Weekly Weather April 24, 2006

I know, I know, last week had oodles of “endings” ~ thus is the nature of Uranus and Venus joining as Mercury was arguing with Jupiter and Mars. I did not want you focusing on endings! As Mars snuck in there to square the nodes, I hope you spotted the NEW beginnings starting to sprout! Our week ahead has MORE endings, yes; they are necessary ones, so AGAIN focus your attention on beginnings and where you want to go. Beginnings, beginnings, beginnings ~ if you look for them! A new Moon takes place at 7 Taurus on Thursday, completing our cycle, closing our door on issues from last fall when we were struggling, annoyed, trapped in our traffic jam. The new moon promises new beginnings! To every thing, there is a season.
Mercury is our week’s focal point. He is in Aries, making aspects and approaching a trine to Pluto. Reflect for a moment on the stories you tell yourself ~ your “truths” so to speak ~ your vision of how things “always” work out in your life. To rephrase a question from Dr. Phil, “Are your truths working FOR you?” If your “truths” have an “always” quality, AND are NOT working FOR you, let us take time to examine, reevaluate and tweak those truths of yours. Every one of our “truths” has a source or a root described by our natal chart’s configuration and our Mercury’s vision of our world. Are your “truths” getting old, boring, stagnant, or tiring? Do you want some of your “truths” to go away? Release those sad, tired, little truths into the heavens? Shoot ’em out of your life on a cosmic slingshot? Notice I did not say boomerang ~ SLINGSHOT!
Mercury’s ruler, Mars, is out of bounds in Cancer. Venus, ruler of our new Taurus moon, just started a new cycle last week around her creation energy with Uranus. This week, Venus exalted in Pisces will help you understand your truths in a different way. You can slingshot your tired old truth out into the heavens, IF YOU WANT TO. First, write down a “tired truth”. I will demonstrate the approach ~ my tired truth: “I have trouble doing things for me, taking action or starting things that I want to do”. Second, write down your perceived FACTS around your “tired truth“: I AM a great worker when I have an assignment, deadline or if someone tells me they NEED something by xxx date. If it is JUST FOR ME, I get stuck, delay, postpone, dwaddle or avoid. And, yes, I can tell you exactly WHY it happens in my chart ~ I will blame that Mercury/Moon inconjunct, western orientation and Saturn/Venus! I can procrastinate something awful ~ filing papers, writing stuff, answering emails, or returning phone calls. Third, notice places, people or times when your “tired truth” doesn’t seem to be a “problem“ or quite so “true“. Well, my taxes are filed when I hire an accountant. I do get my column into Stephanie every week because she has to load it Sunday. Fourth, notice how your “tired truth” is solved. In my case, it seems to be solved when another person is involved and there is a FIRM deadline or when I work in a “partnership” with someone. Fifth, incorporate that strategy or solution into how you handle your “tired truth” going forward. I hired Ruth to answer my emails and schedule reading requests. I love to do readings when they are scheduled! Voila, the procrastination around answering emails was solved. Now, Ruth needs to start returning my phone calls… J
Yep, it sounds somewhat basic. Simple actually. Let us apply the technique to the “tired truth” you struggled with all fall. You know, that bull or Medusa story ~ if ever there was a “tired truth“, it was in THAT old story! “I have to struggle for everything I want, against everyone.” “I always take care of the world and no one appreciates me.” “I never have enough money, excitement or whatever.” “I have all sorts of difficult obligations, problems, tasks to fix, tend to, or do.” “I always get dumped by people.” “I get jealous when xxxx.” “I always have to xxxx.” Fill in the blank. You know, come on, the thing you have been moaning about. It is your “tired truth“. If you are not sure, just ask your friends. I AM POSITIVE they can tell you what your “tired truth” is.
Apply the steps. Do you see how you invite your “tired truth” to join you? Participate in it? Agree to it? Do you see where you dance with it? It IS an energetic dance you know! Can you spot where your solution lies? You do not HAVE to do it any more IF you do not want to! The point of the fixed cross, the traffic jam, all fall, was to make you so frigging sick, bothered and annoyed by your “tired truth” that you will never ever, never ever again. Well, we both know that is not QUITE true. You will again ~ but perhaps where and when you choose, in the manner you prefer, creating a new truth, in the way you like, because you want to, with proper frames, boundaries and structures in place for all concerned and involved.
Monday has a teary quality to it. Perhaps harsh words, maybe sad ones, a fight, an ending. Not sure what but know that Sun and Venus have harsh aspects to Saturn which suggest “it” is over.
Tuesday, forward we go. Mercury is arguing with Uranus. Figure out your tired truth. You can put it down now; stop now, if you want to.
Wednesday Mercury is arguing with Jupiter and Venus. Wrestle with your tired truth. You can let it go now. Do you see how your tired truth SERVES you? How it stops you from living? How it holds you, willingly or unwillingly, in its grasp? Me thinks you protest too much. If you keep talking about it AND NOT taking action to CHANGE it AND participating in it, maybe you LIKE it? Psychologists call it resistance. Look it up. Must be some kind of payoff for you some where in there.
Thursday, the New Moon at 3:44 pm EST features balsamic Aries Mercury in dynamic t-square aspect with Athena, Juno and Vesta as he sextiles Neptune and Ceres. Here is your opportunity to change that tired old truth of yours. Neptune and Ceres suggest your tired truth IS familiar, nurtures you, and springs from your soul’s proclaimed work and what you are here to do. Can we create a NEW version of your tired truth? One that pays you pots of money for doing it. Or a version that has you going to bed singing with happiness? Or perhaps is valued by the people you give or share your truth with? Your tired truth actually is tied, some how, some way, to your GIFTS and your purpose for being here. Let’s just do a healthier, happier, creative, fun, perky with a cute giggle version that you AGREE TO and CONSCIOUSLY CREATE because YOU WANT TO. As Mars tightens up the grand trine in water with Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio, Mars will pick up Mercury’s message of change from the new moon. Mars is in a cardinal sign AND out of bounds ~ with a wild card like that you can change your life if you want to. Take time today to sit and make a list ~ probably a “negative” one as in “I Am Never”. Then, rewrite it in a positive format ~ enumerating what you want to MOVE toward. It actually is not a negative list ~ it is instead a crystal CLEAR list of what you do not want any more ~ the opposite of it is what you DO want in your life. Sometimes the do not wants are easier to figure out than the do wants. Write down that do not want list!
Friday, Neptune joins with Ceres as the visionary energy of community unites with the creative force of a maternal, nurturing energy. Aside from news about unusual mothers or different nurturing, the energy asks us to join with, partner with whatever nurtures our spirit. Spend time with whatever speaks to your soul‘s desires and hunger ~ nurture it. Or commit to nurturing it. Create a home for it. What EVER are you waiting for? Permission? You are in charge of your life.
Saturday, Mercury perfects his new moon aspects to Pallas, Vesta, Neptune and Ceres today as Sun comes to sextile Mars. I know, I know, you were super busy all week. You took the time to think about your tired truth but just didn’t have the energy, space or a second of spare time to take action on the new, revised version. Well, no excuses today. It is Saturn’s day ~ your tired truth is a negative version or format of your karma for heaven‘s sake! Take POSITIVE action on your new truth today. No, there will never be enough time. Yes, you have lots to do. Ten minutes. That is all ~ just 10 minutes. Start off ~ positive movement towards a new perky with a giggle version of your tired truth. Time’s flying by. Your life is flying by.
Sunday is going to be big as Venus squares Pluto. Remember back to October 28, 2005? The current Venus/Pluto cycle started then. Venus is loaded with energy from her recent conjunction to Uranus. Venus is in charge of the new moon. Decisions and actions begun back last fall will have their first consequences take place now. The opening square of any cycle represents an opportunity to adjust our behavior if we don’t like what is going on. No, there is probably nothing much you can do about the situation. A change was needed and it happens today. You kind of made it happen, didn’t you? Yes, it and you will be fine. Kind of like how a swing gets so high it ‘pops’ and for a second you slip the bounds of earth? Gravity free? Remember how you can jump off, you can fall or you can stay in the swing? It all depends on how ready you are and what you want to do. What? You didn’t take positive action to revise your tired truth this week? Well, then, you are EITHER going to fall or stay stuck in your silly swing. Oh, COME on, you are SO ready to jump out of that safe old swing of yours. Go for it.
Once I read a definition of eternity ~ there is a rock a mile high and a mile wide. Once, every 100 years, a bird comes, lands on the rock and flies away. When the rock is completely worn away by that bird over the eons, ONE Day in eternity will have passed! Now you can read that story as that rock will NEVER go away OR you can take the perspective that eventually THAT ROCK is going to be worn away by the bird. Think of your “tired truth” as that rock. Your “tired truth” rock has finally been worn away by the bird. It is Day Two of eternity. NOW, right NOW, you have a choice. Are you going to go find yourself ANOTHER rock and start working on it? Or are you going to spend the rest of eternity doing something else, whatever you would like to do, with your time and your life? Jump out of the swing when you feel the pop. Grab the bird’s tail ~ catch a ride.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee