Originally published as a newsletter on 1/16/21: Dear friends, Welcome to the changes. This newsletter is going to get a little dark, so beware. If you’re up for learning more, please keep reading. If not, just keep your head down and stay away from crowds. For years now, astrologers have been fretting over the 2021 presidential inauguration chart.
Saturn and the New Moon Next Week
Dear all, Did you hear? There’s dramatic change ahead — portended (among other portents) by the New Moon in Capricorn, coming up just after midnight next Wednesday morning, or perhaps late Tuesday night depending on your time zone. In the chart cast for Washington, DC (and this chart rules the whole of the US, since the nation’s capital is
Quick Update: The Coming Great Conjunction
Hi friends, Next week on Monday, December 21, the Sun enters Capricorn, marking the official beginning of the winter season — and then, just a few hours afterward, we will witness the long-awaited union of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees, 29 minutes Aquarius. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is known to both astrologers and astronomers as
Ring the Bells, Embrace the Eclipse
Hi all, It’s been a bit since I’ve written; we have had some turbulence at AO HQ. I’ve encountered two losses — my stepmother Peggy (who outlived my father for just over a year) and my beloved cat Max (at the ripe age of 21) — as well as a few lingering health issues related to my earlier bout
Quick Update: Pluto, Baby!
Greetings, friends! It’s another big one. Pluto stopped to go direct on the World Axis on Sunday, October 4, and we’ll feel his reverberations for the rest of this week. Big events, prominent and unprecedented, will continue to unfold in the culture around us; expect some big news in your own life as well. Pluto is
Quick Update: Saturn, Baby!
Hi everybody, And welcome to another intense, passionate, bewildering, transformative week! The days ahead feature some off-the-charts excitement, as Saturn stationed to go direct at 25 degrees Capricorn, in the wee hours of this morning, Tuesday, September 29 — to be followed later in the week by Pluto, also stationing direct in Capricorn, on Sunday,
Quick Update: The Virgo New Moon
Hi everybody, The week ahead has a series of interesting aspects, including a delicious New Moon in Virgo early Thursday morning, during which the Sun and Moon form a trine to Saturn in Capricorn, and an inconjunct to the retrograde Mars in Aries. It’s a great time to make adjustments to your life plan and lay
Mars’s Station and the March Backward
Hi folks, I hope this note finds you safe and well. This little Virgo has always loved the week after Labor Day — that moment of transition (for those of us here in the US, at least) when the unstructured summer gives way to order and focus, to work and school. It makes me — paraphrasing