Weekly Weather March 10, 2014
Star Catcher from
Llorraine Neithardt
It is a relatively quiet week of energy. The planets moving above our heads are silent and slow, like the swirling quiet in a winter’s snowstorm. As the planets slowly, slowly, slowly, start to unfreeze from their stations and shifts in directions, we start to move too. We get to recover, reorganize, replace, restructure and rebuild.
Mercury in brilliant Aquarius has a square to Saturn in Secret keeping Scorpio so expect old secrets to come out or be revealed in completely unexpected ways over the next few days. Once the secret is revealed, things make “PERFECT SENSE”. I had a client where our reading went in an entirely different direction than either of us planned, prepared for or even saw coming. Perhaps the Tarot card of the Wheel of Fortune on the Ascendant should have alerted us! It certainly did in hindsight! A 70 year old family secret was revealed by working with her family charts started by an innocent question about intercepted signs in the past life house. We cracked open, fairly gently, a blue sky space for understanding, wisdom, deep emotional, soul and heart healing.
In addition to telling secrets, Mercury in his shadow square to Saturn retrograde is great for reviewing old plans and getting structures, files, frameworks in place to eventually build on. Things you started at the end of November and in early December will have unexpected reversals or shifts in commitment, energy, people assigned, or who is going to actually participate going forward. You may want to bail out of something you’ve committed to. Or you may want to commit as other people may need or want to leave. Try not to take it personally ~ it ain’t personal honest! Continue to move in the direction you know you want to go toward. They have their path. You have your path.
Right AFTER the secrets break free and commitments shift and change, Mercury trines Mars on Friday, March 14, and you are in the mood for ACTION. Go for it, even if it feels like you are moving backwards or going into a space you are not completely comfortable being in. Now that I know THAT ~ I want to…. You get the idea. Secrets, once revealed or told, set us free.
Mid-week Sun in Pisces trines Saturn in Scorpio ~ this can either be very good or very bad or swing back and forth between both. Sun in Pisces trine to Saturn in Scorpio first reminds us that we are alone (we are). Second, it swirls the emotions (two water signs ~ the ocean and the swamp –no boundaries there!). Third, asks us to deeply surrender to our emotions and feel things. (water planets are emotional). Lakes and rivers feel safer than Oceans and Swamps….don’t worry if you go down, you will pop back up. Also doing water things helps ~ sing, dance, move, flow, read poetry, cry, emotionally process and swim. If someone you know is having a tough time, check in with them! It’s an emotional week. Sun trine Saturn allows the Sun to shine a little light on the Saturn structures that need to be seen and appreciated~ but it is an emotional light so if you find yourself bursting into tears, no worries. You are right where you are supposed to be.
The cardinal cross continues to tighten between now and mid-April. If you are feeling drawn and quartered or pulled in various directions ~ pull in and focus so you are like a propeller and take flight. Go within rather than out of yourself. External comforts aren’t going to work this week! If you have extra space or energy, support the people who are having trouble and not doing so good. There is a lot of water in the sky and not much earth or fire. Center yourself. Emotions. Emotions.
There can be another kind of sadness or emotional energy this week as Chiron parallels the Sun linking up their two energies on Saturday, March 15. Chiron is the integration point between Saturn and Uranus ~ the structures in our lives and where we are asked to transcend or break down our limits. He carries us from the limitations of the culture we are in towards the expansive chaos of creation. Chiron is in a sextile to Pluto and a Trine to Jupiter so the task of healing our soul wound can be mighty big this week. When Chiron links up to the Sun, the existential nature of our inner being will want to speak.
Chiron is one of those planets I approach gingerly. While we all “get” our Saturn and understand we have to “work” with Saturn in this lifetime; that Saturn IS our purpose, our Chiron can simply reduce us to tears. When I think of Chiron, I remember the first sweat lodge I attended at a women’s spiritual retreat. One of the women asked if she could process and release with sound instead of words. The leader said, “However you release is fine.” During the multiple levels and phases of the sweat lodge, as we crawled in and out of it between sessions, the woman howled, moaned, cried, growled and whimpered. The rest of us talked. Her sounds accompanied us on our own journey. Chiron is like woman who howled instead of speaking ~ he is the animal or beast energy linked with the human energy ~ both parts are incredibly important to our being. As my client wrote: “Chiron is pre-verbal, before we could talk and articulate feelings. We experience the feelings at that point in our infancy ~ they are the same but inarticulate still. And related to the bits we have thought through.” There is a deep opportunity to dance with the centaur in your chart this week to integrate the primal pre-verbal with that fine mind of yours.
Shine the Light ~ Sugarland
When you walk into the edge of those
Dark and lonely woods
And when I ask how was your day
And you answer, “Not so good”
And when nothing seems to be working out
Quite the way it should, I will shine the light
And when the skies up above you fill
With gray and stormy clouds
And there’s not a single face you know
In the maddening crowd
When you know that you will make your way
But you just can’t see how, I will shine the light
I will shine the light, I will shine the light
I will hold you in my arms
Until everything’s alright, I will shine the light
And when your worries, they won’t let you sleep
And rob you of your days
And you’ve looked in all directions
But you still you can’t find your way
Oh, when you just need someone to remind you
That it’s all gonna be okay, I will shine the light
I will shine the light, I will shine the light
When you’re staring down your demons
Waiting in your darkest night, I will shine the light
Sometimes we jump into the great unknown
Some roads, we all will have to walk alone
But waiting there in the end is a heart that calls you friend
That’s me, clapping the loudest, welcoming you home
So when your heart is heavy like a stone
From carrying its load
And you look into the mirror
And see someone you don’t know
Or when the shadows are closing in on you
Like a hand around your throat
I will shine the light, I will shine the light
When you’ve given into your fear
When you’ve lost your will to fight
Let me know what I can do
Let me try to make it right
And I will shine the light, I will shine the light
I will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014. For information on the conference and the excellent line up of speakers and to register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. – Steve Jobs
Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. – Lao Tzu
Sun in Pisces dances with his planet friends to start to wrap up winter and get ready to start a new season. The last days, the dream days, the silent days of winter. Sun works positively with Saturn to help ground the energy and make it productive and visionary or perhaps sad and existentially alone. We’ll feel a bit alone. No suffering. No martyrs. Instead Sleep. Dream. Dance. Drum. Sing. Use positive Pisces energy to dream a new dream of your life.
Mercury is traveling back, for the third and final time, through his shadow path until March 20, 2014. Lots of information this week as Mercury is rocking! Mercury squares Saturn for the third time, bringing you news or information you might not want hear. Think back to the three passes of Mercury and Saturn around November to tie the various parts of the story together. Mercury IS stressed out but connecting with all sorts of folks, including the nodes of Fate next Sunday March 16, for lots of information and bringing you important choices. People tell you they are entering or leaving your life.
Venus in Aquarius is detached and quiet.
Mars is moving backwards until May 20, 2014. He is quiet, retreated into the cave. Men, Scorpio and Aries planets and houses are in retreat, moving away.
Jupiter is quiet.
Saturn is quiet.
Uranus, Pluto and Eris will argue that the patterns being pointed out are incorrect. Don’t argue. Let it be! They change or they don’t change. They evolve or they don’t evolve. Move along and take care of your own stuff.
Chiron parallels the Nodes of Destiny on Thursday March 13, 2014 offering us an amazing healing opportunity through a stressful or anxious situation. Take the universe up on its offer! Focus on things that wound and heal them right out of your heart and your life on March 16. Our deepest relationships help us heal our wounds because they connect to our soul. They hold the space to help us heal. Healing IS possible.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon in Cancer goes void square to Mars on Tuesday March 11, 2014 at 03:51:36 pm EDT and Moon enters Leo on March 11, 2014 at 10:09:41 pm EDT. Moon is void late afternoon and early evening on Tuesday.
Moon in Leo goes void Sextile to Mars on Friday March 14, 2014 at 03:25:04 am EDT and Moon enters Virgo on March 14, 2014 at 10:18:33 am EDT. Moon is void early in the morning on Friday.
Moon in Virgo goes void Opposite the Sun on Sunday March 16, 2014 at 01:09:27 pm EDT and Moon enters Libra on March 16, 2014 at 08:46:49 pm. Moon is void in the early afternoon Sunday.
The Full Moon this week takes place on Sunday at 26:02 Virgo Moon/Pisces Sun. It takes us back to the New Moon on September 15, 2012 and the Opening Quarter on Jun 16, 2013. The closing quarter will take place on December 14, 2014. Stories begun in September of 2012 are culminating now. It is a particularly active Full Moon, when cast for Washington, DC, as all the angles of the chart are occupied and full of fluid movement without much vision. The emphasis on Water makes it an exceptionally fluid and profoundly emotional week for processing. The Cardinal Cross is in the angles making us want to take action even if we don’t know quite where to go or what to do. Resist being pulled in all 4 directions. Find a centering core to help ground yourself.
The Sabian Image for the Pisces Sun is A HARVEST MOON ILLUMINATES THE SKY.
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is:
Commentary: ‘A Harvest Moon Illuminates the Sky’. This is an extraordinary Symbol, considering the fact that these Symbols came through the clairvoyant, Elsie Wheeler, in random order. It’s extraordinary because the ‘Harvest Moon’ can very easily fall on this degree, as the ‘Harvest Moon’ is calculated as the full moon occurring nearest to the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, about September 23. On several nights in succession, at this time of the year, the moonrise is at nearly the same time, because of the relation of the moon’s path to the horizon. On these nights, there is full moonlight almost from sunset to sunrise if the sky is unclouded.
Oracle: This Symbol shows an abundant time of ‘Harvest’. The ‘Harvest Moon’ is a positive sign, with high energy abounding. The sky is clear and conditions are perfect. It’s a time of fertility and abundance, but it is also a sign that there may still be much work to be done. For now, this can be an opportunity to relax, enjoy, and to conserve strength in anticipation of the tasks ahead. For the time being, you can reap the benefits of the work that’s been accomplished so far. There can be strong feelings of culmination, fertility and fullness. You may feel that it has taken a while to get where you are, and this is a good chance to take some time out to celebrate and reconnect with family and loved ones. Capture this magical moment whilst it lasts, as the energy may start to wane before you know it. However, while it is great now to celebrate the achievements of the ‘Harvest’, it is also a time of self-discipline because the task must be completed or the fruits of one’s labors may go rotten or be wasted. Be sure not to get so carried away in the celebration that you neglect finishing the tasks before you. With all of this light ‘Illuminating’ the night ‘Sky’, take a look around with open eyes and see what can be seen.
Keywords: Situations that are very ripe and full of fruition. Celebrating what you have. Expanded perspective making everything clear. A sense of achievement. Seizing the moment to make the most of what’s possible. Nature’s bounty.
The Caution: Neglecting the tasks at hand because of the appearance of abundance. Achievements waning because of neglect. Wasting energy on inconsequential activities.
Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character; reap a destiny. Anon
Sow much, reap much; sow little, reap little. Chinese Proverb
Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; Let fortune’s bubbles rise and fall; Who sows a field, or trains a flower, Or plants a tree, is more than all. John Greenleaf Whittier
Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels The dizzy dancing way you feel As every fairy tale comes real I’ve looked at love that way. Joni Mitchell
Under the harvest moon, When the soft silver Drips shimmering Over the garden nights, Death, the gray mocker, Comes and whispers to you As a beautiful friend Who remembers. Carl Sandburg
Write your wishes on the door and come in. Stand outside in the pools of the harvest moon. Carl Sandburg
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:
Commentary: ‘Aristocratic Elderly Ladies Drinking Afternoon Tea in a Wealthy Home’ is a Symbol that illustrates people meeting together to share a drink, something to eat, and a little chatter or gossip. The fact that they are ‘Aristocratic and Elderly’ implies that they have everything they need, and quite possibly more. It also shows that they have an air of ‘Wealth’ and grace about them, regardless of how ‘Wealthy’ they actually are.
Oracle: In the situation facing you, regardless of your actual financial situation, there’s a need to face things with elegant composure, as this will attract the respect of others. There is no need to hurry and rush; however being punctual and on time is probably important to how people perceive you. Sharing your time with people who quietly know and understand each other can bring peace of mind, but the question is; are these people really able to understand your individual needs? Sometimes issues that really should be discussed are “masked” and covered up in an effort to keep things at least looking respectable. Sharing stories and gossiping, can be rather healthy, as long as things are kept within the bounds of friendship and decency. People can feel excluded from this group, particularly younger people and men, as they feel that they don’t fit in and perhaps don’t measure up. Is everybody having a relaxed ‘Afternoon Tea’, or are they trying to outdo each other in some measure?
Keywords: Quiet knowing atmosphere. Enjoying the company of others. Special privileges and having fun. The ability to take time off and relax, confident that all is okay. The elite versus the masses. The appreciation of culture. Celebrating life through enjoying one’s days. Beauty and wealth. Gossip and chatter. Fine furnishings. Afternoon teas, brunches, lunches.
The Caution: Social exclusivity and smugness that doesn’t allow others to be included. Snobbery and elitism. Always having to go to others or having them come to you. People expecting others to do all the work while they just sit around and chat. Mindless talk. Indulgent behavior. Having little to think about or do. Privilege and exclusion of others as unworthy or uninvited. Loneliness.
There are chapters in every life which are seldom read and certainly not aloud. Carol Shields
To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea. Henry David Thoreau
Where there are friends there is wealth. Titus Maccius Plautus
Don’t take up a man’s time talking about the smartness of your children; he wants to talk to you about the smartness of his children. Ed Howe
Thank God for Tea! What would the world do without tea? How did it exist? I am glad I was not born before tea. Sydney Smith
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. T. S. Eliot
Frequently the more trifling the subject the more animated and protracted the discussion. Franklin Pierce
‘Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and have her nonsense respected. Charles Lamb
Moon Day Monday March 10, 2014 Moon is in Cancer with a closing square to Mars making today an action oriented day especially for taking actions that resolve matters. You might not like how it turns out or what all you hear but you’ll have all the information you need to make decision. Neptune’s aspect to Astraea promises an active night of dreams. Sun’s contra parallel to Uranus pushes you to take a different and perhaps provocative approach to a situation that you are emotional about. Moon in Cancer rolls through the Cardinal Cross, setting off Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto by noon~ you’ll see it clearly even if you don’t much like it. Crabby, crabby aspects. Now, you have to figure out what to do. If you ruled the world, what would your policy be in this situation? Now that you are clear about your policy ~ it is time to move forward clearly and IMPLEMENT your policy! It is your life after all.
Mars Day Tuesday March 11, 2014 Moon in Cancer goes Void Square to Mars at 03:51:36 pm EDT and enters Leo at 10:09:41 pm EDT. Moon is void late afternoon and early evening on Tuesday. Lots of Dreams last night had you tossing and turning! Mercury’s square to Saturn perfects so you can hear news or information that you don’t much like or that reveals a long held secret. However, once you KNOW, you can take appropriate action. Yes, it changes things completely but in some ways, that is a good thing. Actually even a bit inspiring! Right now you might not be able to act on it but down the road a bit you will be able to put this knowledge to good use. There is an argument between the nurturing energy and the partnering energy ~ I am not sure how this will show up but watch for “Because I am have to take care of you, I can’t partner with you.” Or vice versa. “I can partner with you but I can’t take care of you.” It isn’t actually TRUE but is a conditional and counting form of relationship. Watch for phrases like “After all I have done for you…” “I will let you…” “I can’t take care of you and have my life too.” etc. Watch where you or the partner put conditional, controlling or counting phrases into the negotiation or discussion. It is very tempting but try to flip the energy and see the UNDERLYING PATTERN here ~ I do things for you to make you love me? Is that love? Dig a bit. It wants to pop and change. There is an opportunity to see a very old pattern here and release it. Venus has a quintile aspect to Saturn allowing you to see the responsibility and comfort of a relationship that holds a structure ~ as well as WHY you choose it in the first place.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday March 12, 2014 Moon in Leo goes void with a sextile to Mars making today particularly effective for getting things you want to create off the ground or out the door. The day starts off with an emotional argument but ends with an emotional break through or emancipation. Today is an odd mix of stressful aspects with brilliant aspects. Keep flipping the energy ~ use that lovely Mercury in Aquarius to self-mirror and dig into your underlying patterns. OR watch the projections and reflect or mirror them back to the person projecting. Patterns want to shift. And you can shift them if you push them a bit. There is a bit of discord as Sun aspects Eris so you might find you are in the mood to stamp your feet a bit (or someone else is in the mood to stamp THEIR feet). Temper tantrums are rewarding today as they help you break through to a new level. And they help you break free from an old pattern. Shift HOW you respond to the situation.
The balance of the days will be up on Monday.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: A quiet week. Lots of information. The frozen planets break up and start to move forward. Silence and connections. Detach.
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne had an interesting, free flowing conversation.
The Mary Anne Show: We are back! And having fun!
Access Astrology: All three of us were there! I was a bit late as I had concert tickets! Calls from listeners!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in! Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung. Working on individuating? Listen in!
I will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014. To register or for information on the conference and the excellent line up of speakers: http://greatlakesastrology.com/
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at sabiansymbols.com
Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee