Weekly Weather December 3, 2012

Weekly Weather December 3, 2012
The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving! Woo hoo!!! Finally. Were these eclipses deeper, harder and more profound than usual or is it just me?


“Hospice what is dying.


Be a midwife to what is being born.” Barbara Marx Hubbard.

















It occurred to me last week as I was mentally processing a few of the recent events in my life that we are “very young” in the lunar eclipse that just happened ~ between age 4 and 6! One of the cooler “tricks” of astrology is the planets in your natal chart represent the “age” you were when you first “met” the planet. When I teach this technique, my students  invariably say “OH WOW! That is so TRUE!” Then they fall completely silent, gazing at the planets in their chart. It is a feature of Solar Arcs with the Aries Point arcing to the planet in question that allows the planet to state the age you were when you met it. And if that planetary meeting didn’t go particularly well…. We all know about those parts of our life too.



Well, funny enough, it works with the degrees that the planets are CURRENTLY traveling through in the sky! It stimulates us at the degree they are traveling at… Of course, if we have PLANETS at young degrees (like I do), the planets are woken right up by the transits above our heads. In the case of the recent eclipses ~ the 22 degree eclipse when Mrs. Drabinski died took my sister right back to when she was that age waiting and watching in a hospital room: ”Anne, it was like watching Mom die again.” In my case, the lunar eclipse essentially MATCHES the early cluster of planets in my natal chart, so I was brought back to age 4 to 6 and literally “born” again. The combination of the prominent degrees in the eclipse as they set off my chart allowed me to release and get crystal clear on some very old emotions. Ah those emotions!



To try the technique at home on your own chart, the degree (the number with the oven temperature symbol behind it) is the age. The minutes (the number with the apostrophe behind it) should be divided by 5 to get the month. So Pluto at 08°Cp19′ would be 8 years and the 19 divided by 5 is almost 4 months so 08°Cp19′ would be 8 years and 4 months. Look at the planets in your chart and the age when you met them. Kind of amazing eh?


“Suffering can’t be avoided. The way to happiness is to go into the darkness of yourself. That is the place the seed is nourished, takes it root and grows up and becomes ultimately the plant and the flower. You can only go upward by first going downward. “ James Broughton











Last week, the lunar pulse of the Full Moon eclipse brought us all back to age 4 to 6. It stirred up deep emotions which we will spend the next two weeks processing. We also started two major cycles ~Venus Saturn and Mars Pluto around our desires and how we go about getting them met. And we culminated the New Moon Solar eclipse from June 1, 2011 and the opening quarter lunation from February 29, 2012. All those stories swirled around in the middle of a big Finger of God, inviting, beckoning, calling, poking and prodding each of us forward.



There always is lots of emotional work under a Full Moon Eclipse. In this case, it was particularly around Gemini and Sagittarius energies and houses ~ how you say things, how you hear things, what you believe, where you are dogmatic, your philosophy of life, your earliest beliefs, when or what you learn. teach/ learn. One client had an ear infection in the ear that was turned toward her nasty boss. Mercury stationed in the middle of the eclipse season and brought to light hidden issues and emotions. As ea ch of the moons in June 2011, February 2012 and now were in Gemini, we were offered a choice of how we wanted to proceed based on the news we received. As the Moon was the Apex of a Finger of God under this eclipse, quite a few of us found out truths that had been hidden. Mercury ~ the truthie guy delivered the goods. Or information was delivered in an unusual ways to us. Or perhaps we were taken back into a situation and offered a do-over of sorts. Gemini wants us to explore all our options. A little of this, a bit of that, a smorgasbord so to speak.



Rob Brezsny in his book “Pronoia ~ How the Whole World is conspiring to Shower You with Blessings” suggests an exercise which I simply love: “It is easy to see fanaticism, rigidity and intolerance in other people but harder to acknowledge them in yourself. Take this opportunity to identify the unique variety of the fundamentalist virus that infects you.”



I periodically do this fundamentalist exercise. I ALWAYS do it when the Sun is in Sagittarius as we each get a bit more fanatical, self-righteous and become bossy know it alls who are right or else we are not going to talk to you. That happens when the Sun or any other planet goes through that fanatical part of your chart, the Sagittarian section. It happened between when Mars was in Sagittarius between October 6 and November 15. During that time did you act with fundamental righteousness about a matter in your life? Storm off angry because someone didn’t agree with you? Take a position on a high horse and gallop away, guns blazing?


As Rob says “Every fundamentalist divides the world into two camps, those who agree with him, like him and help him and those who don’t. There is only one right way to interpret the world ~ according to the ideas the fundamentalist believes to be true ~ and a million wrong ways. The fundamental attitude of all fundamentalists is to take everything way too seriously and way too personally and way too literally. The untrammeled imagination is taboo. Correct belief is the only virtue. Every fundamentalist is committed to waging war against the imagination unless the imagination is enslaved to his or her belief system. And here’s the bad news: like almost everyone in the world, each of us has our own share of the fundamentalist virus. We are infected ~ what are we going to do about it?


So take time this week to get in touch with your fundamentalist virus. Notice where you get a bit self-righteous or are infected with fanaticism, rigidity or intolerance of the other. Try and shake it up with a bit of a giggle, take things less religiously, add merriment and laughter. Or as Rob suggests: “ Take everything less seriously and less personally and less literally. Administer plentiful doses of healing mischief, friendly shocks, compassionate tricks, blasphemous reverence, holy pranks and crazy wisdom.“
















It is going to be a big health week. Eclipses often bring in the “seasonal” cold or surface a hidden health matter. The eclipse is in the sign of the lungs, hands, thighs and liver. This week, there are a number of quindeciles (165 degrees) which Noel Tyl identifies as health aspects as well as quincunxes or inconjuncts which CAN and often do appear as health matters ~ both mental and physical. I don’t normally include quindeciles but there were SO MANY this week it was a bit startling. I think of them as early warning systems as well as significators of more problematic issues. Plan to take it easy. Go home instead of out. Pace yourself a bit slower than usual. Early to bed, late to rise. An apple a day ~ or more fruit for your anti-oxidants! More green tea or hot lemon water with honey. Extra vitamins D, C and Omega oils. Put some Thieves oil on your throat to expel the scratch threatening to become a sore throat. Take extra care of your physical body this week! When the eclipses were in Air and Fire signs, we find we are extra excited and stimulated… so then the earth and water (also where the nodes are) takes over to bring us back down to earth.



Mars is out of bounds and exalted in Capricorn until December 10th so as he pulls away from Pluto, he’s going to want to overdo, over act, over go… Or, perhaps, you will be asked to push it forward, accelerate a bit, take on more than you can actually do and be unable to deliver. Under commit to give yourself space and a bit of room to maneuver and deal with the other person’s over doing, over acting and over going…. You’ll find plenty to do to fill in the gaps in your calendar.



Let’s continue with the Grudge Release exercise another week as Mars and Pluto separate and start a new journey of action, passion and drive. The eclipses coming to an end and as they leave it a great time to release, relinquish and relax into change and let go. Mercury is traveling in his shadow through Scorpio so he’s processing some OLD, dark, deep and emotionally hidden feelings. Mercury brings up stuff that can possibly connect you with your past or past loves, ghosts, and other relationships. You can put in ALL in departing eclipse energy, release it and send it on a merry way with the eclipses.




Blocked Mars energy turns against our body, spirit, soul and heart. We have to clear it and release the blocked Mars energy to be able to move freely forward. In Brenda Shoshanna’s book, The Anger Diet, she has a series of exercises. This week, I want you to continue to do the “Grudge” exercise on page 47. No, don’t just THINK about it. Actually sit down and write those grudges of yours down. You’ll be surprised what comes (pouring) out of you. And how clear your heart feels when you finish!

Step 1: Make a list of those you hold grudges against. You may be surprised but don’t judge the list ~ just write it down.

Step 2: Write what each person did to cause you to develop the grudge. Don’t judge. Just write.

Step 3: Write down how LONG you’ve held the grudge.

Step 4: Grudge Replacement:
a) Write down something you liked about the person you have the grudge against OR something the person did that was kind for you.
b) Go over the reasons for the grudge ~ for every reason you created the grudge, write down a time you behaved that way. See if it helps soften your heart towards the other.
c) Notice what the consequence was of holding the grudge. What did you lose as a result of the grudge? What did the grudge give to you?

Step 5: Grudge Repair: Ask what you would need to let go of the grudge. Would you be willing to let go of the grudge if you got what you need? Are you willing to ask the person you hold the grudge against for what you need to repair the grudge? You don’t have to ask the person to repair but know what WOULD repair it.
Holding on to grudges ties up your vital Mars energy. Try to release one (or more) grudges a day over the next week. And if there is a grudge you DON’T want to let go of, that is perfectly and completely fine. Just notice it, observe it, and hang out with it. Chat up the grudge you want to hang onto. You may find the Grudge has things to say to you. Grudges wrap themselves around justifications. Let go.


“Find the ignorant, wounded parts of your psyche. Perfect them. And you awaken your hidden divinity.” Alchemist’s Philosopher’s Stone: Seek out the lower reaches of the earth, perfect them, and you will find the hidden stone.














Void Moons This Week
Moon goes void Squaring Mercury on Tuesday Dec 4 2012 at 05:08:37 pm EST and enters Virgo on Wednesday Dec 5 2012 at 06:52:31 am EST.

Moon goes void sextiling Mercury on Friday Dec 7 2012 at 05:36:34 am EST and enters Libra on Friday Dec 7 2012 at 01:36:27 pm EST.

Mon goes Void sextiling Sun on Saturday Dec 8 2012 at 07:38:01 pm EST and enters Scorpio on Sunday Dec 9 2012 at 04:51:45 pm EST.
Moon is void Saturday night and most of Sunday



Moon’s day, Monday finds Moon in Leo being creative, passionate and full of fun. The closing aspect of a square to Mercury suggests you’ll not enjoy what is begun today and Tuesday at the closing. Pluto has a nagging health aspect t to Astraea.  Sun’s quindecile to Admetos suggests you hear about a man who is ill, dying or will be leaving due to illiness.  Remember Eclipse Season is a big departure time for folks not willing or able to stay any longer.  It is hard on bodies.  Your body or foot  can be  wounded or there can be accidents at home from trips and falls.  Mercury picks a fight about absolutely nothing today…. He’s in the mood to argue and wants to dispel some energy by arguing. Don’t go there.  Let him sit in in and stew abit.  Often this kind of energy is designed to move you out of a state of irritation.  Take time to see what the source of the irritation is.  Notice it but don’t engage.  The evening is actually quite fun as Leo Moon has playful aspects to Jupiter and the Sun indicating a good time will be had by all.


Mars’ day Tuesday finds Moon in Leo and chock full of creative ideas.  Her square to Mercury suggests you hear news that makes you happy to be alive. Say yes!  It might not work out quite how you plan but it will be a fun adventure.  Ceres moving backwards enters Gemini ~ offering choices in how to proceed with nurturing. Ceres is out of bound too so the nurturing or caring principle can be a bit over the top ~ good or bad ~ but excessive and a tad crazy. This aspect  can also show up as lots of eating or over doing ~ sugar binging.  Something breaks this morning that was old and needed to go or leave.  We still are in Mercury’s shadow so it could be a communication device that causes problems.  Ceres trines Hygeia ~ take extra good care and nurture yourself today to prevent that scratchy throat from turning into a cold.  Hygeia enters Pisces making infections, fluids and mucus flow abundantly.  Mercury’s opposition to Sedna means difficult news about the ocean or water events … Mercury is triggering the eclipse degree so limitations on FEMA relief or insurance claims can be taking place today.


Mercury’s Day Wednesday finds Moon in health conscious Virgo with good closing aspect for taking care of health matters and detailed matters.  Mercury’s trine to Pallas offers interesting dreams that help you see patterns in your life and routines.  Easy to notice.  Where are you infected by the fanatic fundamentalist virus?  Stories or feeling about descending into hell and leaving it appear.  This is a great day for “bottoming out” and agreeing to turn your life around.  Be gentle with yourself. Accept your darkness and the divinity in it.  We are all dark and light.  Understand your darkness is part of how you GET to understand your shadow and your gifts.  Often your greatest gifts come from your darkness and how you learned to work with it. Mercury stimulates Pluto to explore the more difficult parts of both of their natures. Normally Mercury and Pluto are buddies but today, not so much. Listen to your inner resistances.  Notice what parts of you that you are not owning.   Mercury’s biquintile to out of bounds Ceres encourages creative soaring and amazing good ideas.  Sure, the person in front of you might say NO but they are NOT the only person in the world.  Make a list of who else might be interested.  Pay attention to suggestions coming to you from authorities.  Ask if they will sponsor or support you.  There is a desire to soar and get out into the wider world.  Look to see who else can help break this free and who is quietly in your corner supporting you.  They are there IF you look for them.  The evening is incredibly productive in terms of accomplishing things.


Jupiter’s day Thursday finds Moon continuing to be in productive, task oriented and talented Virgo.  Sun’s stressed aspect to out of bounds Mars makes it a day when it feels like you run from pillar to post and back again.  There are fourth health aspects today indicating it is a day when it might be better to stay in bed or scale back a bit of the energy so you are not flat out running.  You go from yes to no to yes.  No worries.  Just keep opening the mail and answering the phone. People are making decisions about how they want to proceed.  Make firm and final adjustments around a thing of beauty in your home or office. You might have to let it go to make room for something more. Lots of emotional energy around partnerships… what DO you want?  Can’t get it unless you are clear.  Be clear!


Venus’ Day Friday has Moon void in the morning in Virgo and entering Libra early afternoon with lovely closing aspects.  Make sure to do the ask ~ ask for what you want, beseech, express, give praise and thanks.  Go for the creative and partnership energy today.  Sun works with Zeus so take some instruction from your dreams and allow them to express your heart’s passion.  There are a number of health aspects today so make plans to take it easy and nurture yourself.  Self care is important!  Mars argues with Neptune so some delusion or illusion you had is shattered.  Or permanently changed. It is mightly difficult to be subservient today.  So don’t even try.  And if someone wants you to BE subservient, notice how that feeds into their basic insecurity and fundamental need for power.  It is a day to grow up and see the world in a slightly different manner or with a different perspective.  Partnerships and relationships are all changing and shifting ~ be kind.  People remember how you make them feel.  Make people feel good today. Mercury jumps onto the Dragon’s Head for one last ride.  Important offers and connections are made today.   This is the third and final ride on the Dragon’s Head ~ the first two were October 25 and November 17.  Tie the stories from those days, as well as the news you received together to see the underlying message. Mercury is in Scorpio so he doesn’t TALK so much as connect emotionally and feel deeply.  Mars square to Zeus kicks the day into high speed and fast motion.  Communicate how much you liked working in partnership with people today. Juno is highly active and quite intense as partnerships interact with the Nodes of Fate.  Some surprising endings in relationships take place today. And some surprising NEW relationships will form or be announced.   Watch for fanatical, fundamentalism to rear its head.  Be clear on how YOU are reacting.  Words spoken uncarefully today can end or completely shift relationships.  Mars fights with the maternal principle. Some women are men. Some men are women. Of have a preponderance of male and female planets.  Today those differences come into sharp clarity.  Venus is arguing with Uranus so when the principle of desire, love and harmony is arguing with the Lord of Chaos we get strange results. Strange bedfellows appear out of nowhere. Venus is QUITE impassioned and pretty irritated at the same time.  Watch for fundamentalism and MY beliefs are better than YOUR beliefs.  As Rodney King said “Can’t we all just get along?”  Today, not so much. No burning bridges if you can help it.  Remember people remember how you made them FEEL…  The Moon holds the energy for a very long, long time.  Don’t make enemies where there were formerly friends.  Fight energy tonight. Go home and go to bed. Take care of yourself instead.



Saturn’s day Saturday has Libra Moon continuing to relate and connect. Jupiter, in the sign of the lungs, is having A BIG health aspect. No fooling around.  Take care of yourself.  Lots of fluid in the lung aspects.  Pneumonia can worsen quickly so address it promptly.  Mercury’s opposition to Admetos offers angry or mad communications that serve to end relationships.  Mars has a very productive and creative aspect with Jupiter suggesting that while you might be sad that some things are finishing up, others, more bright and shiny are beginning.  Look to the future.  Release your grudges. Don’t let them block your energy.



Sunday Sun’s day finds the Moon void most of the day in Libra allowing it to be a mellow and restful catchup day. Dreams are turbulent and sleep disturbed so sleep in this morning.  You can find yourself tossing and turning restlessly during the night and waking up disturbed. There is deep emotional processing going on insides.  Encourage your inner anguish or anger to express itself.  Allow those grudge or anger/ disappointments with to roll out of you.  It’s been a hard three years with Saturn in Libra.  On some level, you are releasing the anger and feelings that couldn’t be expressed since the fall of 2009.  Let them roll out. Let them go. Moon enters Scorpio and hits a health aspect or a need for psychological adjustment.  You are not having any of it… just let it go.  In five years, maybe even NEXT year, it won’t matter.  You need to get it out of your house, your system, and your life.  It WAS like a family. You are all grown up now. You are moving onto new chapters, different pastures, and the next part of your life.  And NO, it is NOT easy. But it is time to go forward.  Mercury’s argument with Ceres is the same ~ you can’t go home again. And, truth be told, you don’t WANT to go home again.  You may not know exactly WHERE you are going, but you know you are not staying here.


Election wrap up:  My friend Thea emailed the following article and video about the election.  As you know, I thought it would be quite problematic with Romney winning as Mercury was stationing on Election Day.  But Mercury, the thief, stationed in Sagittarius ~ the teller of truth. So it appears the Thief was ACTUALLY stopped in his tracks by the truth so to speak. Ah that trickster Mercury!


For those of you who don’t lurk at the edges of the internet, there is a group called “Anonymous”. They “do things”, in an anonymous manner, and claim credit for them via press releases and creepy internet videos featuring voice distortions and Guy Fawkes masks. The Anonymous events are often quite disruptive.  They are undertaken for reasons that are geared toward correcting abuses of power. On election night, Karl Rove melted down on Fox News, insisting the network not call the election for Obama. Mittens Romney apparently hadn’t written a resignation speech. Both events struck me as a bit odd.  Enter Anonymous whose decision on Election Night was to “Protect the Citizens.”







Anonymous reports they blocked Karl Rove’s minions from taking over the voting machines in Ohio, Virginia and Florida and prevented the GOP from changing the vote results from Obama to Romney. Had the GOP been successful in stealing the elections, as they were in both 2004 and 2008, we would have a very different outcome awaiting us.



So WHO do you go to when you are cheating and caught?  WHO do you complain to that the election that you planned to steal was not able to be stolen by you?  Can’t you just HEAR Karl Rove’s technical support guys trying to explain WHY things didn’t go as planned? There were 105 attempts to get through Anonymous’ firewall that plugged the GOP’s portal.  The firewall blocked the GOP in and prevented them from taking over the machines. Thank heavens the GOP’s old fat white guys don’t have very many computer programmers or effective hackers on their team. Here’s a longer piece on the matter, including information on the earlier elections.







Shopping Opportunities!

My friend Carol Conn wrote a book, “Mascara Saturday”.   Mascara Saturday is simply great for curling up with a cup of tea over the holidays.  You will find yourself laughing out loud!  It is available from Amazon and her website: http://mascarasaturday.com/   We all need more laughter!


My friend Paula Heaphy’s books “Weird”, “Dare” and “Tough” make great gifts for any young people in your life. Designed to help children cope with bullies, her books help Big People cope with bullies too.  Who doesn’t have to deal with a bully from time to time?  Available from Amazon and her website:  http://www.theweirdseries.com/


Gift Certificates for Astrology Readings:  I offer gift certificates, that don’t expire, for hour or hour and a half readings.  For existing or returning clients, you can also purchase a ½ hour gift certificates. You can also buy partial readings ~ for a specific amount so the giftee can combine several gift certificates into a reading. My rates will be going up in 2013 so a gift certificate gives a reading at the lower rate all year.  You can even buy a gift certificate for yourself!  No limit on how many….


Copyright © 2012  A. C. Ortelee