Pluto, Saturn, and Accountability

[Note: This was originally published on Saturday, September 28. Subscribe to my mailing list for up-to-the-minute access!]

All right, friends! 

What a week.

As I have discussed in recent newsletters, Saturn stationed last week on Wednesday, September 18th, to go direct at 13 degrees, 55 minutes Capricorn. He’d been retrograde since April 29th of this year; now that he’s direct, the God of Time, Structure, Authority, and Karma is powering through roadblocks, shattering obstacles, restarting stalled projects everywhere.

But while Saturn is direct now, Pluto is still retrograde in Cap until next week. On Thursday, October 3rd, the Lord of the Underworld will conclude HIS retrograde journey. He’ll station at 20 degrees, 39 minutes Capricorn, which just *happens* to be the degree of Saturn’s station from last April, as well as the concurrent location of the South Node of Fate. Imagine the two of them, Saturn and Pluto – big old, heavy-duty, mean, transformational giants – stomping on the same degree over and over again. 

Ever think about what might happen when giants dance?  

Saturn and Pluto are scheduled to meet on January 12, 2020 – the first time these two forceful and slow-moving planets have joined up since November 7, 1982, when they were in Libra. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, especially in CAPRICORN, is a karmic reckoning, a particularly momentous moment. Every person and every institution on Earth will have this conjunction or marriage take place at 22 Cap in their respective charts. 

For now, however, we are stuck in the middle: Saturn moving forward and Pluto still moving backward. It’s an opportunity for each one of us to come clean, to get on the right side of history – and have an intense conversation about the power structures in our lives: what they are and what they could be, how they support us, how they need to be transformed. You have till next Thursday, when Pluto draws a line in the sand. After that, the secrets REALLY start getting spilled. 

Both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn demand accountability. Donald Trump and his coterie are finally facing some consequence for illegal acts; the rest of us are getting called out, too, in our different ways. Don’t be mad. We’ve got to grow, don’t we?

On December 25, 2019, Saturn will reach the degree of his station from last April, exiting the retrograde shadow, on the day before a New Moon Eclipse. I’m expecting big developments in the impeachment story (Eclipses illuminate) or maybe an opportunity for a fresh start?

This week, now, is an opportunity that we all can take to reassess our own moral codes and, once done, notice how we’re currently living up to them, or not. Everything changes, always. And we can change, too. 

To help get us ready for this change, we have a lovely New Moon in Libra TODAY at 2:26 pm Eastern US Time, containing a powerful Mystic Rectangle and plenty of benevolent aspects. I recorded a webinar earlier this week about how to partner with this transformational New Moon as it touches your chart and life. Details, and the link to purchase the files, are below!

It’s time to get prepared for the major life events arriving over the next few months as Saturn and Pluto move towards their marriage in the heavens.

Big hugs, 

P.S. I posted a short analysis of the impeachment announcement chart on Instagram. If you’re not yet following me there, please come on over!