Venus Confronts Saturn & the New Moon in Scorpio

Just when we thought we had a moment to rest, another busy weekend rounds the corner! Tomorrow evening, Saturday, October 29th at 8:45 PM Eastern US time, Venus and Saturn meet up at 14 degrees Sagittarius.

Venus, newly out-of-bounds in quick-moving, fiery Sadge, is racing headlong after her heart’s desire . . . till she bumps into Saturn, the cosmic roadblock. This is a “no” that we all must confront. “No,” it’s not going to happen exactly the way you want, or in time-frame you had envisioned.

But hey, no worries! Like Venus after her meeting with Saturn, we can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, reaffirm our intentions, and flounce onward. Take this opportunity to recommit yourself – or adjust your trajectory, if something isn’t right. This Venus-Saturn conjunction initiates a new year-long cycle around seeing what we want (Venus) and figuring out what to do to get it (Saturn).

In this case, the “getting it” will begin almost immediately after the “no,” through the influence of an intense, magical New Moon in Scorpio, taking place the following day. On Sunday, October 30th at 1:38 PM Eastern US time, the Sun and Moon meet for a quick kiss at 7 degrees Scorpio. (The lovely Sabian Image is for 7 – 8 Scorpio is “moonlight shining on a lake.”)

This New Moon falls in the Ninth House of the Eastern US chart, pushing those of us in my neck of the woods (as well as the United States as a whole, since our nation’s capital is on the East Coast) to hold a BIGGER VISION than we might normally give ourselves permission to embrace. The Ninth House is the house of vision. What’s yours? Now let it get more grandiose and exciting.

And wherever in the world you might happen to be, this New Moon initiates a thirty-day cycle (i.e. the next lunar month) as well as a two-and-a-half-year cycle in the Scorpio House of your chart. The projects we seed now will come to the foreground again when this Moon reaches the First Quarter phase on July 30th, 2017, the Full Moon on April 29th, 2018, and the Third Quarter on January 29th, 2019.

In my case, the New Moon degree is conjunct my natal Venus and Saturn (at 4 and 6 degrees Scorpio, respectively). So, whatever I begin on Sunday (or early next week) has to do with my life’s mission, my work in the world. Very serendipitously, I spoke just this week with a publisher who has asked me to submit a book proposal; she’s interested in publishing my book! We agreed to follow up with each other under the New Moon’s initiating energy.

My prediction is that the book will bloom according to the Lunar Phase cycle of this New Moon, listed above – i.e. I’ll submit the finished manuscript next July, it will be published the following April . . . knock wood!

Now it’s time for you to initiate YOUR next big project, in collaboration with the various energies of the heavens.

Mars comes in from out-of-bounds this weekend, shortly before Sunday’s New Moon – making him somewhat calmer, more focused, and generally better-behaved than he has been since he started running amok in mid-August. Reassess your procedures and policies. There’s a way to get more done with fewer conflicts and less effort.

To the extent that you can, don’t TALK about how you’re going to do things differently. Just DO it. With very few planets in the Air signs right now, words are not particularly useful. Even if you find a way to say it, there’s a good chance that it will be unheard, or misunderstood.

We are still in orb of the Jupiter-Neptune inconjunct, which happens every 15 years. Though the aspect perfected last weekend (on October 23rd), we’ll continue to feel its energetic reverberations for the next several weeks. An inconjunct is an “adjusting” aspect; it indicates that our partnerships (Jupiter in Libra) are in a place of suffering or redemption (Neptune in Pisces), and need to be tweaked. Once again, talking won’t help you. Just DO whatever needs to be done.

(There will be two more iterations of this Jupiter-Neptune aspect, next year on May 17th and July 5th.)

Because the Sun and Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio are trine to Neptune and the South Node at 9 and 10 Pisces, this New Moon also suggests release. It’s a beautiful time to let go of old emotions that no longer serve you. That painful abandonment story you’ve been telling all these years? Maybe there’s a different way of looking at it.

Look inward awhile and reflect. You might be surprised at what surfaces. And the letting-go part is surprisingly easy: like autumn leaves falling off a tree. With all this reflection, you may find out that it’s YOU who has been making you unhappy. As the old saying (apocryphally attributed to Abraham Lincoln) goes, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

May you make up your mind to be happy, and proceed apace.

Big hugs,

P.S. For more on the New Moon in Scorpio, please join me for a new webinar this Sunday night. Scroll down for details! xoxo