Weekly Weather June 4, 2007
Over the next few weeks, Neptune and Saturn are moving into position for their final opposition at the end of the month. Back to my analogy from last August of falling trees. Saturn is the structures in our lives. Neptune is the dissolving of those seemingly totally firm structures. The large tree in the forest is about to tip over. It is an old tree. The old tree’s purpose is or has been served. The time to move on and create new structures has arrived. Once the tree tips over, all the OTHER plants in the clearing in the forest will have more sun light, more rain, more nutrients and a brand new lease on life. The old tree will become part and parcel of their being as they go forward. The other plants will carry part of the old tree forward with them into the next phase of their lives.
We are all going to be working in a big of a cloud of mist or unclear vision of what is going on while the tree starts the final fall between now and the end of June. Know that it is for the greater good and evolution of your being. It might feel a bit sad or sorrowful. You might be a bit scared or anxious. That is okay. That is exactly how you should be feeling. Excited but scared. Anxious but some how okay. Angry but clear about what you have to do or what you believe. Content with your choice but a bit unclear about what is coming next. It is the end of a major chapter of your life. If you are like me, you can reread that last chapter a couple of times before you put the book down. I always hate ending a good book ~ especially if I’ve grown to love the characters! So forward we go, but you can take one last glance or read aloud that exciting chase or love scene! Or you can quietly close the book, put it on your shelf or give it to a dear friend to read.
Life sometimes has sorrow in it as we approach the inevitable changes or major turning points. Wrap it up and get ready to move on. Whatever is leaving your life NOW is leaving for a good reason. It is leaving because you’ve learned what you needed to learn from it. You got it. Thank it for its many gifts and lessons to you. Get ready to move forward with your life. Time for your next chapter or perhaps even a new book! Also it is leaving because it is time for it to go. In some sense, you both know it. It is better for both of you this way. The old is finished. It wasn’t working the way it used to or maybe you don‘t need it in quite the same way any more.
Now, your tree could have fallen last August or perhaps at the end of February. If so, now is the Adjustment To The Tree Falling. Usually we have a tree fall on ONE of the three oppositions ~ not three separate tree falls. If your tree fell last August, your plant will be finding its new patch of sunshine now and settling in. If your tree fell in February (like mine did), now you are dancing in the clearing and about to put down cool new roots. If your tree is tipping over now, well, you will be free and clear of the situation before Saturn goes into Virgo in September but the bulk of the matter will be decided by the end of June. So hang in there and give the tree a little push. Just focus on lessons learned and what you know now that you didn’t know before. And thank the lesson.
Back to last week’s Santa Claus and Easter Bunny versus Halloween example. A few of you had questions about my analogy. It is NOT a problem if you’ve discovered you don’t want to be Santa Claus in the way you USED to be Santa Claus. If you still want to be Santa Claus, and you love being Santa Claus, continue to do it. It is perfectly okay if you are too old to trick or treat and want to have a Halloween party instead ~ ask all your friends to bring a bag of candy, get dressed up and dance in your garage with chips and dip and loud music. You get candy to take home plus you get to hang out with your friends AND you eliminated the begging for candy part. Your parents gave you Santa gifts because they loved you. Those were gifts. You got tricks or treats because it was a bargain that both sides agreed to. In BOTH cases love of some kind was involved (or Leo and Aquarius energy ) unconditional and conditional love. Take the time NOW to understand the difference between conditional and unconditional love. There is a difference you know!
The caution is if you are GIVING gifts or treats without a clear understanding of what YOUR expectations and THEIR expectations are. The other caution is if you are ACCEPTING gifts or treats without a clear understanding of what YOUR expectations and THEIR expectations are. A gift doesn‘t have strings. It is a gift. My friend Margaret Mary is very clear about this! She looks at every gift she receives to see “Gift? Gift with a secret hidden string? Treat?” She looks her gift horses right in the mouth and checks out their teeth! Of course, the Trojan’s DIDN’T look their gift horse in the mouth and thus lost the Trojan War. Gift or treat? Know what YOU think it is. Know what your expectations are. If you can, make sure you know what the other guy thinks it is. This is not a good time to mix up gifts and treats! True gifts are gifts without strings.
So, in our week ahead, we have that Neptune opposition to Saturn energy starting to build. In all honesty, that is going to be where most of us spend most of our time (or help people who are having the trees fall in their life) until the end of June. In the moments in between focus your energy on the other stuff and your dreams.
We have Mars in Aries forming a grand trine with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Leo. Mars in Aries is looking for action, war, a good fight or stuff to do. Give Mars in Aries a VERY LONG task list! Rather than having Mars only focus on fighting, send part of his considerable energy off into gathering data, cutting down trees, demolishing stuff or hunting for the next adventure(s). He’s crystal clear and able to push, push, and push for what he wants right now. In the summer he’s going to get into Taurus, get stubborn and set off all that fixed energy one more time as he moves into Saturn opposite Neptune. NOW, while Mars is in ARIES, get your plans in place and push them out into the world. When you are blocked later in the summer, you can follow-up on the stuff you start up now with your Mars in Aries.
We have Venus moving out of emotional, family oriented Cancer into Leo where she wants to shine. That also means she is getting ready to finish up the Venus/Saturn cycle she started last August. Venus has trouble asking for what she wants as she gets nearer to Saturn so ask NOW!! At least get it all out on the table. You might not get it all but ask away. She also needs to feel pretty and flirt after the hard or strong emotions of the past few weeks so take her out and buy her a baubble or frost her hair or do something nice for her.
Juno stations direct on and joins with Ceres by declination. I want you to be VERY conscious of what you partner with during the week ahead! You are forming new alliances, even if you are not aware of it. Since Juno has been retrograde, we’ve had “The Secret” move into our collective consciousness and jump off book store shelves. While there are parts of the book I question, I do support the idea that we create our own reality. If we say we are xyz, we magnetize xyz. What are you saying you are? What are you magnetizing and looking to attract into your life. What are you partnering with? As a vehicle for creating consciousness and helping to make you aware of what you are seeking, “The Secret” helps you see your contribution to the energy creating your life before your very eyes.
In astrological language, I would translate “The Secret” concepts to be the energy of your being, soul, or chart. The energies can be used in ways you like and ways you don’t like. Planetary energy isn’t right or wrong, it just is. It has good purposes. It exists for a reason. To everything t
here is a season. Astrology
to me is all about making conscious the parts of the chart we don’t much like, learn and know how to use it or stop giving our chart parts away to the other guy. The problem with giving those parts of ourselves away is the other guy gets to do what they want to do with our planets. And, they may not do what WE want them to do with our planets. The problem with not knowing how to use our planets is that our planets want to be used. They have energy. Rent the movie “The Gods Must be Crazy” to see all the inventive ways to use things. Your chart is like that. It is all about being conscious and using your planets/ parts/ charts wisely.
Monday, Juno stations direct. Watch what and who you partner with as Mars joins with Juno by declination. Remember Mars is in Aries and in that acceleration mode with his cooperating aspects to Jupiter and Saturn. Stuff you partner or join with will get very big, very fast and way, Way, WAY larger and more out of control than you perhaps want it to. Choose from a place of clarity and belief in the higher purpose of things. Mercury has a stressful aspect to Neptune suggesting there are major trust issues here. The point is to BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE not what you hear. WATCH the behavior! I remember being in a cab accident ~minor fender bender with clear right and wrong drivers. The driver who hit my cab was clearly at fault as the two street witnesses, me and officers in the police cruiser behind us agreed. The driver of the other car, while giving my cab driver $200 to fix his broken head light, kept verbally blaming my cab driver for hitting him! As my cab driver continued to complain that he hadn’t hit the guy on our journey through Central Park, I finally said “Look, the guy GAVE you $200 to fix your smashed head light! We all said he was at fault. He knew he was at fault! If HE actually THOUGHT you had hit him, he wouldn‘t have given you the money! He gave you $200 because you were right!” Today is that kind of day. Look at the behavior. Understand the words are lies. Does the behavior make sense? Probably! Do the words make sense? Probably not! The words are to be ignored ~ they contain lies, distortions or some kind of Neptune. Hold the behavior accountable.
Tuesday, is a busy, busy, busy day. We work out the issue from yesterday and the couple of weeks since Neptune went retrograde. Ceres enters Taurus ~ look at what you possess and appreciate it. Positions can become rather fixed and not moveable about what you believe nurturing or caring is. Venus enters Leo ~ pride and what is right, honorable and loyal will dominate Venus’ thoughts and actions. Venus and Ceres are arguing with each other. Those energies are not getting along. Money and love fights with or about home and the concept of nurturing. Movement is needed between them. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately as these things do happen for a reason, Venus is NOT happy! While you might win the battle you can very easily lose the war as Mars is waking up a very old wound by his aspect to Chiron. My version of the astrology: You have a cherished belief or behavior that you are very attached to. The universe) wants you to change that belief or behavior and grow. The time to change is NOW. If you don‘t change, it is going to get worse, and worse and worse as you dig deeper and deeper into your old behaviors. Think of the analogy of a Chinese woman who is having her feet bound to make her more “attractive” to the other ~ as opposed to letting her feet grow to be the kind of feet they want to be. Eventually, the woman is not going to be able to walk on those bound feet. You have to trust the process of evolution and grow. Let go of the binding and wrapping. Loosen the ribbons around your feet. If you fail to take the leap of faith NOW the bones in your feet will become a bit more cramped and unable to carry you to your full potential. Unbind your feet baby! Take a few steps!
Wednesday, Sun trines Chiron. Hopefully consciousness arrives with this aspect. Can you see how your actions were for YOU even as they impacted and fed into the other person‘s need or desire? Do you understand how you and they fed each others more dark sides? Can you see the duality? Duality isn’t right or wrong. Duality is! It exists because we have trouble discerning between Santa Claus and Halloween or a gift with strings. My friend Margaret can explain the difference to you! There IS a difference! Does the gift make sense? Or is it a trick? What or where is the string? If you were told Mars opposite to Uranus can end negotiations and relationships today would that help your decision? Mars is feisty and rather cranky ~ he‘s had it frankly! Back to another version of binding the natural way of things ~ bonsai trees. You have a many year old bonsai tree that if it had been left in nature would be big, tall and strong with wide branches and an extensive root system. However, you can kill a many year old bonsai tree in a matter of days! Even if you don’t mean, desire or want to kill it! It‘s root system and life force is so impinged on by the constant pulling, tugging, twisting and trimming of its branches and crimping of the natural life energy. Its roots are held in that teeny, tiny container. One misstep and it is death to the tree! Combining THAT energy WITH the Saturn Neptune opposition, we need to be very conscious of the endings in our world.
Thursday, Mars might have or hear a strategy to save the situation. Take it.
Friday, Vesta is in a biquintile aspect to Ceres suggesting home, family and hearth are secure if you take the high road and accept the offer.
Saturn’s day, Sun squares Uranus ~ the opportunity to kill the bonsai, unbind the feet or learn to work with the duality appears today. It maybe too late. But learn your lesson. Mars is in a cranky and closing aspect to Uranus ~ getting ready to reap the karma. Venus is in a cranky aspect with Uranus saying you need to take action around the stress and perhaps propose something unusual to solve the problem. Venus has a gift of grace with Pluto. Venus as the ruler of love, beauty and money in union with the lord of the underworld. Watch for deals that aren’t all they seem to be.
Sunday, Neptune is joined with Vesta ~ what is the dream of your heart and hearth? What do you believe is the most important thing? Let the rest fall away. That is your choice. Move towards it. You will reap the fruit of the choice down the road apiece. Venus has an aspect to the North Node saying the karma is paid in full. Off to your next adventure.
Mundane: We will have major shifts announced in the Bush administration between now and the end of June. We will even find out who our next President will be! Watch for it!
Dick Cheney recently had the Secret Service scrub his home visitor records (violating the Presidential records act but, hey, who cares? When did Dick ever let a silly thing like a law stop him?) He made a visit to his bosses in Saudi Arabia, stopped by his War for Oil in Iraq and shook his fist at Iran from the aircraft carriers off her coast. His daughter closed her office in Washington. Halliburton is moving their headquarters to the Middle East. Maybe he will take it over again? They still are paying him.
So, it looks like the Cheneys are getting ready to step off the public stage, change jobs and move with Saturn‘s transit to his angles. (Don‘t you clean out your email before you leave a job? We don’t have Secret Service records to clean out.) His chart has numerous aspects that suggest he will announce he will be stepping down for health reasons (not really) during the lunations in June. I expect he will be gone from office by the time Saturn gets to 27:58 around August 17th.
Cheney will be stepping down to pave the way for our next President of the United States. And to give us time to get acquainted with our new President. Remember these folks know about maintaining the continuity of their power! George showed up with
$50 million in his bank account when he announced he intended to run for President. Saturn is going into Virgo as Pluto goes into Capricorn, combined with a strong Aquarian energy in the USA chart, so we want a candidate that answers to that call or type of energy ~ Virgo, Aquarian, Capricorn.
I am kind of partial to the owner of the chart from February 11, 1953 at 8:50 pm in Midland, Texas, CST. He is an Aquarian Sun with a Capricorn Moon and a Virgo Ascendant ~ fit’s the bill perfectly. He is having strong transits that could indicate it. He needs a job. He might even be promoted to President under the eclipse in September 2007 as it does set off his chart. However, it MIGHT be as late as February 2008’s eclipse which echoes and awakens his natal chart‘s prenatal and post birth eclipses. Those eclipses around our births are always indicators of a major promotions or changes in our lives. So, I think we will have Jeb Bush step into take over for Dick. Jeb will assure us he won’t run for President, of course. <wink, wink> Will we EVER learn the Bush boys say one thing and do the exact opposite?
As you might expect, our President’s chart is quite active too. (Same with the USA chart) Take a look at George’s third and fifth houses, particularly George’s progressed secondary Ascendant and solar arc Saturn, they are both sitting on Jeb‘s natal ascendant degree. George is Jeb’s older brother, so Jeb’s 11th house is active. We do have to have an orderly transfer of power. It does partially explain the vote for spending without any limits for the war!
Did you hear the idea floated last week that we can expect Iraq to become like our occupation of Korea? We’ve been in Korea for over 50 years! How cool is that? We are going to be in Iraq for the next 50 years! At least we’ll be able to drive our SUVs as we‘ll be sitting on and controlling 10% of the world‘s known oil resources. Gotta love the trees falling in the forest.
And, last but not least, the “Caging List” scandal. Hopefully, it will explode across the papers over the next week or so. No way the assistant to Karl Rove, Tim Griffin, our Al Capone of voting lists, could have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on direct mail developing caging lists to eliminate valid voters, particularly black soldiers stationed in Iraq. Who knows, the tree Karl Rove may fall too? Read “Armed Madhouse” by Greg Palast for more information!
Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee