they can get. Consideration may need to be made concerning other people’s rights as this can point to the invasion of other people’s space or territory. The “us or them” mentality can lead to disputes, and separations and the forgetting of a sense of people’s humanity. Perhaps you haven’t been given a fair share of things by society, or these have literally been taken from you. There can be a chain reaction set off with this Symbol, so there needs to be care taken that a real “war” is not started with people seeking revenge. There may be a need for someone to mark their territory and claim their dues. Look to see if there are barriers up to prevent invasions of territory, yours or another’s. Be wary of excessive competition, in the marketplace or the home, as this can scare people off – making the environment unsafe and unsound. Taken to its extreme, this Symbol can point to all-out wars between people.Alternatively, with a level of controlled aggression and taking necessary risks, you can be recognized for your abilities as a successful leader, prepared to face risks to succeed. Bravery and honor are often admired and respected by others.

Keywords: Race wars. Claiming one’s soil. Fighting for territory. Trophies of conquest. Aggression. Basic instincts. Territoriality. Chain reactions. Tit-for-tat. Competitive natures. Risks for the clan or group. Trophies, medals and diplomas. Striving for recognition and respect, deserved or not. Blood and sacrifice. Tribes mourning their losses and their dead. Ritualistic behaviors. Marking victories. War crimes.

The Caution: Conquering others without emotion. Showing off to intimidate others. Domination and ruthlessness. Taking things because one can. Violation of other’s space. Testosterone. Feeling taken advantage of. Notches on the belt, or gun. Cycles of retribution. Vengeance.

To win without risk is to triumph without glory. Pierre Corneille

There is no decent place to stand in a massacre. Leonard Cohen

Do not throw the arrow which will return against you. Kurdish Proverb

Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten. Buddha

You win battles by knowing the enemy’s timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect. Miyamoto Musashi

Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. John Wayne

He that is not with me is against me. The Bible

There are many humorous things in the world: among them the white man’s notion that he is less savage than the other savages. Mark Twain


Moon day Monday May 12, 2014  Moon is void all day in Libra, enters Scorpio around 9 pm EDT.  Venus and Mercury are both working with Mars, but at cross-purposes, attempting to push and pull him in different directions.  Mars is reaching the degree of his station this week and slowing down, so while he wants to be helpful to both of them, he really can’t do anything because he’s frozen in space.  THEY will be battling it out, suggesting different options.  Allow the babble to rise.  The Moon is void so nothing comes of it anyway, except perhaps a bit of frustration.  Saturn is in the mood to be disagreeable about any kind of nurturing, whiny because he doesn’t feel sufficiently appreciated.  Let people pout in their corner.  The Moon is void so nothing will come of it.  Around 5 pm EDT, there could be a rip-roaring fight with partners.  Nothing will come of it, except much-needed venting.  This is one of those days to push Venus and Mars from their lower to their higher forms.  Take the high road!  They can both be pretty ugly in the signs they’re in.  Walk away, don’t fight – follow all the rules we learned in kindergarten.  YOU understand astrology so YOU are prepared.


Mars day Tuesday May 13, 2014  Moon is in Scorpio with aspects to Neptune and Pluto, encouraging wild and creative abandon.  An incredibly fertile Full Moon tomorrow, the Moon on which the Buddha received his enlightenment.  Pay attention as people talk to you and suggest ideas, notice offers you receive and insights that occur.  Midday, Sun and Eris have an aspect that may make you want to slap somebody.  Walk away!  Part of the journey is understanding that even the difficult people are there for your enlightenment.  In the evening, there’s a deep sense of contentment and new understanding of what home and love are.  Allow yourself to feel connected.


Wednesday Mercury’s day May 14, 2014 Moon goes void opposed to the Sun at 3:17:01 pm EDT.  Full Moon at 23’55” Scorpio, a particularly profound one.  Please take time to read Lynda Hill’s descriptions of the Sabian symbols for this Moon.  One of the images is about receiving enlightenment.  Another is an “Indian” with human scalps.  The energy of this Moon can go either way!  Take the high road!  Mars and Venus are in mutual reception – they can swap places, being really, really good or really, really bad!  Today is an amazingly good or bad day.  Very powerful either way, with lots of aspects.  Venus is setting off the Cosmic Cross and bringing your desire-nature to bear in direct cooperation with or opposition to the universal forces.  No temper tantrums.  While you might want it to be different than it is, it is what it is.  Going forward you can change things, but accept where you find yourself now.  Venus’s square to Pluto midday will present you with psychological choices around issues involving power and control.  Earlier in the day Jupiter and Chiron pointed out where you were perhaps wounded in this area.  The whole goal of our early training, wounds and all, is to prepare us for our life’s work.  Now is the time – the universe is asking you to step up your game.  Proceed with your life’s work on a whole new level.  Tonight around 8 pm EDT, Mercury is going to ask you to make a choice about how you are proceeding.  Take the high road.  Immediately after that, Venus will come in and bless the situation – if you chose properly.  If you have a problem, you probably need to rethink your choice.  Around 9 pm EDT, Mercury and Venus’s aspects ask you to adjust how you see the world and how you are going to operate within it going forward.  It’s rare that there is a set of choices this profound described in the heavens.  Because there is SO MUCH energy around the new path opening before you, you MUST allow your heart to be gentle and soft and to choose towards its desire.  Around 10 pm EDT, the choice will be made, the die cast, and the world spins forward.


Jupiter’s Day Thursday May 15, 2014  Moon enters Sagittarius on Thursday May 15, 2014 at 01:44:41 am EDT.   Venus in Fire, Moon in Fire, and Mercury in Air all aspect the Cardinal Cross today in an exciting and positive manner.   Feel the fire building, get inspired for the future.  Venus joins with Uranus around 8 pm EDT for an explosion of intellectual passion and understanding.  She’s perfectly poised to help you make the needed changes in your life.  Today is the day to launch that effort.  A visionary and communicative effort moves into the world.  Uranus’s aspects to Mercury, Venus, and Pallas will help it explode into consciousness, your own and that of other people.  Take the information and ideas that flare up in your brain and mind.  Use them to develop your plan practically over the next few days.  Whenever we get an “aha!” moment like this from the universe, we WILL see the world in a completely different way going forward.


Friday Venus’s Day May 16, 2014  Moon is void all day.  Dreams are particularly potent, intense, and dramatic.  Make sure to write them down when you wake up; they are inspirational too.  Pallas Athena enters Virgo for a profound journey around process, procedure, organization, and healing till August 10, when she moves into Libra.  I have often felt that Virgo is Pallas’s favorite sign because she is able to see patterns and details that previously eluded her.  Take the inspiration or illumination of the past few days and break it down into its component pieces to understand the underlying structure, the latticework inherent in the structure unfolding in your life.  There’s a desire to separate from and dissolve previous commitments and move forward in a new way – you want to leave, even though you don’t quite know what you’ll do next.  Sagittarius Moon asks us to light multiple candles, gaze at all of the flickering flames, and appreciate how each point of light contributes to our life.  Look around at the abundance in your life and appreciate the illumination.  Mars slows to a station.  He’s essentially stopped for the next several days, pivoting and turning in the sky, in the sign of relations and partnerships.  As he stops, tension builds in the Libra house of your chart, asking you to understand WHERE and HOW you want to commit going forward.  Next week you start the new journey.


Saturn’s Day Saturday May 17, 2014  Moon in Capricorn has positive closing aspect of a trine to the Taurus Sun. Solid foundations are being built up underneath the ideas you have planted the past couple weeks.  If someone tells you that you can’t or you shouldn’t, it’s probably best not to share the specifics of your plan with them.  Go find the people who ARE supportive, or don’t talk about it at all and just do it.  It might not be THEIR dream even though it’s yours.  Venus opposite Vesta encourages clearing out of old papers and old ideas that no longer work for you.  Perhaps they were part of the padding of your past.  Mercury semisextile Jupiter invites you to come up with plans A, B, and C, so you have strong options for how to proceed.  Venus semisextile to Chiron invites you to move forward towards healing in a new modality.  If you find yourself angry or unnecessarily aggressive, remember you can SWITCH your Mars and Venus.  No need for dramatic statements and door slamming, just go your own way and do what you need to do.


Sun’s day Sunday May 18, 2014  Moon is in Capricorn and goes void trine to the Sun early Monday morning, encouraging foundations to continue to be built.  Today has oodles of aspects that encourage an enormous level of productivity and competence.   Last night you had a dream about an ending, a relationship coming to a close.  It actually is time for that relationship to change.  If it wasn’t already on your list, add it.  Midday, Venus sets off Jupiter, the last planet the separating Cardinal Cross encouraging you to take action in the direction of your desires.  Moon in Cap also sets off the Cross, inviting positive, grounded, reliable, and solid emotions to help you move along.  Venus’s parallel to Uranus causes unexpected breakthroughs or breakdowns.  Incredibly transformative.  Around 7 pm EDT, Mercury’s communication with Ceres develops a new approach to nurturing, food, and self-care.  It’s part and parcel of your whole new approach to life.  When we make changes, in order to have them stick, we MUST do the change on all four levels: spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical.  Be sure that all those parts of your being are in alignment and set to head in the new direction.  Tonight around 10 pm EDT, Sun forms and inconjunct with the North Node of Destiny asking you to adjust and change to release the old and let go of what no longer serves.  Don’t get scalped or otherwise lose your head – move forward with confidence that this is the path you are supposed to be on.  Admetos stations tonight, marking a major ending and a letting-go moment in all of our lives.  Mercury inconjunct the Sun quietly closes the book and puts it on the shelf.  That chapter is finished.  The Sun’s union to Admetos says, it was a good time but now it’s finished.  Next week, Mars stations to go direct and begins to move us forward into the new life.  Ready or not, here it comes.  You ARE ready.  You CAN do it.

















JR with Lilacs Brooklyn Botanical Garden 2014 ~ Jane Gill.



Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  The week has a full moon at 23 Scorpio/Taurus. Decision making time! Endings at week’s end.  The eclipses are leaving!  The eclipses are leaving!

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne talked about the life.

The Mary Anne Show: Anne had foot surgery so the Mary Anne Show is taking a holiday.

Access Astrology: The three of us were there and took a call from a listener.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at sabiansymbols.com.


Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee