Weekly Weather June 23, 2014

Weekly Weather June 23, 2014 

Okay, we are ready for LOVE.  Venus, in all her glory, is going to be VERY active.  She was in Taurus last week resolving, beginning or ending all kinds of relationships  ~ with people, jobs, places and things.  Venus dances through Gemini starting bright and early on Monday morning for 26 days.  She’s going to flirt, carouse, laugh, gallivant, giggle and otherwise have a fabulous, fantastic time.  Venus is in the mood to gaze in your eyes and promise she’ll make firm and deep commitments… at least for the week!  Or until she changes her mind and dances away!



Judi Dench, playing the role of Queen Elizabeth famously said in “Shakespeare in Love,” “I believe she’s been plucked!”  about Gwyneth Paltrow’s character having slept with Shakespeare.  Expect to be plucked!  You can lose your virginity!  Yes, even if you are an old crabby you can experience that rapture of love. The Goddess of Love makes oodles of aspects, and encourages you to try a form of love you might not have considered before.  Venus is inviting you to be playful, possible, communicative, and fun.  Venus wants a “que sera sera” attitude.  What will be will be!  Enjoy the present!  Life is a cabaret!  Love the one you’re with!  Don’t look back!




All those sappy love songs full of hope apply, as Venus dances through early Gemini at a very rapid rate.  We don’t often go back to the feeling of young, innocent and expectant love.  We get old and jaded.  We’ve have had our hearts broken maybe one too many times!  Remember that moment when you fell in love?  Remember when you had that first blush of “anything’s possible” and “the world is an amazing place”?

The love and rapture energy is in the heavens at the end of the week as Venus and the Sun aspect Neptune. All the deep emotional work we’ve been doing since last fall encourages us to try, try again ~ to allow ourselves to float, to dream, to fly.  If at first you don’t succeed, here’s another opportunity, as long as you don’t hang onto the failure.  Otherwise, you’re not going forward.

And if, perhaps, you find yourself on the lower side of Neptune, depressed, blue, teary or sad, take yourself back to a memory of hope and love rather than sitting sadly on the sidelines. Pick yourself up and get back in the parade.  No letting yourself or anyone else rain on your parade.




Before Venus falls in love, Mars explodes across the sky from Uranus in a fiery opposition on Wednesday.  Mars and Uranus stimulate our understanding of what we need and want in a relationship ~ quite possibly through a conflict or argument or standoff.  Uranus is leading us to a breakthrough or new understanding of what our consciousness is held back by.  Mars stimulates a change of heart.  Think back again, back to the Cardinal Cross and Eclipses in April.  You gain new understanding about what was going on then as well as the roles of all the parties in the story.

Often when I sit with people who are thinking about breaking up with partner, divorcing, or entering into a new relationship after a failure, there comes a time when we talk about everybody’s respective roles.  I’m always heartened when the person understands THEIR role in the failed relationship story as well as their partner’s role.  They see how the dance of the relationship allowed them to grow in consciousness.

One of my favorite Jungian analysts in New York, Maxson McDowell, speaks about how committed intimate partnerships are the place where you do your most personal and deepest work in individuating and becoming a human.  The intimate, committed relationship acts as the container. It is the crucible that holds a sacred space and allows the individuation process to occur.  Being in a committed relationship and knowing you’re safe, allows you to enter into your narcissistic wound and heal it.  Relationships encourage and permit us to grow, expand, and become who we are supposed to be.  Dr. McDowell further elaborates that EVERYONE has a narcissistic wound. It happens when we turn and realize that mom doesn’t love just us ~ that there are others in the world we have to share mom with.  There ARE other people in the world.  In the limited emotional view of a two year old, we think somehow we aren’t enough so a wound occurs.  When we enter into an intimate relationship, especially one where we are “chosen”, it encourages us ~ with partner’s loving support ~ to realize we ARE enough. The crucible of intimate relationship allows us to explore our enough-ness.  The alchemical changes afforded by that relationship crucible allow us to individuate and become who we are going to be.

As a culture, we don’t often recognize the important role of relationships when they are finished or ending.  We say, “I failed, I got a divorce!” , “He or she left me!”, “I just couldn’t stay a moment longer!”  In fact, we probably outgrew them, or they outgrew us, or we grew in different directions. The relationship has actually served its purpose.  It helps if we think of our relationship as a potted plant which we’ve outgrown or become root bound or which needs new soil or fertilizer (see having an affair!)  If we can take a “no harm, no foul” attitude towards the end of the relationship and change toward partner, even if we decide we have to end the relationship as it exists, we are supported by the understanding we’ve gotten . . .

Finally, Jupiter meets someone or leaves someone this week as he squares the Nodes of Destiny on Friday.  Perhaps our new love arrives? Or, this story over and finished, we pick up and start walking on down the road to meet our future.  Back on February 13, 2009, we started the current cycle of Jupiter and the Nodes. We make an important psychological choice this week as we deal with the closing square.  Other times of choice in the cycle were Feb 2, 2011 and July 2, 2012. The cycle ends in the spring of 2016, closing up on June 20, 2016.

The journey of the planets in the sky has been talking to us about what we want to commit to.  Often we think of commitment as our relationships to other people.  Yet the primary relationship is always with our self! Your journey the last nine months has been towards helping you choose the relationships and commitments for YOURSELF that you want to travel with for the next 29 years of your life.   This week, Venus offers you an opportunity, an expansion, a sense of self, and an idea of what you really want NEXT in your life.  Apply the famous statement to help you figure out what you want to do: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; give me the courage to change the things I can; and grant the wisdom to know the difference. ”  Go forth!



The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun goes from 2 Cancer to 9 Cancer.  It’s a quiet week for the Sun.  A little bit of stress with authorities on Monday, June 23, as Sun sesquiquadrates Saturn.  Are you your own authority, or do other authorities get to tell you what to do?  Sun has a quintile with South Node of Destiny and a trine to Neptune on early Sunday morning, creating a romantic or emotionally abundant and fertile time.  Saturday and Sunday are great for making a baby or starting a relationship or falling in love or losing your virginity (YES you can lose it more than once!).

Mercury continues to goes backwards from 27 Gemini to 24 Gemini.  He’s moving slowly because he’s preparing to station and turn direct next week.  He makes a sextile to the Nodes of Destiny on Monday, June 23.  Pay attention to important people you meet, contracts signed, deals negotiated, offers accepted.  Go for it.  Sure, things may change down the road but get the deal done!  Talk to ghosts from your past too!  They have important messages for you.

Venus is runs from 29 Taurus to 8 Gemini.  Venus is particularly active and enchanted ~ she’s playful and flirty with herself and others. On Monday, she enters Gemini for 26 days.  Venus in Gemini is funny, flirtatious, and full of mirth, vim and vigor.  She’s falling in love!  Don’t say no!  Give Venus permission to explore what and who she’s really attracted to, especially toward the end of the week.  This is a “losing-your-virginity” week. Leave your baggage at the door. Say yes to love.  If opportunity presents itself, take it.  Plunge in without reservations. You can’t make this astrology stuff up.

Mars is active this week.  He fights with Uranus, argues with his fears, and wins permission to go for it anyway early in the week, culminating on Wednesday.  Take action on the things that make you really anxious.  And if you are inspired to fall in love again?  Say yes!  By falling in love, I am talking about loving ANYTHING that makes your heart sing – a job, a puppy, a person, a house and maybe even with yourself?

Jupiter squares the Nodes on Friday June 27.  Important people come into or out of your life.  Major opportunities to connect or release.  Psychological blocks are looking you in your face. Get out of your comfort zone! GO FOR YOUR LIFE!  

Saturn is quiet this week. 

Uranus is quiet this week.

Neptune is with both the Sun and Venus, falling in love.  Love sweet love!

Pluto trines Pallas Athena and aspects Juno.  Enter into the partnership even if there’s some kind of weird triangle there. It will work out!

Chiron is quiet this week.

Vesta aspects Juno on June 25.  Clean out your house!  Clean up old relationships! Dump the physical stuff that you don’t love. Move forward!

Pallas Athena sesquiquadrate the Nodes on June 23.  You’re asked to see patterns in a different way.  Change your relationship patterns to be more productive.  The old way’s not working.


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon is in Taurus on Monday, June 23, and goes Void at 9:49 pm EDT with a sextile to Jupiter.  Moon is Void Monday night and early Tuesday Morning.

Moon enters Gemini on Tuesday, June 24, at 7:06 am EDT.

Moon goes Void at 7:56 am EDT on Thursday, June 26, with a conjunction to Mercury.  Moon enters Cancer at 5:06 pm EDT on Thursday, June 26.  Moon is Void all day on Thursday.

Friday, June 27, at 4:06 am EDT, there is a New Moon at 5:37 Cancer.

Moon goes Void on Saturday, June 28, at 9:03 pm EDT with a conjunction to Jupiter.  Moon enters Leo on Sunday, June 29, at 4:43 am EDT.  Moon is Void Saturday night and early Sunday morning.  The Leo Moon’s closing aspect is a sextile to Mercury.



new moon june 2014














There is a New Moon at 5:37 Cancer on Friday June 27, 2014 at 4:08 am EDT officially launching Summer and the season of grow and abundance! The New Moon chart is high in Air and Water encouraging us to communicate, allow new ideas and feelings to roll through our body.  The lack of Earth and Fire means you may not KNOW how it is going to turn out ~ which actually is right where you are supposed to be~ but go for it any way.  The New Moon is action taking and interested in exploring things it hadn’t thought about before. Expect brilliance and lots of creativity with two grand trines in Air.  Great time to explore creative projects as well as get busy creating, growing, nurturing and feeding with both fertile Sun/Moon  and Jupiter exalted in Cancer.  Juno and Venus partner in Gemini and answer to Mercury retrograde ~ an old dream is actually happening!



Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is: Commentary: The ‘Game Birds’ in this Symbol can picture the desire for security in the midst of a rather unstable situation. ‘Birds Feather Their Nests’ in readiness for a new life and new beginnings. These are ‘Game Birds’, which can symbolize an unknown future, danger or threat in the environment. Even though there is an optimistic feeling about the future and the prospect of a new life beginning, there is the danger of being expendable, in some way.

Oracle: In your situation, endeavor to make yourself feel comfortable and right at home, however remember that security may only be temporary. Be careful not to become too complacent, but ensure that you aren’t frightened at any sudden surprises or moves. You may have to relinquish what you’ve built up or worked for and have to move on at some stage. If you can ensure that you are entirely safe and stable in this situation, you will most probably be able to build a bigger and better ‘Nest’ as time goes by. From another perspective, this can symbolize situations where the “parents” aren’t there to nurture and protect the “kids”. This may be in personal relationships or even a business situation. Also be careful that someone is not trying to kick you, or somebody else, out of a space that should rightfully be yours. Invasions from other ‘Birds’ can lead to one’s home being endangered, if not completely taken over by strangers. As human beings we have distanced ourselves from the “eat or be-eaten” world of nature. However, we have created other dangers for ourselves and hence the need for different strategies and survival techniques. Where can you find a place of security? This Symbol can act to remind us that we may be able to do many things in comfort and apparent safety, however, if others are controlling our environment there is still a danger which may have to be dealt with.

Keywords: Instinctive dedication for laying the groundwork for those to come. Creating a base where one can feel safe. Nurturing. Endangered habitat. Raising money. Making yourself or someone else comfortable. Interior decoration. Preparation. Home building. Landlords and tenants. Noisy or nosy neighbors. Renting vs. owning. Watching for danger. The nesting instinct. Renovations. Babies rooms.

The Caution: Being unnecessarily afraid to venture out on “one’s own”. Taking over other people’s territory. Feeling unwanted. Danger. Fussing over small details. Over-preparation. Not knowing how long one can hold out in a situation. Being vulnerable to change. Being at the mercy of others.


It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. Romanian Proverb

Every bird likes his own nest best. Romanian Proverb

However well organized the foundations of life may be, life must always be full of risks. Havelock Ellis

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau

Some people are making such thorough plans for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine. William Feather

Conscience is the nest where all good is hatched. Welsh Proverb

Whether you wind up with a nest egg or a goose egg depends on the kind of chick you married. Wall Street Journal

Birds in their little nest agree; and ‘Tis a shameful sight, when children of one family fall out, and chide, and fight. Isaac Watts


Personal Note:  Last Monday, I met with Dr. Roberts and got the inside photos of my broken foot.  Do you see the nails inside actually spell Max ~ whose vomit did me in?  I chuckled to myself as Dr. Robert’s Mercury/Mars in Virgo and Scorpio Venus ruled Libra Sun PICKED THE SCABS off my foot! He was gonna clean it up and make it look GOOD and PRETTY!  I must say in almost 60 years of life, I’ve never had anyone pick scabs off my body before!  Astrology in action!  I was cleared to start walking slowly and given a prescription for rehabilitation.  Maybe I will get to the beach this summer after all!




















Moon day Monday June 23, 2014   Moon in Taurus with a closing aspect of a sextile to Jupiter makes the day delicious, delightful, full of fabulous food and love.  Moon goes Void at 9:49 pm EDT.  Venus enters Gemini at 8:34 am EDT for 26 days of flirtatious fun and light-hearted banter.  Pallas Athens aspects the Nodes of Destiny this afternoon, stressfully, asking you to understand your patterns and the real reasons why things are happening the way they are, especially if things are going south right now.  Late tonight, retrograde Mercury aspects the Nodes, inviting new conversations and ideas around relationships, as he forms new  or renews OLD connections with important people.  The people arriving today will be part of your life going forward.  Be careful around fire.  No unattended candles.  Mars and Uranus are facing off this week.

Mars day Tuesday June 24, 2014  Moon enters Gemini at 7:06 am EDT with a closing aspect of a conjunction to Mercury, making the next few days deal making and commitment based with an option to escape or extend our relationships and partners. Gemini Moon asks us to explore two realities and two choices, as befitting Moon in Gemini aspecting both Venus and Neptune.  Love is in the air.  Watch who you meet around 9:30 pm EDT.  Allow yourself to believe in Love again,even if you’ve gotten a bit jaded.  Allow yourself to try again.  Consider saying yes if partner is asking for a second chance. They might actually have figured things out and realized they have to evolve.  It also is fine to say “No I have a new dream” and move toward that and away from partner.  You don’t actually have to stay with partner forever even if you try again. You may dump them before the end of July.  If they say, how about trying it one more time, taking another round on the carousel of love and you are up for it, give them another round if it looks promising.  If you meet someone new, say yes!  Say yes without fear, or anxiety, or worries about your past.  Just GO for it! And you know I don’t usually talk like this!  Be careful around fire.  No unattended candles.  Mars and Uranus are facing off this week.

Wednesday Mercury’s day June 25, 2014.  Moon is still in Gemini.  Mars opposes Uranus, causing lightning bolts or explosions in the sky and in your body.  A classic break-up or breakthrough aspect or break down or really, really hot sex.  You can get fired. You can walk out the door. They can quit. They can walk out the door. Regardless, it will be exciting!  And Clarifying! There’s a very strong desire, afterwards, to take action and get things rolling.  You’ll be crystal-clear about what you want to do – no dilly-dallying. Thank you Mars opposed Uranus! There are options to explore.  Explore all the different options that are available.  Watch who you meet this afternoon, as Venus biquintiles the Nodes of Destiny, inviting someone exciting and delicious into your life.  OR a current relationship shifts a bit, and suddenly you realize there’s magic afoot.  OR you get a financial offer that appeals and you should strongly consider saying yes to!

Jupiter’s Day Thursday June 26, 2014 Moon goes Void at 7:56 am EDT with an occultation to Mercury.  Expect emotional communications to be particularly strong today.  Moon is Void all day long and enters Cancer at 5:06 pm EDT with a closing aspect of a conjunction to Jupiter.  Today has a lot of possibilities for processing the dream, without actually taking action on it.  Think about what you want to do.  The weekend and the New Moon will present you with some interesting choices.  At 6:22 pm EDT, Pluto trines Pallas Athena, inviting you to see the patterns in your life and to understand them for what they are.  Once you recognize, you know how to work with them.  I have one student who has a very strong Pluto and always says to me, “Anne, if it’s not a GOOD triangle, I’m outta there!”  She’s always attuned to the triangles arriving in her life (almost on a daily basis) and the fact that she gets to choose how she wants to work with them, including by not participating. Triangles arriving in your life today can be worked with in a positive manner.  Understand that the triangles in your life represent a moment of choice and evolution as they begin that alchemical process that helps us to individuate.

Friday Venus’s Day June 27, 2014  New Moon at 5:37 Cancer, beginning a new emotional story and a new emotional chapter in your life as well as launching Summer’s emotional sensitivity.  The Moon has closing aspects of a conjunction to Jupiter, which is especially benefic and fertile.  This is a great day for initiating projects, making babies, falling in love, starting projects, having sex for the first time in a relationship, beginning an emotional commitment to something in your life.  Fabulous aspects – and you know I don’t say that very often!  Jupiter is exalted and squares the Nodes of Destiny in incredibly fertile Cancer inviting you either to continue to go solo (not a good idea) or to partner with someone or something that takes you farther along your path (good idea).  You can partner with yourself too! You can perhaps be blind-sided or a bit taken aback by your body’s willingness to partner and get naked as well as your lack of inhibition.  Don’t worry if it feels awkward.  Go for it.  This is the direction you should be heading in.  Moon aspects Neptune, inviting you to pursue your dream, while later in the day the Moon opposes Pluto, reminding you of the limitations of time, while at the same time encouraging you to create anew.  Say yes!

Saturn’s Day Saturday June 28, 2014  Moon goes Void at 9:03 pm EDT, with a conjunction to Jupiter, after spending the day in delicious Cancer.  We have another creative, abundant, and fruitful day.  There were lots of dreams last night as the Moon aspected Creativity, Structure, and Action-Taking!  Whatever the dreams were, they were prophetic and important.  Pay attention.  Venus has a number of juicy aspects today.  You could lose your virginity all over again!  Or enter into a profound and life-altering relationship.

Sun’s day Sunday June 29, 2014 Moon enters Leo at 4:43 am EDT, with a closing aspect of a happy sextile to Mercury, encouraging creative, playful, fun.  Sun trines Neptune, encouraging dreams to come true and inviting you to expand emotionally.  Sun’s quintile to South Node and Venus’s union with Juno last night inspires an interesting partnership connection to take place. You’ve found your new home.  Venus’s square to Neptune mid-afternoon suggests you’ve really fallen in love.  This could be your future!  Sun’s union with Chronos marks the beginning of a new chapter in the structure of your life and encourages you to go forward to build and nurture a stable foundation.  Playful Leo Moon’s sextile to flirty Gemini Venus encourages you to laugh and play tonight.


advertisement:  This week, Encores at City Center in New York City presents “tick, tick, BOOM!”  by Jonathan Larson from June 25 to 28, 2014.  I recommend this show to everyone who is trying to figure out whether their dream will actually come true.  It is a stunning musical that ran Off-Off Broadway right around 9-11, so it didn’t get a fair shot!  Tick, tick BOOM should be seen (SATURN WORD) by everyone who struggles with following their dream in the face of a world that tells you that your dreams won’t come true.  Tickets are still available! If you can’t get to New York for the show, buy the cast album from the original Off-Off Broadway production.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Anne talks about Venus and falling in love (or being depressed).

Scorpios Talking:  Anne and Michael discussed the healing and shifting energy.

The Mary Anne Show: Anne and Mary just laughed a lot. I love her!

Access Astrology: Heather, Mark, and Anne were united again as Anne managed to stay up past 9 o’clock for the second week!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com


Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee